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File:Molecular structures of the 21 proteinogenic amino acids.svg

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English: Amino Acids
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Autor Dan Cojocari ··
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actual23:48, 27 octobre 2015Miniatura pro le version de 23:48, 27 octobre 2015612 × 792 (629 KB)NefariousPhD3. Corrected the Histidine structure (for info on why it's considered a positive ion despite a pKa of 6, see ); it's also labeled as a positively-charged side chain, so that should also...
23:16, 27 octobre 2015Miniatura pro le version de 23:16, 27 octobre 2015612 × 792 (629 KB)NefariousPhD1. Corrected the chiral atom renderings. (The C-alpha is chiral in all but Gly, which was correct before. But the only other chiral atoms are the C-betas of Thr and Ile--and nothing else.) 2. Rotated the letter-atoms to be horizontal (except the top OH...
12:36, 8 februario 2011Miniatura pro le version de 12:36, 8 februario 2011612 × 792 (562 KB)JgehrckeCorrected "Try" to "Tyr" (again)
17:48, 14 januario 2011Miniatura pro le version de 17:48, 14 januario 2011612 × 792 (561 KB)Dancojocarispelling
16:24, 6 februario 2010Miniatura pro le version de 16:24, 6 februario 2010765 × 990 (770 KB)Dancojocaricorrected
16:20, 6 februario 2010Miniatura pro le version de 16:20, 6 februario 2010765 × 990 (770 KB)DancojocariIso to Ile
10:33, 31 januario 2010Miniatura pro le version de 10:33, 31 januario 2010744 × 1 052 (612 KB)JyntoCorrecting 'Try' to 'Tyr'
18:27, 30 januario 2010Miniatura pro le version de 18:27, 30 januario 2010744 × 1 052 (554 KB)Dancojocari{{Information |Description={{en|1=Amino Acids}} |Source={{own}} {{created with Adobe Illustrator}} |Author=Dan Cojocari |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }}

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