Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel will go down in history as one of the greatest victories of this century.
By Scott Ritter

I’ve been writing about Iran for more than two decades. In 2005, I made a trip to Iran to ascertain the “ground truth” about that nation, a truth which I then incorporated into a book, Target Iran, laying out the US-Israeli collaboration to craft a justification for a military attack on Iran designed to bring down its theocratic government. I followed this book up with another, Dealbreaker, in 2018, which brought this US-Israeli effort up to date.
Back in November 2006, in an address to Columbia University’s School of International Relations, I underscored that the United States would never abandon my “good friend” Israel until, of course, we did. What could precipitate such an action, I asked? I noted that Israel was a nation drunk of hubris and power, and unless the United States could find a way to remove the keys from the ignition of the bus Israel was navigating toward the abyss, we would not join Israel in its lemming-like suicidal journey.
The next year, in 2007, during an address to the American Jewish Committee, I pointed out that my criticism of Israel (which many in the audience took strong umbrage against) came from a place of concern for Israel’s future. I underscored the reality that I had spent the better part of a decade trying to protect Israel from Iraqi missiles, both during my service in Desert Storm, where I played a role in the counter-SCUD missile campaign, and as a United Nations weapons inspector, where I worked with Israeli intelligence to make sure Iraq’s SCUD missiles were eliminated.
“The last thing I want to see,” I told the crowd, “is a scenario where Iranian missiles were impacting on the soil of Israel. But unless Israel changes course, this is the inevitable outcome of a policy driven more by arrogance than common sense.”
On the night of 13-14 April 2024, my concerns were played out live before an international audience—Iranian missiles rained down on Israel, and there was nothing Israel could do to stop them. As had been the case a little more than 33 years prior, when Iraqi SCUD missiles overcame US and Israeli Patriot missile defenses to strike Israel dozens of times over the course of a month and a half, Iranian missiles, integrated into a plan of attack which was designed to overwhelm Israeli missile defense systems, struck designated targets inside Israel with impunity.
Despite having employed an extensive integrated anti-missile defense system comprised of the so-called “Iron Dome” system, US-made Patriot missile batteries, and the Arrow and David’s Sling missile interceptors, along with US, British, and Israeli aircraft, and US and French shipborne anti-missile defenses, well over a dozen Iranian missiles struck heavily-protected Israeli airfields and air defense installations.
The Iranian missile attack on Israel did not come out of the blue, so to speak, but rather was retaliation for an April 1 Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate building, in Damascus, Syria, that killed several senior Iranian military commanders. While Israel has carried out attacks against Iranian personnel inside Syria in the past, the April 1 strike differed by not only killing very senior Iranian personnel, but by striking what was legally speaking sovereign Iranian territory—the Iranian consulate.
From an Iranian perspective, the attack on the consulate was a redline which, if not retaliated against, would erase any notion of deterrence, opening the door for even more brazen Israeli military action, up to and including direct attacks on Iran. Weighing against retaliation, however, were a complex web of interwoven policy objectives which would probably be mooted by the kind of large-scale conflict between Israel and Iran that could be precipitated by any meaningful Iranian retaliatory strike on Israel.
First and foremost, Iran has been engaged in a strategic policy premised on a pivot away from Europe and the United States, and toward Russia, China, and the Eurasian landmass. This shift has been driven by Iran’s frustration over the US-driven policy of economic sanctions, and the inability and/or unwillingness on the part of the collective West to find a path forward that would see these sanctions lifted. The failure of the Iranian nuclear deal (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA) to produce the kind of economic opportunities that had been promised at its signing has been a major driver behind this Iranian eastward pivot. In its stead, Iran has joined both the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the BRICS forum and has directed its diplomatic energies into seeing Iran thoroughly and productively integrated into both groups.
A general war with Israel would play havoc on these efforts.
Secondly, but no less important in the overall geopolitical equation for Iran, is the ongoing conflict in Gaza. This is a game-changing event, where Israel is facing strategic defeat at the hands of Hamas and its regional allies, including the Iranian-led axis of resistance. For the first time ever, the issue of Palestinian statehood has been taken up by a global audience. This cause is further facilitated by the fact that the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, formed from a political coalition which is vehemently opposed to any notion of Palestinian statehood, finds itself in danger of collapse as a direct result of the consequences accrued from the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023, and the subsequent failure of Israel to defeat Hamas militarily or politically. Israel is likewise hampered by the actions of Hezbollah, which has held Israel in check along its northern border with Lebanon, and non-state actors such as the pro-Iranian Iraqi militias and the Houthi of Yemen which have attacked Israel directly and, in the case of the Houthi, indirectly, shutting down critical sea lines of communication which have the result of strangling the Israeli economy.
But it is Israel that has done the most damage to itself, carrying out a genocidal policy of retribution against the civilian population of Gaza. The Israeli actions in Gaza are the living manifestation of the very hubris and power-driven policies I warned about back in 2006-2007. Then, I said that the US would not be willing to be a passenger in a policy bus driven by Israel that would take us off the cliff of an unwinnable war with Iran.
Through its criminal behavior toward the Palestinian civilians in Gaza, Israel has lost the support of much of the world, putting the United States in a position where it will see its already-tarnished reputation irreparably damaged, at a time when the world is transitioning from a period of American-dominated singularity to a BRICS-driven multipolarity, and the US needs to retain as much clout in the so-called “global south” as possible.
The US has tried—unsuccessfully—to take the keys out of the ignition of Netanyahu’s suicide bus ride. Faced with extreme reticence on the part of the Israeli government when it comes to altering its policy on Hamas and Gaza, the administration of President Joe Biden has begun to distance itself from the policies of Netanyahu and has put Israel on notice that there would be consequences for its refusal to alter its actions in Gaza to take US concerns into account.
Any Iranian retaliation against Israel would need to navigate these extremely complicated policy waters, enabling Iran to impose a viable deterrence posture designed to prevent future Israeli attacks while making sure that neither its policy objectives regarding a geopolitical pivot to the east, nor the elevation of the cause of Palestinian statehood on the global stage, were sidetracked.
The Iranian attack on Israel appears to have successfully maneuvered through these rocky policy shoals. It did so first and foremost by keeping the United States out of the fight. Yes, the United States participated in the defense of Israel, helping shoot down scores of Iranian drones and missiles. This engagement was to the benefit of Iran, since it only reinforced the fact that there was no combination of missile defense capability that could, in the end, prevent Iranian missiles from hitting their designated targets.
The targets Iran struck—two air bases in the Negev desert from which aircraft used in the April 1 attack on the Iranian consulate had been launched, along with several Israeli air defense sites—were directly related to the points Iran was trying to make in establishing the scope and scale of its deterrence policy. First, that the Iranian actions were justified under Article 51 of the UN Charter—Iran retaliated against those targets in Israel directly related to the Israeli attack on Iran, and second, that Israeli air defense sites were vulnerable to Iranian attack. The combined impact of these two factors is that all of Israel was vulnerable to being struck by Iran at any time, and that there was nothing Israel or its allies could do to stop such an attack.
This message resonated not only in the halls of power in Tel Aviv, but also in Washington, DC, where US policy makers were confronted with the uncomfortable truth that if the US were to act in concert with Israel to either participate in or facilitate an Israeli retaliation, then US military facilities throughout the Middle East would be subjected to Iranian attacks that the US would be powerless to stop.
This is why the Iranians placed so much emphasis on keeping the US out of the conflict, and why the Biden administration was so anxious to make sure that both Iran and Israel understood that the US would not participate in any Israeli retaliatory strike against Iran.
The “Missiles of April” represent a sea-change moment in Middle Eastern geopolitics—the establishment of Iranian deterrence that impacts both Israel and the United States. While emotions in Tel Aviv, especially among the more radical conservatives of the Israeli government, run high, and the threat of an Israeli retaliation against Iran cannot be completely discounted, the fact is the underlying policy objective of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the course of the past 30-plus years, namely to drag the US into a war with Iran, has been put into checkmate by Iran.
Moreover, Iran has been able to accomplish this without either disrupting its strategic pivot to the east or undermining the cause of Palestinian statehood. “Operation True Promise,” as Iran named its retaliatory attack on Israel, will go down in history as one of the most important military victories in the history of modern Iran, keeping in mind that war is but an extension of politics by other means. The fact that Iran has established a credible deterrence posture without disrupting major policy goals and objectives is the very definition of victory.
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18 responses to “The Missiles of April”
Ignore those that engage in… hmmm. It is precisely the egregious actions of the Zionists that engages me, distasteful as it is, in EXACTLY “those” comments.
I didn’t think that I had a problem but I THINK that I’ve worked it out. Here in Australia we have Australians of many religions, but one is Australian FIRST. BUT ZIONISTS are filthy snake in the grass SPIES that lurk in the grass, that PRETEND to be my Countrymen but are Agents for the Most Evil, Rogue Nuclear, Genocidal cunts in the world – Israel. I now get it. ISRAEL has Agents in my OWN GOVERNMENT, using Australia as a platform to
G E.N.O.C I.D.E. Death to Zionism. 💣
And I’m a pretty lapsed old Church of England bloke, Religion was is not my cup o tea, now I fear the West has turned from the Face of God 🤷 We are murderous filth. Now, I AM AWAKE. I am so fucking sick of this Corporatocracy, these Oligarchs, this WHO shit, the Banksters. The Purge cometh, Mother fuckers.
“ISRAEL has Agents in my OWN GOVERNMENT, using Australia as a platform to
G E.N.O.C I.D.E.”
You’re far from alone, as an American, I can relate to your situation and your reaction to it. However, we shouldn’t feel so special about it, Israel has agents directing traffic in virtually every significant western country. In manipulating the west into slavishly supporting their genocide in Gaza, a remarkable though infuriating feat, they’ve made suckers of us all…it tightens my jaw like nothing else! As our countries follow the Zionist Jew pied piper down a one-way street to shame and degradation and, perhaps, our doom!
Have you lads overlooked the foundations of I$ra€£ in 16th century Puritan biblical literalism wedded to the British imperial hubris of ye o£de Elizabethan (the 1st) Age?
This created British Israelism, the idea that the Brits were such a master race unto themselves they must surely be a ‘lost tribe’ of the ‘chosen people’ of god himself (how racially masterful can you get?).
This fundamentalist white supremacist KKKristian fantasy fed on the old testament ‘eye-for-an-eye’ vendetta theology and smouldered along until 19th century Zionism emerged in a bundle of pseudo-scientific rationalisations of primitive genetic theories spliced with nationalist reaction to imperial excesses and met Churchill’s conversion of the wave-ruling navy from coal to oil coupled to Rot$chi£d’s shrewd observation that here was a card to secure 20th century energy plus Suez, juglar for extraction of Asia’s wealth.
That foundation, laid by Balfour in 1917 (Sykes-Picot meanwhile had mapped the carve-up of the Ottoman territories in 1916) was built upon by funnelling the the traumatised survivors of Adol’s predations into Palestine as a sectarian wedge into the Semitic peoples of the region (promised ‘freedom’ etc. by TE Lawrence) to keep them divided and conquered.
80 odd years of indoctrination, misdirection and dangling the threat of ‘another Holocaust’ and Fort Zion was fit to carry the can for ye o£de WA$P imperial profiteering, and fulfil its traditional Jewish decoy/scapegoat role for these c£o$€t white supremacist sorcerors.
Stop hunting their decoy duck…the f£ocKKK€r$ are winging it all around you.
I know you and I recognize your style of writing, especially your, how shall I say it, excessive use of symbols when attempting to get your point across…which I have come to appreciate! However, I disagree with you about Israel being a mere “decoy duck,” which is a point you have been trying to sell on this site for quite some time. I carefully studied the history you reference and have come to a very different conclusion on ONE KEY POINT…you believe this globalist criminal cabal (“The Global Pillage Idiots”) that has the world by the throat is led by WASPS, I Strongly disagree with that assessment of the situation, and I say it is the Zionist Jews who are now in the driver’s seat and are calling the shots! You, my friend, are at least 100 years too late! Up until the early twentieth century I agree with you completely that the WASPS were the dominant global power. However, from the time the Zionists captured America’s monetary system (and, eventually, America itself), through Woodrow Wilson’s signing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the Zionist Jews began slowly but surely, in their inimitable way, becoming the dominant globalists within the cabal. Never forget, the Zionists are the unchallenged masters at the art of deception, a fact to which the former motto of the Mossad attests: “By way of deception thou shalt make war.” To my mind, and from what I have been able to observe as an American, is that the Zionists have emasculated the WASPS, who have become their abject servants! You need look no further than America itself to see how obvious this has become…I have lived in America my entire life, and don’t even try telling me that the WASPS are calling the shots here!!! And America is the heart and muscle of the empire (cabal)!!!
I realize this is a huge subject with a lot of ground to cover, if we are to do it justice, and now is not the time or place. However, where I agree with you completely, is that the world has been in thrall to this global criminal cabal, who you like to call “The Global Pillage Idiots” for well over a century, and it has not been pretty!!! We just happen to disagree on who the big boss is. And I also agree with you that our problem today in the 21st century is far larger than just Israel…that’s what’s going to make solving it extremely difficult, and very dangerous as well!!!
It can be said that Zionists are Ashkenazi “white Jews” who like chameleons have adapted the “WASP” culture as they migrated from Russia to Western/Eastern Europe. It can also be said that “Jews” are simply a mafia of genocidal whackos dedicated to accumulating wealth like most other mafias. Of course, not all of the mafia members are murderers and thieves, many are not, nor were all members of Al Capone’s bunch.
It’s not right to use the wondrous vagina as an epithet for the Zionists and war mongers.
Thank you to the Islamic Republic of Iran for standing up to a bully!
I still don’t believe Israel and the U.S. are finished with Iran. Israel is unfathomably ill with murder. It will be difficult for them to stop the suicide bus. I don’t think they have any wisdom concerning a Chain Reaction War. As an Army medic in Viet Nam I hope I am wrong. Israel is addicted to murdering Palestinians at any cost. They remind me of SS.
And so they should…they are a££ $ponsored by the same financial wizards of Wa££ $tr€€t and the City of £ondon.
Adolf’s war machine was built by ‘western’ indU$tria£ists, to render Europe judenrein of the Jews expelled from Russia (an embarrassment to the insinuated Rot$chi£ds and kin). Taking out Moscow was the Barbarossa Operation, now repeating as farce under martinet Z€£en$KKKey.
Ford, Du pont, Rockefeller, Prescott Bush’s Union Bank….and IBM running the logistics on its punchcard machines (hence the tattooed numbers to aid admin under the likes of Eichmann).
Rockefeller’s Standard Oil was tied into IG Farben and kep the machinery greased and Zyklon B flowing.
The Dulles brothers tied up the loose ends via their corporate law firm Sullivan&Cromwell.
Dig in.
If the US wanted ‘to take the keys out of the ignition of Netanyahu’s suicide bus ride’, it could stop sending weapons to Israel, and stop talking of ironclad commitments to Israel’s ‘defence’. I see no sign of either.
And, if I were you, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for those signs, because, no doubt, you would expire long before you would ever see them…and that would be a shame!
I agree entirely. Yet Ritter writes, “The US has tried—unsuccessfully—to take the keys out of the ignition of Netanyahu’s suicide bus ride,” which is complete crap, if you ask me.
Crap it is!
where I worked with Israeli intelligence to make sure Iraq’s SCUD missiles were eliminated.
so Ritter confeses he was working with mossad? how cheap is this terrorist!
The people in the US must raise against this Genocide being committed on their name.
If not you will be next, here a reminder presented in a “club of Rome” short video from 2017 leaked in 2023
An outstanding article by a truly patriotic American. By exposing the true nature of Iran’s display, Mr Ritter is doing the world a huge favor. Mad dogs, such as Netanyahu need to be reined in before igniting WW3.
Many writers and commentators are hailing this as a great victory including the so called victory of Hamas. I’m becoming extremely confused as to what it means to win or lose. Can anyone explain. As far as I can see, Israel is still killing and starving the Palestinians, can still bomb Syria and all and sundry,SO TELL ME WHO WON.