Weeks ago during its animation showcase highlighting its future animated shows, Netflix revealed a first look at Blue Eye Samurai. Unlike most of what was shown during that event, the upcoming series is an original property from co-creators Amber Noizumi and Logan writer Michael Green, and it’s just received a new trailer ahead of its release in early November.
Blue Eye Samurai focuses on Mizu (Maya Erskine), a biracial woman looking to take revenge on her biological father, Abijah Fowler (Kenneth Branagh). After spending years of her life training to become an expert swordfighter, Mizu finally sets out to find him so she can run him through with her blade. But with every soldier she cuts down, and her blue eyes already making her stand out amongst the people of Edo-period Japan, she begins to gain notoriety in a way that makes her quest for vengeance more challenging.
Along her journey, Mizu will make friends (and enemies) with a number of characters, such as an imperiled bride and a cook named Ringo (Masi Oka). Much like the original trailer from a few weeks ago, Blue Eye’s new trailer is mainly a highlight reel of Mizu hacking and slashing her way through underlings in beautifully bloody fashion from French animation studio Blue Spirit. If you’ve watched any revenge story (whether or not it involved samurai), you probably won’t be too surprised by whatever happens over the eight-episode season, but it seems like you’ll surely be entertained by all the violence.
Vengeance is written in blood. BLUE EYE SAMURAI, the stunningly realized new adult animated series, premieres November 3rd only on Netflix. pic.twitter.com/DJXKUsp7Mi
— Netflix Geeked (@NetflixGeeked) October 11, 2023
Also starring Ming-Na Wen, Randall Park, Stephanie Hsu, and George Takei, Blue Eye Samurai will make its way to Netflix on November 3.
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