Bug 1462540 - Initialize NativeIterator objects (and any associated property name strings and HeapReceiverGuards) all within a single constructor call, without using PodZero. r=jandem
authorJeff Walden <[email protected]>
Wed, 16 May 2018 23:55:40 -0700
changeset 418922 7491ab23247fc11cca02bd0a4f54ed92f15b40f4
parent 418921 7d83c7de94049fd53fec35e5e7eebf8134c52cc0
child 418923 63d37d73f5ae5d76fd50a469a9c67fc9f38b3b82
push id103419
push user[email protected]
push dateFri, 18 May 2018 19:33:51 +0000
treeherdermozilla-inbound@7658d2d1e0d7 [default view] [failures only]
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Bug 1462540 - Initialize NativeIterator objects (and any associated property name strings and HeapReceiverGuards) all within a single constructor call, without using PodZero. r=jandem
--- a/js/src/vm/Iteration.cpp
+++ b/js/src/vm/Iteration.cpp
@@ -9,16 +9,18 @@
 #include "vm/Iteration.h"
 #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
 #include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
 #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
 #include "mozilla/PodOperations.h"
 #include "mozilla/Unused.h"
+#include <new>
 #include "jstypes.h"
 #include "jsutil.h"
 #include "builtin/Array.h"
 #include "ds/Sort.h"
 #include "gc/FreeOp.h"
 #include "gc/Marking.h"
 #include "js/Proxy.h"
@@ -41,17 +43,16 @@
 using namespace js;
 using namespace js::gc;
 using mozilla::DebugOnly;
 using mozilla::Maybe;
 using mozilla::PodCopy;
 using mozilla::PodEqual;
-using mozilla::PodZero;
 typedef Rooted<PropertyIteratorObject*> RootedPropertyIteratorObject;
 static const gc::AllocKind ITERATOR_FINALIZE_KIND = gc::AllocKind::OBJECT2_BACKGROUND;
 NativeIterator::trace(JSTracer* trc)
@@ -529,17 +530,27 @@ Snapshot(JSContext* cx, HandleObject pob
 js::GetPropertyKeys(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, unsigned flags, AutoIdVector* props)
     return Snapshot(cx, obj,
-static inline PropertyIteratorObject*
+static inline void
+RegisterEnumerator(JSContext* cx, NativeIterator* ni)
+    /* Register non-escaping native enumerators (for-in) with the current context. */
+    ni->link(cx->compartment()->enumerators);
+    MOZ_ASSERT(!(ni->flags & JSITER_ACTIVE));
+    ni->flags |= JSITER_ACTIVE;
+static PropertyIteratorObject*
 NewPropertyIteratorObject(JSContext* cx)
     RootedObjectGroup group(cx, ObjectGroup::defaultNewGroup(cx, &PropertyIteratorObject::class_,
     if (!group)
         return nullptr;
     const Class* clasp = &PropertyIteratorObject::class_;
@@ -558,181 +569,187 @@ NewPropertyIteratorObject(JSContext* cx)
     // CodeGenerator::visitIteratorStartO assumes the iterator object is not
     // inside the nursery when deciding whether a barrier is necessary.
     MOZ_ASSERT(res->numFixedSlots() == JSObject::ITER_CLASS_NFIXED_SLOTS);
     return res;
-NativeIterator::allocateIterator(JSContext* cx, uint32_t numGuards, uint32_t plength)
+static PropertyIteratorObject*
+CreatePropertyIterator(JSContext* cx, Handle<JSObject*> objBeingIterated,
+                       const AutoIdVector& props, uint32_t numGuards, uint32_t guardKey)
+    Rooted<PropertyIteratorObject*> propIter(cx, NewPropertyIteratorObject(cx));
+    if (!propIter)
+        return nullptr;
     static_assert(sizeof(ReceiverGuard) == 2 * sizeof(GCPtrFlatString),
                   "NativeIterators are allocated in space for 1) themselves, "
                   "2) the properties a NativeIterator iterates (as "
-                  "GCPtrFlatStrings), and 3) |numGuards| ReceiverGuard "
+                  "GCPtrFlatStrings), and 3) |numGuards| HeapReceiverGuard "
                   "objects; the additional-length calculation below assumes "
                   "this size-relationship when determining the extra space to "
-    size_t extraLength = plength + numGuards * 2;
-    NativeIterator* ni =
-        cx->zone()->pod_malloc_with_extra<NativeIterator, GCPtrFlatString>(extraLength);
-    if (!ni) {
+    size_t extraCount = props.length() + numGuards * 2;
+    void* mem =
+        cx->zone()->pod_malloc_with_extra<NativeIterator, GCPtrFlatString>(extraCount);
+    if (!mem) {
         return nullptr;
-    // Zero out the NativeIterator first.
-    PodZero(ni);
+    // This also registers |ni| with |propIter|.
+    bool hadError = false;
+    NativeIterator* ni =
+        new (mem) NativeIterator(cx, propIter, objBeingIterated, props, numGuards, guardKey,
+                                 &hadError);
+    if (hadError)
+        return nullptr;
+    RegisterEnumerator(cx, ni);
+    return propIter;
-    // Zero out the remaining space for GCPtrFlatStrings for properties and
-    // ReceiverGuards for guards.
-    GCPtrFlatString* extra = ni->begin();
-    PodZero(extra, extraLength);
+ * Initialize a sentinel NativeIterator whose purpose is only to act as the
+ * start/end of the circular linked list of NativeIterators in
+ * JSCompartment::enumerators.
+ */
+    // Do our best to enforce that nothing in |this| except the two fields set
+    // below is ever observed.
+    JS_POISON(static_cast<void*>(this), 0xCC, sizeof(*this), MemCheckKind::MakeUndefined);
-    ni->props_cursor = extra;
-    ni->props_end = extra + plength;
-    return ni;
+    // These are the only two fields in sentinel NativeIterators that are
+    // examined, in JSCompartment::sweepNativeIterators.  Everything else is
+    // only examined *if* it's a NativeIterator being traced by a
+    // PropertyIteratorObject that owns it, and nothing owns this iterator.
+    prev_ = next_ = this;
 NativeIterator::allocateSentinel(JSContext* maybecx)
-    NativeIterator* ni = js_pod_malloc<NativeIterator>();
+    NativeIterator* ni = js_new<NativeIterator>();
     if (!ni) {
         if (maybecx)
-        return nullptr;
-    PodZero(ni);
-    ni->next_ = ni;
-    ni->prev_ = ni;
     return ni;
-inline void
-NativeIterator::init(JSObject* obj, JSObject* iterObj, uint32_t numGuards, uint32_t key)
-    this->obj.init(obj);
-    this->iterObj_ = iterObj;
-    this->flags = 0;
-    this->guard_length = numGuards;
-    this->guard_key = key;
-NativeIterator::initProperties(JSContext* cx, Handle<PropertyIteratorObject*> obj,
-                               const AutoIdVector& props)
+ * Initialize a fresh NativeIterator.
+ *
+ * This definition is a bit tricky: some parts of initializing are fallible, so
+ * as we initialize, we must carefully keep this in GC-safe state (see
+ * NativeIterator::trace).
+ */
+NativeIterator::NativeIterator(JSContext* cx, Handle<PropertyIteratorObject*> propIter,
+                               Handle<JSObject*> objBeingIterated, const AutoIdVector& props,
+                               uint32_t numGuards, uint32_t guardKey, bool* hadError)
+  : obj(objBeingIterated),
+    iterObj_(propIter),
+    // NativeIterator initially acts as if it contains no properties.
+    props_cursor(begin()),
+    props_end(props_cursor),
+    // ...and no HeapReceiverGuards.
+    guard_length(0),
+    guard_key(guardKey),
+    flags(0)
-    // The obj parameter is just so that we can ensure that this object will get
-    // traced if we GC.
-    MOZ_ASSERT(this == obj->getNativeIterator());
+    MOZ_ASSERT(!*hadError);
-    size_t plength = props.length();
-    MOZ_ASSERT(plength == size_t(end() - begin()));
+    // NOTE: This must be done first thing: PropertyIteratorObject::finalize
+    //       can only free |this| (and not leak it) if this has happened.
+    propIter->setNativeIterator(this);
-    GCPtrFlatString* propNames = begin();
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < plength; i++) {
+    for (size_t i = 0, len = props.length(); i < len; i++) {
         JSFlatString* str = IdToString(cx, props[i]);
-        if (!str)
-            return false;
-        propNames[i].init(str);
+        if (!str) {
+            *hadError = true;
+            return;
+        }
+        // Placement-new the next property string at the end of the currently
+        // computed property strings.
+        GCPtrFlatString* loc = props_end;
+        // Increase the overall property string count before initializing the
+        // property string, so this construction isn't on a location not known
+        // to the GC yet.
+        props_end++;
+        new (loc) GCPtrFlatString(str);
-    return true;
-static inline void
-RegisterEnumerator(JSContext* cx, NativeIterator* ni)
-    /* Register non-escaping native enumerators (for-in) with the current context. */
-    ni->link(cx->compartment()->enumerators);
-    MOZ_ASSERT(!(ni->flags & JSITER_ACTIVE));
-    ni->flags |= JSITER_ACTIVE;
-static inline PropertyIteratorObject*
-VectorToKeyIterator(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, AutoIdVector& keys, uint32_t numGuards)
-    if (obj->isSingleton() && !JSObject::setIteratedSingleton(cx, obj))
-        return nullptr;
-    MarkObjectGroupFlags(cx, obj, OBJECT_FLAG_ITERATED);
-    Rooted<PropertyIteratorObject*> iterobj(cx, NewPropertyIteratorObject(cx));
-    if (!iterobj)
-        return nullptr;
-    NativeIterator* ni = NativeIterator::allocateIterator(cx, numGuards, keys.length());
-    if (!ni)
-        return nullptr;
-    iterobj->setNativeIterator(ni);
-    ni->init(obj, iterobj, numGuards, 0);
-    if (!ni->initProperties(cx, iterobj, keys))
-        return nullptr;
-    if (numGuards) {
-        // Fill in the guard array from scratch. Also recompute the guard key
-        // as we might have reshaped the object (see for instance the
-        // setIteratedSingleton call above) or GC might have moved shapes and
-        // groups in memory.
-        JSObject* pobj = obj;
-        size_t ind = 0;
+    if (numGuards > 0) {
+        // Construct guards into the guard array.  Also recompute the guard key,
+        // which incorporates Shape* and ObjectGroup* addresses that could have
+        // changed during a GC triggered in (among other places) |IdToString|
+        //. above.
+        JSObject* pobj = objBeingIterated;
         uint32_t key = 0;
-        HeapReceiverGuard* guards = ni->guardArray();
+        HeapReceiverGuard* guards = guardArray();
         do {
             ReceiverGuard guard(pobj);
-            guards[ind++].init(guard);
+            // Placement-new the next HeapReceiverGuard at the end of the
+            // currently initialized HeapReceiverGuards.
+            uint32_t index = guard_length;
+            // Increase the overall guard-count before initializing the
+            // HeapReceiverGuard, so this construction isn't on a location not
+            // known to the GC.
+            guard_length++;
+            new (&guards[index]) HeapReceiverGuard(guard);
             key = mozilla::AddToHash(key, guard.hash());
             // The one caller of this method that passes |numGuards > 0|, does
             // so only if the entire chain consists of cacheable objects (that
             // necessarily have static prototypes).
             pobj = pobj->staticPrototype();
         } while (pobj);
-        ni->guard_key = key;
-        MOZ_ASSERT(ind == numGuards);
+        guard_key = key;
+        MOZ_ASSERT(guard_length == numGuards);
-    RegisterEnumerator(cx, ni);
-    return iterobj;
+    MOZ_ASSERT(!*hadError);
+static inline PropertyIteratorObject*
+VectorToKeyIterator(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, AutoIdVector& props, uint32_t numGuards)
+    if (obj->isSingleton() && !JSObject::setIteratedSingleton(cx, obj))
+        return nullptr;
+    MarkObjectGroupFlags(cx, obj, OBJECT_FLAG_ITERATED);
+    return CreatePropertyIterator(cx, obj, props, numGuards, 0);
 js::EnumeratedIdVectorToIterator(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, AutoIdVector& props)
     return VectorToKeyIterator(cx, obj, props, 0);
 // Mainly used for .. in over null/undefined
 js::NewEmptyPropertyIterator(JSContext* cx)
-    Rooted<PropertyIteratorObject*> iterobj(cx, NewPropertyIteratorObject(cx));
-    if (!iterobj)
-        return nullptr;
-    AutoIdVector keys(cx); // Empty
-    NativeIterator* ni = NativeIterator::allocateIterator(cx, 0, keys.length());
-    if (!ni)
-        return nullptr;
-    iterobj->setNativeIterator(ni);
-    ni->init(nullptr, iterobj, 0, 0);
-    if (!ni->initProperties(cx, iterobj, keys))
-        return nullptr;
-    RegisterEnumerator(cx, ni);
-    return iterobj;
+    AutoIdVector props(cx); // Empty
+    return CreatePropertyIterator(cx, nullptr, props, 0, 0);
 /* static */ bool
 IteratorHashPolicy::match(PropertyIteratorObject* obj, const Lookup& lookup)
     NativeIterator* ni = obj->getNativeIterator();
     if (ni->guard_key != lookup.key || ni->guard_length != lookup.numGuards)
         return false;
--- a/js/src/vm/Iteration.h
+++ b/js/src/vm/Iteration.h
@@ -26,39 +26,61 @@
 #define JSITER_UNREUSABLE   0x2000
 namespace js {
 class PropertyIteratorObject;
 struct NativeIterator
-    GCPtrObject obj;    // Object being iterated.
-    JSObject* iterObj_; // Internal iterator object.
-    GCPtrFlatString* props_cursor;
-    GCPtrFlatString* props_end; // also the start of HeapReceiverGuards
-    uint32_t guard_length;
-    uint32_t guard_key;
-    uint32_t flags;
+    // Object being iterated.
+    GCPtrObject obj = {};
+    // Internal iterator object.
+    JSObject* iterObj_ = nullptr;
+    // The next property, pointing into an array of strings directly after this
+    // NativeIterator as part of the overall allocation containing |*this|.
+    GCPtrFlatString* props_cursor; // initialized by constructor
+    // The limit/end of properties to iterate.  (This is also, after casting,
+    // the start of an array of HeapReceiverGuards included in the overall
+    // allocation that stores |*this| and the iterated strings.)
+    GCPtrFlatString* props_end; // initialized by constructor
+    uint32_t guard_length = 0;
+    uint32_t guard_key = 0;
+    uint32_t flags = 0;
     /* While in compartment->enumerators, these form a doubly linked list. */
-    NativeIterator* next_;
-    NativeIterator* prev_;
+    NativeIterator* next_ = nullptr;
+    NativeIterator* prev_ = nullptr;
     // No further fields appear after here *in NativeIterator*, but this class
-    // is always allocated with space tacked on immediately after |this| (see
-    // below) to store 1) a dynamically known number of iterated property names
-    // and 2) a dynamically known number of HeapReceiverGuards.  The limit of
-    // all such property names, and the start of HeapReceiverGuards, is
-    // |props_end|.  The next property name to iterate is |props_cursor| and
-    // equals |props_end| when this iterator is exhausted but not ready yet for
-    // possible reuse.
+    // is always allocated with space tacked on immediately after |this| to
+    // store iterated property names up to |props_end| and |guard_length|
+    // HeapReceiverGuards after that.
+    /**
+     * Initialize a NativeIterator properly allocated for |props.length()|
+     * properties and |numGuards| guards.
+     *
+     * Despite being a constructor, THIS FUNCTION CAN REPORT ERRORS.  Users
+     * MUST set |*hadError = false| on entry and consider |*hadError| on return
+     * to mean this function failed.
+     */
+    NativeIterator(JSContext* cx, Handle<PropertyIteratorObject*> propIter,
+                   Handle<JSObject*> objBeingIterated, const AutoIdVector& props,
+                   uint32_t numGuards, uint32_t guardKey, bool* hadError);
+    /** Initialize a |JSCompartment::enumerators| sentinel. */
+    NativeIterator();
     GCPtrFlatString* begin() const {
         static_assert(alignof(NativeIterator) >= alignof(GCPtrFlatString),
                       "GCPtrFlatStrings for properties must be able to appear "
                       "directly after NativeIterator, with no padding space "
                       "required for correct alignment");
         // Note that JIT code inlines this computation to reset |props_cursor|
         // when an iterator ends: see |CodeGenerator::visitIteratorEnd|.
@@ -118,26 +140,18 @@ struct NativeIterator
     void unlink() {
         next_->prev_ = prev_;
         prev_->next_ = next_;
         next_ = nullptr;
         prev_ = nullptr;
     static NativeIterator* allocateSentinel(JSContext* maybecx);
-    static NativeIterator* allocateIterator(JSContext* cx, uint32_t slength, uint32_t plength);
-    void init(JSObject* obj, JSObject* iterObj, uint32_t slength, uint32_t key);
-    bool initProperties(JSContext* cx, Handle<PropertyIteratorObject*> obj,
-                        const js::AutoIdVector& props);
     void trace(JSTracer* trc);
-    static void destroy(NativeIterator* iter) {
-        js_free(iter);
-    }
 class PropertyIteratorObject : public NativeObject
     static const ClassOps classOps_;
     static const Class class_;