Tech News
Coachella Bandit Nabbed by ‘Find My Phone’ Feature After Allegedly Stealing 100 Smartphones
Coachella is always full of surprises (like when Radiohead quit earlier this week after audio problems), but this year’s biggest surprise seems to have happened far away from the main stage. On Friday, a New York man was arrested after allegedly stealing more than 100 cell phones from concert attendees in one of the more … Continued
Tech News
Foxconn Employee Steals 5,700 iPhones Before Getting Caught
We’ve all stolen things from work—pencils, pens, maybe a notebook—but this Foxconn employee went a little too far. According to AsiaOne, a former senior manager at the world’s largest electronics maker and assembler was charged with stealing and selling 5,700 iPhones for a value of about $1.56 million. The Taiwanese manager, who is identified by … Continued
How a Mail-Order Music Scam Taught Me to Steal
It’s hard to say exactly when I learned how to steal music. At first, I think it happened when I learned how to torrent. Then I recall my late nights with Napster. But if I really think hard about it, I remember middle school and Columbia House and that incredible eight CDs for a penny … Continued
Tech News
A Simple Trick to Protect Your PIN From Thieves With Thermal Cameras
Thermal cameras were once expensive and bulky hunks of equipment that very few people could get their hands on. No longer. With FLIR’s new iPhone case thermal imaging cameras are now both affordable and incredibly discreet, which means that evil-doers can use it to see the thermal signature your fingers leave on a keypad and … Continued
By Brent Rose -
Tech News
Considerate iPhone Thief Returns Handwritten List of Stolen Contacts
What really sucks about losing your phone—besides losing the phone—is that you also lose a whole bunch of your data. But to help ease that pain, a iPhone thief in China copied down a list of all his victim’s contacts (by hand!) and returned it to its rightful owner. All 1,000 of them. According to … Continued
By Eric Limer -
Tech News
The Best Criminal Get-Rich Scheme? Selling Stolen Graphing Calculators
You’re down and out. You need to make some quick cash. You’re not opposed to criminal activity. What do you do? Cook meth? Nah, just sell some stolen graphing calculators out of state. That was the plan a 27-year-old woman and 33-year-old man apparently had before getting arrested in Salt Lake City. According to the … Continued
By Eric Limer -
Tech News
Idiot iPhone Thief Leaves His Samsung Galaxy at the Scene, Gets Caught
Irony’s a bitch. Alleged iPhone thief Travis Montgomery Snyder knows first hand. His smash-and-grab plot to liberate a whole slew of iPhones from a Virginia retailer went of mostly without a hitch. Expect for the part where he left his own phone behind. The robbery occurred back on February 19, when police were called to … Continued
By Eric Limer -
Tech News
Hackers Stole $45 Million In Cash From ATMs Around the Globe
Waving a gun around at a bank is so 10 years ago. With a little tech on their side, a squad of bank robbers were able to snag a cool $45 million in cash with nothing but some hacks and few old key cards that had ATMs across the globe virtually printing money. An indictment … Continued
By Eric Limer -
Tech News
Oh Man, This Genius Guy Created a Robot to Steal from Vending Machines
You could use measuring tape to steal a can of soda from a vending machine but if you’re a genius, why not just invent a freaking robot to do the dirty work for you? This guy did just that. He inserts his robot inside the vending machine and controls it to grab as many sodas … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
Watch a Genius Two-Year-Old Use Nail Clippers to Pick a Lock and Steal His Sister’s Toys
Here is the most adorable theft ever. A two-year-old toddler figured out how to use nail clippers to pick the lock on his eight-year-old sister’s door so that he could steal a stuffed animal at night. His parents set up a baby camera to see the incredible “crime” go down. It’s truly wonderful. Joann Moser, … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
Apple Theft Is So Bad That the NYPD Has a Dedicated iTheft Division
It should come as no surprise that iPhones and iPads are prime targets for theft, but it’s gotten really bad in New York City. It’s so bad that, according to the New York Post, the NYPD is setting up a unit specifically to handle iDevice theft and work with Apple to track down the thieves. … Continued
By Eric Limer -
Tech News
Genius Uses OkCupid To Get a “Date” With the Scumbag That Stole His Phone
What do you do when your iPhone is stolen? Cry? Get a new one? Scream at the sky? How about tracking down the thief by luring him to a sexy date over OkCupid and then threatening him with a hammer so he gives it back? That last one worked out pretty well for Nadav Nirenberg. … Continued
By Eric Limer -
Tech News
This Is How Thieves Will Snatch Your Phone On the Train
You already know that smartphone theft is becoming super common. This is exactly how it happens. https://gizmodo.com/hold-on-tight-smartphone-mugging-is-more-popular-than-5953494 This robbery happened on a subway in Hungary a few days ago. Apparently the thief there was being filmed because he was acting a little weird, and the camera-person thought there might be some funny business ahead. Unfortunately, … Continued
By Eric Limer -
Tech News
Hold On Tight, Smartphone Mugging Is More Popular Than Ever
When you get a flashy, fancy new phone, of course you’re going to want to use it, but you better be careful how and where; new reports show smartphone theft is getting super popular. You might say this is a good reason to keep it in your pants. The problem is most prevalent, and getting … Continued
By Eric Limer -
Tech NewsSocial Media
Picture of Cash Posted on Facebook Leads to Home Robbery
Some people who use Facebook are dumb. Like a 17-year-old Australian girl who posted a picture of a massive pile of cash to her Facebook account and was then shocked when, just hours later, her house was broken into and the money demanded from her. Apparently, the 17-year-old was helping her grandmother to count her … Continued
Tech News
A TSA Agent Has Been Stealing iPads from Passenger Luggage
Here’s another awful thing to add to your oft updated list of why the TSA is terrible: a TSA baggage inspector has been charged with theft by a public servant for stealing eight iPads (on different occasions) from passenger luggage at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. Predictably, the TSA is saying this ‘rogue’ agent ain’t their … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
How Does an Entire Bridge Go Missing?
Police in North Beaver Township, Pennsylvania are scratching their heads right now. Why? A 50-foot long, 20-foot wide steel bridge just disappeared. How? Apparently, some very bold criminals just up and stole it. Stealing a bridge, as you’d imagine, is a pretty complicated crime. This isn’t some 90s era magic trick people. The local police … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
Stealing ATM PIN Numbers Using a Thermal Camera Is Too Freaking Easy
I can’t believe criminals haven’t jumped onto thermal cameras because they’re apparently BOSS at stealing your ATM PIN number. Not only can they figure out the set of numbers in a pin but sometimes they can even tell the order too. Scary. Researchers from UCSD pointed thermal cameras towards plastic ATM PIN pads and metal … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
The Most Amazing But Least Effective Way to Pickpocket Somebody Is to Use Chopsticks
How good are you with chopsticks? Probably good enough to pick up sushi but probably not even close to Miyagi-ing a fly, right? Well check this out, this guy managed to pickpocket a phone with chopsticks. Just watch the video, the grimy old guy—who for some reason had a pair of chopsticks on the ready—stakes … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
Google on Bing Stealing Search Results: “We’d Like For This Practice to Stop”
The catty slapping between Google and Microsoft has reached a crescendo today, with Google’s Amit Singhal taking to the official Google blog to expand more on yesterday’s shocking revelation that Bing is stealing their search results. Google Fellow Singhal described how they discovered Microsoft’s Bing search engine was copying their spelling corrections and top search … Continued