List of available equipment in AMN

The additive manufacturing network has a wide range of facilities for additive manufacturing processes. These facilities are available for use by researchers in academia and industry.

Please contact [email protected].

Material Extrusion
ModeProcess descriptionEquipmentNameDepartmentAccess
Standard Machine Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Ultimaker 1 Jing Sheng Pang Dyson School of Design Engineering Members of ICAH can access free of charge, open charge for others
Ultimaker 2
Ultimaker 2 Extended
Ultimaker 2 Go
Stratasys Fortus 400mc Hamlyn Centre Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery The equipment is accessible to both academic and industrial organisations.
Stratasys Dimension Elite Karleung Wai Rapidform, Royal College of Art, Kensington Open charge
Customised machine Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Zcorp Ingrid logan Dyson School of Design Engineering Open charge
RepRap Universal paste Extruder (Syringe Deposition) Custom Connor Myant Dyson School of Design Engineering Open charge
RepRap Universal paste Extruder (Pressurised Gas System) Connor Myant Dyson School of Design Engineering Open charge
Ultimaker fed by syringe pump Julian Jones Materials Available for collaborative research projects, Please enquire for details
3D Robotic assisted deposition system (Robocasting) Eduardo Saiz Materials Open charge
Material Extrusion
Material Extrusion