Power Levels is an animated web series published by Screen Junkies. It features pop culture characters competing in fictional challenges to determine which is the best. The strength, speed and power of the characters are calculated mathematically by Justin Christensen, UCLA Research Scientist. Power Levels premiered in 2019. Episodes are around 5 minutes in length. It is narrated by Roxy Striar and written by Spencer Gilbert.
Ep 1: Dragons[]
Published: May 18, 2019
VO by Roxy Striar
Produced by Billy Patterson, Spencer Gilbert, & Roth Cornet
Research by Justin Christensen
Supervising Producer: Max Dionne
Edited by Kevin Williamsen
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand
In his write-up about the video, Dan Neilan of AV Club wrote "When gauging things like airspeed velocity, fire breath temperature, and fire breath power, Screen Junkies found again and again that Smaug came out on top. This gold-hoarding wyrm clocks in at 260 mph and would be able to melt the great ice wall north of Westeros in 735 years. Drogon, on the other hand, flies a measly 160 mph and would take a staggering 1,700 years to melt that big ol’ wall. As for how a certain blue-fire-breathing dragon managed to take down the wall in mere seconds at the end of Game Of Thrones seventh season? Surprisingly, there’s no scientific explanation."
Ep 2: Batman[]
Published: October 3, 2019
Narration by Roxy Striar
Executive Producer: Roth Cornet
Supervising Producer: Max Dionne
Senior Producer: Billy Patterson
Writer/Producer: Spencer Gilbert