Tech NewsDesign
Does This Geometric Church Look Like A Stegosaurus Doing Yoga?
The aptly-named 100 Walls Church in Cebu, Philippines, is like an architectural Rorschach test: From far away, it looks like shards of shale rock rearranged by an extreme rationalist. Up close, it’s something closer to an oversized geometric maze. CAZA Architects, who designed the building, describe it on their site as “a Stegosaurus doing yoga.” … Continued
Tech NewsDesign
Norway’s Lovely Memorial to the Worst Mass Shooting In Modern History
It’s been almost three years since a gunman detonated a bomb in Oslo and then stormed a small summer camp off the coast of Norway, killing 77 people and cementing a record as the worst mass shooting in modern memory. This month, the country revealed plans for a memorial to the tragedy—and it’s beautiful. Designed … Continued
Tech NewsDesign
38 Architectural Renderings You Won’t Believe Are Fake
Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings—solid, tangible structures. These images, however, depict views of spaces that have only ever existed in silico—and they’re breathtaking. Vintage Whisky by Ankush Mittal Software used: Max, V-Ray, Photoshop. ARCHINTERIOR by Evermotion Software used: 3ds Max. MIES VAN DER ROHE FARNSWORTH HOUSE by Alessandro Prodan Software used: … Continued
CGTrader -
Tech NewsDesign
Twitter’s Not the Only Company With Indoor Cabins
In a few short weeks, employees at Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters will be dining inside century-old log cabins shipped all the way from Montana. And Twitter isn’t alone. The struggle to make corporate office life less stupefying and more cozy seems to have reached its logical conclusion with a new trend: Buildings within buildings. For … Continued
By Sarah Zhang -
Tech NewsDesign
Imagine how cool it would be if buildings weren’t actually constructed above-ground; if instead we lived in a large-scale garden of growing structures where architecture emerged, fully-formed, from the earth. Landed, by Ian Strange, is a somewhat disconcerting sculptural installation outside the Art Gallery of South Australia, that gives the sense we caught a home … Continued
Tech NewsDesign
Vote for Kick-Ass Design Projects Over at Architizer
The Architizer A+ Awards are open for public voting, and it’s well worth the time to click through and choose your favorites. There are some really great projects—and a few duds—but certainly a wide range of spaces, materials, and building types for just about anyone, from strangely gorgeous parking garages to Romantic and fantastical towers … Continued
Tech NewsSploid
This youth hostel feels more like a space academy
This is the winning project to expandone of the oldest youth hotels in Germany, located in central Munich. Looking at its interior, it now feels like a Star Trek space academy. According to the architects, its design promotes a communal experience and the “established traditions of simple traveling, youthful curiosity and the thirst for encounter.” … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
The World’s Most Amazing Structures Not Built by Humans
Humans are far from the only creatures with the ability to shape the environment in their favor. From insects and arachnids to marine invertebrates and mammals, the animal kingdom is rife with members who all construct their own habitats. Here are the most prolific builders in Animalia. The Sprawling Structures of Hornets, Bees, and Wasps … Continued
Tech NewsDesign
Buildings That Used to Be Pizza Huts: Where Are They Now?
It started with some Pittsburgh humor. Pittsburgh-based comedian Tom Musial does a bit about a GPS unit that can give directions in “Pittsburghese.” Because in Pittsburgh, no one calls it “Interstate 376,” it’s “The Parkway.” It’s not “The Liberty Tunnel,” it’s “The Liberty Tubes.” And directions are often given by way of what used to … Continued
Roman Mars - 99% Invisible -
Tech News
A new plan for U.S. transportation! California tries to fix its water crisis! An ugly building with good politics in Philly! Plus, Italy’s boyish new leader and a walking tour of “crushingly boring” Silicon Valley! It’s all in this week’s best Urban Reads. Obama unveiled a new transportation and infrastructure plan last week. Now he … Continued
Tech News
These Compost Islands Would Turn NYC’s Garbage Into Gold
The average New Yorker generates about three pounds of trash every day, and a huge amount of that is food waste—which could be composted, if only we had the space. Enter “Green Loop,” a proposal to build massive composting islands off the coastline of NYC. “We send trucks millions of miles every year, creating traffic, … Continued
Tech News
This Cozy Urban Cabin Is A Writer’s Dream
For most writers, the idea of a retreat is a wistful fantasy. That’s because many writers live in the city, and the subway doesn’t go to that perfectly reclusive cabin in the woods. So what’s a writer to do? Well, you could just build a cabin in your backyard, like this guy. An unnamed writer … Continued
Tech NewsDesign
Watch a Teensy Micro-Apartment Transform Into a Five Room Suite
The 43-story De Rotterdam is Europe’s largest building. Inside, however, it’s a study in how to live inside a small space: The behemoth’s tiniest unit is only 645 square feet, yet because it’s kitted out with incredible transforming furniture, it functions like a five room apartment. The building opened earlier this year after 16 years … Continued
Tech News
South Korea Is Building a Series of Biodomes for Endangered Species
Planet Earth is falling apart. It sounds a bit dramatic when you put it in such stark terms, but, in many ways, it’s true. The list of endangered species grows every year as humans bulldoze more habitats and belch more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. What’s an environmentalist to do? Build a biodome, of course! … Continued
Tech News
Crazy tower design takes people in glass pods on a roller coaster loop
The winner of Turkey’s Çanakkale Antenna contest was pretty damn crazy, but some of the runner-ups are even more insane. Like this 328-foot-high (100-meter) design that would have taken passengers in glass pods on a roller coaster loop.
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Insane tower design launches people on an awesome roller coaster loop
This 328-foot (100-meter) structure wasn’tthe winner of the Çanakkale Antenna contest, a communications tower that will be built in Çanakkale, Turkey. This makes me sad because it looks like a lot more fun to me, even if those glass pods wouldn’t move through that loop at roller coaster speeds. I guess the pods would take … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsDesign
Most Beautiful Items: February 21 – 28, 2014
Perhaps you came here looking for the story of the guy who lived off pizza for an entire year. Or maybe you were more interested in the harrowing tale of the teen who banged a Hot Pocket. If so, you’re in the wrong place. You will, however, find some beautiful wonders from the worlds of … Continued
By Leslie Horn -
We Want to Move into These Buildings Made Out of Old Train Cars
Let’s face it: Very few forms of public transit are as awesome as trains. That’s why we want to live in a house made of trains, just like the ones in this gallery. A Soo Line caboose, built in 1909, turned into a vacation home in 1976, somewhere in North Pennsylvania (via Tiny House Blog) … Continued
Tech News
A Glimpse of the Strange Sci-Fi Houses of Earth’s Alien Future
Admit it; you’ve thought about life in the far flung, alien future. Maybe you’ve thought about it today, whether it’s a skyscraping utopia or a scarred nuclear desert full of mobile monoliths. Artists and architects are thinking about it too, and their visions of what may come will really get your future fantasies cooking. https://gizmodo.com/tall-is-good-how-a-lack-of-building-up-is-keeping-our-1478168830 … Continued
By Eric Limer