Human Resources

Nonpermanent employment

Last updated: July 3, 2024

This policy describes the requirements for all UW classified employees in nonpermanent and intermittent positions considered classified non-union or represented by SEIU 925, WFSE, SEIU 1199, WSNA or Inlandboatmen’s Union. Professional staff temporary positions and student hourly positions follow separate practices.

Nonpermanent employment

Unless a collective bargaining agreement states otherwise, nonpermanent positions may be used when:

  • A permanent employee is absent from the position (e.g., on a leave of absence)
  • A unit is recruiting to fill a vacant position with a permanent position
  • A unit needs to address a short-time, immediate workload peak or other short-term needs
  • A unit is not filling a position with a permanent position due to the impending actual layoff of a permanent employee
  • A unit needs staffing for a temporary project

Unless a collective bargaining agreement states otherwise, these positions are limited to 12 months from appointment date, with the ability to extend for an additional 12 months based on departmental needs and with approval through Workday. (SEIU 925 nonpermanent fixed duration positions may not exceed 18 months in total). Individuals may be placed in consecutive nonpermanent appointments as long as any subsequent appointment is to a different position.

Nonpermanent employment sub-types are:

  • Nonpermanent – Fixed Duration: Used when work is regularly scheduled and the employee will be assigned a schedule with a fixed number of working hours in a workweek (the employee holds an FTE); and
  • Nonpermanent – Hourly: Used when work is not regularly scheduled and the employee is not assigned a fixed schedule or amount of working time in a workweek (the employee does not hold an FTE)

Departments must not fill a position with a nonpermanent appointment when the work of the position is scheduled, ongoing and permanent in nature. If at any time during a nonpermanent appointment, a short-term workload peak or other short-term need becomes ongoing and permanent in nature, departments must take action to fill the position on a permanent basis.

Intermittent employment

Intermittent positions are hourly-paid positions without an end date that exist when the nature of the work is sporadic and does not fit a particular pattern.

Hiring process

Human Resources coordinates all employment of nonpermanent and intermittent employees unless otherwise authorized by the Vice President for Human Resources. An employing unit is not able to hire nonpermanent or intermittent staff without creating a position and requisition in Workday and having the hire go through UWHIRES.

Positions may be filled on a noncompetitive basis. If hired through a competitive process, a nonpermanent appointment may be converted to a regular position.

Extending a nonpermanent employee’s term

Unless the provisions of a collective bargaining agreement state otherwise, a nonpermanent appointment may be extended up to an additional 12 months depending on departmental needs and approval through Workday.

If the employee was hired through UTemp Staffing, an extension should be requested through the UTemp manager portal or via email.

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Employment provisions

For employees in nonpermanent and intermittent classified non-union staff positions, conditions of employment are defined in two chapters of the state civil service rules: Classification (WAC 357-28) and Holidays and Leave (WAC 357-31). Provisions of employment for employees in nonpermanent and intermittent contract classified positions are found in their collective bargaining agreement. Below is a general overview:

Compensation and classification

Employees in nonpermanent or intermittent positions are eligible for step increases and across-the board increases and are eligible for shift differential and other premiums as applicable.

  • Compensation for classified non-union employees in nonpermanent and intermittent positions is defined by WAC 357-28 and UW’s Salary Determination Policy (APS 43.12)
  • Compensation for contract classified employees in nonpermanent and intermittent positions is determined by the terms of their collective bargaining agreement.
Time off and holidays

Employees in nonpermanent and intermittent positions accrue sick and vacation time off and may be eligible for paid holidays and a personal holiday. Time off accruals are prorated based on whether the position is regularly scheduled or nonscheduled; for more information, visit UWHR’s Time off, leaves & holidays webpages.

State service and service dates

Like other classified employees, employees in nonpermanent and intermittent positions receive credit for Washington state service toward a higher vacation accrual rate and step increases and earn a month of service for each month employed with UW.


Employees in nonpermanent and intermittent positions who meet eligibility criteria can participate in employer-provided insurance and retirement plans. The Benefits Office notifies employees of their eligibility for insurance.

Union representation

Employees in nonpermanent and intermittent positions shall be presumptively included in the same bargaining unit with regular employees performing similar work in accordance with WAC 391-35-350.

Husky Card/U-PASS eligibility

Employees in nonpermanent and intermittent positions are eligible for a fully subsidized U-PASS and may purchase UW parking, except for specific payroll deducted products, including Pay Per Use Parking (PPUP).

Layoff and separation

Nonpermanent and intermittent classified non-union positions may be ended without reason with at least one working day’s notice. If the employee in the position is a permanent employee, notice of 15 calendar days is required. A nonpermanent appointment may be terminated immediately with pay in lieu of the one workday of notice for nonpermanent employees or the 15 calendar days required for permanent employees.

Nonpermanent   and intermittent contract classified positions may be ended with one workday’s notice prior to the conclusion of the appointment. Conclusion of the appointment will be at the discretion of the University and per the conditions of their collective bargaining agreement.


Employees in nonpermanent and intermittent positions must be notified in writing of the conditions of their appointment. Workday sends the Nonpermanent Employee Notification upon appointment to a nonpermanent or intermittent position. Contact HR Help with any questions.

Hiring managers should review the notice with new employees as part of their departmental orientation.

Performance reviews

With the exception of nonpermanent and intermittent employees of the University Medical Centers, employees in nonpermanent and intermittent positions are not required to participate in the performance review process.

Probationary or trial service period

Employees in nonpermanent and intermittent positions do not serve a probationary or trial service period. Time spent in a nonpermanent or intermittent position may be applied towards a required probationary or trial service period if appointed to a permanent appointment in accordance with state civil service rules or the provisions of a collective bargaining agreement.

Remedial action

Employees in nonpermanent and intermittent classified non-union positions may request remedial action in accordance with WAC 357-19-425 when it is determined that their appointment does not comply with the rules on nonpermanent employment or the duration of the nonpermanent appointment has exceeded 24 months. Employees in nonpermanent and intermittent contract classified positions may request remedial action in accordance with their collective bargaining agreement.

Required employee training

All UW employees – except for UW Medicine employees – are required to attend trainings described on UWHR’s Required employee training webpage. UW Medicine employees are informed of their required trainings through their orientation process.

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