Data Broker Brags About Having Highly Detailed Personal Information on Nearly All Internet Users
The advertising industry is immensely powerful, and disturbingly opaque.
By Lucas Ropek

The advertising industry is immensely powerful, and disturbingly opaque.
By Lucas Ropek
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Looks like Disney's putting its live-action faith in the Lilo & Stitch remake and taking the chance to highlight its social media impact.
Justin Carter
A new study reveals that Earth's biomes changed dramatically in the wake of mass volcanic eruptions 252 million years ago.
Margherita Bassi
Researchers manipulated water waves to move ping pong balls and grains of rice with a level of precision that seems straight out of a sci-fi movie.
Margherita Bassi
Have something you think we should know? You can email any of our writers directly, or send general tips to [email protected].
Gizmodo Staff
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