Indiana's Forests
Are YOUR Forests!

Enjoyment for Hoosiers

Habitat for Indiana’s biodiversity

Carbon Sequestration for the future

Show Your Support For Indiana's Forests

Help IFA continue our work to protect forests all across the state.
Support IFA’s forest preservation campaigns by clicking the Donate/Join button below. Thank you!

Thank you to the Indianapolis Foundation for their generous support of our Forests For Indy program!

Why Forests Matter

Forests do many things.  They provide environmental, ecological and social benefits  They serve as a natural habitat for living creatures, both big and small.  In addition, forests help clean the air and the water, absorb flood water, and prevent soil erosion by holding stream banks in place. They help protect against natural disasters and serve as a source of food and medicines. They combat climate change by removing carbon from the atmosphere. They cool the air temperature. And they serve as a source of beauty and a natural playground where people can connect with nature and engage in recreational activities which are extremely valuable to both our physical and mental well-being.

Indiana bald eagle

Our Work

Forests For Indy

Forests For IndyAn initiative to establish a network of urban forest preserves in Indianapolis.

Forests provide environmental, ecological, and social services that make our neighborhoods more resilient in the face of an uncertain future.

Forests cool the air, reduce flooding and serve as natural areas that contribute to mental and physical health, as well as improved property values and quality of life.



Ecoblitz Forest Census

Ecoblitz Indiana Forests CensusA scientific examination of the natural diversity in Indiana’s hardwood forests.

Establishes a baseline of species to assess the future impacts of climate change and human activities on the natural world in Indiana.

The first comprehensive survey of Indiana’s hardwood forests, examining many taxa over several growing seasons in a systematic way.

Has already uncovered at least 129 species never before recorded in Indiana.



Hoosier National Forest
Hoosier National Forest clearcut logging 1 Advocating for the development of a new Management Plan for the HNF. We took the US Forest Service to federal court to stop a destructive plan to log and burn thousands of acres of wild forest that drain into Monroe Reservoir. Organizing grassroots opposition to a similar plan near Patoka Reservoir and another plan to build the Mid-States Corridor Highway. Hoosier National Forest clearcut logging 2 Objectives: to protect these wild forests in the HNF for wilderness recreation, wildlife habitat and drinking water they provide to more than 250,000 Hoosiers.
Wild Indiana

Map of proposed wild areas in IndianaAn initiative to protect wild nature in Indiana’s state forests for human enjoyment and creatures that need undisturbed natural habitat.



Salamonie River & Frances Slocum State Forests

We shine a light on state plans to log old growth stands and show how designation as state parks will provide natural sanctuaries so rare in northern Indiana.



Hellbender Project
Hellbender Salamander.We continuously monitor water quality in the Blue River, upstream and  downstream of the last population of Eastern hellbenders in Indiana, to provide early warning of sediment runoff from logging that will suffocate this salamander’s young.
Endangered Species Protection

Female Northern Long-Eared BatOngoing monitoring in our public forests for their presence and advocating for the protection of their habitats from destructive activities.



IFA’S Ecoblitz is a multi-year survey of biological diversity within Indiana’s hardwood forests. Our research is getting published.

Forest nature conservation advocacy in Indiana

IFA seeks bipartisan support to protect Indiana’s forests to preserve more public forest land from logging. Advocate for Indiana’s forests with us!

IFA works for the protection of Indiana’s forests, including urban forests which are crucial to a city’s quality of life.

Join IFA's Campaign to Protect Hoosier National Forest

Attend IFA Events!

If you know anything about IFA, it’s that we work hard! But we also know how to have fun. Check out our latest events.

Take a Hike!

How can you protect something you don’t know? Visit a nearby forest and discover our favorite hikes. Bottom line? Get outside!

Facts About Indiana's State and National Forests

Indiana is home to 158,019.3 acres of state forests and 203,000 acres of national forest.

Within these forests, you can hike, mountain bike, camp, ride horses, watch birds, and so much more!


State Forests scattered across Indiana


Organization committed to Indiana’s forests

10,000 +

Hoosiers protecting Indiana’s forests

Help public forests by