
Sun, 31 Jan 2016 15:42:31 -0800

Peter Linss <[email protected]>
Sun, 31 Jan 2016 15:42:31 -0800
changeset 16986
parent 16762
child 16989

change //dev.w3.org/csswg/ urls to //drafts.csswg.org/

     1 <pre class='metadata'>
     2 Title: CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
     3 ED: https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/
     4 TR: http://www.w3.org/TR/cssom/
     5 Previous Version: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-cssom-20131205/
     6 Previous Version: http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-cssom-20110712/
     7 Previous Version: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Style-20001113/
     8 Group: CSSWG
     9 Status: ED
    10 Work Status: Exploring
    11 Shortname: cssom
    12 Level: 1
    13 Editor: Simon Pieters, Opera Software ASA http://www.opera.com, [email protected]
    14 Editor: Daniel Glazman, Disruptive Innovations http://disruptive-innovations.com/, [email protected]
    15 Former Editor: Glenn Adams, Cox Communications&#44; Inc. http://www.cox.com, [email protected], http://www.w3.org/wiki/User:Gadams
    16 Former Editor: Anne van Kesteren, Opera Software ASA http://www.opera.com, [email protected], https://annevankesteren.nl/
    17 !Issues list: <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?product=CSS&amp;component=CSSOM&amp;resolution=---">Bugzilla</a> (<a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/enter_bug.cgi?product=CSS&amp;component=CSSOM">file a bug</a>)
    18 Abstract: CSSOM defines APIs (including generic parsing and serialization rules) for Media Queries, Selectors, and of course CSS itself.
    19 Ignored Terms: EmptyString, mediaText, cssText, InvalidCharacterError, SecurityError, SyntaxError, IndexSizeError, HierarchyRequestError, InvalidStateError, InvalidModificationError, NoModificationAllowedError, CORS-same-origin, group of selectors, list of css page selectors, CSSCharsetRule, ProcessingInstruction, EventTarget, EventListener, Event, EventInit, Element, Range, Node, Text, style, CSSFontFaceRule, -webkit-transform
    20 Ignored Vars: m1, m2, camel_cased_attribute, webkit_cased_attribute, dashed_attribute
    21 </pre>
    23 <pre class='anchors'>
    24 urlPrefix: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/
    25     urlPrefix: infrastructure.html
    26         type: dfn
    27             text: html elements
    28             text: tree order
    29             text: document base url
    30             text: content-type metadata; url: #content-type
    31     urlPrefix: browsers.html
    32         type: interface; text: WindowProxy
    33         type: dfn
    34             text: browsing context
    35             text: auxiliary browsing context
    36             text: familiar with
    37             text: same origin
    38     urlPrefix: webappapis.html
    39         type: dfn
    40             text: responsible browsing context
    41             text: incumbent settings object
    42             text: event loop
    43             text: event handler
    44             text: event handler event type
    45             text: event handler IDL attributes
    46     urlPrefix: infrastructure.html
    47         type: dfn
    48             text: split a string on commas
    49             text: skip whitespace
    50             text: collect a sequence of characters
    51             text: space character
    52             text: rules for parsing integers
    53     urlPrefix: xhtml.html
    54         type: dfn
    55             text: xml parser
    56     urlPrefix: semantics.html
    57         type: dfn
    58             text: a style sheet that is blocking scripts
    59             text: style sheet ready
    60 urlPrefix: https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-
    61     type: dfn
    62         text: context object
    63         text: dispatch; url: event-dispatch
    64         text: event
    65         text: event listener
    66         text: quirks mode; url: document-quirks
    67         text: fire an event; url: event-fire
    68         text: node document
    69         text: document url
    70 urlPrefix: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html
    71     type: dfn; text: anonymous block box; url: #anonymous-block-level
    72 urlPrefix: http://heycam.github.io/webidl/#
    73     type: interface; urlPrefix: idl-
    74         text: double
    75         text: long
    76     type: dfn; urlPrefix: dfn-
    77         text: converted to an IDL value
    78         text: throw
    79         text: supported property indices
    80 urlPrefix: https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#; spec: ENCODING
    81     type: dfn; text: get an encoding; url: concept-encoding-get
    82 urlPrefix: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-
    83     type: dfn
    84         text: absolute url
    85         text: URL
    86         text: URL parser
    87         text: URL serializer
    88 urlPrefix: http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/#
    89     type: dfn; text: xml-stylesheet processing instruction
    90     type: dfn; text: pseudo-attribute
    91 urlPrefix: https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-
    92     type: dfn;
    93         text: fetch
    94         text: request
    95         for: request
    96             text: url
    97             text: origin
    98             text: referrer
    99         text: network error
   100 </pre>
   102 <pre class='link-defaults'>
   103 spec:css-display-3; type:value; for:display; text:table
   104 spec:css-color-4; type:property; text:color
   105 spec:css-position-3; type:property; text:left
   106 spec:html5; type:element; text:style
   107 spec:css-namespaces-3; type:dfn; text:namespace prefix
   108 spec:dom-ls; type:interface; text:Document
   109 </pre>
   111 <script src=https://resources.whatwg.org/file-bug.js async></script>
   113 Introduction {#introduction}
   114 ============================
   116 This document formally specifies the core features of the CSS Object Model (CSSOM). Other documents in the CSSOM family of specifications
   117 as well as other CSS related specifications define extensions to these core features.
   119 The core features of the CSSOM are oriented towards providing basic capabilities to author-defined scripts to permit access to
   120 and manipulation of style related state information and processes.
   122 The features defined below are fundamentally based on prior specifications of the W3C DOM Working Group, primarily
   123 [[DOM-LEVEL-2-STYLE]]. The purposes of the present document are (1) to improve on that prior work by providing
   124 more technical specificity (so as to improve testability and interoperability), (2) to deprecate or remove certain less-widely implemented
   125 features no longer considered to be essential in this context, and (3) to newly specify certain extensions that have been
   126 or expected to be widely implemented.
   128 <!--A full list of the changes to API signatures can be found in <a href="#changes-from-dom-2-style"><cite>Changes from DOM-2 Style</cite></a>.-->
   131 Terminology {#terminology}
   132 ==========================
   134 This specification employs certain terminology from the following documents:
   135 <cite>DOM</cite>,
   136 <cite>HTML</cite>,
   137 <cite>CSS Syntax</cite>,
   138 <cite>Encoding</cite>,
   139 <cite>URL</cite>,
   140 <cite>Fetch</cite>,
   141 <cite>Associating Style Sheets with XML documents</cite>
   142 and
   143 <cite>XML</cite>.
   144 [[!DOM]]
   145 [[!HTML]]
   146 [[!CSS3SYN]]
   147 [[!ENCODING]]
   148 [[!URL]]
   149 [[!FETCH]]
   150 [[!XML-STYLESHEET]]
   151 [[!XML]]
   153 When this specification talks about object
   154 <code><var>A</var></code> where <code><var>A</var></code> is actually an interface, it generally means an object implementing interface
   155 <code><var>A</var></code>.
   157 The terms <dfn>set</dfn> and <dfn>unset</dfn> to refer to the true and
   158 false values of binary flags or variables, respectively. These terms are also used as verbs in which case they refer to
   159 mutating some value to make it true or false, respectively.
   161 The term <dfn export>supported styling language</dfn> refers to CSS.
   163 Note: If another styling language becomes supported in user agents, this specification is expected to be updated as necessary.
   165 The term <dfn export>supported CSS property</dfn> refers to a CSS property that the user agent implements,
   166 and that is defined to be a case-insensitive property in the CSS specification.
   167 A <a>supported CSS property</a> must be in its lowercase form for the purpose of comparisons this specification.
   169 In this specification the ''::before'' and ''::after'' pseudo-elements
   170 are assumed to exist for all elements even if no box is generated for them.
   172 When a method or an attribute is said to call another method or attribute, the user agent must invoke its internal API for that attribute or method so that
   173 e.g. the author can't change the behavior by overriding attributes or methods with custom properties or functions in ECMAScript.
   175 Unless otherwise stated, string comparisons are done in a <a>case-sensitive</a> manner.
   178 Common Serializing Idioms {#common-serializing-idioms}
   179 ------------------------------------------------------
   181 To <dfn>escape a character</dfn> means to create a string of
   182 "<code>\</code>" (U+005C), followed by the character.
   184 To <dfn lt="escape a character as code point|escaped as code point">escape a character as code point</dfn> means to create a
   185 string of "<code>\</code>" (U+005C), followed by the Unicode code point as
   186 the smallest possible number of hexadecimal digits in the range 0-9 a-f
   187 (U+0030 to U+0039 and U+0061 to U+0066) to represent the code point in
   188 base 16, followed by a single SPACE (U+0020).
   190 To <dfn export>serialize an identifier</dfn> means to create a string represented
   191 by the concatenation of, for each character of the identifier:
   193 <ul>
   194  <li>If the character is NULL (U+0000), then the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD).
   195  <li>If the character is in the range [\1-\1f] (U+0001 to U+001F) or is U+007F, then the character
   196  <a>escaped as code point</a>.
   197  <li>If the character is the first character and is in the range \[0-9]
   198  (U+0030 to U+0039), then the character
   199  <a>escaped as code point</a>.
   200  <li>If the character is the second character and is in the range \[0-9]
   201  (U+0030 to U+0039) and the first character is a "<code>-</code>"
   202  (U+002D), then the character
   203  <a>escaped as code point</a>.
   204  <li>If the character is the first character and is a "<code>-</code>" (U+002D),
   205  and there is no second character,
   206  then the <a lt="escape a character">escaped</a> character.
   207  <li>If the character is not handled by one of the above rules and is
   208  greater than or equal to U+0080, is "<code>-</code>" (U+002D) or
   209  "<code>_</code>" (U+005F), or is in one of the ranges \[0-9] (U+0030 to
   210  U+0039), \[A-Z] (U+0041 to U+005A), or \[a-z] (U+0061 to U+007A), then the character
   211  itself.
   212  <li>Otherwise, the <a lt="escape a character">escaped</a>
   213  character.
   214 </ul>
   216 To <dfn export>serialize a string</dfn> means to create a string represented
   217 by '"' (U+0022), followed by the result of applying the rules
   218 below to each character of the given string, followed by
   219 '"' (U+0022):
   221 <ul>
   222  <li>If the character is NULL (U+0000), then the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD)
   223  <a>escaped as code point</a>.
   224  <li>If the character is in the range [\1-\1f] (U+0001 to U+001F) or is U+007F, the character
   225  <a>escaped as code point</a>.
   226  <li>If the character is '"' (U+0022) or "<code>\</code>"
   227  (U+005C), the <a lt="escape a character">escaped</a> character.
   228  <li>Otherwise, the character itself.
   229 </ul>
   231 Note: "<code>'</code>" (U+0027) is not escaped because strings
   232 are always serialized with '"' (U+0022).
   234 To <dfn export>serialize a URL</dfn> means to create a string represented by
   235 "<code>url(</code>", followed by the
   236 <a lt="serialize a string">string escaped</a> value of the given
   237 string, followed by "<code>)</code>".
   239 To <dfn export>serialize a comma-separated list</dfn> concatenate all items of
   240 the list in list order while separating them by "<code>, </code>", i.e.,
   241 COMMA (U+002C) followed by a single SPACE (U+0020).
   243 To <dfn export>serialize a whitespace-separated list</dfn> concatenate all
   244 items of the list in list order while separating them by "<code> </code>", i.e.,
   245 a single SPACE (U+0020).
   247 Note: When serializing a list according to the above rules,
   248 extraneous whitespace is not inserted prior to the first item or subsequent to
   249 the last item. Unless otherwise specified, an empty list is serialized as the
   250 empty string.
   253 Media Queries {#media-queries}
   254 ==============================
   256 Media queries are defined by the Media Queries specification. This
   257 section defines various concepts around media queries, including their API
   258 and serialization form.
   260 <!-- XXX ref -->
   263 Parsing Media Queries {#parsing-media-queries}
   264 ----------------------------------------------
   266 To <dfn export>parse a media query list</dfn> for a
   267 given string <var>s</var> into a media query list is defined in
   268 the Media Queries specification. Return the list of one or more media
   269 queries that the algorithm defined there gives. <!-- XXX ref -->
   271 Note: A media query that ends up being "ignored" will turn
   272 into "<code>not all</code>".
   274 To <dfn export>parse a media query</dfn> for a given string
   275 <var>s</var> means to follow the
   276 <a>parse a media query list</a> steps and return null if more
   277 than one media query is returned or a media query if a
   278 single media query is returned.
   280 Note: Again, a media query that ends up being "ignored" will
   281 turn into "<code>not all</code>".
   284 Serializing Media Queries {#serializing-media-queries}
   285 ------------------------------------------------------
   287 To
   288 <dfn export>serialize a media query list</dfn>
   289 run these steps:
   291 <ol>
   292  <li>If the media query list is empty return the empty string and
   293  terminate these steps.
   295  <li><a lt="serialize a media query">Serialize</a> each media query in the list of media queries, in the same order as they appear in the list of
   296  media queries, and then <a lt="serialize a comma-separated list">serialize</a> the list.
   297 </ol>
   299 To
   300 <dfn export>serialize a media query</dfn> let
   301 <var>s</var> be the empty string, run the steps below, and
   302 finally return <var>s</var>:
   304 <ol>
   305  <li>If the media query is negated append "<code>not</code>", followed
   306  by a single SPACE (U+0020), to <var>s</var>.
   308  <li>Let <var>type</var> be the media type of the media query,
   309  <a lt="serialize an identifier">escaped</a> and
   310  <a>converted to ASCII lowercase</a>.
   312  <li>If the media query does not contain media features append
   313  <var>type</var>, to <var>s</var>,
   314  then return <var>s</var> and terminate this algorithm.
   316  <li>If <var>type</var> is not "<code>all</code>" or if the
   317  media query is negated append <var>type</var>, followed by a
   318  single SPACE (U+0020), followed by "<code>and</code>", followed by a single SPACE
   319  (U+0020), to <var>s</var>.
   321  <li>Sort the media features in lexicographical order.
   323  <li>
   324   Then, for each media feature:
   326   <ol>
   327    <li>Append a "<code>(</code>" (U+0028), followed by the media feature
   328    name, <a>converted to ASCII lowercase</a>,
   329    to <var>s</var>.
   331    <li>If a value is given append a "<code>:</code>" (U+003A), followed
   332    by a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the
   333    <a lt="serialize a media feature value">serialized media feature value</a>,
   334    to <var>s</var>.
   336    <li>Append a "<code>)</code>" (U+0029) to
   337    <var>s</var>.
   339    <li>If this is not the last media feature append a single SPACE (U+0020),
   340    followed by "<code>and</code>", followed by a single SPACE (U+0020), to
   341    <var>s</var>.
   342   </ol>
   344 </ol>
   346 <div class="example">
   347  Here are some examples of input (first column) and output (second
   348  column):
   350  <table class="complex data">
   351   <thead>
   352    <tr><th>Input<th>Output
   353   <tbody>
   354    <tr>
   355     <td><pre>not screen and (min-WIDTH:5px) AND (max-width:40px)</pre>
   356     <td><pre>not screen and (max-width: 40px) and (min-width: 5px)</pre>
   357    <tr>
   358     <td><pre>all and (color) and (color)</pre>
   359     <td><pre>(color)</pre>
   360  </table>
   361 </div>
   365 ### Serializing Media Feature Values ### {#serializing-media-feature-values}
   367 Issue: This should probably be done in terms of mapping it to
   368 serializing CSS values as media features are defined in terms of CSS
   369 values after all.
   371 To <dfn export>serialize a media feature value</dfn>
   372 named <var>v</var> locate <var>v</var> in the first
   373 column of the table below and use the serialization format described in
   374 the second column:
   376 <table class="complex data" spec=mediaqueries-4>
   377  <thead>
   378   <tr>
   379    <th>Media Feature
   380    <th>Serialization
   381  <tbody>
   382   <tr>
   383    <td>'width'
   384    <td>...
   385   <tr>
   386    <td>'height'
   387    <td>...
   388   <tr>
   389    <td>'device-width'
   390    <td>...
   391   <tr>
   392    <td>'device-height'
   393    <td>...
   394   <tr>
   395    <td>'orientation'
   396    <td>
   397     If the value is ''portrait'': "<code>portrait</code>".
   398     If the value is ''landscape'': "<code>landscape</code>".
   399   <tr>
   400    <td>'aspect-ratio'
   401    <td>...
   402   <tr>
   403    <td>'device-aspect-ratio'
   404    <td>...
   405   <tr>
   406    <td>'color'
   407    <td>...
   408   <tr>
   409    <td>'color-index'
   410    <td>...
   411   <tr>
   412    <td>'monochrome'
   413    <td>...
   414   <tr>
   415    <td>'resolution'
   416    <td>...
   417   <tr>
   418    <td>'scan'
   419    <td>
   420     If the value is ''progressive'': "<code>progressive</code>".
   421     If the value is ''interlace'': "<code>interlace</code>".
   422   <tr>
   423    <td>'grid'
   424    <td>...
   425 </table>
   427 Other specifications can extend this table and vendor-prefixed media
   428 features can have custom serialization formats as well.
   431 Comparing Media Queries {#comparing-media-queries}
   432 --------------------------------------------------
   434 To
   435 <dfn export>compare media queries</dfn>
   436 <var>m1</var> and <var>m2</var> means to
   437 <a lt="serialize a media query">serialize</a> them both and
   438 return true if they are a
   439 <a>case-sensitive</a> match and false if they
   440 are not.
   443 The {{MediaList}} Interface {#the-medialist-interface}
   444 ------------------------------------------------------
   446 <!--
   447 //
   448 // All members defined since DOM-2 Style. The only differences are:
   449 //
   450 //   1. addition of stringifier qualifier on mediaText
   451 //   2. addition of getter qualifier on item
   452 //   3. removal of raises(DOMException) from {append,delete}Medium
   453 //
   454 -->
   456 An object that implements the <code>MediaList</code> interface has an associated <dfn export for=MediaList>collection of media queries</dfn>.
   458 <pre class=idl>
   459 [ArrayClass]
   460 interface MediaList {
   461   [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] stringifier attribute DOMString mediaText;
   462   readonly attribute unsigned long length;
   463   getter DOMString? item(unsigned long index);
   464   void appendMedium(DOMString medium);
   465   void deleteMedium(DOMString medium);
   466 };
   467 </pre>
   469 The object's <a>supported property indices</a> are the numbers in the range zero to one less than the number of media queries
   470 in the <a>collection of media queries</a> represented by the collection. If there are no such media queries, then there are no
   471 <a>supported property indices</a>.
   473 To <dfn export>create a <code>MediaList</code> object</dfn> with a string <var>text</var>, run the following steps:
   474 <ol>
   475  <li>Create a new <code>MediaList</code> object.
   476  <li>Set its {{MediaList/mediaText}} attribute to <var>text</var>.
   477  <li>Return the newly created <code>MediaList</code> object.
   478 </ol>
   480 The <dfn attribute for=MediaList>mediaText</dfn> attribute, on getting, must return a
   481 <a lt="serialize a media query list">serialization</a> of the <a>collection of media queries</a>.
   482 Setting the {{MediaList/mediaText}} attribute must run these steps:
   483 <ol>
   484  <li>Empty the <a>collection of media queries</a>.
   485  <li>If the given value is the empty string terminate these steps.
   486  <li>Append all the media queries as a result of <a lt="parse a media query list">parsing</a> the given
   487  value to the <a>collection of media queries</a>.
   488 </ol>
   490 The <dfn method for=MediaList>item(<var>index</var>)</dfn> method must return the media query in the <a>collection of media
   491 queries</a> given by <var>index</var>, or null, if <var>index</var> is greater than or equal to the number of media queries in the
   492 <a>collection of media queries</a>.
   494 The <dfn attribute for=MediaList>length</dfn> attribute must return the number of media queries in the <a>collection of media
   495 queries</a>.
   497 The <dfn method for=MediaList>appendMedium(<var>medium</var>)</dfn> method must run these steps:
   498 <ol>
   499  <li>Let <var>m</var> be the result of <a lt="parse a media query">parsing</a> the given value.
   500  <li>If <var>m</var> is null terminate these steps.
   501  <li>If <a lt="compare media queries">comparing</a> <var>m</var> with any of the media queries in the
   502  <a>collection of media queries</a> returns true terminate these steps.
   503  <li>Append <var>m</var> to the <a>collection of media queries</a>.
   504 </ol>
   506 The <dfn method for=MediaList>deleteMedium(<var>medium</var>)</dfn> method must run these steps:
   507 <ol>
   508  <li>Let <var>m</var> be the result of <a lt="parse a media query">parsing</a> the given value.
   509  <li>If <var>m</var> is null terminate these steps.
   510  <li>Remove any media query from the <a>collection of media queries</a> for which
   511  <a lt="compare media queries">comparing</a> the media query with <var>m</var> returns true.
   512 </ol>
   514 Selectors {#selectors}
   515 ======================
   517 Selectors are defined in the Selectors specification. This section
   518 mainly defines how to serialize them. <!-- XXX ref -->
   520 <!-- XXX ref universal selector etc? some are in A some not -->
   523 Parsing Selectors {#parsing-selectors}
   524 --------------------------------------
   526 To
   527 <dfn export>parse a group of selectors</dfn>
   528 means to parse the value using the <code>selectors_group</code>
   529 production defined in the Selectors specification and return either a
   530 group of selectors if parsing did not fail or null if parsing did
   531 fail. <!-- XXX ref -->
   534 Serializing Selectors {#serializing-selectors}
   535 ----------------------------------------------
   537 <!-- http://dump.testsuite.org/2009/cssom/serializing-selectors.htm -->
   539 To
   540 <dfn export>serialize a group of selectors</dfn>
   541 <a lt="serialize a selector">serialize</a> each selector in the
   542 group of selectors and then
   543 <a lt="serialize a comma-separated list">serialize</a> the
   544 group.
   546 To <dfn export>serialize a selector</dfn> let
   547 <var>s</var> be the empty string, run the steps below for each
   548 part of the chain of the selector, and finally return
   549 <var>s</var>:
   551 <ol>
   552  <li>If there is only one <a>simple selector</a> in the
   553  <a>compound selectors</a> which is a
   554  <a>universal selector</a>, append the result of
   555  <a lt="serialize a simple selector">serializing</a> the
   556  <a>universal selector</a> to <var>s</var>.
   558  <li>Otherwise, for each <a>simple selector</a> in the
   559  <a>compound selectors</a> that is not a
   560  universal selector of which the
   561  <a>namespace prefix</a> maps to a namespace that is not the
   562  <a>default namespace</a>
   563  <a lt="serialize a simple selector">serialize</a> the
   564  <a>simple selector</a> and append the result to
   565  <var>s</var>.
   567  <li>If this is not the last part of the chain of the selector append a
   568  single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the combinator
   569  "<code>></code>",
   570  "<code>+</code>",
   571  "<code>~</code>",
   572  "<code>>></code>",
   573  "<code>||</code>",
   574  as appropriate, followed by another single SPACE (U+0020) if the combinator was
   575  not whitespace, to <var>s</var>.
   577  <li>If this is the last part of the chain of the selector and there is
   578  a pseudo-element, append "<code>::</code>" followed by the name of the
   579  pseudo-element, to <var>s</var>.
   580 </ol>
   583 To
   584 <dfn export>serialize a simple selector</dfn>
   585 let <var>s</var> be the empty string, run the steps below, and
   586 finally return <var>s</var>:
   588 <dl class="switch">
   589  <dt>type selector
   590  <dt>universal selector
   591  <dd>
   592   <ol>
   593    <li>If the <a>namespace prefix</a> maps to a namespace that is
   594    not the <a>default namespace</a> and is not the
   595    null namespace (not in a namespace) append the
   596    <a lt="serialize an identifier">escaped</a>
   597    <a>namespace prefix</a>, followed by a "<code>|</code>" (U+007C)
   598    to <var>s</var>.
   600    <li>If the <a>namespace prefix</a> maps to a namespace that is
   601    the null namespace (not in a namespace) append
   602    "<code>|</code>" (U+007C) to <var>s</var>.
   603    <!-- This includes |* -->
   605    <li>If this is a type selector append the
   606    <a lt="serialize an identifier">escaped</a> element name to
   607    <var>s</var>.
   609    <li>If this is a universal selector append "<code>*</code>" (U+002A)
   610    to <var>s</var>.
   611   </ol>
   614  <dt>attribute selector
   615  <dd>
   616   <ol>
   617    <li>Append "<code>[</code>" (U+005B) to
   618    <var>s</var>.
   620    <li>If the <a>namespace prefix</a> maps to a namespace that is
   621    not the null namespace (not in a namespace) append the
   622    <a lt="serialize an identifier">escaped</a>
   623    <a>namespace prefix</a>, followed by a "<code>|</code>" (U+007C)
   624    to <var>s</var>.
   626    <li>Append the <a lt="serialize an identifier">escaped</a>
   627    attribute name to <var>s</var>.
   629    <li>If there is an attribute value specified, append
   630    "<code>=</code>",
   631    "<code>~=</code>",
   632    "<code>|=</code>",
   633    "<code>^=</code>",
   634    "<code>$=</code>", or
   635    "<code>*=</code>"
   636    as appropriate (depending on the type of attribute selector), followed
   637    by the <a lt="serialize a string">string escaped</a>
   638    attribute value, to <var>s</var>.
   640    <li>If the attribute selector has the case-sensitivity flag present,
   641    append "<code> i</code>" (U+0020 U+0069) to <var>s</var>.
   643    <li>Append "<code>]</code>" (U+005D) to
   644    <var>s</var>.
   645   </ol>
   648  <dt>class selector
   649  <dd>Append a "<code>.</code>" (U+002E), followed by the
   650  <a lt="serialize an identifier">escaped</a> class name to
   651  <var>s</var>.
   653  <dt>ID selector
   654  <dd>Append a "<code>#</code>" (U+0023), followed by the
   655  <a lt="serialize an identifier">escaped</a> ID to
   656  <var>s</var>.
   658  <dt>pseudo-class
   659  <dd>
   660   If the pseudo-class does not accept arguments append
   661   "<code>:</code>" (U+003A), followed by the name of the pseudo-class, to
   662   <var>s</var>.
   664   Otherwise, append "<code>:</code>" (U+003A), followed by the name of
   665   the pseudo-class, followed by "<code>(</code>" (U+0028), followed by the
   666   value of the pseudo-class argument(s) determined as per below, followed by
   667   "<code>)</code>" (U+0029), to <var>s</var>.
   669   <dl class="switch">
   670    <dt><code>:lang()</code>
   671    <dd>The value of each argument <a lt="serialize a string">string escaped</a>,
   672    preserving relative order,
   673    separated by "<code>, </code>" (U+002C U+0020).
   675    <dt><code>:nth-child()</code>
   676    <dt><code>:nth-last-child()</code>
   677    <dt><code>:nth-of-type()</code>
   678    <dt><code>:nth-last-of-type()</code>
   679    <dd>The result of serializing the value using the rules to <a>serialize an &lt;an+b> value</a>.
   681    <dt><code>:not()</code>
   682    <dd>The result of serializing the value using the rules for
   683    <a lt="serialize a group of selectors">serializing a group of selectors</a>.
   684   </dl>
   686 </dl>
   689 CSS {#css-object-model}
   690 =======================
   693 CSS Style Sheets {#css-style-sheets}
   694 ------------------------------------
   696 A <dfn export>CSS style sheet</dfn> is an abstract concept that
   697 represents a style sheet as defined by the CSS specification. In the CSSOM a
   698 <a>CSS style sheet</a> is represented as a {{CSSStyleSheet}} object. A
   699 <a>CSS style sheet</a> has a number of associated state items:
   701 <dl dfn-for="CSSStyleSheet">
   702  <dt><dfn id=concept-css-style-sheet-type>type</dfn>
   703  <dd>The literal string "<code>text/css</code>".
   705  <dt><dfn id=concept-css-style-sheet-location>location</dfn>
   706  <dd>Specified when created. The <a>absolute URL</a> of the first request of the
   707  <a>CSS style sheet</a> or null if the <a>CSS style sheet</a> was
   708  embedded. Does not change during the lifetime of the <a>CSS style sheet</a>.
   710  <dt><dfn id=concept-css-style-sheet-parent-css-style-sheet>parent CSS style sheet</dfn>
   711  <dd>Specified when created. The <a>CSS style sheet</a> that is the parent of the
   712  <a>CSS style sheet</a> or null if there is no associated parent.
   714  <dt><dfn id=concept-css-style-sheet-owner-node>owner node</dfn>
   715  <dd>Specified when created. The DOM node associated with the <a>CSS style sheet</a> or
   716  null if there is no associated DOM node.
   718  <dt><dfn id=concept-css-style-sheet-owner-css-rule>owner CSS rule</dfn>
   719  <dd>Specified when created. The <a for=/>CSS rule</a>
   720  in the <a for=CSSStyleSheet>parent CSS style sheet</a>
   721  that caused the inclusion of the <a>CSS style sheet</a> or null if
   722  there is no associated rule.
   724  <dt><dfn id=concept-css-style-sheet-media>media</dfn>
   725  <dd>
   726   Specified when created. The {{MediaList}} object associated with the
   727   <a>CSS style sheet</a>.
   729   If this property is specified to a string, the <a>media</a> must be set to the return value of invoking
   730   <a>create a <code>MediaList</code> object</a> steps for that string.
   732   If this property is specified to an attribute of the <a for=CSSStyleSheet>owner node</a>, the
   733   <a>media</a> must be set to the return value of invoking <a>create a <code>MediaList</code> object</a> steps
   734   for the value of that attribute. Whenever the attribute is set, changed or removed, the <a>media</a>'s
   735   {{MediaList/mediaText}} attribute must be set to the new value of the attribute, or to null if the attribute is absent.
   737   Note: Changing the <a>media</a>'s {{MediaList/mediaText}} attribute does not
   738   change the corresponding attribute on the <a for=CSSStyleSheet>owner node</a>.
   741  <dt><dfn id=concept-css-style-sheet-title>title</dfn>
   742  <dd>
   743   Specified when created. The title of the <a>CSS style sheet</a>, which can be the empty string.
   745   <div class="example">
   746    In the following, the <a>title</a> is non-empty
   747    for the first style sheet, but is empty for the second and third style sheets.
   749    <pre>
   750    &lt;style lt="papaya whip">
   751      body { background: #ffefd5; }
   752    &lt;/style>
   753    </pre>
   755    <pre>
   756    &lt;style lt="">
   757      body { background: orange; }
   758    &lt;/style>
   759    </pre>
   761    <pre>
   762    &lt;style>
   763      body { background: brown; }
   764    &lt;/style>
   765    </pre>
   766   </div>
   768   If this property is specified to an attribute of the <a for=CSSStyleSheet>owner node</a>, the
   769   <a>title</a> must be set to the value of that attribute. Whenever the attribute is set, changed or removed, the
   770   <a>title</a> must be set to the new value of the attribute, or to the empty string if the attribute is absent.
   774  <dt><dfn id=concept-css-style-sheet-alternate-flag>alternate flag</dfn>
   775  <dd>
   776   Specified when created. Either set or unset. Unset by default.
   778   <div class="example">
   779    The following <a>CSS style sheets</a> have
   780    their <a>alternate flag</a> set:
   782    <pre>&lt;?xml-stylesheet alternate="yes" lt="x" href="data:text/css,&hellip;"?></pre>
   784    <pre>&lt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" lt="x" href="data:text/css,&hellip;"></pre>
   785   </div>
   788  <dt><dfn id=concept-css-style-sheet-disabled-flag>disabled flag</dfn>
   789  <dd>
   790   Either set or unset. Unset by default.
   792   Note: Even when unset it does not necessarily mean that the
   793   <a>CSS style sheet</a> is actually used for rendering.
   797  <dt><dfn id=concept-css-style-sheet-css-rules>CSS rules</dfn>
   798  <dd>The CSS rules associated with the
   799  <a>CSS style sheet</a>.
   801  <dt><dfn id=concept-css-style-sheet-origin-clean-flag>origin-clean flag</dfn>
   802  <dd>Specified when created. Either set or unset. If it is set, the API allows reading and modifying of the <a for=CSSStyleSheet>CSS rules</a>.
   803 </dl>
   806 ### The {{StyleSheet}} Interface ### {#the-stylesheet-interface}
   808 <!--
   809 //
   810 // All members defined since DOM-2 Style. Only difference
   811 // is addition of [PutForwards=mediaText], which is presently
   812 // not defined in CSSOM draft.
   813 //
   814 -->
   816 The {{StyleSheet}} interface represents an abstract, base style sheet.
   818 <pre class=idl>
   819 interface StyleSheet {
   820   readonly attribute DOMString type;
   821   readonly attribute DOMString? href;
   822   readonly attribute (Element or ProcessingInstruction)? ownerNode;
   823   readonly attribute StyleSheet? parentStyleSheet;
   824   readonly attribute DOMString? title;
   825   [SameObject, PutForwards=mediaText] readonly attribute MediaList media;
   826   attribute boolean disabled;
   827 };
   828 </pre>
   830 The <dfn attribute for=StyleSheet>type</dfn> attribute must return the <a for=CSSStyleSheet>type</a>.
   832 The <dfn attribute for=StyleSheet>href</dfn> attribute must return the <a>location</a>.
   834 The <dfn attribute for=StyleSheet>ownerNode</dfn> attribute must return the <a for=CSSStyleSheet>owner node</a>.
   836 The <dfn attribute for=StyleSheet>parentStyleSheet</dfn> attribute must return the
   837 <a for=CSSStyleSheet>parent CSS style sheet</a>.
   839 The <dfn attribute for=StyleSheet>title</dfn> attribute must return the <a>title</a> or null if
   840 <a>title</a> is the empty string.
   842 The <dfn attribute for=StyleSheet>media</dfn> attribute must return the <a>media</a>.
   844 The <dfn attribute for=StyleSheet>disabled</dfn> attribute, on getting, must return true if the
   845 <a>disabled flag</a>
   846 is set, or false otherwise. On setting, the {{StyleSheet/disabled}} attribute must set the
   847 <a>disabled flag</a> if the new value is true, or unset the
   848 <a>disabled flag</a> otherwise.
   851 ### The {{CSSStyleSheet}} Interface ### {#the-cssstylesheet-interface}
   853 <!--
   854 //
   855 // All members defined since DOM-2 Style. The only differences are:
   856 //
   857 //   1. removal of raises(DOMException) on {insert,delete}Rule operations.
   858 //
   859 -->
   861 The {{CSSStyleSheet}} interface represents a <a>CSS style sheet</a>.
   863 <pre class=idl>
   864 interface CSSStyleSheet : StyleSheet {
   865   readonly attribute CSSRule? ownerRule;
   866   [SameObject] readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules;
   867   unsigned long insertRule(DOMString rule, unsigned long index);
   868   void deleteRule(unsigned long index);
   869 };
   870 </pre>
   872 The <dfn attribute for=CSSStyleSheet>ownerRule</dfn> attribute must return the <a for=CSSStyleSheet>owner CSS rule</a>.
   873 If a value other than null is ever returned, then that same value must always be returned on each get access.
   875 The <dfn attribute for=CSSStyleSheet>cssRules</dfn> attribute must follow these steps:
   877 <ol>
   878  <li>If the <a>origin-clean flag</a> is unset,
   879  <a>throw</a> a {{SecurityError}} exception.
   880  <li>Return a read-only, live {{CSSRuleList}} object representing
   881  the <a for=CSSStyleSheet>CSS rules</a>.
   882  Note: Even though the returned {{CSSRuleList}} object is read-only (from the perspective of
   883  client-authored script), it can nevertheless change over time due to its liveness status. For example, invoking
   884  the {{CSSStyleSheet/insertRule()}} or {{CSSStyleSheet/deleteRule()}} methods can result in
   885  mutations reflected in the returned object.
   886 </ol>
   888 The <dfn method for=CSSStyleSheet>insertRule(<var>rule</var>, <var>index</var>)</dfn> method must run the following steps:
   890 <ol>
   891  <li>If the <a>origin-clean flag</a> is unset,
   892  <a>throw</a> a {{SecurityError}} exception.
   893  <li>Return the result of invoking <a>insert a CSS rule</a> <var>rule</var> in the <a for=CSSStyleSheet>CSS rules</a>
   894  at <var>index</var>.
   895 </ol>
   897 The <dfn method for=CSSStyleSheet>deleteRule(<var>index</var>)</dfn> method must run the following steps:
   899 <ol>
   900  <li>If the <a>origin-clean flag</a> is unset,
   901  <a>throw</a> a {{SecurityError}} exception.
   902  <li><a>Remove a CSS rule</a> in the <a for=CSSStyleSheet>CSS rules</a> at <var>index</var>.
   903 </ol>
   905 CSS Style Sheet Collections {#css-style-sheet-collections}
   906 ----------------------------------------------------------
   908 Below various new concepts are defined that are associated with each
   909 {{Document}} object.
   911 Each {{Document}} has an associated list of zero or more
   912 <a>CSS style sheets</a>, named the
   913 <dfn>document CSS style sheets</dfn>. This is
   914 an ordered list that contains all
   915 <a>CSS style sheets</a> associated with the
   916 {{Document}}, in
   917 <a>tree order</a>, with
   918 <a>CSS style sheets</a> created from HTTP
   919 <code>Link</code> headers first, if any, in header
   920 order.
   922 To <dfn>create a CSS style sheet</dfn>, run these
   923 steps:
   925 <ol>
   926  <li>Create a new <a>CSS style sheet</a> object and set its
   927  properties as specified.
   929  <li>
   930   Then run the <a>add a CSS style sheet</a> steps for the newly created <a>CSS style sheet</a>.
   932   <p class=warning>If the <a>origin-clean flag</a> is unset, this can expose information from the user's
   933   intranet.
   934 </ol>
   936 To <dfn>add a CSS style sheet</dfn>, run these
   937 steps:
   939 <ol>
   940  <li>Add the <a>CSS style sheet</a> to the list of
   941  <a>document CSS style sheets</a> at the appropriate location. The
   942  remainder of these steps deal with the
   943  <a>disabled flag</a>.
   945  <li>If the <a>disabled flag</a> is set, terminate
   946  these steps.
   948  <li>If the <a>title</a> is not the empty string, the
   949  <a>alternate flag</a> is unset, and
   950  <a>preferred CSS style sheet set name</a> is the empty string
   951  <a>change the preferred CSS style sheet set name</a> to the
   952  <a>title</a>.
   954  <li>
   955   If any of the following is true unset the
   956   <a>disabled flag</a> and terminate these steps:
   958   <ul>
   959    <li>The <a>title</a> is the empty string.
   960    <li>The <a>last CSS style sheet set name</a> is null and the
   961    <a>title</a> is a
   962    <a>case-sensitive</a> match
   963    for the <a>preferred CSS style sheet set name</a>.
   964    <li>The <a>title</a> is a
   965    <a>case-sensitive</a> match for the
   966    <a>last CSS style sheet set name</a>.
   967   </ul>
   970  <li>Set the <a>disabled flag</a>.
   971 </ol>
   973 To <dfn>remove a CSS style sheet</dfn>, run these steps:
   975 <ol>
   976  <li>Remove the <a>CSS style sheet</a> from the list of <a>document CSS style sheets</a>.
   978  <li>Set the <a>CSS style sheet</a>'s <a for=CSSStyleSheet>parent CSS style sheet</a>,
   979  <a for=CSSStyleSheet>owner node</a> and <a for=CSSStyleSheet>owner CSS rule</a> to null.
   981  <!-- "associated CSS style sheet" is defined in terms of owner node, so we don't need to set it to null explicitly -->
   983  <!-- XXX does anything need to happen wrt alternate style sheets? what if the last style sheet with the preferred style sheet set name is removed? -->
   984 </ol>
   986 A <dfn>persistent CSS style sheet</dfn> is a
   987 <a>CSS style sheet</a> from the <a>document CSS style sheets</a>
   988 whose <a>title</a> is the empty string and whose
   989 <a>alternate flag</a> is unset.
   991 A <dfn>CSS style sheet set</dfn> is an ordered
   992 collection of one or more <a>CSS style sheets</a>
   993 from the <a>document CSS style sheets</a> which have an identical
   994 <a>title</a> that is not the empty string.
   996 A <dfn>CSS style sheet set name</dfn> is the
   997 <a>title</a> the <a>CSS style sheet set</a> has in
   998 common.
  1000 An <dfn>enabled CSS style sheet set</dfn> is a
  1001 <a>CSS style sheet set</a> of which each <a>CSS style sheet</a> has
  1002 its <a>disabled flag</a> unset.
  1004 To <dfn>enable a CSS style sheet set</dfn>
  1005 with name <var>name</var>, run these steps:
  1007 <ol>
  1008  <li>If <var>name</var> is the empty string, set the
  1009  <a>disabled flag</a> for each <a>CSS style sheet</a>
  1010  that is in a <a>CSS style sheet set</a> and terminate these steps.
  1012  <li>Unset the <a>disabled flag</a> for each
  1013  <a>CSS style sheet</a> in a <a>CSS style sheet set</a> whose
  1014  <a>CSS style sheet set name</a> is a
  1015  <a>case-sensitive</a> match for
  1016  <var>name</var> and set it for all other
  1017  <a>CSS style sheets</a> in a
  1018  <a>CSS style sheet set</a>.
  1019 </ol>
  1021 To <dfn>select a CSS style sheet set</dfn>
  1022 with name <var>name</var>, run these steps:
  1024 <ol>
  1025  <li><a>enable a CSS style sheet set</a> with name
  1026  <var>name</var>.
  1028  <li>Set <a>last CSS style sheet set name</a> to
  1029  <var>name</var>.
  1030 </ol>
  1032 A <dfn>last CSS style sheet set name</dfn>
  1033 is a concept to determine what <a>CSS style sheet set</a> was last
  1034 <a lt="select a CSS style sheet set">selected</a>. Initially its
  1035 value is null.
  1038 <dfn>preferred CSS style sheet set name</dfn>
  1039 is a concept to determine which
  1040 <a>CSS style sheets</a> need to have their
  1041 <a>disabled flag</a> unset. Initially its value
  1042 is the empty string.
  1044 To
  1045 <dfn>change the preferred CSS style sheet set name</dfn>
  1046 with name <var>name</var>, run these steps:
  1048 <ol>
  1049  <li>Let <var>current</var> be the <a>preferred CSS style sheet set name</a>.
  1051  <li>Set <a>preferred CSS style sheet set name</a> to
  1052  <var>name</var>.
  1054  <li>If <var>name</var> is not a
  1055  <a>case-sensitive</a> match for
  1056  <var>current</var> and
  1057  <a>last CSS style sheet set name</a> is null
  1058  <a>enable a CSS style sheet set</a> with name
  1059  <var>name</var>.
  1060 </ol>
  1062 <!-- XXX ought to define "applied"
  1064 thoughts:
  1065   depends on disabled flag, alternate flag, media queries, sheesh
  1066  -->
  1069 ### The HTTP Default-Style Header ### {#the-http-default-style-header}
  1071 The HTTP <code lt="http-default-style">Default-Style</code> header
  1072 can be used to set the <a>preferred CSS style sheet set name</a>
  1073 influencing which <a>CSS style sheet set</a> is (initially) the
  1074 <a>enabled CSS style sheet set</a>.
  1076 For each HTTP <code lt="http-default-style">Default-Style</code>
  1077 header, in header order, the user agent must
  1078 <a>change the preferred CSS style sheet set name</a> with name being the
  1079 value of the header.
  1082 ### The {{StyleSheetList}} Interface ### {#the-stylesheetlist-interface}
  1084 The {{StyleSheetList}} interface represents an ordered collection of <a>CSS style sheets</a>.
  1086 <pre class=idl>
  1087 [ArrayClass]
  1088 interface StyleSheetList {
  1089   getter StyleSheet? item(unsigned long index);
  1090   readonly attribute unsigned long length;
  1091 };
  1092 </pre>
  1094 The object's <a>supported property indices</a> are the numbers in the range zero to one less than the number of
  1095 <a>CSS style sheets</a> represented by the collection. If there are no such <a>CSS style sheets</a>,
  1096 then there are no <a>supported property indices</a>.
  1098 The <dfn method for=StyleSheetList>item(<var>index</var>)</dfn> method must return the <var>index</var>th <a>CSS style
  1099 sheet</a> in the collection. If there is no <var>index</var>th object in the collection, then the method must return null.
  1101 The <dfn attribute for=StyleSheetList>length</dfn> attribute must return the number of <a>CSS style sheets</a>
  1102 represented by the collection.
  1104 ### Extensions to the {{Document}} Interface ### {#extensions-to-the-document-interface}
  1106 <!--
  1107 //
  1108 // Significant changes since DOM-2 Style:
  1109 //
  1110 //   1. move styleSheets from separate interface (DocumentStyle) to Document
  1111 //   2. addition of selectedStyleSheetSet, lastStyleSheetSet, preferredStyleSheetSet, styleSheetSets, and enableStyleSheetsForSet members
  1112 //
  1113 // N.B. HTML4 Section 14.3 "External Style Sheets" introduces the concept of a "group [of] alternate style sheets ... under a single style [sheet set] name",
  1114 // but does not actually use the term "style sheet set". See http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/present/styles.html#h-14.3 for details.
  1115 //
  1116 // N.B. According to HTML4 Section 14.3, a "persistent style sheet ... must apply in addition to any alternate style sheet".
  1117 //
  1118 // N.B. HTML4 Section 14.3 distinguishes the three categories of style sheets as follows:
  1119 //
  1120 //   * persistent - @rel='stylesheet', @title is missing (or empty string?)
  1121 //   * preferred  - @rel='stylesheet', @title is present (and non-empty?)
  1122 //   * alternate  - @rel='alternate stylesheet', @title is present (and non-empty?)
  1123 //
  1124 // Also, HTML5 effectively defines:
  1125 //
  1126 //   * ignored    - @rel='alternate stylesheet', @title is missing (or is empty string?) - in this case, LinkStyle.style must evaluate to null
  1127 //
  1128 // N.B. HTML4 Section 4.3 allows author to specify the default preferred style sheet [set]... [presumably in the case that there are multiple preferred style
  1129 // sheet sets]:
  1130 //
  1131 //   * in content - <META http-equiv="Default-Style" content="compact">
  1132 //   * in http - e.g., using response header - "Default-Style: compact"
  1133 //   * if multiple of the above forms are present, then the LAST one [seen or parsed] takes precedence; HOWEVER, if two or more LINK elements specify preferred
  1134 //     style [sheet sets], the FIRST one present in the document takes precedence;
  1135 //   * preferred style sheets specified using the above (META or HTTP header equivalent) take precedence over those specified with LINK
  1136 //
  1137 // N.B. CSSOM Draft presently employs the term "Style Sheet Collection"
  1138 //
  1139 // Spec Issues:
  1140 //
  1141 //   1. need to specify which style sheets are included in styleSheets, and in which order:
  1142 //
  1143 //      * from Link HTTP header reference
  1144 //      * from <?xml-stylesheet ...?>
  1145 //      * from LINK element, @rel='stylesheet'|'alternate stylesheet'
  1146 //      * from STYLE element
  1147 //
  1148 //   2. for purpose of comparing two titled (named) style sheets, is title (name) compared on case-sensitive or case-insensitive basis
  1149 //
  1150 //   3. CSSOM 6.2 appears to imply that one can create a CSSStyleSheet (or StyleSheet) object and add it to a Document. However, that is not the case; rather
  1151 //      it is necessary to create an HTMLLinkElement or HTMLStyleElement element to indirectly create an empty StyleSheet, then this element can be added to the
  1152 //      Document.
  1153 //
  1154 -->
  1156 <pre class=idl>
  1157 partial interface Document {
  1158   [SameObject] readonly attribute StyleSheetList styleSheets;
  1159   attribute DOMString? selectedStyleSheetSet;
  1160   readonly attribute DOMString? lastStyleSheetSet;
  1161   readonly attribute DOMString? preferredStyleSheetSet;
  1162   readonly attribute FrozenArray&lt;DOMString> styleSheetSets;
  1163   void enableStyleSheetsForSet(DOMString? name);
  1164 };
  1165 </pre>
  1167 The <dfn attribute for=Document>styleSheets</dfn> attribute must return a {{StyleSheetList}} collection representing
  1168 the <a>document CSS style sheets</a>.
  1169 Note: Because of historical IDL limitations the {{Document/styleSheets}} attribute
  1170 used to be on a separate interface, <code>DocumentStyle</code>.
  1172 The <dfn attribute for=Document>selectedStyleSheetSet</dfn> attribute, on getting, must run these steps:
  1173 <ol>
  1174  <li>If there is a single <a>enabled CSS style sheet set</a> and no
  1175  other <a>document CSS style sheets</a> with a
  1176  <a>title</a> that is not the empty string have the
  1177  <a>disabled flag</a> unset, return the
  1178  <a>CSS style sheet set name</a> of the
  1179  <a>enabled CSS style sheet set</a> and terminate these steps.
  1181  <li>Otherwise, if <a>CSS style sheets</a> from
  1182  different <a lt="CSS style sheet set">CSS style sheet sets</a> have
  1183  their <a>disabled flag</a> unset, return
  1184  null and terminate these steps.
  1186  <li>
  1187   Otherwise, return the empty string.
  1189   Note: At this point either all
  1190   <a>CSS style sheets</a> with a
  1191   <a>title</a> that is not the empty string have the
  1192   <a>disabled flag</a> set, or there are no such
  1193   <a>CSS style sheets</a>.
  1195 </ol>
  1197 On setting the
  1198 {{Document/selectedStyleSheetSet}}
  1199 attribute these steps must be run:
  1201 <ol>
  1202  <li>If the value is null terminate this set of steps.
  1203  <li>Otherwise, <a>select a CSS style sheet set</a> with the name being the
  1204  value passed.
  1205 </ol>
  1207 From the DOM's perspective, all views have the same
  1208 {{Document/selectedStyleSheetSet}}.
  1209 If a user agent supports multiple views with different selected
  1210 alternative style sheets, then this attribute (and the
  1211 {{StyleSheet}} interface's
  1212 {{StyleSheet/disabled}} attribute)
  1213 must return and set the value for the default
  1214 view.
  1216 The <dfn attribute for=Document>lastStyleSheetSet</dfn> attribute must return the <a>last CSS style sheet set name</a>.
  1217 Note: This attribute is initially null.
  1219 The <dfn attribute for=Document>preferredStyleSheetSet</dfn> attribute must return the <a>preferred CSS style sheet set
  1220 name</a>.
  1221 Note: Unlike {{Document/lastStyleSheetSet}},
  1222 this attribute is initially the empty string.
  1224 The <dfn attribute for=Document>styleSheetSets</dfn> attribute must return a frozen array of the
  1225 <a lt="CSS style sheet set name">CSS style sheet set names</a> of the <a lt="CSS style sheet set">CSS style sheet sets</a>, in order of the
  1226 <a>document CSS style sheets</a>. The array is live; if the <a>document CSS style sheets</a> change, the array must be updated as appropriate.
  1228 The <dfn method for=Document>enableStyleSheetsForSet(<var>name</var>)</dfn> method must, when invoked, run these
  1229 steps:
  1230 <ol>
  1231  <li>If <var>name</var> is null terminate these steps.
  1232  <li><a>enable a CSS style sheet set</a> with name <var>name</var>.
  1233 </ol>
  1234 Note: <a>CSS style sheets</a> with a
  1235 <a>title</a> that is the empty string are never affected by this method.
  1236 This method does not change the values of the
  1237 {{Document/lastStyleSheetSet}} or
  1238 {{Document/preferredStyleSheetSet}} attributes.
  1241 ### Interaction with the User Interface ### {#interaction-with-the-user-interface}
  1243 The user interface of Web browsers that support style sheets
  1244 should list the style sheet titles given in the
  1245 <code lt="dom-Document-styleSheetSets">styleSheetSets</code> list,
  1246 showing the
  1247 <code lt="dom-Document-selectedStyleSheetSet">selectedStyleSheetSet</code>
  1248 as the selected style sheet set, leaving none selected if it is
  1249 null or the empty string, and selecting an extra option
  1250 "Basic Page Style" (or similar) if it is the empty string and the
  1251 <code lt="dom-Document-preferredStyleSheetSet">preferredStyleSheetSet</code>
  1252 is the empty string as well.
  1254 Selecting a style sheet from this list should
  1255 use the <a>select a CSS style sheet set</a> set of steps. This
  1256 (by definition) affects the
  1257 <code lt="dom-Document-lastStyleSheetSet">lastStyleSheetSet</code>
  1258 attribute.
  1260 #### Persisting the selected CSS style sheet set #### {#persisting-the-selected-css-style-sheet-set}
  1262 If a user agent persist the <a lt="select a CSS style sheet set">selected</a> <a>CSS style sheet set</a>, it should use
  1263 the value of the
  1264 <code lt="dom-Document-selectedStyleSheetSet">selectedStyleSheetSet</code>
  1265 attribute, or if that is null, the
  1266 <code lt="dom-Document-lastStyleSheetSet">lastStyleSheetSet</code>
  1267 attribute, when leaving the page (or at some other time) to determine the
  1268 set name to store. If that is null then the <a>CSS style sheet set</a> should not be
  1269 persisted.
  1271 When re-setting the <a>CSS style sheet set</a> to the persisted value (which can
  1272 happen at any time, typically at the first time the <a>CSS style sheets</a> are
  1273 needed for styling the document, after the <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> of
  1274 the document has been parsed, after any scripts that are not dependent on
  1275 computed style have executed), the <a>CSS style sheet set</a>
  1276 should be set by using the
  1277 <a>select a CSS style sheet set</a> set of steps as if the user had
  1278 selected the <a>CSS style sheet set</a> manually.
  1280 Note: This specification does not give any suggestions on
  1281 how user agents are to decide to persist the <a>CSS style sheet set</a> or whether or
  1282 how to persist the <a lt="select a CSS style sheet set">selected</a> <a>CSS style sheet set</a> across pages.
  1284 <!-- XXX this UI section suggests we may want to introduce a few more
  1285      idioms -->
  1288 ### Examples ### {#css-style-sheet-collections-examples}
  1290 <div class="example">
  1291  Thus, in the following HTML snippet:
  1293  <pre>
  1294  &lt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" lt="foo" href="a"&gt;
  1295  &lt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" lt="bar" href="b"&gt;
  1296  &lt;script&gt;
  1297    document.selectedStyleSheetSet = 'foo';
  1298    document.styleSheets[1].disabled = false;
  1299  &lt;/script&gt;
  1300  &lt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" lt="foo" href="c"&gt;
  1301  &lt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" lt="bar" href="d"&gt;
  1302  </pre>
  1304  ...the style sheets that end up enabled are style sheets "a", "b",
  1305  and "c", the
  1306  <code lt="dom-Document-selectedStyleSheetSet">selectedStyleSheetSet</code>
  1307  attribute would return null,
  1308  <code lt="dom-Document-lastStyleSheetSet">lastStyleSheetSet</code>
  1309  would return "foo", and
  1310  <code lt="dom-Document-preferredStyleSheetSet">preferredStyleSheetSet</code>
  1311  would return the empty string.
  1313  Similarly, in the following HTML snippet:
  1315  <pre>
  1316  &lt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" lt="foo" href="a"&gt;
  1317  &lt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" lt="bar" href="b"&gt;
  1318  &lt;script&gt;
  1319    var before = document.preferredStyleSheetSet;
  1320    document.styleSheets[1].disabled = false;
  1321  &lt;/script&gt;
  1322  &lt;link rel="stylesheet" lt="foo" href="c"&gt;
  1323  &lt;link rel="alternate stylesheet" lt="bar" href="d"&gt;
  1324  &lt;script&gt;
  1325    var after = document.preferredStyleSheetSet;
  1326  &lt;/script&gt;
  1327  </pre>
  1329  ...the "before" variable will be equal to the empty string, the
  1330  "after" variable will be equal to "foo", and style sheets "a" and "c"
  1331  will be enabled. This is the case even though the first script block
  1332  sets style sheet "b" to be enabled, because upon parsing the
  1333  following <code>&lt;link&gt;</code> element, the
  1334  <code lt="dom-Document-preferredStyleSheetSet">preferredStyleSheetSet</code>
  1335  is set and the
  1336  <code lt="dom-Document-enableStyleSheetsForSet()">enableStyleSheetsForSet()</code>
  1337  method is called (since
  1338  <code lt="dom-Document-selectedStyleSheetSet">selectedStyleSheetSet</code>
  1339  was never set
  1340  explicitly, leaving
  1341  <code lt="dom-Document-lastStyleSheetSet">lastStyleSheetSet</code> at
  1342  null throughout), which changes which style sheets are enabled and which
  1343  are not.
  1344 </div>
  1347 Style Sheet Association {#style-sheet-association}
  1348 --------------------------------------------------
  1350 This section defines the interface an
  1351 <a for=CSSStyleSheet>owner node</a> of a <a>CSS style sheet</a> has to
  1352 implement and defines the requirements for
  1353 <a>xml-stylesheet processing instructions</a>
  1354 and HTTP <code>Link</code> headers when the link
  1355 relation type is an
  1356 <a>ASCII case-insensitive</a> match for
  1357 "<code>stylesheet</code>" since nobody else was interested in
  1358 defining this.
  1360 Note: The editor is in good hope that HTML and SVG will define the
  1361 appropriate processing in their respective specifications, in terms of
  1362 this specification, in due course.
  1365 ### Fetching CSS style sheets ### {#fetching-css-style-sheets}
  1367 To <dfn>fetch a CSS style sheet</dfn> with parsed URL <var>parsed URL</var>, referrer <var>referrer</var>, document
  1368 <var>document</var>, optionally a set of parameters <var>parameters</var> (used as input to creating a
  1369 <a>request</a>), follow these steps:
  1371 <ol>
  1372  <li>Let <var>origin</var> be <var>document</var>'s <a>origin</a>.
  1374  <li>Let <var>request</var> be a new <a>request</a>, with the
  1375  <a for=request>url</a> <var>parsed URL</var>,
  1376  <a for=request>origin</a> <var>origin</var>,
  1377  <a for=request>referrer</a> <var>referrer</var>, and if specified the set of parameters <var>parameters</var>.
  1379  <li>Let <var>response</var> be the result of <a>fetching</a> <var>request</var>.
  1381  <li>Wait until <var>response</var> is available.
  1383  <li>If <var>response</var> is a <a>network error</a>, return an error.
  1385  <li>If <var>document</var> is in <a>quirks mode</a>, <var>response</var> is
  1386  <a>CORS-same-origin</a><!--XXX xref--> and the <a>Content-Type metadata</a> of <var>response</var> is not a
  1387  <a>supported styling language</a> change the <a>Content-Type metadata</a> of <var>response</var> to
  1388  <code>text/css</code>.
  1390  <li>If <var>response</var> is not in a <a>supported styling language</a> return an error.
  1392  <li>Return <var>response</var>.
  1393 </ol>
  1395 ### The {{LinkStyle}} Interface ### {#the-linkstyle-interface}
  1397 The <dfn>associated CSS style sheet</dfn> of a node is the <a>CSS style sheet</a> in the list of
  1398 <a>document CSS style sheets</a> of which the <a for=CSSStyleSheet>owner node</a> implements the {{LinkStyle}}
  1399 interface.
  1401 <pre class=idl>
  1402 [NoInterfaceObject]
  1403 interface LinkStyle {
  1404   readonly attribute StyleSheet? sheet;
  1405 };
  1406 </pre>
  1408 The <dfn attribute for=LinkStyle>sheet</dfn> attribute must return the <a>associated CSS style sheet</a> for the node or null
  1409 if there is no <a>associated CSS style sheet</a>.
  1411 <div class="example">
  1412  In the following fragment, the first <{style}>
  1413  element has a {{LinkStyle/sheet}} attribute that returns a
  1414  {{StyleSheet}} object representing the style sheet, but for
  1415  the second <{style}> element, the {{LinkStyle/sheet}} attribute returns null,
  1416  assuming the user agent supports CSS (<code>text/css</code>), but does
  1417  not support the (hypothetical) ExampleSheets (<code>text/example-sheets</code>).
  1419  <pre>
  1420  &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;
  1421    body { background:lime }
  1422  &lt;/style&gt;
  1423  </pre>
  1424  <pre>
  1425  &lt;style type="text/example-sheets"&gt;
  1426    $(body).background := lime
  1427  &lt;/style&gt;
  1428  </pre>
  1429 </div>
  1431 Note: Whether or not the node refers to a style sheet is defined
  1432 by the specification that defines the semantics of said node.
  1435 ### Requirements on specifications ### {#requirements-on-specifications}
  1437 Specifications introducing new ways of associating style sheets through
  1438 the DOM should define which nodes implement the
  1439 {{LinkStyle}} interface. When doing so, they
  1440 must also define when a <a>CSS style sheet</a> is
  1441 <a lt="create a CSS style sheet">created</a>.
  1444 ### Requirements on User Agents Implementing the xml-stylesheet processing instruction ### {#requirements-on-user-agents-implementing-the-xml-stylesheet-processing-instruction}
  1445 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1447 <!-- XXX load/error events -->
  1449 <pre class="idl">ProcessingInstruction implements LinkStyle;</pre>
  1451 The <dfn>prolog</dfn> refers to <a>nodes</a> that are children of the
  1452 <a>document</a> and are not <a>following</a> the
  1453 {{Element}} child of the <a>document</a>, if any.
  1455 When a <code>ProcessingInstruction</code> <a>node</a> <var>node</var> becomes part of the
  1456 <a>prolog</a>, is no longer part of the <a>prolog</a>, or has its <a>data</a> changed, these steps
  1457 must be run:
  1459 <ol>
  1460  <li>If an instance of this algorithm is currently running for <var>node</var>, abort that instance, and stop the associated
  1461  <a>fetching</a> if applicable.
  1463  <li>If <var>node</var> has an <a>associated CSS style sheet</a>, <a lt="remove a CSS style sheet">remove</a> it.
  1465  <li>If <var>node</var> is not an <a>xml-stylesheet processing instruction</a>, terminate these steps.
  1467  <li>If <var>node</var> does not have an <code>href</code> <a>pseudo-attribute</a>, terminate these steps.
  1469  <li>Let <var>title</var> be the value of the
  1470  <code>title</code> <a>pseudo-attribute</a> or the empty string if the
  1471  <code>title</code> <a>pseudo-attribute</a> is not specified.
  1473  <li>If there is an <code>alternate</code> <a>pseudo-attribute</a>
  1474  whose value is a <a>case-sensitive</a> match
  1475  for "<code>yes</code>" and <var>title</var> is the
  1476  empty string terminate these steps.
  1478  <li>If there is a <code>type</code> <a>pseudo-attribute</a> whose
  1479  value is not a <a>supported styling language</a> the user agent
  1480  may terminate these steps.
  1482  <li>Let <var>input URL</var> be the value specified by the
  1483  <code>href</code> <a>pseudo-attribute</a>.
  1485  <li>Let <var>document</var> be <var>node</var>'s <a>node document</a>
  1487  <li>Let <var>base URL</var> be <var>document</var>'s <a>document base URL</a>.
  1489  <li>Let <var>referrer</var> be <var>document</var>'s <a lt="document URL">address</a>.
  1491  <li>Let <var>parsed URL</var> be the return value of invoking the <a>URL parser</a> with the
  1492  string <var>input URL</var> and the base URL <var>base URL</var>.
  1494  <li>If <var>parsed URL</var> is failure, terminate these steps.
  1496  <li>Let <var>response</var> be the result of <a lt="fetch a CSS style sheet">fetching a CSS style sheet</a> with parsed URL <var>parsed URL</var>,
  1497  referrer <var>referrer</var> and document <var>document</var>.
  1499  <li>If <var>response</var> is an error, terminate these steps.
  1501  <li>
  1502   <a>Create a CSS style sheet</a> with the following properties:
  1504   <dl>
  1505    <dt><a>location</a>
  1506    <dd>The result of invoking the <a>URL serializer</a> with <var>parsed URL</var>.
  1508    <dt><a for=CSSStyleSheet>parent CSS style sheet</a>
  1509    <dd>null.
  1511    <dt><a for=CSSStyleSheet>owner node</a>
  1512    <dd><var>node</var>.
  1514    <dt><a for=CSSStyleSheet>owner CSS rule</a>
  1515    <dd>null.
  1517    <dt><a>media</a>
  1518    <dd>The value of the <code>media</code> <a>pseudo-attribute</a>
  1519    if any, or the empty string otherwise.
  1521    <dt><a>title</a>
  1522    <dd><var>title</var>.
  1524    <dt><a>alternate flag</a>
  1525    <dd>Set if the <code>alternate</code> <a>pseudo-attribute</a>
  1526    value is a <a>case-sensitive</a> match for
  1527    "<code>yes</code>", or unset otherwise.
  1529    <dt><a>origin-clean flag</a>
  1530    <dd>Set if <var>response</var> is <a>CORS-same-origin</a><!--XXX xref-->, or unset otherwise.
  1531   </dl>
  1533   The CSS <a>environment encoding</a> is the result of running the following steps:
  1535   <ol>
  1536    <li>If the element has a <code>charset</code>
  1537    <a>pseudo-attribute</a>,
  1538    <a>get an encoding</a> from that pseudo-attribute's value.
  1539    If that succeeds, return the resulting encoding and abort these steps.
  1541    <li>Otherwise, return the <a lt="encoding" for="Document">document's character encoding</a>.
  1542    [[!DOM]]
  1543   </ol>
  1545 </ol>
  1547 A style sheet referenced by an <a>xml-stylesheet processing instruction</a> using the rules in this section, in the context of
  1548 the {{Document}} of an <a>XML parser</a> is said to be
  1549 <a>a style sheet that is blocking scripts</a> if the <code>ProcessingInstruction</code>
  1550 <a>node</a> was created by that {{Document}}'s parser, and the style sheet was
  1551 enabled when the node was created by the parser, and the <a>style sheet ready</a> flag is not yet set, and, the last time the
  1552 <a>event loop</a> reached step 1, the node was in that Document, and the user agent hasn't given up on that particular style sheet
  1553 yet. A user agent may give up on such a style sheet at any time.
  1555 ### Requirements on User Agents Implementing the HTTP Link Header ### {#requirements-on-user-agents-implementing-the-http-link-header}
  1557 <!-- XXX ref, one day -->
  1559 <!-- XXX deal with media param -->
  1561 <p class=atrisk>For each HTTP <code>Link</code> header of which one
  1562 of the link relation types is an
  1563 <a>ASCII case-insensitive</a> match
  1564 for "<code>stylesheet</code>" these steps
  1565 must be run:
  1567 <ol>
  1568  <li>Let <var>title</var> be the value of the first of all the
  1569  <code>title</code> parameters.
  1570  If there are no such parameters it is the empty string.
  1572  <li>If one of the (other) link relation types is an
  1573  <a>ASCII case-insensitive</a> match for
  1574  "<code>alternate</code>" and <var>title</var> is the
  1575  empty string terminate these steps.
  1577  <li>Let <var>input URL</var> be the value specified.
  1579  Issue: Be more specific
  1581  <li>Let <var>base URL</var> be the document's <a>document base URL</a>.
  1583  Issue: Is there a document at this point?
  1585  <li>Let <var>referrer</var> be the document's <a lt="document URL">address</a>.
  1587  <li>Let <var>origin</var> be the document's <a>origin</a>.
  1589  <li>Let <var>parsed URL</var> be the return value of invoking the <a>URL parser</a> with the
  1590  string <var>input URL</var> and the base URL <var>base URL</var>.
  1592  <li>If <var>parsed URL</var> is failure, terminate these steps.
  1594  <li>Let <var>response</var> be the result of <a lt="fetch a CSS style sheet">fetching a CSS style sheet</a> with parsed URL <var>parsed URL</var>,
  1595  referrer <var>referrer</var> and document being the document.
  1597  Issue: What if the HTML parser hasn't decided on quirks/non-quirks yet?
  1599  <li>
  1600   <a>Create a CSS style sheet</a> with the following properties:
  1602   <dl>
  1603    <dt><a>location</a>
  1604    <dd>The result of invoking the <a>URL serializer</a> with <var>parsed URL</var>.
  1606    <dt><a for=CSSStyleSheet>owner node</a>
  1607    <dd>null.
  1609    <dt><a for=CSSStyleSheet>parent CSS style sheet</a>
  1610    <dd>null.
  1612    <dt><a for=CSSStyleSheet>owner CSS rule</a>
  1613    <dd>null.
  1615    <dt><a>media</a>
  1616    <dd>The value of the first <code>media</code> parameter.
  1617    <!-- XXX register media parameter? bah -->
  1619    <dt><a>title</a>
  1620    <dd><var>title</var>.
  1622    <dt><a>alternate flag</a>
  1623    <dd>Set if one of the specified link relation type for this HTTP
  1624    <code>Link</code> header is an
  1625    <a>ASCII case-insensitive</a> match for
  1626    "<code>alternate</code>", or false otherwise.
  1628    <dt><a>origin-clean flag</a>
  1629    <dd>Set if <var>response</var> is <a>CORS-same-origin</a><!--XXX xref-->, or unset otherwise.
  1630   </dl>
  1632 </ol>
  1634 A style sheet referenced by a HTTP <code>Link</code> header using the rules in this section is said to be <a>a style sheet
  1635 that is blocking scripts</a> if the style sheet was enabled when created, and the <a>style sheet ready</a> flag is not yet set,
  1636 and the user agent hasn't given up on that particular style sheet yet. A user agent may give up on such a style sheet at any time.
  1638 CSS Rules {#css-rules}
  1639 ----------------------
  1641 A <dfn>CSS rule</dfn> is an abstract concept that
  1642 denotes a rule as defined by the CSS specification. A
  1643 <a for=/>CSS rule</a> is represented as an object that implements a subclass of
  1644 the {{CSSRule}} interface, and which has the following
  1645 associated state items:
  1647 <dl dfn-for="CSSRule">
  1648 <dt><dfn id=concept-css-rule-type>type</dfn>
  1649 <dd>A non-negative integer associated with a particular type of rule.
  1650 This item is initialized when a rule is created and cannot change.
  1652 <dt><dfn id=concept-css-rule-text>text</dfn>
  1653 <dd>A text representation of the rule suitable for direct use in a style sheet.
  1654 This item is initialized when a rule is created and can be changed.
  1656 <dt><dfn id=concept-css-rule-parent-css-rule>parent CSS rule</dfn>
  1657 <dd>A reference to an enclosing <a for=/>CSS rule</a> or null.
  1658 If the rule has an enclosing rule when it is created, then this item is initialized to the enclosing rule; otherwise it is null. It can be changed to
  1659 null.
  1661 <dt><dfn id=concept-css-rule-parent-css-style-sheet>parent CSS style sheet</dfn>
  1662 <dd>A reference to a parent <a>CSS style sheet</a> or null.
  1663 This item is initialized to reference an associated style sheet when the rule is created. It can be changed to null.
  1665 <dt><dfn id=concept-css-rule-child-css-rules>child CSS rules</dfn>
  1666 <dd>A list of child <a for=/>CSS rules</a>. The list can be mutated.
  1667 </dl>
  1669 In addition to the above state, each <a for=/>CSS rule</a> may be associated
  1670 with other state in accordance with its <a for=CSSRule>type</a>.
  1672 To <dfn>parse a CSS rule</dfn> from a string <var>string</var>, run the following steps:
  1674 <ol>
  1675  <li>Let <var>rule</var> be the return value of invoking <a>parse a rule</a> with <var>string</var>.
  1676  <li>If <var>rule</var> is a syntax error, return <var>rule</var>.
  1677  <li>Let <var>parsed rule</var> be the result of parsing <var>rule</var> according to the appropriate CSS specifications, dropping parts that are said to be
  1678  ignored. If the whole style rule is dropped, return a syntax error.
  1679  <li>Return <var>parsed rule</var>.
  1680 </ol>
  1682 To <dfn>serialize a CSS rule</dfn>, perform one of the following in accordance with the <a for=/>CSS rule</a>'s
  1683 <a for=CSSRule>type</a>:
  1685 <dl class="switch">
  1686  <dt>{{CSSStyleRule}}
  1687  <dd>
  1688   The result of concatenating the following:
  1689   <ol>
  1690    <li>The result of performing <a>serialize a group of selectors</a> on the rule's associated selectors.
  1691    <li>The string "<code> { </code>", i.e., a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by LEFT CURLY BRACKET (U+007B),
  1692    followed by a single SPACE (U+0020).
  1693    <li>The result of performing <a>serialize a CSS declaration block</a> on the rule's associated declarations.
  1694    <li>If the rule is associated with one or more declarations, the string "<code> </code>", i.e., a single SPACE (U+0020).
  1695    <li>The string "<code>}</code>", RIGHT CURLY BRACKET (U+007D).
  1696   </ol>
  1699  <dt>{{CSSImportRule}}
  1700  <dd>
  1701   The result of concatenating the following:
  1702   <ol>
  1703    <li>The string "<code>@import</code>" followed by a single SPACE (U+0020).
  1704    <li>The result of performing <a>serialize a URL</a> on the rule's location.
  1705    <li>If the rule's associated media list is not empty, a single SPACE (U+0020) followed by the
  1706    result of performing <a>serialize a media query list</a> on the media list.
  1707    <li>The string "<code>;</code>", i.e., SEMICOLON (U+003B).
  1708   </ol>
  1709   <div class="example">
  1710   <pre>@import url("import.css");</pre>
  1711   <pre>@import url("print.css") print;</pre>
  1712   </div>
  1715  <dt>{{CSSMediaRule}}
  1716  <dd>Issue: ...
  1718  <dt>{{CSSFontFaceRule}}
  1719  <dd>Issue: ...
  1721  <dt>{{CSSPageRule}}
  1722  <dd>Issue: ...
  1724  <dt>{{CSSNamespaceRule}}
  1725  <dd>The literal string "<code>@namespace</code>", followed by a single SPACE
  1726  (U+0020), followed by the
  1727  <a lt="serialize an identifier">identifier escaped</a> value of the
  1728  <code lt="dom-CSSNamespaceRule-prefix">prefix</code> attribute (if
  1729  any), followed by a single SPACE (U+0020) if there is a prefix, followed by the
  1730  <a lt="serialize a URL">URL escaped</a> value of the
  1731  <code lt="dom-CSSNamespaceRule-namespaceURI">namespaceURI</code>
  1732  attribute, followed the character "<code>;</code>" (U+003B).
  1733 </dl>
  1735 To <dfn>insert a CSS rule</dfn> <var>rule</var> in a CSS rule list <var>list</var> at index <var>index</var>, follow these steps:
  1736 <ol>
  1737  <li>Set <var>new rule</var> to the results of performing <a>parse a CSS rule</a>
  1738  on argument <var>rule</var>.
  1739  <li>If <var>new rule</var> is a syntax error, <a>throw</a>
  1740  a {{SyntaxError}} exception.
  1741  <li>Set <var>length</var> to the number of items in <var>list</var>.
  1742  <li>If <var>index</var> is greater than <var>length</var>, then <a>throw</a>
  1743  an {{IndexSizeError}} exception.
  1744  <li>If <var>new rule</var> cannot be inserted into <var>list</var> at the zero-index position <var>index</var> due to constraints
  1745  specified by CSS, then <a>throw</a>
  1746  a {{HierarchyRequestError}} exception. [[!CSS21]]
  1747  Note: For example, a CSS style sheet cannot contain an <code>@import</code> at-rule after a style rule.
  1748  <li>If <var>new rule</var> is an <code>@namespace</code> at-rule, and <var>list</var> contains anything other than
  1749  <code>@import</code> at-rules, and <code>@namespace</code> at-rules,
  1750  <a>throw</a> an {{InvalidStateError}} exception.
  1751  <li>Insert <var>new rule</var> into <var>list</var> at the zero-indexed position <var>index</var>.
  1752  <li>Return <var>index</var>.
  1753 </ol>
  1755 To <dfn>remove a CSS rule</dfn> from a CSS rule list <var>list</var> at index <var>index</var>, follow these steps:
  1756 <ol>
  1757  <li>Set <var>length</var> to the number of items in <var>list</var>.
  1758  <li>If <var>index</var> is greater than or equal to <var>length</var>, then <a>throw</a>
  1759  an {{IndexSizeError}} exception.
  1760  <li>Set <var>old rule</var> to the <var>index</var>th item in <var>list</var>.
  1761  <li>If <var>old rule</var> is an <code>@namespace</code> at-rule, and <var>list</var> contains anything other than
  1762  <code>@import</code> at-rules, and <code>@namespace</code> at-rules,
  1763  <a>throw</a> an {{InvalidStateError}} exception.
  1764  <li>Remove rule <var>old rule</var> from <var>list</var> at the zero-indexed position <var>index</var>.
  1765  <li>Set <var>old rule</var>'s <a for=CSSRule>parent CSS rule</a> and
  1766  <a for=CSSRule>parent CSS style sheet</a> to null.
  1767 </ol>
  1770 ### The {{CSSRuleList}} Interface ### {#the-cssrulelist-interface}
  1772 The {{CSSRuleList}} interface represents an ordered collection of CSS style rules.
  1774 <pre class=idl>
  1775 [ArrayClass]
  1776 interface CSSRuleList {
  1777   getter CSSRule? item(unsigned long index);
  1778   readonly attribute unsigned long length;
  1779 };
  1780 </pre>
  1782 The object's <a>supported property indices</a> are the numbers in the range zero to one less than the number of
  1783 {{CSSRule}} objects represented by the collection. If there are no such {{CSSRule}} objects, then there are no
  1784 <a>supported property indices</a>.
  1786 The <dfn method for=CSSRuleList>item(<var>index</var>)</dfn> method must return the <var>index</var>th {{CSSRule}}
  1787 object in the collection. If there is no <var>index</var>th object in the collection, then the method must return null.
  1789 The <dfn attribute for=CSSRuleList>length</dfn> attribute must return the number of {{CSSRule}} objects represented by the
  1790 collection.
  1792 ### The {{CSSRule}} Interface ### {#the-cssrule-interface}
  1794 <!--
  1795 //
  1796 // All members defined since DOM-2 Style. The only differences are:
  1797 //
  1798 //   1. removal of UNKNOWN_RULE = 0 constant
  1799 //   2. addition of NAMESPACE_RULE = 10 constant
  1800 //   3. removal of commented raises(DOMException) on setting cssText
  1801 //
  1802 -->
  1804 The {{CSSRule}} interface represents an abstract, base CSS style rule. Each
  1805 distinct CSS style rule type is represented by a distinct interface that
  1806 inherits from this interface.
  1808 <pre class=idl>
  1809 interface CSSRule {
  1810   const unsigned short STYLE_RULE = 1;
  1811   const unsigned short CHARSET_RULE = 2; // historical
  1812   const unsigned short IMPORT_RULE = 3;
  1813   const unsigned short MEDIA_RULE = 4;
  1814   const unsigned short FONT_FACE_RULE = 5;
  1815   const unsigned short PAGE_RULE = 6;
  1816   const unsigned short MARGIN_RULE = 9;
  1817   const unsigned short NAMESPACE_RULE = 10;
  1818   readonly attribute unsigned short type;
  1819   attribute DOMString cssText;
  1820   readonly attribute CSSRule? parentRule;
  1821   readonly attribute CSSStyleSheet? parentStyleSheet;
  1822 };
  1823 </pre>
  1825 The <dfn attribute for=CSSRule>type</dfn> attribute must return the CSS rule type, as follows:
  1827 <dl class=switch>
  1828  <dt>If the object is a {{CSSStyleRule}}
  1829  <dd>Return <dfn const for=CSSRule>STYLE_RULE</dfn> (numeric value 1).
  1830  <dt>If the object is a {{CSSImportRule}}
  1831  <dd>Return <dfn const for=CSSRule>IMPORT_RULE</dfn> (numberic value 3).
  1832  <dt>If the object is a {{CSSMediaRule}}
  1833  <dd>Return <dfn const for=CSSRule>MEDIA_RULE</dfn> (numeric value 4).
  1834  <dt>If the object is a {{CSSFontFaceRule}}
  1835  <dd>Return <dfn const for=CSSRule>FONT_FACE_RULE</dfn> (numeric value 5).
  1836  <dt>If the object is a {{CSSPageRule}}
  1837  <dd>Return <dfn const for=CSSRule>PAGE_RULE</dfn> (numeric value 6).
  1838  <dt>If the object is a {{CSSMarginRule}}
  1839  <dd>Return <dfn const for=CSSRule>MARGIN_RULE</dfn> (numeric value 9).
  1840  <dt>If the object is a {{CSSNamespaceRule}}
  1841  <dd>Return <dfn const for=CSSRule>NAMESPACE_RULE</dfn> (numeric value 10).
  1842  <dt>Otherwise
  1843  <dd>Return a value defined on the <a href="http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/cssom-constants">CSSOM Constants</a> wiki page.
  1844 </dl>
  1846 Note: The value 0, formerly known as <code>UNKNOWN_RULE</code>, is made
  1847 obsolete by this specification. This value will not be re-allocated in the future and will remain reserved.
  1849 The <dfn attribute for=CSSRule>cssText</dfn> attribute must return a <a lt="serialize a CSS rule">serialization</a> of the
  1850 <a for=/>CSS rule</a>.
  1851 On setting the {{CSSRule/cssText}} attribute these steps must be run:
  1852 <ol>
  1853  <li>Let <var>new rule</var> be the returned value of <a lt="parse a CSS rule">parsing</a> the value.
  1854  <li>If <var>new rule</var> is a syntax error, terminate this algorithm.
  1855  <li>If the <a for=CSSRule>type</a> of <var>new rule</var> does not match the <a for=CSSRule>type</a> of
  1856  the current object
  1857  <a>throw</a> an
  1858  {{InvalidModificationError}} exception.
  1859  <li>Replace the current object with <var>new rule</var>.
  1860 </ol>
  1862 The <dfn attribute for=CSSRule>parentRule</dfn> attribute must return the <a for=CSSRule>parent CSS
  1863 rule</a>.
  1864 Note: For example, <code>@media</code> can enclose a rule, in which case {{CSSRule/parentRule}} would
  1865 be non-null; in cases where there is no enclosing rule, {{CSSRule/parentRule}} will be null.
  1867 The <dfn attribute for=CSSRule>parentStyleSheet</dfn> attribute must return the
  1868 <a for=CSSRule>parent CSS style sheet</a>.
  1869 Note: The only circumstance where null is returned when a rule has been <a lt="remove a CSS rule">removed</a>.
  1870 Note: Removing a <code>Node</code> that implements the <code>LinkStyle</code> interface from a
  1871 {{Document}} instance does not (by itself) cause the <code>CSSStyleSheet</code> referenced by a <code>CSSRule</code> to be
  1872 unreachable.
  1875 ### The {{CSSStyleRule}} Interface ### {#the-cssstylerule-interface}
  1877 <!--
  1878 //
  1879 // All members defined since DOM-2 Style. The only differences are:
  1880 //
  1881 //   1. removal of commented raises(DOMException) on setting selectorText
  1882 //
  1883 -->
  1885 The <code>CSSStyleRule</code> interface represents a style rule.
  1887 Note: CSS 2.1 calls style rule <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#rule-sets">rule sets</a>.
  1889 <pre class=idl>
  1890 interface CSSStyleRule : CSSRule {
  1891   attribute DOMString selectorText;
  1892   [SameObject, PutForwards=cssText] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style;
  1893 };
  1894 </pre>
  1896 The <dfn attribute for=CSSStyleRule>selectorText</dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the result of
  1897 <a lt="serialize a group of selectors">serializing</a> the associated <a>group of selectors</a>.
  1898 On setting the {{CSSStyleRule/selectorText}} attribute these steps must be run:
  1899 <ol>
  1900  <li>Run the <a>parse a group of selectors</a> algorithm on the given value.
  1901  <li>If the algorithm returns a non-null value replace the associated <a>group of selectors</a> with the returned value.
  1902  <li>Otherwise, if the algorithm returns a null value, do nothing.
  1903 </ol>
  1905 The <dfn attribute for=CSSStyleRule>style</dfn> attribute must return a <code>CSSStyleDeclaration</code> object for the style rule, with the
  1906 following properties:
  1907 <dl>
  1908  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a>
  1909  <dd>Unset.
  1910  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>
  1911  <dd>The declared declarations in the rule, in <a>specified order</a>.
  1912  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">parent CSS rule</a>
  1913  <dd>The <a>context object</a>.
  1914  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">owner node</a>
  1915  <dd>Null.
  1916 </dl>
  1918 The <dfn id=concept-declarations-specified-order>specified order</dfn> for declarations is the same as specified, but with shorthand properties
  1919 expanded into their longhand properties, in canonical order. If a property is specified more than once (after shorthand expansion), only the
  1920 one with greatest cascading order must be represented, at the same relative position as it was specified. [[!CSS3CASCADE]]
  1923 ### The {{CSSImportRule}} Interface ### {#the-cssimportrule-interface}
  1925 The <code>CSSImportRule</code> interface represents an <code>@import</code> at-rule.
  1927 <pre class=idl>
  1928 interface CSSImportRule : CSSRule {
  1929   readonly attribute DOMString href;
  1930   [SameObject, PutForwards=mediaText] readonly attribute MediaList media;
  1931   [SameObject] readonly attribute CSSStyleSheet styleSheet;
  1932 };
  1933 </pre>
  1935 The <dfn attribute for=CSSImportRule>href</dfn> attribute must return the <a for="/">URL</a> specified by
  1936 the <code>@import</code> at-rule.
  1937 Note: To get the resolved <a for="/">URL</a> use the {{StyleSheet/href}}
  1938 attribute of the associated <a>CSS style sheet</a>.
  1940 The <dfn attribute for=CSSImportRule>media</dfn> attribute must return the value of the {{StyleSheet/media}}
  1941 attribute of the associated <a>CSS style sheet</a>.
  1943 The <dfn attribute for=CSSImportRule>styleSheet</dfn> attribute must return the associated <a>CSS style sheet</a>.
  1944 Note: If loading of the style sheet fails its <a for=CSSStyleSheet>CSS rules</a>
  1945 list is simply empty, i.e., an <code>@import</code> at-rule always has an associated <a>CSS style sheet</a>.
  1948 ### The {{CSSGroupingRule}} Interface ### {#the-cssgroupingrule-interface}
  1950 The <code>CSSGroupingRule</code> interface represents an at-rule that contains other rules nested inside itself.
  1952 <pre class=idl>
  1953 interface CSSGroupingRule : CSSRule {
  1954   [SameObject] readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules;
  1955   unsigned long insertRule(DOMString rule, unsigned long index);
  1956   void deleteRule(unsigned long index);
  1957 };
  1958 </pre>
  1960 The <dfn attribute for=CSSGroupingRule>cssRules</dfn> attribute must return a <code>CSSRuleList</code> object for the
  1961 <a for=CSSRule>child CSS rules</a>.
  1963 The <dfn method for=CSSGroupingRule>insertRule(<var>rule</var>, <var>index</var>)</dfn> method must return the result of
  1964 invoking <a>insert a CSS rule</a> <var>rule</var> into the <a for=CSSRule>child CSS rules</a> at
  1965 <var>index</var>.
  1967 The <dfn method for=CSSGroupingRule>deleteRule(<var>index</var>)</dfn> method must <a>remove a CSS rule</a> from the
  1968 <a for=CSSRule>child CSS rules</a> at <var>index</var>.
  1971 ### The {{CSSMediaRule}} Interface ### {#the-cssmediarule-interface}
  1973 The <code>CSSMediaRule</code> interface represents an <code>@media</code> at-rule.
  1975 <pre class=idl>
  1976 interface CSSMediaRule : CSSGroupingRule {
  1977   [SameObject, PutForwards=mediaText] readonly attribute MediaList media;
  1978 };
  1979 </pre>
  1981 The <dfn attribute for=CSSGroupingRule>media</dfn> attribute must return a <code>MediaList</code> object for the list of media queries specified
  1982 with the <code>@media</code> at-rule.
  1985 ### The {{CSSPageRule}} Interface ### {#the-csspagerule-interface}
  1987 The <code>CSSPageRule</code> interface represents an <code>@page</code> at-rule.
  1988 Issue: Need to define the rules for
  1989 <dfn>parse a list of CSS page selectors</dfn> and
  1990 <dfn>serialize a list of CSS page selectors</dfn>.
  1992 <pre class=idl>
  1993 interface CSSPageRule : CSSGroupingRule {
  1994            attribute DOMString selectorText;
  1995   [SameObject, PutForwards=cssText] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style;
  1996 };
  1997 </pre>
  1999 The <dfn attribute for=CSSGroupingRule>selectorText</dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the result of
  2000 <a lt="serialize a list of CSS page selectors">serializing</a> the associated <a>list of CSS page selectors</a>.
  2001 On setting the {{CSSPageRule/selectorText}} attribute  these steps must be run:
  2002 <ol>
  2003  <li>Run the <a>parse a list of CSS page selectors</a> algorithm on the given value.
  2004  <li>If the algorithm returns a non-null value replace the associated <a>list of CSS page selectors</a> with the returned value.
  2005  <li>Otherwise, if the algorithm returns a null value, do nothing.
  2006 </ol>
  2008 The <dfn attribute for=CSSGroupingRule>style</dfn> attribute must return a <code>CSSStyleDeclaration</code> object for the
  2009 <code>@page</code> at-rule, with the following properties:
  2010 <dl>
  2011  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a>
  2012  <dd>Unset.
  2013  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>
  2014  <dd>The declared declarations in the rule, in <a>specified order</a>.
  2015  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">parent CSS rule</a>
  2016  <dd>The <a>context object</a>.
  2017  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">owner node</a>
  2018  <dd>Null.
  2019 </dl>
  2022 ### The {{CSSMarginRule}} Interface ### {#the-cssmarginrule-interface}
  2024 The <code>CSSMarginRule</code> interface represents a margin at-rule (e.g. <code>@top-left</code>) in an <code>@page</code> at-rule.
  2025 [[!CSS3PAGE]]
  2027 <pre class=idl>
  2028 interface CSSMarginRule : CSSRule {
  2029   readonly attribute DOMString name;
  2030   [SameObject, PutForwards=cssText] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style;
  2031 };
  2032 </pre>
  2034 The <dfn attribute for=CSSMarginRule>name</dfn> attribute must return the name of the margin at-rule. The <code>@</code> character is not
  2035 included in the name. [[!CSS3SYN]]
  2037 The <dfn attribute for=CSSMarginRule>style</dfn> attribute must return a <code>CSSStyleDeclaration</code> object for the
  2038 margin at-rule, with the following properties:
  2039 <dl>
  2040  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a>
  2041  <dd>Unset.
  2042  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>
  2043  <dd>The declared declarations in the rule, in <a>specified order</a>.
  2044  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">parent CSS rule</a>
  2045  <dd>The <a>context object</a>.
  2046  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">owner node</a>
  2047  <dd>Null.
  2048 </dl>
  2051 ### The {{CSSNamespaceRule}} Interface ### {#the-cssnamespacerule-interface}
  2053 The <code>CSSNamespaceRule</code> interface represents an <code>@namespace</code> at-rule.
  2055 <pre class=idl>
  2056 interface CSSNamespaceRule : CSSRule {
  2057   readonly attribute DOMString namespaceURI;
  2058   readonly attribute DOMString prefix;
  2059 };
  2060 </pre>
  2062 The <dfn attribute for=CSSNamespaceRule>namespaceURI</dfn> attribute must return the namespace of the
  2063 <code>@namespace</code> at-rule.
  2065 The <dfn attribute for=CSSNamespaceRule>prefix</dfn> attribute must return the prefix of the <code>@namespace</code> at-rule or the
  2066 empty string if there is no prefix.
  2069 CSS Declarations {#css-declarations}
  2070 ------------------------------------
  2072 A <dfn>CSS declaration</dfn> is an abstract concept that is not exposed as an object in the DOM. A <a>CSS declaration</a> has the following associated
  2073 properties:
  2075 <dl>
  2076  <dt><dfn for="CSS declaration">property name</dfn>
  2077  <dd>The property name of the declaration.
  2078  <dt><dfn for="CSS declaration">value</dfn>
  2079  <dd>The value of the declaration represented as a list of component values.
  2080  <dt><dfn for="CSS declaration">important flag</dfn>
  2081  <dd>Either set or unset. Can be changed.
  2082  <dt><dfn for="CSS declaration">case-sensitive flag</dfn>
  2083  <dd>Set if the <a for="CSS declaration">property name</a> is defined to be case-sensitive according to its specification,
  2084  otherwise unset.
  2085 </dl>
  2087 CSS Declaration Blocks {#css-declaration-blocks}
  2088 ------------------------------------------------
  2090 A <dfn>CSS declaration block</dfn> is an ordered collection of CSS
  2091 properties with their associated values, also named <a>CSS declarations</a>. In
  2092 the DOM a <a>CSS declaration block</a> is a
  2093 <code>CSSStyleDeclaration</code> object. A
  2094 <a>CSS declaration block</a> has the following associated properties:
  2096 <dl dfn-for="CSSStyleDeclaration">
  2097  <dt><dfn>readonly flag</dfn>
  2098  <dd>Unset if the object can be manipulated. Set if it can not be
  2099  manipulated. Unless otherwise stated it is unset.
  2101  <dt><dfn>declarations</dfn>
  2102  <dd>The <a>CSS declarations</a> associated with the object.
  2104  <dt><dfn>parent CSS rule</dfn>
  2105  <dd>The <a for=/>CSS rule</a> that the <a>CSS declaration block</a> is associated with, if any, or null otherwise.
  2107  <dt><dfn>owner node</dfn>
  2108  <dd>The {{Element}} or {{PseudoElement}} that the <a>CSS declaration block</a> is associated with, if any, or
  2109  null otherwise.
  2110 </dl>
  2112 To <dfn>parse a CSS declaration block</dfn> from a string <var>string</var>, follow these steps:
  2114 <ol>
  2115  <li>Let <var>declarations</var> be the return value of invoking <a>parse a list of declarations</a> with <var>string</var>.
  2116  <li>Let <var>parsed declarations</var> be a new empty list.
  2117  <li>For each item <var>declaration</var> in <var>declarations</var>, follow these substeps:
  2118   <ol>
  2119    <li>Let <var>parsed declaration</var> be the result of parsing <var>declaration</var> according to the appropriate CSS specifications, dropping parts that
  2120    are said to be ignored. If the whole declaration is dropped, let <var>parsed declaration</var> be null.
  2121    <li>If <var>parsed declaration</var> is not null, append it to <var>parsed declarations</var>.
  2122   </ol>
  2123  <li>Return <var>parsed declarations</var>.
  2124 </ol>
  2126 To <dfn>serialize a CSS declaration</dfn> with property name <var>property</var>, value <var>value</var> and optionally an <i>important</i> flag set, follow
  2127 these steps:
  2129 <ol>
  2130  <li>Let <var>s</var> be the empty string.
  2131  <li>Append <var>property</var> to <var>s</var>.
  2132  <li>Append "<code>: </code>" (U+003A U+0020) to <var>s</var>.
  2133  <li>Append <var>value</var> to <var>s</var>.
  2134  <li>If the <i>important</i> flag is set, append "<code> !important</code>" (U+0020 U+0021 U+0069 U+006D U+0070 U+006F U+0072 U+0074 U+0061 U+006E
  2135  U+0074) to <var>s</var>.
  2136  <li>Append "<code>;</code>" (U+003B) to <var>s</var>.
  2137  <li>Return <var>s</var>.
  2138 </ol>
  2140 To <dfn>serialize a CSS declaration block</dfn> <var>declaration block</var> means to run the steps below:
  2142 <ol>
  2143  <li>Let <var>list</var> be an empty array.
  2144  <li>Let <var>already serialized</var> be an empty array.
  2145  <li><i>Declaration loop</i>: For each <a>CSS declaration</a> <var>declaration</var> in <var>declaration block</var>'s
  2146  <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>, follow these substeps:
  2147   <ol>
  2148    <li>Let <var>property</var> be <var>declaration</var>'s <a for="CSS declaration">property name</a>.
  2149    <li>If <var>property</var> is in <var>already serialized</var>, continue with the steps labeled <i>declaration loop</i>.
  2150    <li>If <var>property</var> maps to one or more shorthand properties, let <var>shorthands</var> be an array of those shorthand properties, in
  2151    <a>preferred order</a>, and follow these substeps:
  2152     <ol>
  2153      <li>Let <var>longhands</var> be an array consisting of all <a>CSS declarations</a> in <var>declaration block</var>'s
  2154      <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a> that that are not in <var>already serialized</var> and have a
  2155      <a for="CSS declaration">property name</a> that
  2156      maps to one of the shorthand properties in <var>shorthands</var>.
  2157      <li><i>Shorthand loop</i>: For each <var>shorthand</var> in <var>shorthands</var>, follow these substeps:
  2158       <ol>
  2159        <li>If all properties that map to <var>shorthand</var> are not present in <var>longhands</var>, continue with the steps labeled <i>shorthand loop</i>.
  2160        <li>Let <var>current longhands</var> be an empty array.
  2161        <li>Append all <a>CSS declarations</a> in <var>longhands</var> have a
  2162        <a for="CSS declaration">property name</a> that maps to <var>shorthand</var> to <var>current longhands</var>.
  2163        <li>If there is one or more <a>CSS declarations</a> in <var>current longhands</var> have their
  2164        <a for="CSS declaration">important flag</a> set and one or more with it unset, continue with
  2165        the steps labeled <i>shorthand loop</i>.
  2166        <li>Let <var>value</var> be the result of invoking <a>serialize a CSS value</a> of <var>current longhands</var>.
  2167        <li>If <var>value</var> is the empty string, continue with the steps labeled <i>shorthand loop</i>.
  2168        <li>Let <var>serialized declaration</var> be the result of invoking <a>serialize a CSS declaration</a> with property name
  2169        <var>shorthand</var>, value <var>value</var>, and the <i>important</i> flag set if the <a>CSS declarations</a> in
  2170        <var>current longhands</var> have their <a for="CSS declaration">important flag</a> set.
  2171        <li>Append <var>serialized declaration</var> to <var>list</var>.
  2172        <li>Append the property names of all items of <var>current longhands</var> to <var>already serialized</var>.
  2173        <li>Remove the items present in <var>current longhands</var> from <var>longhands</var>.
  2174       </ol>
  2175     </ol>
  2176    <li>If <var>property</var> is in <var>already serialized</var>, continue with the steps labeled <i>declaration loop</i>.
  2177    <li>Let <var>value</var> be the result of invoking <a>serialize a CSS value</a> of <var>declaration</var>.
  2178    <li>Let <var>serialized declaration</var> be the result of invoking <a>serialize a CSS declaration</a> with property name <var>property</var>, value
  2179    <var>value</var>, and the <i>important</i> flag set if <var>declaration</var> has its <a for="CSS declaration">important
  2180    flag</a> set.
  2181    <li>Append <var>serialized declaration</var> to <var>list</var>.
  2182    <li>Append <var>property</var> to <var>already serialized</var>.
  2183   </ol>
  2184  <li>Return <var>list</var> joined with "<code> </code>" (U+0020).
  2185 </ol>
  2187 Note: The serialization of an empty CSS declaration block is the empty string.
  2189 Note: The serialization of a non-empty CSS declaration block does not include any surrounding whitespace, i.e., no whitepsace appears
  2190 before the first property name and no whitespace appears after the final semicolon delimiter that follows the last property value.
  2192 The <dfn id=concept-shorthands-preferred-order>preferred order</dfn> of a list of shorthand properties <var>shorthands</var> is as follows:
  2194 <ol>
  2195  <li>Order <var>shorthands</var> lexicographically.
  2196  <li>Move all items in <var>shorthands</var> that begin with "<code>-</code>" (U+002D) last in the list, retaining their relative order.
  2197  <li>Move all items in <var>shorthands</var> that begin with "<code>-</code>" (U+002D) but do not begin with "<code>-webkit-</code>" last in the
  2198  list, retaining their relative order.
  2199  <li>Order <var>shorthands</var> by the number of longhand properties that map to it, with the greatest number first.
  2200 </ol>
  2202 ### The {{CSSStyleDeclaration}} Interface ### {#the-cssstyledeclaration-interface}
  2204 The <code>CSSStyleDeclaration</code> interface represents a <a>CSS declaration block</a>, including its underlying state, where this
  2205 underlying state depends upon the source of the <code>CSSStyleDeclaration</Code> instance.
  2207 <!--
  2208 //
  2209 // All members defined since DOM-2 Style. The only differences are:
  2210 //
  2211 //   1. removal of commented raises(DOMException) on setting cssText
  2212 //   2. removal of raises(DOMException) on {set,remove}Property
  2213 //   3. removal of getPropertyCSSValue() method
  2214 //
  2215 -->
  2217 <pre class=idl>
  2218 interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
  2219   attribute DOMString cssText;
  2220   readonly attribute unsigned long length;
  2221   getter DOMString item(unsigned long index);
  2222   DOMString getPropertyValue(DOMString property);
  2223   DOMString getPropertyPriority(DOMString property);
  2224   void setProperty(DOMString property, [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString value, [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] optional DOMString priority = "");
  2225   void setPropertyValue(DOMString property, [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString value);
  2226   void setPropertyPriority(DOMString property, [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString priority);
  2227   DOMString removeProperty(DOMString property);
  2228   readonly attribute CSSRule? parentRule;
  2229   [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString cssFloat;
  2230 };
  2231 </pre>
  2233 The object's <a>supported property indices</a> are the numbers in the range zero to one less than the number of
  2234 <a>CSS declarations</a> in the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>. If there are no such
  2235 <a>CSS declarations</a>, then there are no <a>supported property indices</a>.
  2237 The <dfn attribute for=CSSStyleDeclaration>cssText</dfn> attribute must return the result of
  2238 <a lt="serialize a CSS declaration block">serializing</a> the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>.
  2239 Setting the {{CSSStyleDeclaration/cssText}} attribute must run these steps:
  2240 <ol>
  2241  <li>If the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a> is set, <a>throw</a>
  2242  a {{NoModificationAllowedError}} exception and terminate these steps.
  2243  <li>Empty the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>.
  2244  <li><a lt="Parse a CSS declaration block">Parse</a> the given value and, if the return value is not the empty list, insert the items in the list
  2245  into the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>, in <a>specified order</a>.
  2246 </ol>
  2248 The <dfn attribute for=CSSStyleDeclaration>length</dfn> attribute must return the number of <a lt="CSS declaration">CSS
  2249 declarations</a> in the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>.
  2251 The <dfn method for=CSSStyleDeclaration>item(<var>index</var>)</dfn> method must return the
  2252 <a for="CSS declaration">property name</a> of the <a>CSS declaration</a> at position <var>index</var>.
  2254 The <dfn method for=CSSStyleDeclaration>getPropertyValue(<var>property</var>)</dfn> method must run these steps:
  2255 <ol>
  2256  <li>Let <var>property</var> be <var>property</var> <a>converted to ASCII lowercase</a>.
  2257  <li>If <var>property</var> is a shorthand property, then follow these substeps:
  2258   <ol>
  2259    <li>Let <var>list</var> be a new empty array.
  2260    <li>For each longhand property <var>longhand</var> that <var>property</var> maps to, in canonical order, follow these substeps:
  2261     <ol>
  2262      <li>If <var>longhand</var> is a <a>case-sensitive</a> match for a <a for="CSS declaration">property
  2263      name</a> of a <a>CSS declaration</a> in the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>, let <var>declaration</var>
  2264      be that <a>CSS declaration</a>, or null otherwise.
  2265      <li>If <var>declaration</var> is null, return the empty string and terminate these steps.
  2266      <li>Append the <var>declaration</var> to <var>list</var>.
  2267     </ol>
  2268    <li>Return the <a lt="serialize a CSS value">serialization</a> of <var>list</var> and terminate these steps.
  2269   </ol>
  2270  <li>If <var>property</var> is a <a>case-sensitive</a>
  2271  match for a <a for="CSS declaration">property name</a> of a <a>CSS declaration</a> in the
  2272  <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>, return the result of invoking
  2273  <a>serialize a CSS value</a> of that declaration and terminate these steps.
  2274  <li>Return the empty string.
  2275 </ol>
  2277 The <dfn method for=CSSStyleDeclaration>getPropertyPriority(<var>property</var>)</dfn> method must run these steps:
  2278 <ol>
  2279  <li>Let <var>property</var> be <var>property</var> <a>converted to ASCII lowercase</a>.
  2280  <li>If <var>property</var> is a shorthand property, follow these substeps:
  2281   <ol>
  2282    <li>Let <var>list</var> be a new array.
  2283    <li>For each longhand property <var>longhand</var> that <var>property</var> maps to, append the result of invoking
  2284    {{CSSStyleDeclaration/getPropertyPriority()}} with <var>longhand</var> as argument to <var>list</var>.
  2285    <li>If all items in <var>list</var> are the string "<code>important</code>", return the string "<code>important</code>" and terminate these
  2286    steps.
  2287   </ol>
  2288  <li>Otherwise, follow these substeps:
  2289   <ol>
  2290    <li>If <var>property</var> is a
  2291    <a>case-sensitive</a> match for a <a for="CSS declaration">property name</a> of a <a>CSS
  2292    declaration</a> in the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a> that has the
  2293    <a for="CSS declaration">important flag</a> set, return the string "<code>important</code>".
  2294   </ol>
  2295  <li>Return the empty string.
  2296 </ol>
  2297 <div class=example>E.g. for <code>background-color:lime !IMPORTANT</code> the return
  2298 value would be "<code>important</code>".</div>
  2300 The <dfn method for=CSSStyleDeclaration>setProperty(<var>property</var>, <var>value</var>, <var>priority</var>)</dfn> method must run these steps:
  2301 <ol>
  2302  <li>If the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a> is set, <a>throw</a>
  2303  a {{NoModificationAllowedError}} exception and terminate these steps.
  2304  <li>Let <var>property</var> be <var>property</var> <a>converted to ASCII lowercase</a>.
  2305  <li>If <var>property</var> is not a <a>case-sensitive</a> match for a <a>supported CSS property</a>, terminate this
  2306  algorithm.
  2307  <li>If <var>value</var> is the empty string, invoke {{CSSStyleDeclaration/removeProperty()}}
  2308  with <var>property</var> as argument and terminate this algorithm.
  2309  <li>If <var>priority</var> is not the empty string and is not an <a>ASCII case-insensitive</a> match for the string
  2310  "<code>important</code>", terminate this algorithm.
  2311  <li>
  2312   Let <var>component value list</var> be the result of <a lt="parse a CSS value">parsing</a> <var>value</var> for property <var>property</var>.
  2313   Note: <var>value</var> can not include "<code>!important</code>".
  2315  <li>If <var>component value list</var> is null terminate these steps.
  2316  <li>If <var>property</var> is a shorthand property, then for each longhand property <var>longhand</var> that <var>property</var> maps to, in canonical
  2317  order, <a lt="set a CSS declaration">set the CSS declaration</a> <var>longhand</var> with the appropriate value(s) from <var>component value
  2318  list</var>, with the <i>important</i> flag set if <var>priority</var> is not the empty string, and unset otherwise, and with the list of declarations being the
  2319  <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>.
  2320  <li>Otherwise, <a lt="set a CSS declaration">set the CSS declaration</a> <var>property</var> with value <var>component value list</var>, with
  2321  the <i>important</i> flag set if <var>priority</var> is not the empty string, and unset otherwise, and with the list of declarations being the
  2322  <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>.
  2323 </ol>
  2325 To <dfn>set a CSS declaration</dfn> <var>property</var> with a value <var>component value list</var> and optionally with an <i>important</i> flag set, in
  2326 a list of declarations <var>declarations</var>, follow these steps:
  2328 <ol>
  2329  <li>If <var>property</var> is a <a>case-sensitive</a> match for a <a for="CSS declaration">property
  2330  name</a> of a <a>CSS declaration</a> in <var>declarations</var>, let <var>declaration</var> be that <a>CSS declaration</a>.
  2331  <li>Otherwise, append a new <a>CSS declaration</a> with the <a for="CSS declaration">property name</a> <var>property</var>
  2332  to <var>declarations</var> and let <var>declaration</var> be that <a>CSS declaration</a>.
  2333  <li>Set <var>declaration</var>'s <a for="CSS declaration">value</a> to <var>component value list</var>.
  2334  <li>If the <i>important</i> flag is set, set <var>declaration</var>'s <a for="CSS declaration">important flag</a>.
  2335  Otherwise, unset <var>declaration</var>'s <a for="CSS declaration">important flag</a>.
  2336 </ol>
  2338 The <dfn method for=CSSStyleDeclaration>setPropertyValue(<var>property</var>, <var>value</var>)</dfn> method must run these
  2339 steps:
  2340 <ol>
  2341  <li>If the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a> is set, <a>throw</a>
  2342  a {{NoModificationAllowedError}} exception and terminate these steps.
  2343  <li>Let <var>property</var> be <var>property</var> <a>converted to ASCII lowercase</a>.
  2344  <li>If <var>property</var> is not a <a>case-sensitive</a> match for a <a>supported CSS property</a>, terminate this
  2345  algorithm.
  2346  <li>If <var>value</var> is the empty string, invoke {{CSSStyleDeclaration/removeProperty()}}
  2347  with <var>property</var> as argument and terminate this algorithm.
  2348  <li>
  2349   Let <var>component value list</var> be the result of <a lt="parse a CSS value">parsing</a> <var>value</var> for property <var>property</var>.
  2350   Note: <var>value</var> can not include "<code>!important</code>".
  2352  <li>If <var>component value list</var> is null terminate these steps.
  2353  <li>If <var>property</var> is a shorthand property, then for each longhand property <var>longhand</var> that <var>property</var> maps to, in canonical
  2354  order, <a lt="set a CSS declaration value">set the CSS declaration value</a> <var>longhand</var> to the appropriate value(s) from <var>component
  2355  value list</var>, and with the list of declarations being the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>.
  2356  <li>Otherwise, <a lt="set a CSS declaration value">set the CSS declaration value</a> <var>property</var> to the value <var>component value
  2357  list</var>, and with the list of declarations being the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>.
  2358 </ol>
  2360 To <dfn>set a CSS declaration value</dfn> to a value <var>component value list</var> in a list of declarations <var>declarations</var>, follow these steps:
  2362 <ol>
  2363  <li>If <var>property</var> is a <a>case-sensitive</a> match for a <a for="CSS declaration">property
  2364  name</a> of a <a>CSS declaration</a> in <var>declarations</var>, let <var>declaration</var> be that <a>CSS declaration</a>.
  2365  <li>Otherwise, append a new <a>CSS declaration</a> with the <a for="CSS declaration">property name</a> <var>property</var>
  2366  to <var>declarations</var> and let <var>declaration</var> be that <a>CSS declaration</a>.
  2367  <li>Set <var>declaration</var>'s <a for="CSS declaration">value</a> to <var>component value list</var>.
  2368 </ol>
  2370 The <dfn method for=CSSStyleDeclaration>setPropertyPriority(<var>property</var>, <var>priority</var>)</dfn> method must run
  2371 these steps:
  2373 <ol>
  2374  <li>If the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a> is set, <a>throw</a>
  2375  a {{NoModificationAllowedError}} exception and terminate these steps.
  2376  <li>Let <var>property</var> be <var>property</var> <a>converted to ASCII lowercase</a>.
  2377  <li>If <var>property</var> is not a <a>case-sensitive</a> match for a <a>supported CSS property</a>, terminate this
  2378  algorithm.
  2379  <li>If <var>priority</var> is not the empty string and is not an <a>ASCII case-insensitive</a> match for the string
  2380  "<code>important</code>", terminate this algorithm.
  2381  <li>If <var>property</var> is a shorthand property, then for each longhand property <var>longhand</var> that <var>property</var> maps to, in canonical
  2382  order, <a lt="set a CSS declaration priority">set the CSS declaration priority</a> <var>longhand</var> with the <i>important</i> flag set if
  2383  <var>priority</var> is not the empty string, and unset otherwise, and with the list of declarations being the
  2384  <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>.
  2385  <li>Otherwise, <a lt="set a CSS declaration priority">set the CSS declaration priority</a> <var>property</var> with the <i>important</i> flag set
  2386  if <var>priority</var> is not the empty string, and unset otherwise, and with the list of declarations being the
  2387  <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>.
  2388 </ol>
  2390 To <dfn>set a CSS declaration priority</dfn> <var>property</var> optionally with an <i>important</i> flag set, in a list of declarations
  2391 <var>declarations</var>, follow these steps:
  2393 <ol>
  2394  <li>If <var>property</var> is a <a>case-sensitive</a> match for a <a for="CSS declaration">property
  2395  name</a> of a <a>CSS declaration</a> in <var>declarations</var>, let <var>declaration</var> be that <a>CSS declaration</a>.
  2396  <li>Otherwise, terminate these steps.
  2397  <li>If the <i>important</i> flag is set, set <var>declaration</var>'s <a for="CSS declaration">important flag</a>. Otherwise,
  2398  unset <var>declaration</var>'s <a for="CSS declaration">important flag</a>.
  2399 </ol>
  2401 The <dfn method for=CSSStyleDeclaration>removeProperty(<var>property</var>)</dfn> method must run these steps:
  2402 <ol>
  2403  <li>If the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a> is set, <a>throw</a>
  2404  a {{NoModificationAllowedError}} exception and terminate these steps.
  2405  <li>Let <var>property</var> be <var>property</var> <a>converted to ASCII lowercase</a>.
  2406  <li>Let <var>value</var> be the return value of invoking {{CSSStyleDeclaration/getPropertyValue()}}
  2407  with <var>property</var> as argument.
  2408  <li>If <var>property</var> is a shorthand property, for each longhand property <var>longhand</var> that <var>property</var> maps to, invoke
  2409  {{CSSStyleDeclaration/removeProperty()}} with <var>longhand</var> as argument.
  2410  <li>Otherwise, if <var>property</var> is a <a>case-sensitive</a> match for a
  2411  <a for="CSS declaration">property name</a> of a <a>CSS declaration</a> in the
  2412  <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>, remove that <a>CSS declaration</a>.
  2413  <li>Return <var>value</var>.
  2414 </ol>
  2416 The <dfn attribute for=CSSStyleDeclaration>parentRule</dfn> attribute must return the
  2417 <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">parent CSS rule</a>.
  2419 The <dfn attribute for=CSSStyleDeclaration>cssFloat</dfn>
  2420 attribute, on getting, must return the result of invoking
  2421 {{CSSStyleDeclaration/getPropertyValue()}} with
  2422 <code>float</code> as argument. On setting, the attribute must invoke
  2423 {{CSSStyleDeclaration/setProperty()}} with
  2424 <code>float</code> as first argument, as second argument the given value, and no third argument.
  2425 Any exceptions thrown must be re-thrown.
  2427 For each CSS property <var>property</var> that is a <a>supported CSS property</a>,
  2428 the following partial interface applies where <var>camel-cased attribute</var>
  2429 is obtained by running the <a>CSS property to IDL attribute</a> algorithm for
  2430 <var>property</var>.
  2432 <pre class="idl extract">
  2433 partial interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
  2434   [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString _<var>camel_cased_attribute</var>;
  2435 };
  2436 </pre>
  2438 The <dfn attribute for=CSSStyleDeclaration><var>camel-cased attribute</var></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the
  2439 result of invoking {{CSSStyleDeclaration/getPropertyValue()}} with the
  2440 argument being the result of running the <a>IDL attribute to CSS property</a>
  2441 algorithm for <var>camel-cased attribute</var>.
  2443 Setting the <code attribute for=CSSStyleDeclaration><var>camel-cased attribute</var></code> attribute must invoke
  2444 {{CSSStyleDeclaration/setProperty()}} with the
  2445 first argument being the result of running the <a>IDL attribute to CSS property</a>
  2446 algorithm for <var>camel-cased attribute</var>, as second argument the given value, and no third argument. Any
  2447 exceptions thrown must be re-thrown.
  2449 <div class=example>For example, for the 'font-size' property there would be a <code>fontSize</code> IDL attribute.</div>
  2451 For each CSS property <var>property</var> that is a <a>supported CSS property</a> and that begins
  2452 with the string <code>-webkit-</code>, the following partial interface applies where
  2453 <var>webkit-cased attribute</var> is obtained by running the <a>CSS property to IDL attribute</a>
  2454 algorithm for <var>property</var>, with the <i>lowercase first</i> flag set.
  2456 <pre class="idl extract">
  2457 partial interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
  2458   [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString _<var>webkit_cased_attribute</var>;
  2459 };
  2460 </pre>
  2462 The <dfn attribute for=CSSStyleDeclaration><var>webkit-cased attribute</var></dfn> attribute, on
  2463 getting, must return the result of invoking {{CSSStyleDeclaration/getPropertyValue()}} with the
  2464 argument being the result of running the <a>IDL attribute to CSS property</a> algorithm for
  2465 <var>webkit-cased attribute</var>, with the <i>dash prefix</i> flag set.
  2467 Setting the <code attribute for=CSSStyleDeclaration><var>webkit-cased attribute</var></code>
  2468 attribute must invoke {{CSSStyleDeclaration/setProperty()}} with the first argument being the result
  2469 of running the <a>IDL attribute to CSS property</a> algorithm for <var>webkit-cased attribute</var>,
  2470 with the <i>dash prefix</i> flag set, as second argument the given value, and no third argument.
  2471 Any exceptions thrown must be re-thrown.
  2473 <div class=example>For example, if the user agent supports the '-webkit-transform' property, there
  2474 would be a <code>webkitTransform</code> IDL attribute. There would also be a
  2475 <code>WebkitTransform</code> IDL attribute because of the rules for camel-cased attributes.</div>
  2477 For each CSS property <var>property</var> that is a <a>supported CSS property</a>,
  2478 except for properties that have no "<code>-</code>" (U+002D) in the property name,
  2479 the following partial interface applies where <var>dashed attribute</var> is <var>property</var>.
  2481 <pre class="idl">
  2482 partial interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
  2483   [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString _<var>dashed_attribute</var>;
  2484 };
  2485 </pre>
  2487 The <dfn attribute for=CSSStyleDeclaration><var>dashed attribute</var></dfn> attribute, on getting, must return the
  2488 result of invoking {{CSSStyleDeclaration/getPropertyValue()}} with the
  2489 argument being <var>dashed attribute</var>.
  2491 Setting the <code attribute for=CSSStyleDeclaration><var>dashed attribute</var></code> attribute must invoke
  2492 {{CSSStyleDeclaration/setProperty()}} with the
  2493 first argument being <var>dashed attribute</var>, as second argument the given value, and no third argument. Any
  2494 exceptions thrown must be re-thrown.
  2496 <div class=example>
  2497  For example, for the 'font-size' property there would be a <code>font-size</code> IDL attribute. In JavaScript, the property can be accessed as
  2498  follows, assuming <var>element</var> is an <a lt="HTML elements">HTML element</a>:
  2499  <pre><var>element</var>.style['font-size'];</pre>
  2500 </div>
  2502 The <dfn>CSS property to IDL attribute</dfn> algorithm for <var>property</var>, optionally with a
  2503 <i>lowercase first</i> flag set, is as follows:
  2505 <ol>
  2506  <li>Let <var>output</var> be the empty string.
  2508  <li>Let <var>uppercase next</var> be unset.
  2510  <li>If the <i>lowercase first</i> flag is set, remove the first character from <var>property</var>.
  2512  <li>For each character <var>c</var> in <var>property</var>:
  2514   <ol>
  2515    <li>If <var>c</var> is "<code>-</code>" (U+002D), let <var>uppercase next</var> be set.
  2517    <li>Otherwise, if <var>uppercase next</var> is set, let <var>uppercase next</var> be unset and append <var>c</var>
  2518    <a>converted to ASCII uppercase</a> to <var>output</var>.
  2520    <li>Otherwise, append <var>c</var> to <var>output</var>.
  2521   </ol>
  2523  <li>Return <var>output</var>.
  2524 </ol>
  2526 The <dfn>IDL attribute to CSS property</dfn> algorithm for <var>attribute</var>, optionally with a
  2527 <i>dash prefix</i> flag set, is as follows:
  2529 <ol>
  2530  <li>Let <var>output</var> be the empty string.
  2532  <li>If the <i>dash first</i> flag is set, append "<code>-</code>" (U+002D) to <var>output</var>.
  2534  <li>For each character <var>c</var> in <var>attribute</var>:
  2536   <ol>
  2537    <li>If <var>c</var> is in the range U+0041 to U+005A (ASCII uppercase), append "<code>-</code>" (U+002D) followed by <var>c</var>
  2538    <a>converted to ASCII lowercase</a> to <var>output</var>.
  2540    <li>Otherwise, append <var>c</var> to <var>output</var>.
  2541   </ol>
  2543  <li>Return <var>output</var>.
  2544 </ol>
  2547 CSS Values {#css-values}
  2548 ------------------------
  2551 ### Parsing CSS Values ### {#parsing-css-values}
  2553 To <dfn>parse a CSS value</dfn> <var>value</var> for a given
  2554 <var>property</var> means to follow these steps:
  2556 <ol>
  2557  <li>Let <var>list</var> be the value returned by invoking <a>parse a list of component values</a> from <var>value</var>.
  2558  <li>Match <var>list</var> against the grammar for the property <var>property</var> in the CSS specification.
  2559  <li>If the above step failed, return null.
  2560  <li>Return <var>list</var>.
  2561 </ol>
  2563 Note: "<code>!important</code>" declarations are not
  2564 part of the property value space and will therefore cause
  2565 <a>parse a CSS value</a> to return null.
  2569 ### Serializing CSS Values ### {#serializing-css-values}
  2571 <!-- based on http://damowmow.com/playground/canon.txt -->
  2573 To <dfn>serialize a CSS value</dfn> of a <a>CSS declaration</a> <var>declaration</var> or a list of longhand <a lt="CSS declaration">CSS
  2574 declarations</a> <var>list</var>, follow these rules:
  2576 <ol>
  2577  <li>If this algorithm is invoked with a list <var>list</var>, follow these substeps:
  2578   <ol>
  2579    <li>Let <var>shorthand</var> be the shorthand property that exactly maps to all the longhand properties in <var>list</var>. If there are multiple such
  2580    shorthand properties, use the first in <a>preferred order</a>.
  2581    <li>If <var>shorthand</var> cannot represent the values of <var>list</var> in its grammar, return the empty string and terminate these steps.
  2582    <li>Let <var>trimmed list</var> be a new empty array.
  2583    <li>For each <a>CSS declaration</a> <var>declaration</var> in <var>list</var>, if <var>declaration</var>'s
  2584    <a for="CSS declaration">value</a> is not the initial value, or if
  2585    <var>declaration</var> is a required component of the <var>shorthand</var> property, append <var>declaration</var> to <var>trimmed list</var>.
  2586    <li>If <var>trimmed list</var> is empty, append the value of the first item in <var>list</var> to <var>trimmed list</var>.
  2587    <li>Let <var>values</var> be a new empty array.
  2588    <li>For each <a>CSS declaration</a> <var>declaration</var> in <var>trimmed list</var>, invoke <a>serialize a CSS value</a> of
  2589    <var>declaration</var>, and append the result to <var>values</var>.
  2590    <li>Return the result of joining <var>values</var> as appropriate according to the grammar of <var>shorthand</var> and terminate these steps.
  2591   </ol>
  2592  <li>Let <var>values</var> be a new empty array.
  2593  <li>Append the result of invoking <a>serialize a CSS component value</a> of <var>declaration</var>'s
  2594  <a for="CSS declaration">value</a> to <var>values</var>.
  2595  <li>If the grammar of the <a for="CSS declaration">property name</a> of <var>declaration</var> is defined to be
  2596  whitespace-separated, return the result of invoking <a>serialize a whitespace-separated list</a> of <var>values</var> and terminate these steps.
  2597  <li>If the grammar of the <a for="CSS declaration">property name</a> of <var>declaration</var> is defined to be comma-separated,
  2598  return the result of invoking <a>serialize a comma-separated list</a> of <var>values</var>.
  2599 </ol>
  2601 To
  2602 <dfn>serialize a CSS component value</dfn>
  2603 depends on the component, as follows:
  2605 <dl class="switch">
  2606  <dt>keyword
  2607  <dd>The keyword
  2608  <a>converted to ASCII lowercase</a>.
  2610  <dt>&lt;angle>
  2611  <dd>The &lt;number> component serialized as per &lt;number> followed by the unit in canonical form as defined in its respective specification.
  2613  <dt>&lt;color>
  2614  <dd>
  2615  If &lt;color&gt; is a component of a resolved or computed value, then
  2616  return the color using the <code>rgb()</code> or <code>rgba()</code> functional
  2617  notation as follows:
  2618  <ol>
  2619  <li>If the alpha component of the color is equal to one, then return the serialization of the
  2620  <code>rgb()</code> functional equivalent of the opaque color.
  2621  <li>If the alpha component of the color is not equal to one, then return the serialization of the
  2622  <code>rgba()</code> functional equivalent of the non-opaque color.
  2623  </ol>
  2624  The serialization of the <code>rgb()</code> functional equivalent is the concatenation of the following:
  2625  <ol>
  2626  <li>The string "<code>rgb(</code>".
  2627  <li>The shortest base-ten integer serialization of the color's red component.
  2628  <li>The string "<code>, </code>".
  2629  <li>The shortest base-ten serialization of the color's green component.
  2630  <li>The string "<code>, </code>".
  2631  <li>The shortest base-ten serialization of the color's blue component.
  2632  <li>The string "<code>)</code>".
  2633  </ol>
  2634  The serialization of the <code>rgba()</code> functional equivalent is the concatenation of the following:
  2635  <ol>
  2636  <li>The string "<code>rgba(</code>".
  2637  <li>The shortest base-ten serialization of the color's red component.
  2638  <li>The string "<code>, </code>".
  2639  <li>The shortest base-ten serialization of the color's green component.
  2640  <li>The string "<code>, </code>".
  2641  <li>The shortest base-ten serialization of the color's blue component.
  2642  <li>The string "<code>, </code>".
  2643  <li>The serialization of the color's alpha component as an &lt;alphavalue>.
  2644  <li>The string "<code>)</code>".
  2645  </ol>
  2647  In the above rules, the string "<code>, </code>" denotes a COMMA (U+002C) followed by a single SPACE (U+0020).
  2649  If &lt;color&gt; is a component of a specified value, then
  2650  return the color as follows:
  2651  <ol>
  2652  <li>If the color was explicitly specified by the author, then return the original, author specified color value.
  2653  <li>Otherwise, return the value that would be returned if the color were a component of a computed value.
  2654  </ol>
  2655  Issue: Should author specified values be normalized for case? Or should original case be preserved?
  2657  <!--
  2658    <dt>It is a system color
  2660    <dd>See below (you use the representation given in the specification that
  2661    defines the keyword).
  2663    <dt>Alpha component is equal to 1.0
  2665    <dd>The color is an uppercase six-digit hexadecimal value, prefixed with a
  2666    <code>#</code> character (U+0023 NUMBER SIGN), with the first two digits
  2667    representing the red component, the next two digits representing the green
  2668    component, and the last two digits representing the blue component, the
  2669    digits being in the range 0-9 A-F (U+0030 to U+0039 and U+0041 to
  2670    U+0046).
  2672    <dt>Alpha component is less than 1.0
  2674    <dd>The color is in the CSS <code>rgba()</code> functional-notation format:
  2675    the literal string <code>rgba</code> (U+0072 U+0067 U+0062 U+0061) followed
  2676    by a U+0028 LEFT PARENTHESIS, a <a>color component integer</a>
  2677    representing the red component, a <a>color component separator</a>, a
  2678    <a>color component integer</a> for the green component, a <a>color
  2679    component separator</a>, a <a>color component integer</a> for the
  2680    blue component, another <a>color component separator</a> a U+0030
  2681    DIGIT ZERO, a U+002E FULL STOP (representing the decimal point), one or
  2682    more digits in the range 0-9 (U+0030 to U+0039) representing the fractional
  2683    part of the alpha value, and finally a U+0029 RIGHT PARENTHESIS.
  2685    <dt>The keyword <code>transparent</code> is used
  2687    <dd>The color is <code>rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)</code>.
  2688  -->
  2690  <dt>&lt;alphavalue>
  2691  <dd>
  2692   If the value is internally represented as an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive (i.e. 8-bit unsigned integer),
  2693   follow these steps:
  2695   <ol>
  2696    <li>Let <var>alpha</var> be the given integer.
  2697    <li>If there exists an integer between 0 and 100 inclusive that,
  2698    when multiplied with 2.55 and rounded to the closest integer (rounding up if two values are equally close), equals <var>alpha</var>,
  2699    let <var>rounded</var> be that integer divided by 100.
  2700    <li>Otherwise, let <var>rounded</var> be <var>alpha</var> divided by 0.255 and rounded to the closest integer (rounding up if two values are equally close),
  2701    divided by 1000.
  2702    <li>Return the result of serializing <var>rounded</var> as a &lt;number>.
  2703   </ol>
  2705   Otherwise, return the result of serializing the given value as a &lt;number>.
  2707  <dt>&lt;counter>
  2708  <dd>
  2709   The return value of the following algorithm:
  2710   <ol>
  2711    <li>Let <var>s</var> be the empty string.
  2712    <li>If &lt;counter> has three CSS component values append the string
  2713    "<code>counters(</code>" to <var>s</var>.
  2714    <li>If &lt;counter> has two CSS component values append the string
  2715    "<code>counter(</code>" to <var>s</var>.
  2716    <li>Let <var>list</var> be a list of CSS component values belonging to &lt;counter>, omitting the last CSS component value if it is "decimal".
  2717    <li>Let each item in <var>list</var> be the result of invoking <a>serialize a CSS component value</a> on that item.
  2718    <li>Append the result of invoking <a>serialize a comma-separated list</a> on <var>list</var> to <var>s</var>.
  2719    <li>Append "<code>)</code>" (U+0029) to <var>s</var>.
  2720    <li>Return <var>s</var>.
  2721   </ol>
  2724  <dt>&lt;frequency>
  2725  <dd>The frequency in hertz serialized as per &lt;number> followed by
  2726  the literal string "<code>hz</code>".
  2728  <dt>&lt;identifier>
  2729  <dd>The identifier
  2730  <a lt="serialize an identifier">escaped</a>.
  2732  <dt>&lt;integer>
  2733  <dd>A base-ten integer using digits 0-9 (U+0030 to U+0039) in the
  2734  shortest form possible, preceded by "<code>-</code>" (U+002D) if it is
  2735  negative.
  2737  <dt>&lt;length>
  2738  <dd>
  2739   A length of zero is represented by the literal string
  2740   "<code>0px</code>".
  2742   Absolute lengths: the number of millimeters serialized as per
  2743   &lt;number> followed by the literal string "<code>mm</code>".
  2744   Issue: Rumor has it absolute lengths will become relative
  2745   lengths. Centimeters would be compatible with &lt;resolution>...
  2747   Relative lengths: the &lt;number> component serialized as per
  2748   &lt;number> followed by the unit in its canonical form as defined in its
  2749   respective specification.
  2752  <dt>&lt;number>
  2753  <dd>
  2754   A base-ten number using digits 0-9 (U+0030 to U+0039) in the shortest form possible,
  2755   using "<code>.</code>" to separate decimals (if any),
  2756   rounding the value if necessary to not produce more than 6 decimals,
  2757   preceded by "<code>-</code>" (U+002D) if it is negative.
  2759   Note: scientific notation is not used.
  2761  <dt>&lt;percentage>
  2762  <dd>The &lt;number> component serialized as per &lt;number> followed
  2763  by the literal string "<code>%</code>" (U+0025).
  2765  <dt>&lt;resolution>
  2766  <dd>The resolution in dots per centimeter serialized as per
  2767  &lt;number> followed by the literal string "<code>dpcm</code>".
  2769  <dt>&lt;shape>
  2770  <dd>
  2771   The return value of the following algorithm:
  2772   <ol>
  2773    <li>Let <var>s</var> be the string "<code>rect(</code>".
  2774    <li>Let <var>list</var> be a list of the CSS component values belonging to &lt;shape>.
  2775    <li>Let each item in <var>list</var> be the result of invoking <a>serialize a CSS component value</a> of that item.
  2776    <li>Append the result of invoking <a>serialize a comma-separated list</a> on <var>list</var> to <var>s</var>.
  2777    <li>Append "<code>)</code>" (U+0029) to <var>s</var>.
  2778    <li>Return <var>s</var>.
  2779   </ol>
  2782  <dt>&lt;string>
  2783  <dt>&lt;family-name>
  2784  <dt>&lt;specific-voice>
  2785  <dd>The string
  2786  <a lt="serialize a string">string escaped</a>.
  2788  <dt>&lt;time>
  2789  <dd>The time in seconds serialized as per &lt;number> followed by
  2790  the literal string "<code>s</code>".
  2792  <dt>&lt;uri>
  2793  <dd>The <a>absolute URL</a>
  2794  <a lt="serialize a URL">URL escaped</a>.
  2795 </dl>
  2798  &lt;absolute-size>,
  2799  &lt;border-width>,
  2800  &lt;border-style>,
  2801  &lt;bottom>,
  2802  &lt;generic-family>,
  2803  &lt;generic-voice>,
  2804  &lt;left>,
  2805  &lt;margin-width>,
  2806  &lt;padding-width>,
  2807  &lt;relative-size>,
  2808  &lt;right>, and
  2809  &lt;top>,
  2810  are considered macros by this specification. They all represent instances
  2811  of components outlined above.
  2813 Issue: One idea is that we can remove this section somewhere in
  2814 the CSS3/CSS4 timeline by moving the above definitions to the drafts that
  2815 define the CSS components.
  2818 #### Examples #### {#serializing-css-values-examples}
  2820 Here are some examples of before and after results on specified values.
  2821 The before column could be what the author wrote in a style sheet, while
  2822 the after column shows what querying the DOM would return.
  2824 <div class="example">
  2825  <table class="complex data">
  2826   <thead>
  2827    <tr><th>Before<th>After
  2828   <tbody>
  2829    <tr><td><code>background: none</code><td><code>background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)</code>
  2830    <tr><td><code>outline: none</code><td><code>outline: invert</code>
  2831    <tr><td><code>border: none</code><td><code>border: medium</code>
  2832    <tr><td><code>list-style: none</code><td><code>list-style: disc</code>
  2833    <tr><td><code>margin: 0 1px 1px 1px</code><td><code>margin: 0px 1px 1px</code>
  2834    <tr><td><code>azimuth: behind left</code><td><code>azimuth: 220deg</code>
  2835    <tr><td><code>font-family: a, 'b"', serif</code><td><code>font-family: "a", "b\"", serif</code>
  2836    <tr><td><code>content: url('h)i') '\[\]'</code><td><code>content: url("h)i") "[]"</code>
  2837    <tr><td><code>azimuth: leftwards</code><td><code>azimuth: leftwards</code>
  2838    <tr><td><code>color: rgb(18, 52, 86)</code><td><code>color: #123456</code>
  2839    <tr><td><code>color: rgba(000001, 0, 0, 1)</code><td><code>color: #000000</code>
  2840  </table>
  2842  Issue: Some of these need to be updated per the new rules.
  2843 </div>
  2846 DOM Access to CSS Declaration Blocks {#dom-access-to-css-declaration-blocks}
  2847 ============================================================================
  2850 The {{ElementCSSInlineStyle}} Interface {#the-elementcssinlinestyle-interface}
  2851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2853 The <code>ElementCSSInlineStyle</code> interface provides access to inline style properties of an element.
  2855 <pre class=idl>
  2856 [NoInterfaceObject]
  2857 interface ElementCSSInlineStyle {
  2858   [SameObject, PutForwards=cssText] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style;
  2859 };
  2860 </pre>
  2862 The <dfn attribute for=ElementCSSInlineStyle>style</dfn> attribute must return a live <a>CSS declaration block</a> with the following
  2863 properties:
  2864 <dl>
  2865  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a>
  2866  <dd>Unset.
  2867  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>
  2868  <dd>The result of <a lt="Parse a CSS declaration block">parsing</a> the <code>style</code> content attribute, in
  2869  <a>specified order</a>. If the <code>style</code> content attribute is absent, the object represents an
  2870  empty list of <a>CSS declarations</a>. Mutating the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>
  2871  must set the <code>style</code> content attribute on the <a>context object</a> to the
  2872  <a lt="serialize a CSS declaration block">serialization</a> of the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>. If the
  2873  <code>style</code> content attribute is set, changed or removed, the <a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a> must be
  2874  updated as appropriate.
  2875  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">parent CSS rule</a>
  2876  <dd>Null.
  2877  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">owner node</a>
  2878  <dd>The <a>context object</a>.
  2879 </dl>
  2881 If the user agent supports HTML, the following IDL applies: [[HTML]]
  2883 <pre class=idl>
  2884 HTMLElement implements ElementCSSInlineStyle;
  2885 </pre>
  2887 If the user agent supports SVG, the following IDL applies: [[SVG]]
  2889 <pre class=idl>
  2890 SVGElement implements ElementCSSInlineStyle;
  2891 </pre>
  2894 Extensions to the {{Window}} Interface {#extensions-to-the-window-interface}
  2895 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2897 <pre class=idl>
  2898 partial interface Window {
  2899   [NewObject] CSSStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle(Element elt, optional DOMString? pseudoElt);
  2900 };
  2901 </pre>
  2903 The <dfn method for=Window>getComputedStyle(<var>elt</var>, <var>pseudoElt</var>)</dfn> method must run these
  2904 steps:
  2905 <ol>
  2906  <li>Let <var>doc</var> be the
  2907  {{Document}}
  2908  associated with the <code>Window</code> object on
  2909  which the method was invoked.
  2910  <li>Let <var>obj</var> be <var>elt</var>.
  2911  <li>If <var>pseudoElt</var> is as an
  2912  <a>ASCII case-insensitive</a> match for
  2913  either ':before' or '::before' let
  2914  <var>obj</var> be the ''::before'' pseudo-element of
  2915  <var>elt</var>.
  2916  <li>If <var>pseudoElt</var> is as an
  2917  <a>ASCII case-insensitive</a> match for
  2918  either ':after' or '::after' let
  2919  <var>obj</var> be the ''::after'' pseudo-element of
  2920  <var>elt</var>.
  2921  <li>
  2922   Return a live <a>CSS declaration block</a> with the following properties:
  2923   <dl>
  2924    <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a>
  2925    <dd>Set.
  2926    <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>
  2927    <dd>All longhand properties that are <a lt="supported CSS property">supported CSS properties</a>, in lexicographical order, with the value being
  2928    the <a>resolved value</a> computed for <var>obj</var> using the style rules associated with <var>doc</var>.
  2929    Note: This means that even if <var>obj</var> is in a different document (e.g. one fetched via <code>XMLHttpRequest</code>) it will still use
  2930    the style rules associated with the document that is associated with the global object on which
  2931    {{Window/getComputedStyle()}} was invoked to compute the <a>CSS declaration block</a>.
  2932    <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">parent CSS rule</a>
  2933    <dd>Null.
  2934    <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">owner node</a>
  2935    <dd><var>obj</var>.
  2936   </dl>
  2938 </ol>
  2939 Note: Because of historical IDL limitations the {{Window/getComputedStyle()}} method used to be on
  2940 a separate interface, <code>ViewCSS</code>.
  2942 <p class=warning>The {{Window/getComputedStyle()}} method exposes information from <a lt="CSS style sheet">CSS style
  2943 sheets</a> with the <a>origin-clean flag</a> unset.
  2945 The {{GetStyleUtils}} Interface {#the-getstyleutils-interface}
  2946 --------------------------------------------------------------
  2948 The <dfn>associated document</dfn> of an object <var>obj</var> is <var>obj</var>'s <a>node
  2949 document</a> if <var>obj</var> is an <code>Element</code> object, or <var>obj</var>'s associated
  2950 <code>Element</code> object's <a>node document</a> if <var>obj</var> is a
  2951 {{PseudoElement}} object.
  2953 <pre class=idl>
  2954 [NoInterfaceObject]
  2955 interface GetStyleUtils {
  2956   [SameObject] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration cascadedStyle;
  2957   [SameObject] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration defaultStyle;
  2958   [SameObject] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration rawComputedStyle;
  2959   [SameObject] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration usedStyle;
  2960 };
  2961 </pre>
  2963 <p class=atrisk>The <dfn attribute for=GetStyleUtils>cascadedStyle</dfn> attribute must return a live <a>CSS declaration block</a>
  2964 with the following properties:
  2965 <dl>
  2966  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a>
  2967  <dd>Set.
  2968  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>
  2969  <dd>All longhand properties that are <a lt="supported CSS property">supported CSS properties</a>, in lexicographical order, that have a
  2970  <a>cascaded value</a> for the <a>context object</a>, with the value being the <a>cascaded value</a> computed for the
  2971  <a>context object</a> using the style rules associated with the <a>context object</a>'s <a>associated
  2972  document</a>.
  2973  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">parent CSS rule</a>
  2974  <dd>Null.
  2975  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">owner node</a>
  2976  <dd>The <a>context object</a>.
  2977 </dl>
  2979 <p class=atrisk>The <dfn attribute for=GetStyleUtils>defaultStyle</dfn> attribute must return a live <a>CSS declaration block</a>
  2980 with the following properties:
  2981 <dl>
  2982  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a>
  2983  <dd>Set.
  2984  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>
  2985  <dd>All longhand properties that are <a lt="supported CSS property">supported CSS properties</a>, in lexicographical order, with the value being
  2986  the <a>computed value</a> computed for the <a>context object</a> using the user-agent-level style rules and user-level style
  2987  rules associated with the <a>context object</a>'s <a>associated document</a>, ignoring transitions, animations, author-level
  2988  style rules, author-level presentational hints and override-level style rules.
  2989  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">parent CSS rule</a>
  2990  <dd>Null.
  2991  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">owner node</a>
  2992  <dd>The <a>context object</a>.
  2993 </dl>
  2995 <p class=atrisk>The <dfn attribute for=GetStyleUtils>rawComputedStyle</dfn> attribute must return a live <a>CSS declaration
  2996 block</a> with the following properties:
  2997 <dl>
  2998  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a>
  2999  <dd>Set.
  3000  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>
  3001  <dd>All longhand properties that are <a lt="supported CSS property">supported CSS properties</a>, in lexicographical order, with the value being
  3002  the <a>computed value</a> computed for the <a>context object</a> using the style rules associated with the
  3003  <a>context object</a>'s <a>associated document</a>.
  3004  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">parent CSS rule</a>
  3005  <dd>Null.
  3006  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">owner node</a>
  3007  <dd>The <a>context object</a>.
  3008 </dl>
  3010 <p class=atrisk>The <dfn attribute for=GetStyleUtils>usedStyle</dfn> attribute must return a live <a>CSS declaration block</a> with the
  3011 following properties:
  3012 <dl>
  3013  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">readonly flag</a>
  3014  <dd>Set.
  3015  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">declarations</a>
  3016  <dd>All longhand properties that are <a lt="supported CSS property">supported CSS properties</a>, in lexicographical order, with the value being
  3017  the <a>used value</a> computed for the <a>context object</a> using the style rules associated with the
  3018  <a>context object</a>'s <a>associated document</a>.
  3019  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">parent CSS rule</a>
  3020  <dd>Null.
  3021  <dt><a for="CSSStyleDeclaration">owner node</a>
  3022  <dd>The <a>context object</a>.
  3023 </dl>
  3025 <p class=warning>The {{GetStyleUtils/cascadedStyle}}, {{GetStyleUtils/rawComputedStyle}}
  3026 and {{GetStyleUtils/usedStyle}} methods expose information from <a>CSS style sheets</a> with the
  3027 <a>origin-clean flag</a> unset.
  3030 Extensions to the {{Element}} Interface {#extensions-to-the-element-interface}
  3031 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3033 <pre class=idl>
  3034 partial interface Element {
  3035   PseudoElement? pseudo(DOMString pseudoElt);
  3036 };
  3038 Element implements GetStyleUtils;
  3039 </pre>
  3041 <p class=atrisk>The <dfn method for=Element>pseudo(<var>pseudoElt</var>)</dfn> method, when invoked, must run the following steps:
  3042 <ol>
  3043  <li>If <var>pseudoElt</var> is as an <a>ASCII case-insensitive</a> match for either ':before' or
  3044  '::before' return the {{PseudoElement}} representing the ''::before'' pseudo-element of the
  3045  <a>context object</a>.
  3046  <li>If <var>pseudoElt</var> is as an <a>ASCII case-insensitive</a> match for either ':after' or
  3047  '::after' return the {{PseudoElement}} representing the ''::after'' pseudo-element of the
  3048  <a>context object</a>.
  3049  <li>Return null.
  3050 </ol>
  3051 When invoked with an argument that returns a {{PseudoElement}} object representing a particular pseudo-element, the same object must be
  3052 returned as returned by an earlier call that represent the same pseudo-element.
  3056 The {{PseudoElement}} Interface {#the-pseudoelement-interface}
  3057 --------------------------------------------------------------
  3059 <p class=atrisk>The {{PseudoElement}} interface is used for representing CSS pseudo-elements. A {{PseudoElement}} object is associated with an
  3060 <code>Element</code> object.
  3062 Issue: This should be merged with the {{CSSPseudoElement}} proposal.
  3064 <pre class=idl>
  3065 interface PseudoElement {
  3066 <!-- XXX
  3067   // type
  3068   // style
  3069   // ownerElement
  3070   // querySelector should return PseudoElements
  3071   // Extend Event to expose PseudoElement?
  3072 -->
  3073 };
  3075 PseudoElement implements GetStyleUtils;
  3076 </pre>
  3079 Utility APIs {#utility-apis}
  3080 ============================
  3082 The <code>CSS.escape()</code> Method {#the-css.escape()-method}
  3083 ------------------------------------------------------
  3085 The <code>CSS</code> interface holds useful CSS-related functions that do not belong elsewhere.
  3087 <pre class=idl>
  3088 interface CSS {
  3089   static DOMString escape(DOMString ident);
  3090 };
  3091 </pre>
  3093 The <dfn method for=CSS>escape(<var>ident</var>)</dfn> method must return the result of invoking <a>serialize an identifier</a> of
  3094 <var>ident</var>.
  3096 <div class=example>
  3097  For example, to escape a string for use as part of a selector, the {{CSS/escape()}} method can be used:
  3098  <pre>var element = document.querySelector('#' + CSS.escape(id) + ' > img');</pre>
  3099 </div>
  3101 <div class=example>
  3102  The {{CSS/escape()}} method can also be used for escaping strings, although it escapes characters that don't strictly need to be
  3103  escaped:
  3104  <pre>var element = document.querySelector('a[href="#' + CSS.escape(fragment) + '"]');</pre>
  3105 </div>
  3108 Resolved Values {#resolved-values}
  3109 ==================================
  3111 <code lt="dom-Window-getComputedStyle()">getComputedStyle()</code> was
  3112 historically defined to return the "computed value" of an element or
  3113 pseudo-element. However, the concept of "computed value" changed between
  3114 revisions of CSS while the implementation of
  3115 <code lt="dom-Window-getComputedStyle()">getComputedStyle()</code> had to
  3116 remain the same for compatibility with deployed scripts. To address this
  3117 issue this specification introduces the concept of a
  3118 <dfn>resolved value</dfn>.
  3120 The <a>resolved value</a> for a given property can be determined
  3121 as follows:
  3123 <dl class="switch">
  3124  <!--
  3125  We want to treat shorthand properties like any other value basically.
  3127  <dt>'background'
  3128  <dt>'border'
  3129  <dt>'border-collapse'
  3130  <dt>'border-color'
  3131  <dt>'border-spacing'
  3132  <dt>'border-style'
  3133  <dt>'border-top'
  3134  <dt>'border-right'
  3135  <dt>'border-bottom'
  3136  <dt>'border-left'
  3137  <dt>'border-width'
  3138  <dt>'font'
  3139  <dt>'list-style'
  3140  <dt>'margin'
  3141  <dt>'outline'
  3142  <!- - overflow is not - ->
  3143  <dt>'padding'
  3144  <dt>'pause'
  3145  <dd>
  3146   There is no <a>resolved value</a>.
  3148  -->
  3150  <dt>'line-height'
  3151  <dd>The <a>resolved value</a> is the <a>used value</a>.
  3153  <dt>'height'
  3154  <dt>'margin'
  3155  <dt>'margin-bottom'
  3156  <dt>'margin-left'
  3157  <dt>'margin-right'
  3158  <dt>'margin-top'
  3159  <dt>'padding'
  3160  <dt>'padding-bottom'
  3161  <dt>'padding-left'
  3162  <dt>'padding-right'
  3163  <dt>'padding-top'
  3164  <dt>'width'
  3165  <dd>If the property applies to the element or pseudo-element and the
  3166  <a>resolved value</a> of the 'display' property is not
  3167  ''display/none'', the <a>resolved value</a> is the
  3168  <a>used value</a>. Otherwise the <a>resolved value</a> is the
  3169  <a>computed value</a>.
  3171  <dt>'bottom'
  3172  <dt>'left'
  3173  <dt>'right'
  3174  <dt>'top'
  3175  <dd>If the property applies to a positioned element and the
  3176  <a>resolved value</a> of the 'display' property is not
  3177  ''display/none'', the <a>resolved value</a> is the
  3178  <a>used value</a>. Otherwise the <a>resolved value</a> is the
  3179  computed value.
  3181  <dt>Any other property
  3182  <dd>The <a>resolved value</a> is the <a>computed value</a>.
  3183 </dl>
  3186 IANA Considerations {#iana-considerations}
  3187 ==========================================
  3190 Default-Style {#default-style}
  3191 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3193 This section describes a header field for registration in the Permanent
  3194 Message Header Field Registry.
  3195 <!--<a href="issue">\[RFC3864]</a>-->
  3197 <dl>
  3198  <dt>Header field name
  3199  <dd><dfn lt="http-default-style">Default-Style</dfn>
  3200  <dt>Applicable protocol
  3201  <dd>http
  3202  <dt>Status
  3203  <dd>standard
  3204  <dt>Author/Change controller
  3205  <dd>W3C
  3206  <dt>Specification document(s)
  3207  <dd>This document is the relevant specification.
  3208  <dt>Related information
  3209  <dd>None.
  3210 </dl>
  3214 Change History {#change-history}
  3215 ================================
  3217 This section documents some of the changes between publications of this specification. This section is not exhaustive. Bug fixes and editorial changes are
  3218 generally not listed.
  3220 <!--
  3222 CSSCharsetRule is re-dropped.
  3224 -->
  3226 Changes From 12 July 2011 To 5 December 2013 {#changes-from-12-july-2011-to-5-december-2013}
  3227 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3229 <ul>
  3230  <li>Cross-origin stylesheets are not allowed to be read or changed.
  3232  <li><code>CSSCharsetRule</code> is re-introduced.
  3234  <li><code>CSSGroupingRule</code> and <code>CSSMarginRule</code> are introduced.
  3236  <li><code>CSSNamespaceRule</code> is now mutable.
  3238  <li><a lt="parse a CSS declaration block">Parse</a> and <a lt="serialize a CSS declaration block">serialize</a> a CSS declaration block is
  3239  now defined.
  3241  <li>Shorthands are now supported in {{CSSStyleDeclaration/setProperty()}},
  3242  {{CSSStyleDeclaration/getPropertyValue()}}, et al.
  3244  <li>{{CSSStyleDeclaration/setPropertyValue()}} and
  3245  {{CSSStyleDeclaration/setPropertyPriority()}} are introduced.
  3247  <li>The <code>style</code> and <code>media</code> attributes of various interfaces are annotated with the <code>[PutForwards]</code> WebIDL
  3248  extended attribute.
  3250  <li>The {{Element/pseudo()}} method on <code>Element</code> is introduced.
  3252  <li>The {{PseudoElement}} interface is introduced.
  3254  <li>The {{GetStyleUtils/cascadedStyle}}, .{{GetStyleUtils/rawComputedStyle}} and
  3255  {{GetStyleUtils/usedStyle}} attributes on <code>Element</code> and {{PseudoElement}} are introduced.
  3257  <li>The <code method for=CSS>CSS.escape()</code> static method is introduced.
  3258 </ul>
  3260 <!--
  3261 This section documents the primary technical changes of CSSOM related functionality, with a focus on changes to API signatures.
  3263 <h3 class="no-num">Changes From DOM-2 Style</h3>
  3265 <ul>
  3266 <li>Remove definition of <code>CSSRule.UNKNOWN_RULE</code>, reserving its value (0) to prevent future reuse.
  3267 <li>Remove definition of <code>DOMImplementationCSS</code> interface.
  3268 </ul>
  3269 -->
  3271 Acknowledgments {#acknowledgments}
  3272 ==================================
  3274 The editors would like to thank
  3275 Alexey Feldgendler,
  3276 Benjamin Poulain,
  3277 Bj&ouml;rn H&ouml;hrmann,
  3278 Boris Zbasky,
  3279 Brian Kardell,
  3280 Christian Krebs,
  3281 Daniel Glazman,
  3282 David Baron,
  3283 <i>fantasai</i>,
  3284 Hallvord R. M. Steen,
  3285 Ian Hickson,
  3286 John Daggett,
  3287 Lachlan Hunt,
  3288 Mike Sherov,
  3289 Morten Stenshorne,
  3290 Ms2ger,
  3291 Øyvind Stenhaug,
  3292 Peter Sloetjes,
  3293 Philip Jägenstedt,
  3294 Philip Taylor,
  3295 Richard Gibson,
  3296 Robert O'Callahan,
  3297 Simon Sapin,
  3298 Sjoerd Visscher,
  3299 Sylvain Galineau,
  3300 Tarquin Wilton-Jones, and
  3301 Zack Weinberg
  3302 for contributing to this specification.
  3304 Additional thanks to Ian Hickson for writing the
  3305 initial version of the alternative style sheets API and canonicalization
  3306 (now serialization) rules for CSS values.
  3308 <!-- XXX NOTES
  3310 <style type=text/css;charset=utf-8> does create a StyleSheet in Firefox
  3311 and Opera, but does not create a StyleSheet in IE. I prefer IE.
  3313 <style type=TEXT/CSS> sets the style sheet type to text/css in Firefox and
  3314 TEXT/CSS in Opera and IE. I prefer Firefox.
  3316 <style> sets the style sheet location to the document location Firefox,
  3317 the empty string in IE, and null in Opera. I prefer Opera
  3319 <style media="x"> invokes .sheet.media.mediaText = "x"
  3321 <style> does not "have" a title
  3323 .cascadedStyle that returns less keywords than currentStyle, no inherit,
  3324 etc.
  3326 Markup style: http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20100204#l-529
  3327 -->
  3328  </body>
  3329 </html>
