julie houston
Julie Houston, whose home reno we posted last week, sent us this image of the clever window box she made using some of Hurricane Sandy’s twig debris, glued onto plywood frames (made to order by her husband). It came just as we’ve been collecting images of the various diy planters we’ve spotted around town.


Our local rough-and-tumble garden center is selling planters made from deconstructed shipping pallets, an endlessly improvisable material. (We love the multi-tiered pallet planter posted last year.)


 There’s an excellent how-to for building simple modern wood planters here. (it would make a great base for afixing twigs, as Julie did, above.) We really like it’s low, clean lines:
The garden center lashes flower pots to upright posts and fences to make vertical gardens. Although they used string and vin-ordinaire terra cotta pots, the idea of afixing of pots and planters to uprights is an essential idea that has many possible iterations and looks. For example, we could imagine boring holes in interestingly-shaped fiber glass planters with a drill through which to thread wires to tie them onto our terrace railing.



Here are some more ideas for rather impromptu, often portable planters:


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