
iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s Teardown Wallpapers

iPhone 5s teardown wallpaper in action

The iPhone 11 may be the fancy new kid on the block, but the iPhone 5 and 5s are still capable devices for calling, texting, emailing, and web browsing. Better yet, they’re way easier to open than today’s iPhones. But if you want to keep your older iPhone intact, you can still see what’s on the inside with our iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s teardown wallpapers.

Just open up this page on your iPhone, tap on a wallpaper to view it at full resolution, and then save the image to your photos. You can set it as your wallpaper by selecting “Wallpapers” in the Settings app, and then “Choose a New Wallpaper.”

iPhone 5 Internal Wallpaper:

iPhone 5 internal wallpaper

There’s also this alternative internal wallpaper, which isn’t quite true-to-scale, but it shows more of the edges for an interesting appearance.

Alternative of iPhone 5 internal wallpaper

iPhone 5 X-Ray Wallpaper:

A big thanks to Creative Electron for providing the X-ray shots!

iPhone 5 internal X-ray wallpaper

iPhone 5s Internal Wallpaper:

Note: this wallpaper is zoomed out a bit for compatibility with iOS’s Parallax Effect, but you can zoom in on it a bit when setting the wallpaper to make it true-to-scale.

iPhone 5s internal wallpaper

iPhone 5s X-Ray Wallpaper:

iPhone 5s internal X-ray wallpaper

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