
iPhone 5 Internals Wallpaper

Apple goes to great lengths to make their products beautiful, both inside and out. And thanks to our iPhone 5 teardown last week, the whole world got a chance to goggle over the phone’s gorgeous guts. But imagine if you could goggle over the iPhone 5’s internals every time you looked at it — just like if you had X-ray vision! Well, thanks to our awesome new iPhone 5 Internals wallpaper, that dream is now a reality. This wallpaper is specially tailored to look exactly how your iPhone 5 would if the LCD were invisible. If that’s not awesome, then we don’t know what is!

Simply visit this post on your iPhone and click the image below to view the wallpaper in the iPhone 5’s native 1136 x 640 resolution. We’ll also tweet the link to this post, which is a super-easy way to get it on your phone.

iPhone 5 internals wallpaper

Above is a “true-to-scale” image of the iPhone 5 internals.  Below is the same image, only slightly zoomed out. We realized that there are some pretty cool features around the perimeter of the iPhone 5 that wouldn’t normally be viewable. Half of us liked the top image, half of us liked the bottom one — so we’ll let you decide which wallpaper to use.

iPhone 5 internals wallpaper

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