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go1.4beta is now ready for testing

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David Symonds

Dec 9, 2014, 7:43:11 PM12/9/14
to google-appengine-go
Hello Go App Engine users,

Go 1.4 is due to be released very soon. We are now providing a beta
version of the Go 1.4 runtime for those who wish to test their apps
against the new runtime.

While we do not anticipate any issues for existing apps (Go 1.4 is
backward compatible with earlier versions), some implementation
details have changed that may affect the behavior of your app (but not
its correctness). We recommend that you test important apps against
the new runtime using an alternate app version. The tentative release
notes for Go 1.4 are available here:

Note that as we have skipped Go 1.3 on App Engine, its changes will
also be new, so you may wish to review its release notes too:

Go 1.4 has not yet been released, so the go1.4beta runtime is built
from the release-branch.go1.4 of the core Go tree, and may be updated
as Go 1.4 approaches.

We will not be providing a beta version of the Go 1.4 SDK. You should
use goapp deploy (or from the normal Go App Engine SDK to
deploy your app.

To use go1.4beta, update your app.yaml file to use the new api_version:
api_version: go1.4beta

After Go 1.4 is released it will become the basis for api_version
'go1', as normal, and 'go1.4beta' will be retired soon afterward. We
expect this to happen early next year.

Your feedback and bug reports are most appreciated.


Alexander Trakhimenok

Dec 11, 2014, 3:14:55 AM12/11/14

Go 1.4 has been released. Is there a way to check if api_version: go1 is using Go 1.4 or Go 1.2 in production?

Would you notify us when the switch would happen?


David Symonds

Dec 11, 2014, 3:21:01 AM12/11/14
to Alexander Trakhimenok, google-appengine-go
You can use runtime.Version() [1] to see what version your app is
using. It'll most likely only switch when you upload a new version of
your app though.

We expect to announce in this mailing list when we switch go1 to be
based on Go 1.4.


Brandon Thomson

Dec 27, 2014, 2:23:54 AM12/27/14
Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to give us this go1.4beta api_version for testing. I just found out that one of my apps would not compile in 1.4 due to the "Method calls on **T" change. It's nice to be able to able to fix that now and test in production before the default switches to 1.4.

Much appreciated!

Dec 27, 2014, 2:39:25 PM12/27/14
Is this not working yet with app engine managed VMs?

I set the api_version to go1.4beta for an application that I am deploying as a managed vm (i.e., vm is true in the app.yaml file).
After deploying it (gcloud preview app deploy), runtime.Version() is still reporting go1.2.2. Is there something else I should be doing?

Kun Li

Dec 27, 2014, 3:25:26 PM12/27/14
The docker file is still using 1.2.2 that's why you see the version there. We will have to wait until the Go1.4 support in docker images
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Yours Sincerely

Dec 28, 2014, 1:49:59 AM12/28/14
Thanks - that makes sense.

On Saturday, December 27, 2014 1:25:26 PM UTC-7, Kun Li wrote:
The docker file is still using 1.2.2 that's why you see the version there. We will have to wait until the Go1.4 support in docker images

On Saturday, December 27, 2014, <[email protected]> wrote:
Is this not working yet with app engine managed VMs?

I set the api_version to go1.4beta for an application that I am deploying as a managed vm (i.e., vm is true in the app.yaml file).
After deploying it (gcloud preview app deploy), runtime.Version() is still reporting go1.2.2. Is there something else I should be doing?

On Thursday, December 11, 2014 1:21:01 AM UTC-7, David Symonds wrote:
You can use runtime.Version() [1] to see what version your app is
using. It'll most likely only switch when you upload a new version of
your app though.

We expect to announce in this mailing list when we switch go1 to be
based on Go 1.4.


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Jan 21, 2015, 11:22:25 AM1/21/15
Thanks for making this available.  Go 1.4 is a big step forward! 

How can I enable api_version: go1.4beta in my local SDK?  Is there something new I need to download?

When I use goapp version at the command prompt, I get "go1.2.1 (appengine-1.9.17) darwin/amd64", but I don't know how to get the SDK to use version 1.4.  I originally installed the SDK using homebrew, if that matters.

Thanks for your help!



Jan 21, 2015, 2:21:54 PM1/21/15
Hi Ben,

the announcement says
We will not be providing a beta version of the Go 1.4 SDK. You should 
use goapp deploy (or from the normal Go App Engine SDK to 
deploy your app. "

Also, in this thread , Dave says

go1.4 only works in prod as a preview. Everything will switch early next year.

so :-)

Glenn Lewis

Jan 21, 2015, 2:22:20 PM1/21/15
to [email protected], google-appengine-go
The latest (1.9.17) Go App Engine SDK is still currently using Go 1.2.1.
Please watch the SDK release notes for updates, and thanks for your patience.
-- Glenn

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Jan 21, 2015, 2:54:51 PM1/21/15
Thanks bsr and Glenn --

I appreciate you helping me understand it a little better -- sorry I missed that in the announcement.  In my first note, I left out the part where I said I'm a total n00b with Go and App Engine, so I'm still asking *tons* of (possibly obvious) questions.  I understand it takes time to make great things, and I'm rooting for a swift and successful beta cycle. :)


David Symonds

Feb 23, 2015, 10:33:42 PM2/23/15
to google-appengine-go
With the arrival of the App Engine 1.9.18 release, the standard
api_version go1 is now based on go1.4.2, and api_version go1.4beta is
deprecated. We will stop accepting uploads to it shortly, and stop
serving it entirely not too long after that. If you've got apps using
go1.4beta, now's the time to switch them back to go1.


Ian Rose

Feb 24, 2015, 10:47:38 AM2/24/15
Should dev_appserver be using Go 1.4.2 now as well?  I just did a `gcloud components update`, but in dev, runtime.Version() is still printing "go1.2.1 (appengine-1.9.17)".

- Ian

Glenn Lewis

Feb 24, 2015, 11:08:38 AM2/24/15
to Ian Rose, google-appengine-go
The Cloud SDK is still serving appengine-1.9.17 as its latest component.  It is a known issue and is being worked on.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
In the meantime, see the other thread on this list for a temporary workaround to use appengine-1.9.18.
-- Glenn


Ian Rose

Feb 24, 2015, 11:18:36 AM2/24/15
Glenn -

Sorry if I am being dense; I'm not able to find the other thread you are referring to, as searches for "1.9.18" only return this thread.

- Ian
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Glenn Lewis

Feb 24, 2015, 11:43:42 AM2/24/15
to Ian Rose, google-appengine-go
I apologize, Ian, for not providing the link earlier... it turns out that it was a different mailing list altogether:
-- Glenn

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Ian Rose

Feb 24, 2015, 11:46:09 AM2/24/15
to Glenn Lewis, google-appengine-go
Got it - thanks.
- Ian

Derek Perkins

Feb 26, 2015, 3:44:40 AM2/26/15
gcloud components update now installs 1.9.18 correctly. goapp version however reports 1.4.1, not 1.4.2.

go version go1.4.1 (appengine-1.9.18) windows/amd64

Glenn Lewis

Feb 26, 2015, 11:42:21 AM2/26/15
to Derek Perkins, google-appengine-go
Yes, that is correct.  The 1.9.18 SDK released with the Go 1.4.1 toolchain, and the next release will ship with Go 1.4.2.
Meanwhile, this should not cause any compatibility issues.  Please let us know if you run across any.
-- Glenn

Julius Kovac

Mar 2, 2015, 4:31:26 AM3/2/15
Documentation page still mention "The Go runtime environment uses Go version 1.2.", should be updated.

-- j

Glenn Lewis

Mar 2, 2015, 10:56:05 AM3/2/15
to Julius Kovac, google-appengine-go, Derek Perkins
Thank you, Julius!  I'll get that updated.
-- Glenn

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