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File:Flag of Louisiana.svg

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File original (File SVG, dimensiones nominal: 7 040 × 4 556 pixels, grandor del file: 629 KB)

Iste file proveni de Wikimedia Commons e pote esser usate per altere projectos. Le description de su pagina de description ibi es monstrate in basso.


Français cadien : Flag de la Louisiane
Hawaiʻi: Ka hae Luikiana
Latina: Vexillum Ludovicianae
Nederlands: Vlag van Louisiana
Diné bizaad: Liwíízíʼeenah Hahoodzo bidah naatʼaʼí
Deitsch: Fahne von Louisiana
Српски / srpski: Zastava američke savezne države Lousiane

Origine From the xrmap flag collection 2.7.
official specifications
Autor User:....
(Reuso de iste file)
Public domain Io, titular del derecto de autor sur iste obra, libera iste obra al dominio public. Isto vale in tote le mundo.
In alcun paises isto pote non esser legalmente possibile. In tal caso:
Io concede a omnes le derecto de usar iste obra pro non importa qual fin, sin conditiones, a minus que tal conditiones sia requirite per lege.
Insignia This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status.
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Adde un explanation de un linea de lo que iste file representa
Flag of Louisiana, United States of America.

Objectos representate in iste file


inception anglese

22 novembre 2010

media type anglese


Historia del file

Clicca sur un data/hora pro vider le file como appareva a ille tempore.

(le plus nove | le plus ancian) Vider (10 plus recente | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
actual11:12, 28 novembre 2022Miniatura pro le version de 11:12, 28 novembre 20227 040 × 4 556 (629 KB)John emil hernandezreduce file size
16:32, 3 maio 2022Miniatura pro le version de 16:32, 3 maio 20227 040 × 4 556 (890 KB)Enzwellfixed the errant halos around solid colors, refined gray feathers, other minor corrections
02:19, 8 augusto 2021Miniatura pro le version de 02:19, 8 augusto 20211 800 × 1 165 (1,45 MB)VladsingerRetry
02:19, 8 augusto 2021Miniatura pro le version de 02:19, 8 augusto 2021990 × 630 (224 KB)VladsingerReverted to version as of 07:12, 22 January 2013 (UTC)
02:13, 8 augusto 2021Miniatura pro le version de 02:13, 8 augusto 20211 800 × 1 165 (1,49 MB)VladsingerHigher fidelity trace of the original bitmap to reduce jagged lines on the seal. Retained the banner.
07:12, 22 januario 2013Miniatura pro le version de 07:12, 22 januario 2013990 × 630 (224 KB)Zscout370Done with all edits for the night, but blood is fixed, the entire scroll is done.
06:34, 22 januario 2013Miniatura pro le version de 06:34, 22 januario 2013990 × 630 (231 KB)Zscout370Worked on that font, which is hand drawn. Also resized the flag and the crest to the official proportions.
06:58, 28 junio 2011Miniatura pro le version de 06:58, 28 junio 20111 440 × 932 (181 KB)Zscout370Now this is how you do a proper trace (the SoS office has vector files, but refuses to release them due to reasons of modification)
06:46, 28 junio 2011Miniatura pro le version de 06:46, 28 junio 2011900 × 600 (135 KB)Zscout370Reverted to version as of 07:34, 23 November 2010 (JPEG put into SVG code)
06:20, 28 junio 2011Miniatura pro le version de 06:20, 28 junio 20111 023 × 657 (161 KB)LouisianaFan~commonswikiNew version of the flag, traced in Inkscape. If this is insufficient, please DO NOT REVERT IT to the obsolete version. Instead, please use the current flag and make a better SVG.
(le plus nove | le plus ancian) Vider (10 plus recente | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).

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