This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
AntennaPod 78% 10,654 85,809 538,628 10,018 458 266 6
CUPS 34% 84,352 209,321 2,813,390 83,921 3,003 19 5
F-Droid 46% 264,345 4,306,127 32,554,465 253,313 11,188 1,586 589
Flirtual 40% 12,510 90,368 585,936 0 3,768 6 0
Godot Engine 19% 2,814,995 51,910,184 351,150,417 2,450,916 111,108 1,533 484
Gramps 56% 242,517 1,309,033 8,262,609 204,136 21,077 96 192
Matomo 43% 238,781 2,552,320 15,380,356 232,824 3,019 236 46
Nelson 83% 2,389 11 133 2,389 23 0 0
NS8 61% 17,787 110,078 714,350 2,655 14,720 18,649 17
openATV 52% 175,285 898,979 5,400,724 159,084 6,724 49 126
OpenToonz 50% 43,143 147,573 854,508 42,062 3,280 64 0
OpenWrt 55% 178,143 1,008,757 6,486,840 177,473 3,051 1,458 181
OrganicMaps 91% 24,608 105,927 780,221 23,602 49,935 16,481 1
OsmAnd 54% 580,556 2,560,251 15,933,120 568,623 25,018 1,490 1,076
phpMyAdmin 46% 770,649 6,234,405 40,211,805 601,229 67,393 1,500 96
pl-fe 49% 54,233 214,256 1,289,785 51,562 15,962 0 0
Prism Launcher 54% 84,308 458,710 2,845,041 75,537 1,284 429 78
pypa 24% 190,648 3,001,999 21,138,919 176,758 11,638 1,220 96
Tor Project 35% 521,602 7,771,365 51,176,830 508,613 12,303 3,136 66
Weblate 31% 1,279,788 12,083,900 86,777,994 1,122,820 70,646 590 616

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