人気ブログランキング | 話題のタグを見る
Macroprudential policies and industrial growth: Cross-country evidence over the last 30 years
Exchange rate models are better than you think, and why they didn’t work in the old days
Beware of Big Tech Steering AI Regulation
AI and the Labor Market: Will Firms Hire, Fire, or Retrain?
Are Professional Forecasters Overconfident?
# by bank.of.japan | 2024-09-07 23:16 | Comments(0)
Financial crises and the global supply network: Evidence from multinational enterprises
The macroeconomics of narratives
Japan After Kishida
Venice’s Beauty Curse
# by bank.of.japan | 2024-09-01 09:17 | リンク | Comments(0)
Misreading the Impact of Monetary Policy
Finance Goes to Hollywood
Found in translation: Why some countries learn from the West, and most don’t
The Disparate Outcomes of Bank‑ and Nonbank‑Financed Private Credit Expansions
Growth-at-Risk for macroprudential policy stance assessment: a survey
# by bank.of.japan | 2024-08-25 17:40 | リンク | Comments(0)
America Needs Political Age Limits
Harris Needs Her Own Economic Policy
When Are Central Bank Reserves Ample?
A New Set of Indicators of Reserve Ampleness
Reallocating Liquidity to Resolve a Crisis
State-dependent effects of UK monetary policy
# by bank.of.japan | 2024-08-18 10:40 | リンク | Comments(0)
Demand versus supply: Drivers of the post-pandemic inflation and interest rates
The Bank of Japan’s Seductive Widow-Maker Trade
The Dollar Is Everyone’s Problem
What Soft Landing?
Central bank balance sheet policies and the market for reserves
# by bank.of.japan | 2024-08-11 17:02 | リンク | Comments(0)
