Funatiker [email protected]
Pirmasens, Germany
Geburt: [x] done; Leben: [ ] in Arbeit; Tod: [ ] when it's done;
Actionheld Peer Steinbrück
2013-09-04T12:36:57Z via Web To: Public CC: Followers
Was Putin kann, kann Steinbrück schon lange:
Steinbrück macht den Actionheld und fliegt eigenhändig zur Wahlkampfrede via Web To: Public CC: Followers
Pixar’s intro redesigned: Schiwon shared this.
2013-06-19T17:36:36+00:00 in Pirmasens, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany via web To: Public
Ich schlage vor, dass wir uns alle das zweite Lied von „Mensch“ (Grönemeyer) kaufen!!1! #haha #neulandArthur Schiwon, grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen) shared this.
2013-06-18T16:57:07+00:00 in Pirmasens, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany via web To: Ubuntu users, Linux, Public
2013-06-14T20:28:04+00:00 in Pirmasens, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany via web To: Public
#haha #heise Familienunterhaltung stellt das kuschelige Zombiespiel für die ganze Familie vor in Pirmasens, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany via web To: Public
So funktioniert Marketing! #china schickt mit Rakete „Langer Marsch-2F“ das „Götterschiff-10“ zum „Himmelspalast“ shared this.
Kesara shared by Funatiker at 2013-06-10T23:12:56+00:00 via web To: Public
Alexandru Cojocaru, Luis Ángel Pérez likes this.
mray INACTIVE, Mathäus, tius, Artopal and 5 others shared this.
freak_out shared by Funatiker at 2013-06-10T17:47:55+00:00 via web To: Public
Funatiker shared this.
Hanno Boeck shared by Funatiker at 2013-06-09T19:11:09+00:00 via web To: Public
Wonach entscheidet Google News eigentlich wen sie verlinken? deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten und heilpraxisnet scheinen mir weniger seriösFunatiker shared this.
grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen) shared by Funatiker at 2013-06-09T09:22:50+00:00 via web To: Public
" #Jabber: Der Chat für alle bleibt eine Utopie" likes this.
Funatiker, Martin S. shared this.
@grmpyoldman egtl müsste XMPP inziwschen dafür sorgen, dass mit Google nicht kommuniziert wird. #prism2013-06-08T01:58:36+00:00 in Pirmasens, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany via web To: Public
Arthur Schiwon shared by Funatiker at 2013-06-07T23:51:46+00:00 via web To: Public
französische Ultras übertreibens mal wieder mit Pyrotechnik. Oder so., Claudia shared this.
zu keinem zeitpunkt... ♻ @blizzz französische Ultras übertreibens mal wieder mit Pyrotechnik. Oder so. in Pirmasens, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany via web To: Public
Die Roboter von David Neveel schreiben „Penis“ und halbieren Oreos: in Pirmasens, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany via web To: Public
shared by Funatiker at 2013-06-05T17:45:15+00:00 via web To: Public
Hitler's opinion on the conversion: /cc sucks, Ed G., Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Tomi Toivio and 10 others likes this. sucks, صهيب, Tomi Toivio, Funatiker and 10 others shared this.
Show all 8 replies'Everyone who was planning to stay on, leave the room now'.Deceased. Please use '[email protected]'. at 2013-06-05T07:04:10+00:00
'I should have forked StatusNet when I had the chance'. LOL.Deceased. Please use '[email protected]'. at 2013-06-05T07:05:40+00:00
a(n) person likes this.
RD @speeddefrost "Hitler's opinion on the conversion: " /cc @nj3ma @mrAlanOrth@speeddefrost this video alone confirms's cult status, I think. Very well done! :-)pschwede shared by Funatiker at 2013-06-05T11:00:36+00:00 via web To: Public #TIL you can draw with tetris2013-06-05T10:57:14+00:00 in Pirmasens, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany via web To: Public
„I have a problem with my Mac!!1!“ #installgentoo shared by Funatiker at 2013-06-04T22:09:03+00:00 via web To: Public
guess where you are! likes this.
Funatiker shared this.
David shared by Funatiker at 2013-06-04T22:00:58+00:00 via web To: Public
42Funatiker likes this.
Funatiker shared this.
shared by Funatiker at 2013-06-02T00:02:01+00:00 via web To: Public
Writing HTML by hand is so Web 2.0 - nowadays everyone just generates it with JS. /sFunatiker shared this.