Listen to Voltron’s Emperor Zarkon Sing the Best Hamilton Song
The voice actors of Netflix’s Voltron: Legendary Defender are a notoriously musical bunch who, when presented with the opportunity, will gladly get together to sing numbers capable of sending multiple fandoms into a massive tizzy. We’ve heard the Paladins’ dulcet tones, and now it’s Emperor Zarkon’s turn. And he’s taking on Broadway’s Hamilton. Recently, Neil … Continued
Artemis Fowl‘s First Trailer Is Finally Here and It’s Surprisingly Epic
If you happened to set foot in the YA lit section of a Borders Books (RIP) during the late ‘90s, then you undoubtedly came across one of those fantastic cardboard endcaps putting Eoin Colfer’s Artemis Fowl books and their loud covers on glorious display. “Read these books,” the displays shouted. “They’re gonna become movies someday.” … Continued
This Might Be the Perfect, Belated Holiday Present to Gift to That Child You Don’t Like
Even before it became possessed by the spirit of a deranged serial killer, the Good Guy doll from Child’s Play was already unsettling. But that hasn’t stopped Orion Pictures from trying to capitalize on the franchise’s success in anticipation of the studio’s upcoming Child’s Play reboot…with an actual Chucky doll. Or at least an ad … Continued
Into the Dark‘s Pooka Is the Latest Sign of the Apocalypse
For reasons that cannot be explained, many things that are, in theory, meant to be entertaining to children (like Furbies or that damn Elf on the Shelf) are actually fucking terrifying when you step back and really look at them for what they are. The coolest thing about Hulu and Blumhouse’s monthly horror anthology series … Continued
David Harbour’s Hellboy Is Abs-olutely Horrifying
It seems like it’s been ages since we got our first look at noted father figure David Harbour as the new take on Mike Mignola’s Hellboy or heard anything major about Lionsgate’s upcoming reboot of the beloved franchise. Thankfully, today, that changes. In a recent interview with Empire magazine, director Neil Marshall explained some of … Continued
io9Books & Comics
Superman’s Iconic Black Suit Is the Star of the Newest Elseworlds Trailer
The CW’s annual superhero crossover events are always interesting if only because they’re an opportunity for all of the network’s characters to get together and bring things out in one another that we don’t typically see in them. The biggest switch up at the heart of this year’s Elseworlds is obviously the Flash and the … Continued
This Artist’s Movie Poster Concepts Will Blow Your Mind
There was once a time when movie posters—not movie trailers—did all the heavy lifting to convey the magic and wonder promised by a film’s upcoming release. Portugal-based artist Luis Melo does the kind of illustration work that speaks to those wonderful posters of yesteryear in a truly masterful way. Though Melo’s influences are vast and … Continued
Super Drags‘ Bawdy Queer Humor Is an Important Political Statement
Even though the advertisements for Netflix’s latest superhero series, Super Drags, are all drenched in oversaturated colors and sparkles, there’s a reason the network has been so bullish about drawing attention to the show’s parental advisory warnings. For all the homages to classic hero cartoons like the PowerPuff Girls and Sailor Moon, Super Drags isn’t … Continued
io9Books & Comics
Netflix’s Sabrina Wants You Thirsting for Moist Witch Meat
For the witches of Netflix’s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Thanksgiving is a magical time of year when they all get together to partake in what can only be described as an orgiastic, cannibalistic feast that’s as carnal as it as horrifying to witness. Because they’re Satan-worshipping, sexually-fluid heathens, the entire ordeal is kind of…let’s say…“erotic.” … Continued
io9Books & Comics
Captain Marvel’s Getting a Badass, Post-Apocalyptic New Look
In addition to being an Avenger, a diplomat, and a decorated officer, Carol Danvers has always been a style icon. Whether she’s worn her original swimsuit/sash combo or her more recent full body suit, Carol’s consistently been an interstellar badass, but in the character’s upcoming series from writer Kelly Thompson and artist Carmen Carnero, she’s … Continued
Holy Crap, Titans Is Giving Us Our First Live-Action Donna Troy
As DC Universe’s Titans has unfolded during its first season, what began as a small cast of high-profile heroes has grown to include a surprisingly large number of characters from DC’s canon who are making their first live-action appearances. The latest member to join the show’s ranks is one Donna Troy. In the upcoming episode … Continued
The Birds of Prey Movie Just Got a New, Ridiculously Long Title That’s All About Harley Quinn
Remember way, way back when the word on the street was that Warner Bros.’ follow-up to Suicide Squad was going to be a Harley Quinn solo movie, but then that movie ended up being more of a Birds of Prey-focused story? Yeah, well Margot Robbie remembers, and she’d like to have a word. In celebration … Continued
The First Look at the Monster Hunter Movie Reveals They Actually Made That Giant Fucking Sword
Given how Hollywood’s always had a rather difficult time adapting video games into movies that satisfy fans, the prospect of Sony’s upcoming take on Capcom’s Monster Hunter franchise has been a bit iffy. The world of Monster Hunter is the kind of lush place teeming with impossible life that would be difficult for any studio to … Continued
io9Books & Comics
Praise X’Hal—Titans‘ Starfire Finally Got a New Outfit and It’s Fantastic
Out of all the heroic Titans introduced in DC Universe’s new live-action series, Anna Diop’s Starfire received the most attention and outsized backlash. That was in large part due to how much her portrayal was aesthetically different than the character’s comic book counterpart. Between Diop being a black woman, and Titans’ Starfire sporting a revealing … Continued
Benedict Cumberbatch Could Have Been True Blood‘s Vampire Bill
The year was 2008. Barack Obama was in the last leg of his ultimately successful bid for the U.S. presidency and the wildest thing on television aside from election coverage was a quirky little show on HBO called True Blood. The campy vampire soap opera quickly gained a reputation for the way its entire cast … Continued
The First Once Upon a Deadpool Trailer Stars Fred Savage’s Sick Burns
As Marvel superheroes go, Deadpool’s penchant for hanging out with regular old humans who lack healing powers mean that his presence is likely to end up getting them maimed or worse. Step aside, Peter. It’s Fred Savage’s time to shine in Once Upon a Deadpool’s first trailer. The PG-13 recut of Deadpool 2 will feature … Continued
io9Books & Comics
Titans Actor Curran Walters Talks About Jason Todd’s Relationship With Batman’s Other Ward
When Curran Walters’ Jason Todd made his surprising debut on DC Universe’s Titans last week, it forced Dick Grayson to consider the idea that while he’s been off in Detroit trying to let go of his former life in Gotham as Robin, Batman (and apparently the rest of the city) were already well on their … Continued
io9Books & Comics
Legacies Are What Define This Week’s Best New Comics
It’s not often that bo staffs and laser guns end up being lumped in with one another, but the plots of this week’s best new comics just so happen to make that very much the case. Whether you’re battling demon spawn or alien parasites, you’re going to need a weapon that will put you on … Continued
Marvel Entertainment Chairman Named in NYPD Bribery Trial Over a Gun Permit and Movie Tickets
Marvel Entertainment chairman Ike Perlmutter is notorious for his political conservatism and aversion to being photographed. But a new report out of Manhattan Federal Court alleges Perlmutter’s assistant worked with a police officer to acquire a gun license renewal in New York City for her boss—presumably using power and status to expedite the process through … Continued
The Princess Bride Scribe William Goldman Has Died at 87
For the past few months, the family of Oscar-winning author and screenwriter William Goldman has been by his side as he battled colon cancer, and, more recently, pneumonia. Today, though, his family announced that the writer passed away in his New York City home. The notoriously anti-Hollywood writer first came to fame with his work … Continued