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Position Details & Relationships


Reporting Relationships is used to set up a supervisor for a position which gives the supervisor the ability to:

  • Enter and approve time for the position
  • Complete performance appraisals for the position
  • Approve Course bookings for the position 

Additionally, substitutes may be set up for a supervisor.  Substitute designation gives the ability to act on the behalf of the supervisor.  Therefore, substitutes may:

  • Enter and approve time for the position
  • Approve Course bookings for the position 

Unit Administrators and Unit Time Administrators are able to view and/or edit reporting relationships by employee, supervisor or substitute.  The relationship change can be made anywhere from today’s date up to 30 days in advance on active positions only.  

Report for Reporting Relationships



Organizational Unit OR Personnel Number are required fields.

  1. Organizational Unit – Enter Organizational Unit Number or use Search/Lookup
    1. Only one organizational unit or 1 MAU  allowed in this field. Use “Advanced Selection” to select more than one organizational unit
  2. Personnel Number – Enter the personnel number (PERNR)or use Search/Lookup
    1. When entering PERNR leading zeros are NOT required
    2. Use the Search/Lookup to select multiple PERNRS by clicking the check boxes

Employee Type – Select one or more employee types. If no selection, ALL will be included.

  1. Temporary or On-Call Staff
  2. Faculty or Academic Staff
  3. Support Staff
  4. Graduate Assistant
  5. Student Employee
  6. Undergraduate or Professorial Assistant

Vacancy – Select the desired vacancy status of the position

  1. All – Includes positions that are occupied, as well as positions that are empty
  2. Filled – positions that are occupied
  3. Vacant – positions that are empty/unoccupied

Advanced Selection

In order to refine search results, enter or select criteria in the Advanced Selection fields.

Select box to display Advanced Selection

advanced selection

Multiple Organization Unit – Allows up to five Organizational units to be selected or 1 MAU.

Employment Status – Select either Active or  Inactive (on a leave)

Personnel Area – Select either MSU1 (East Lansing – MSU), MSU2 (Dubai – MSU)

Personnel Subarea – Select either:

  • 1585 Service Maintenance
  • 274
  • 547 Operating Engineer
  • 999 Skilled Trades
  • AP Professionals
  • APSA Pro Supervisory
  • ASRA Advisory Staff/RA
  • CT Clerical Technical
  • EXPA Extension Program Associate
  • FAS Faculty/Academic Staff
  • FED Federal
  • FOP Fraternal Order of Police (Includes POAM, Police Officers Association of Michigan)
  • FOPK Pro Supervisory Frat. Order of Police
  • GRAS Graduate Assistant
  • None Non-Employee
  • NURS Nurses
  • OTEE other employee

Employee Group – Select either Union, Non-Union, Non-Employee

Employee Subgroup – Select either:

  • A0 Student
  • A1 Hourly Temp 120-180
  • A2 Salary-Regular
  • A3 Salary Level 1
  • A4 Salary Confidential-Level 1
  • A7 Salary Level 2
  • A9 Salary Level 3
  • AB Salary Confidential Level 3
  • AC Hourly Temp
  • AD Hourly Temp > 180 days
  • AG Hourly Regular
  • AI Clerical Technical Regular
  • AK Clerical Technical Regular Confidential
  • AL Program Associate Non Exempt
  • AM Program Associate Exempt
  • AN Annual Executive Management
  • AO Annual Academic Staff
  • AP Academic Year Academic Staff
  • AQ Annual Faculty
  • AR Academic Year Faculty
  • AS Adjunct Faculty/Academic Staff
  • AT Clinical Faculty/Academic Staff
  • AW Bi-Weekly On-Call
  • AX Monthly On-Call
  • AY Graduate Teaching Assistant
  • AZ Graduate Research Assistant
  • B0 Undergraduate/Professorial Assistant
  • B1 Post-Doctoral Fellows
  • B2 547 Maintenance
  • B3 547 Operators
  • B4 No Pay
  • B5 Surviving Spouse
  • B6 High School Student
  • B7 Project Pay Bi-Weekly On-Call
  • B8 Project Pay Monthly On-Call
  • BB Project Pay Student
  • BC Project Pay High School

submit Execute search button           

download to excel Download search results to Excel

reset Reset search criteria

Reporting Relationships Results

The left pane of the application displays all search results.  The total count is displayed at the top.


Once selected, the highlighted position displays details and reporting relationship information to the right, and includes:

  1. Reports to – This displays the supervisor of the employee.
  2. Supervises – This position supervises the following employee(s).
  3. Substitutes are –This displays employee(s) who can perform work on behalf of this supervisor.
  4. Substitutes for – This displays whom this employee is a substitute supervisor for.

In order to display the details of the reporting relationship, select the relationship by clicking on the appropriate icon.  Data fields include:  Employee Name, Personnel number, Position Title, Position Employee type.

Note: “No Data” indicates no data exists for the selected relationship type.


The ability to search for a specific employee or position is available near the top of the left pane.  Users can search for any data element that exists within the fields displayed for the employee position in the left and right panes by typing the specific criteria in the search field AND clicking the search icon searchor ENTER key. search

Note:  “Vacant Position” indicates the position is currently empty/unoccupied.

Sort, Filter, Group

Located across the bottom left of the screen contains the following options:filter

  1. Sort - Ascending or Descending based upon Position ID (number) Personnel Number, Organizational Unit Number, Position Title, Employee Name, Organizational Unit Name, Employee Type
  2. Filter- upon Employee Type, Organizational Unit, Vacancy, Position Title, Personnel Subarea, Employee Subgroup
  3. Group - Ascending or Descending based upon Employee Type, Organizational Unit, Vacancy, Position Title, Personnel Subarea, Employee Subgroup

Edit Reporting Relationships


In order to update a reporting relationship, select the “Edit Reporting Relationships” button from the Action bar located in the bottom right of window.  The Position Profile will appear and displays all of the reporting relationships for the selected employee which include: “Reports to”, “Supervises”, “Substitute for” and “Substitutes are”.  Details on how to make changes to these relationships are listed below:

Position profile  

Reports to:

This displays the Supervisor of the employee.

1.       Select New Button new  to create a new Supervisor Relationship.

2.       From Details, enter today's’ date or a date in the future(up to a maximum of 30 days from today’s date) in the “Valid From” field:

valid from

Note:  It is NOT required to fill out the “Valid To” field unless there is a specific end date already set for this relationship.


3.       From Supervisor, enter new Supervisor’s Position number or use the Search/Lookup.


4.       Select Save.


This position supervises the following employee(s).

1.       Select New Button new to create an employee relationship to the selected position (Supervisor).

2.       From Details, enter today's’ date or a date in the future (up to a maximum of 30 days from today’s date) in the “Valid From” field:

valid from

Note:  it is NOT required to fill out the “Valid To” field unless there is a specific end date already set for this relationship.

3.       Enter the Position that this employee will Supervise or use the Search/Lookup.

line supervisor  

4.       Select Save.

Substitutes are:

This displays employee(s) who can perform work on behalf of this supervisor.

1.       Select New Button new to create a substitute relationship for this position (Supervisor).

2.       From Details, enter today's’ date or a date in the future (up to a maximum of 30 days from today’s date) in the “Valid From” field:

valid from 

Note:  It is NOT required to fill out the “Valid To” field unless there is a specific end date already set for this relationship.

3.       From Substitutes, enter Substitute’s Position or use the Search/Lookup.


4.       Select Save.


If a relationship is no longer valid and needs to be ended, select the “change” icon pencil field.   Enter today’s date in the “Valid To” field.  The relationship can be ended using today’s date only.

Substitutes for:

This displays whom this employee is a substitute supervisor for.

1.       Select New Button new to create a substitute relationship.

2.       From Details, enter today's’ date or a date in the future (up to a maximum of 30 days from today’s date)in the  “Valid From” field:

valid from

Note:  It is NOT required to fill out the “Valid To” field unless there is a specified end date already set for this relationship.

3.       From Substitute Details, enter the Position of whom this employee is a substitute supervisor for or use the Search/Lookup.

substitute details 

4.       Select Save.


If a relationship is no longer valid and needs to be ended/removed, select the “change” icon pencil field. Enter today’s date in the “Valid To” field.  The relationship can be ended using today’s date only.

View All

Selecting View All  view all  button per section, displays relationship history for the selected relationship overall.

View As

The default displays the data in “Table” format.  If a new view is desired, select from the “View As” dropdown in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

view as


The default view displays “For All Dates” which includes past, present and future records.  If a different date range is desired, select the applicable option from the “Valid” drop down in the upper right hand corner of the screen:


Accessibility Tips 

After selecting an employee and tabbing through the menu, switch to browse mode in NVDA to read the region's details about the selected employee. 
