Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = "ClearTextLabel" s.version = "1.0.1" s.summary = "UILabel subclass that renders see through text using CoreText. textColor is clearColor." s.description = "ClearTextLabel is a UILabel subclass that creates a label with see-through text. ClearTextLabel draws the text provided to it with transparency. * It uses CoreGraphics Context to draw the letters' CGPath. * Letters' CGPath, how ? Well what's CoreText there for ?" s.homepage = "https://github.com/taruntyagi697/ClearTextLabel" s.license = { :type => "MIT", :file => "LICENSE.md" } s.author = { "Tarun Tyagi" => "[email protected]" } s.platform = :ios s.ios.deployment_target = "6.0" s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/taruntyagi697/ClearTextLabel.git", :tag => "v1.0.1" } s.source_files = "ClearTextLabel" s.frameworks = "CoreFoundation", "CoreText", "QuartzCore" s.requires_arc = true end