Happy New Year!
This week Psychic Zya is back with her predictions for the year ahead. Make sure to screenshot or bookmark this post so you can come back and refer to it all year long!
2025 is set to bring all the things. And I do mean all of them! The spiritual significance of this year cannot be expanded upon enough. Let’s start that it is a 9 year. 2+0+2+5 equals 9. The number 9 is considered a symbol of spiritual enlightenment and completion. It is often associated with higher consciousness, selflessness, and compassion.
It is also the number of the lightworker. And with us now being fully anchored into the Age of Aquarius aka the age of enlightenment – themes of spiritual activation, the occult, and metaphysics impacting us globally and individually will spread wide and far.
Within the cosmos we will not only experience two ‘Blood Moons,’ and Three ‘Supermoons’ in 2025 we will also see Pluto moving deeper into Aquarius while Uranus will enter Gemini June 2025. These two planets together signify upheaval, change and possibly war and strife on the global stage.
Simply put 2025 will kick off about 8 years of massive change that will leave everyone very different on the other side.
It’s also going to heavily kick off much of the massive change that Pluto in Aquarius will bring in the following areas: technology, health and wellness, huge financial changes, mass awakenings, mass movement – change, change and more change.
On top of this, a global lifestyle movement will happen due to outer and inner disruption – there will be lots of changes in careers and people walking away from a complicated over consumerism in search of a quieter, simpler life.
Think of this as a big splitting of reality -more people will move into 5D – fifth dimension – a more spiritually, naturally led lifestyle – less tech, more touch, less city, more country life. These people will be lead by the fact that their own spiritual and metaphysical gifts are opening along with their desire to not live within a confined established society who has norms they don’t agree with.
Meanwhile others will move fully into 3D- more tech, more urban living, more leaning into illusions, more consumption, more traditional religion.
Emotional Intelligence will be a very big theme where we will be forced as a collective to dive deeper into our own emotions and those we love or work with.
As a human collective we will be pushed into our divine feminine era (this is different from a soft girl era btw) where we heal mother wounds, honor our intuition, while also placing women in more leadership roles and honoring the inherent (but often intangible) contributions that women bring to the collective while working to thrive in a masculine dominated world.
2025 and beyond is not for everybody – and that’s ok!
Those who have chosen to see this journey through will do and will be better off for it.
As for you and your sign this year’s outlook includes not only your overall 2025 outlook but I’ve also once again included your power colors, power numbers and a power mantra. Use these by wearing the power colors on important days – job interview, first date, etc as well as adding them to your wardrobe, your beauty looks and your home decor. The numbers can be incorporated by also scheduling important events on these dates (i.e. your wedding, travel plans etc) and you can even go so far as to have a key chain, necklace or a t-shirt made in those numbers. You should also Google up each number to find out the spiritual meaning/vibration of each one. I love the site Sacred Scribes Angel Numbers. As for your power mantra- say this to yourself daily while looking in the mirror for at least ten minutes a day and watch how things easily manifest for you.
Okay let’s dip into your 2025 Year Long Astrological Outlook!!!
Source:Tommy de YampertAbundance, fulfillment, and prosperity are ready to be activated at the highest levels in your life in 2025. However, the caveat is that you will have to be willing to do something over and over again that many Cappys hate to do: Change. And not just change. Be in community too. And no, not leading the community (I see you, boo.) But letting the community support your needs for once. You see the two are connected – the more you’re willing to change, to be inconsistent, to not have everything nailed out with guarantees, the more you will need community to bring your visions to life, while also lending emotional support when things get tougher than anticipated. The flavor of 2025 will support you in whatever mission you undertake, but be prepared for the unexpected and for the unexpected to leave you better off than you had (previously) planned.
RED FLAG: You’ll have to be mindful as to what financial investments you make this year as they will have a great impact on your life for the next decade. Be extremely careful here…especially if you’re looking at retiring in less than the next 15 years!!
SWEET SPOT: Expansion is your middle name this year, and you’ll have many wins as long as you can take losses as lessons and keep moving forward.
POWER COLORS: Red, green, gold.
POWER NUMBERS: 8, 88, 808.
2025 MANTRA: “I don’t lose. I learn and use the wisdom for my wins.”
Source:Tommy de Yampert2025 will be giving “House of Mirrors” all year long to all Aquarians. (House of Mirrors is a confusing situation (s) where the issues are compounded and it’s hard to tell the truth from lies.) Yes, you’ll have to sharpen your discernment like a butcher knife to be able to sort the “real” from the “fake.” This will include your own inner illusions around your wants, needs, desires, and any alternative identity (false persona) you’ve built up based on living for others. Yeah, this ain’t light work, but it’s not meant to be. We are after all in the Age of Aquarius and you all will be battle-tested in 2025. Why? Because many of you are meant to be way-showers to the human collective during this time of massive change – and how can you show people the way when you’ve never been down the path? Prepare to be ushered into new career paths, new chapters, new countries, and ultimately new callings.
RED FLAG: Your birthday season will get this “House of Mirrors” theme going with a betrayal by someone you’ve (perhaps blindly?) trusted for a very long time — right around your birthday.
SWEET SPOT: Make “play and childlike wonder” a major theme for you this year. This will help facilitate your spiritual gifts and allow you to flow better (and be more emotionally stable) through the “House of Mirrors” theme that is upon you this year.
POWER COLORS: White, silver, dark grey.
POWER NUMBERS: 7, 77, 11
2025 MANTRA: “I will not ignore my intuition, nor will I ignore the truth no matter how much it hurts!”
Source:Tommy de YampertTrust and happiness will have to go hand in hand with your 2025 Pisces. What I mean by this is whatever choices you make – lead from happiness. If those options don’t make you happy then those are not your options. Saying no and fully meaning it will serve you well in 2025. As you power forward, don’t allow others to sway you. Your inner demons (we all have them) will be tested heavily by third parties in 2025. It will be important that you do the things you want to do for yourself and no one else. In other words – release all people pleasing behavior for a fantastic 2025. This will also apply to those with Pisces in their Venus, Moon, Mars, and Mercury.
RED FLAG: Be mindful of outside influence in your life. Your gut needs to lead the way, not the opinions of others.
SWEET SPOT: Wisdom can be found in the darnedest places and in the most “crazy” situations. Your Spirit team will have a lot of “fun” with you this year as they impart wisdom to you. Take it in stride and keep your humor up high.
POWER COLORS: PVC/plastic clear, slate grey, and all shades of pink.
POWER NUMBERS: 222, 111, 5
2025 MANTRA: “Life is spicy and I’m here to taste the rainbow!”
Source:Tommy de YampertYour secret wish for your life to change completely will most likely come true in 2025. A gateway to all that you desire opens up right around the start of your birthday season. However, there is a need for deep stillness, less impulsivity, and more tapping in with your heart. It will be important that you take your time making decisions and choose your circle of friends wisely. A word of caution here: If you’ve been doing shady things on the low to people who do not deserve it – then prepare for this to come to light this year on a very large scale.
RED FLAG: Before making any big real estate purchases this year, please do your due diligence and move slowly on all transactions. Unfortunately, this is a year that could signal a big financial loss in this area of your life if you don’t heed this message.
SWEET SPOT: Your diet will come up for big changes this year — lean deeply into your health/wellness and you’ll find yourself greatly rewarded.
POWER COLORS: Ocean blue, yellow, and cream.
POWER NUMBERS: 509, 555, 4
2025 MANTRA: “What I seek is seeking me.”
Source:Tommy de YampertYour Spirit team wants to invite you to follow your flow of bliss in 2025. They want you to embody more of a hands-off approach to your goals in life and lean more into just allowing things to unfold for you. When you move in this energy it opens up golden doors of opportunity that you can’t even begin to imagine, not to mention for those who are seeking – love is definitely ready to be served up to you in 2025. Meditate and visualize often what you wish to receive in 2025, stay in flow, and watch just how fast things manifest for you. Remember to always give thanks when they do!
RED FLAG: Enlightenment is not for the weak – however the benefits are numerous. Your continuous healing at the soul level will help everyone in your ancestral line both those who came before you and those who came after. Soul/DNA level healing will be a big theme for Taurus and those with Taurus in their Moon and Mercury. Take note that those who have already started on this shadow healing journey for the past few years will find things a lot less tumultuous overall in this area of their life.
SWEET SPOT: Leadership will be a major theme for you this year. Both being positioned as a leader as well as using high discernment in trusting who you allow to lead you. Screenshot this message and make it your screensaver and thank me later.
POWER COLORS: Mandarin orange, yellow-gold and rust.
POWER NUMBERS: 11, 113, 444, 33
2025 MANTRA: “I stay in flow and trust that all is well, no matter what comes.”
Source:Tommy de YampertWhen one gets stuck in the mud, the worst thing to do is struggle. It’s best to slowly extract oneself one step at a time; delicately and with focused intention. This is how the truth of who you are at a soul level will be revealed to you by the Universe this year Gems. Many of you are going to realize that you’ve been wearing a mask that has grown too heavy. This will be triggered by your deep desire for both simple pleasures and raw truths. (And possibly some family secrets coming front and center.) Not gonna lie, 2025 is coming in swinging, but it’s only to help you stand in your power and get real about what (or who) is a true match and what is an illusion. No matter – your soul has been building you up quietly for 2025 – you’ll make it through anything.
RED FLAG: Don’t be afraid of solitude and isolation. It’s the quickest way to get to all the delicious treasures that your soul wants to share with you in 2025.
SWEET SPOT: Relaxation in all that you do must be central to your emotional well-being in 2025. Sustaining long bouts of stress will simply not be available to you this year. Get into it!
POWER COLORS: Black, maroon and grape-purple.
POWER NUMBERS: 55, 0, 11
2025 MANTRA: “It’s better to disappoint others than lie to them and myself!”
Source:Tommy de Yampert2025 will show you that your success lies in forgiveness and allowing yourself to make as many mistakes and fresh starts as you need to. It’s the nature of the CRAB to hold onto past hurts and thus compound a small thing into a multi-layered situation. You must be steadfast in releasing all resentment if you wish to fly high this year. You can’t get up -way up -if you’ve got a ton of things holding you down. If this resonates, work on your heart chakra while learning how to forgive those who’ve trespassed you as well as yourself for any naivety/lack of discernment that may have been at play. PS: The quickest way to level up emotionally and mentally is with heart chakra work – start listening to heart chakra meditations, wearing loads of the color green and set up a daily gratitude practice.
RED FLAG: Brace yourself for your inner circle to chaotically change this year. Trust that this is happening for your benefit and let go with ease. Betrayals and old hurts may be dragged up and slung around for everyone to get a taste. Roll with the punches and let go with grace.
SWEET SPOT: What does freedom look like for you? 2025 will illuminate what exactly feels good to you at a soul level and push you to do more of that. This practice is what will allow your soul to be set free.
POWER COLORS: Snow white, tangerine, blush pink
POWER NUMBERS: 15, 17, 22
2025 MANTRA: “I release all past hurts.”
8. LEO
Source:Tommy de YampertCourage will be a major theme for Leos this year. You’re going to be challenged to have the courage to speak up for yourself- and others. To forge relationships in communities that you normally wouldn’t even think about. And ultimately to have the courage to hold your focus steady on cultivating the life you want. Expect 2025 to really highlight for you what is missing in your life and how you may simply be self-sabotaging and causing your own delays and missed opportunities. Look at this year as a Year of You. By the end of 2025, you’ll be a very different person with a different circle, mindset, and lifestyle. Are you in?
RED FLAG: Expect to learn how to alchemize and integrate your shadow fully this year. Many of you have already been on this journey for the past few years and 2025 is a year-long master class. #yougotthis
SWEET SPOT: Spend the first month of the year creating an amazing vision board for yourself and leave plenty of space to update and shift it accordingly.
POWER COLORS: Gold, black, red.
POWER NUMBERS: 44, 444, 333
2025 MANTRA: “I alchemize all wounds which helps me to stand in and stay in my power!”
Source:Tommy de YampertOften the path to a new beginning is quite tumultuous. And this Dear Virgo will be the core experience of your 2025. Many of you have been secretly wishing for rapid and widespread change – but you don’t want to actually change yourself, patterns or habits. Why? Because they make you feel safe – and smothered. This 9 year is a wrap-up year for most of you. New chapters, new levels and new insights will be coming fast and thick all year long. Get into it and listen to your inner voice without judgment. This will also apply to those with Virgo Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter.
RED FLAG: Family dynamics that are unbalanced and frankly toxic will take a big hit this year. There will be a lot of healing chaos and “come to Jesus” moments for everybody. Let’s gooo! And let go…
SWEET SPOT: Taking calculated action will serve you well this year. Don’t worry too much about the mistakes, just keep moving forward, confident that the final outcome will be very much to your benefit and to the benefit of those that you love.
POWER COLORS: Rainbow, cranberry, wine and black.
POWER NUMBERS: 89, 39, 6
2025 MANTRA: “I embrace healing chaos!”
Source:Tommy de YampertYou’ll be tasked to rise to your fullest potential in 2025. Even when you think you don’t have the capacity for more – you’ll find that you do. The key is that as you expand your world to include more – more abundance, more responsibility, more leadership – you’ll have to make a consistent practice of cultivating inner peace. A good way to do this is to expand your capacity at both the energetic and the nervous system levels. Look into a system reset program like Rapid Rewiring. The Universe is looking forward to witnessing your expansion! PS: More than any other sign this year, you must go deep on manifestation work and constantly keep your vibration in a high position as what you think and feel will have a rapid outcome in your life! Be mindful even when your mind is full.
RED FLAG: Miracles are a thing, but if something seems too good to be true, there’s nothing wrong with pausing and going within (hello gut instinct!) to see what’s what. Also, check in legally when it comes to any business matters.
SWEET SPOT: Taking risks this year will reap big rewards but keep in mind that delay doesn’t mean denial.
POWER COLORS: Silver, sky blue & white.
POWER NUMBERS: 606, 12, 3
2025 MANTRA: “This is my year of expansion!”
Source:Tommy de YampertIn order to thrive – not merely survive – patience and illumination are needed. This year, try to work to receive mentorship both in your career and in your personal life. In addition to this, having a consistent meditation practice will allow you to harness and heed your inner God voice which speaks to all of us, but is often ignored. This is important as many Scorpios specifically will be impacted by the high moon activity this year and will find that their intuition is at odds with their ego. These two will have to be balanced and your Spirit team is set to give you year-long lessons that will teach you (gently and not-so-gently) how to do so. Also, you may feel a pull to dive into the Occult. Do so with caution and again, getting a mentor in this space will go a long way.
RED FLAG: Like a few others, “healing chaos” will be served up often and red-hot in 2025! The best way to handle these karmic lessons is to observe how you’re showing up in these various situations and then work to self-correct as often as possible.
SWEET SPOT: Challenge yourself to stay open to new people, places, and things. There is a team of soulmates lining up this year to join you in this journey called life where you’ll all be teaching and learning from one another. Cheers!
POWER COLORS: Brown, army green and tomato red
POWER NUMBERS: 44, 00, 11
2025 MANTRA: “I welcome all karmic teachers. I am ready!”
Source:Tommy de YampertYour blessings are wrapped up in how secure your nervous system feels when faced with new challenges and opportunities. What I mean is that often when life gets bigger than we could ever imagine, we sometimes freeze because our deep wounds of self-worth come up for examination. And this is where many people stop – they get triggered and then run and hide. I challenge all Sags to look at these moments as golden nuggets to dismantle and alchemize within themselves. A good way to learn how to do this is to learn about resetting deep programming and somatic therapy. Good luck!
RED FLAG: Sometimes we think we need protecting from things that are actually there to help us grow at a soul level. Honor your soul’s need for growth no matter how it shows up for you.
SWEET SPOT: Embracing your inner power will lead to gold that keeps going for years and years and years to come. Stop playing a background role in your own life. You are the lead!
POWER COLORS: Copper, black, and white.
POWER NUMBERS: 55, 9, 909
2025 MANTRA: “I am the lead actor in my own life!”