The age of the United States I Japan The age of a soy sauce company in
luthen luthen
16 aug 2022

The age of the United States I Japan The age of a soy sauce company in

136 comment

  • SeaPotato
    The oldest soy company is Muroji, which was founded in 1573. This is older then the US, which was 1776. What’s even more fucked is is that this pales in comparison to the oldest company in Japan, Kongo Gumi, which was founded in 578. Holy fuck, Japan has old ass companies
    SeaPotato19 aug 2022
  • ChunkyBee
    Its them, Big Soy
    ChunkyBee18 aug 2022
  • If we’re talking about soy
    ImAtUrMomsHouse18 aug 2022
  • TheBusBoys
    The Grand Soy Conspiracy says that Big Soy is attempting to take over the world as an empire of cat femboys and furries. No, that's not a joke.
    TheBusBoys18 aug 2022
  • Tjcooldude0157_2019
    Beretta was founded 1526
    All hail Big Soy!
    VGAINS19 aug 2022
  • Deku_Scrub
    The 5 oldest companies in the world are actually all Japanese, and they’ve got another 2 in the top 10. The top 5 we’re founded from 578 - 771, and 3 of them are hotels. Kongo Gumi is the oldest and it’s a construction company.
    Deku_Scrub20 aug 2022
  • ChromeDragon_2014
    japans hella old
  • LaceratetheShmunky88
    Well yeah America is like 250 ish years old. Thats nothing compared to like evey other major nation
  • LocalVillageIdiot
    The age of 90% of gun manufacturers vs the age of Beretta