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  • Loic Nageleisen's avatar
    Silence method redefinition warnings · 39bf7ffa
    Loic Nageleisen authored and Yorick Peterse's avatar Yorick Peterse committed
    As the community progressively moves to a useful practice of enabling
    ruby warnings on tests, knowingly redefining a method produces a
    distracting warning that has to be special-cased when running automated
    tests. We thus skip dynamic definitions of methods we know will be
    redefined right after.
    Silence method redefinition warnings
    Loic Nageleisen authored and Yorick Peterse's avatar Yorick Peterse committed
    As the community progressively moves to a useful practice of enabling
    ruby warnings on tests, knowingly redefining a method produces a
    distracting warning that has to be special-cased when running automated
    tests. We thus skip dynamic definitions of methods we know will be
    redefined right after.