
流動性の罠においては財政乗数が大きくなる、というのはクルーグマンが日頃から強調している点だが、その特性は実はモデル計算の近似の問題に過ぎない、ということを示した論文がセントルイス連銀の年次総会で提示された、とEconomist's ViewのMark Thomaが報告している*1。

論文のタイトルは「Some unpleasant properties of log-linearized solutions when the nominal rate is zero」、著者はR. Anton BraunとLena Mareen KörberとYuichiro Wakiで*2、BraunとWakiはおそらくこの本の第6ç« *3の著者と同じコンビである。


We study the properties of a nonlinear stochastic NK model when the nominal interest rate is constrained at its zero lower bound. Our tractable framework allows us to provide a partial analytic characterization of equilibrium and to numerically compute all equilibria when the zero interest state is persistent. There are no approximations needed when computing equilibria and our numerical solutions are accurate up to the precision of the computer. A comparison with the log-linearized equilibrium identifies a severe breakdown of the log-linearized approximate solution. This breakdown occurs when using parameterizations of the model that reproduce the U.S. Great Depression and the U.S. Great Recession.
Conditions for existence and uniqueness of equilibrium based on the log-linearized equilibrium conditions are incorrect and offer little or no guidance for existence and uniqueness of equilibrium in the true economy. The characterization of equilibrium is also incorrect.
These three unpleasant properties of the log-linearized solution have the implication that relying on it to make inferences about the properties of fiscal policy in a liquidity trap can be highly misleading. Empirically relevant parameterization/shock combinations that yield the paradox of toil in the log-linearized economy produce orthodox responses of hours worked in the true economy. The same parameterization/shock combinations that yield large government purchases multipliers in excess of two in the log-linearized economy, produce government purchase multipliers as low as 1.09 in the nonlinear economy. Indeed, we find that the most plausible parameterizations of the nonlinear model have the property that there is no paradox of toil and that the government purchase multiplier is close to one.


また、以前ここで紹介したように、Stephen WilliamsonはEggertsson=Krugman論文について「The linearization needs to be done for a fully-specified underlying stochastic model」とコメントしたことがあったが、上記論文の指摘もあるいはそれと通底する話かもしれない。



*3:Amazonの目次表記は「第6章 失われた10年における日本の金融政策 R. アントン・ブラウン・脇雄一郎」。

*4:導入部の冒頭では「Eggertsson (2011) finds that hours worked fall in response to a labor tax cut when the nominal interest rate is zero, a property that is referred to as the “paradox of toil,”」と説明されている。cf. Wikipedia。