Manage My GLNs

Manage My GLNs is the party and location information tool by GS1 Canada. Manage My GLNs is a new, user-friendly tool that simplifies how you manage your company’s Global Location Numbers (GLNs) and GLN-related details (for example street address, city/town, province, postal code, etc.) for Ship To and Bill To locations to support trading partner transactions.

Why Use Manage My GLNs?

Manage My GLNs is a tool for subscribers to manage and update their organization's GLNs at no additional cost. With a streamlined interface, clear navigation and responsive performance, the tool makes it easy to handle GLNs.

Manage My GLNs offers numerous benefits:

  • Eliminate Guesswork: Manage all your GLN data with clear guidelines on creation and related details-ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
  • Privacy Controls: Decide which locations are visible to your trading partners and which remain private, giving you full control over the visibility of your data.
  • Global Visibility: Share GLNs and their associated information with a global audience to ensure seamless communication and alignment across markets and systems.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Stay informed with real-time alerts when trading partners update or add new GLNs, helping you stay ahead in your operations.
  • Search and Authenticate: Quickly search the GLN registry to authenticate your customers or trading partners in real time, fostering trust and transparency.

To learn more about Global Location Numbers, click here. Opens in a new window

Manage My GLNs helps ensure products arrive at the right place

It is created in response to industry-identified needs to facilitate more efficient operational activities and help drive down supply chain costs.

GLN vs. GTIN: Understanding the Difference

Though both GLNs and GTINs serve distinct purposes within the supply chain:

  • Global Location Number (GLN): Identifies specific locations in the supply chain, enabling businesses to track where a product is as it moves between locations. GLN can identify a physical location, such as a warehouse, a legal entity, such as a company or customer, or a function within that entity.
  • Global Trade Item Number (GTIN): Serves as a unique international product identifier, ensuring that each product is distinctly recognizable across the supply chain.

Key Differences:

  • GLN: Identifies the questions "who" and "where" within organizations and throughout the entire supply chain.
  • GTIN: Identifies "what" the product is.

If you have only one GLN for your organization, Manage My GLNs is a tool that you can use to confirm updated changes to your organization at no additional cost. If you have access to multiple GLNs in your company, you can create and assign GLNs to various locations, find them in the registry, view them and edit them.

Case Studies: GLN in Action

For GS1 Canada subscribers, Manage My GLNs is available in the My Tools section of your myGS1 account.

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If you need help getting started or have questions, contact our Subscriber Support team at 1.800.567.7084 or [email protected].