Horizon Wiki
Horizon Wiki

"Friend of yours, Gavan!?"
―Hashiv, spotting Aloy

Hashiv is a minor character and an opponent in Horizon Zero Dawn.


Hashiv was a Carja weapons smuggler in an underground operation ran by Gavan. Gavan was ultimately caught and accused of perpetuating the Carja Civil War for profit, resulting in him doing time in Sunstone Rock.

Horizon Zero Dawn[]

Although Gavan escaped from Sunstone Rock during a risky prison break,[1] Hashiv appears to be convinced that Gavan, once his ally, has since double-crossed him and sided with the Carja Guard in exchange for his release. During Gavan's year behind bars, rumor spread that he became a snitch.

In response to this perceived betrayal, Hashiv has claimed the smuggling operation for himself and is in the process of torturing Gavan when Aloy finds him, vowing to "make a show" of what happens to such traitors.

Since Aloy has been asked to ensure that Gavan is killed, she engaged and killed Hashiv and his crew.[1]

Associated Quests[]

Horizon Zero Dawn[]

Battle Stats[]

Hashiv is armed with a Firespitter and surrounded by three members of his bandit clan when encountered. Throughout the fight, his fellow smugglers will patrol the perimeter but he will remain stationed relatively close to Gavan, near the small building's entrance.

HP Attack Damage Additional Info[2]
225 Firespitter 25 Projectile Damage
150 Explosive Damage per shot
  • Blocks light melee attacks after 1 attack instead of 2.
  • Higher accuracy.
Bash/Kick 250


  1. 1.0 1.1 Sunstone Rock (Quest)
  2. Table adapted from Horizon Zero Dawn Strategy Guide (Collector's Ed.), p.257. Future Press, 2017.

Wiki Navigation[]

Sun-Court Avad - Itamen - Marad - Nasadi - Vanasha
Sun-Priests Hishavan - Irid - Jahamin - Namman - Vuadis
Nobles Amadis - Daradi - Elida - Fashav - Lahavis - Ranaman - Ravan - Rhavid - Rokasha
Military Balahn - Conover - Firiv - Gediah Kho Veriv - Hami - Janeva - Kavad - Lakhir - Laruvik - Lawan - Maleev - Mavas - Nessa - Nozar - Payiv - Urid - Uthid - Walid - Ybril - Zaid
Hunters Lodge Ahsis - Aidaba - Bashad - Brativin Khane Padish - Farukawas - Greatrun Keeper - Havash - Izvad - Kyran - Ligan - Malesh - Palaved - Spurflints Keeper - Sun Furrows Keeper - Talanah Khane Padish - Talavad Khane Padish - Tarkas - Tufanah - Valleymeet Keeper
Merchants Cantarah - Eclectic Collectibles Merchant - Kudiv - Machine Resources Merchant - Palas
Lore Amavad - Aram - Araman - Basadid - Hivas - Iriv - Jiran - Juwadan - Kadaman - Khuvadin - Marzid - Masarad - Nahasis - Pashaman - Ranan - Sadahin - Sadeva - Tashadi - Udain - Zavarad
Other members Dirid - Duvad - Enasha - Furahni - Gavan - Gendas - Gulahni - Hashiv - Three-Toe Huadiv - Ilsadi - Javad - Keadi - Kindiv - Lubavad - Marzavid - Nasan - Nil - Omas - Quarry Foreman - Ranin - Ravan's Steward - Rushavid - Ruwas - Shahavad - Talvo - Vashad
Shadow Carja
Sun-Priests Bahavas
Military Atral - Helis - Ryas - Shivin - Tarav - Thiran - Vezreh - Yusis
The Order of Twilight Lokasha - Savohar
Other members Abas - Dekamin - Ghaliv - Shianah