Photoshop & Why TypeScript Won & 一带一路 & 灵魂针法
Photoshop is now on the web!
Enabled by WebAssembly + Emscripten, Web Components + Lit, Service Workers + Workbox & new Web APIs. Chrome & Adobe enjoyed collaborating on it.
The Saga of the Closure Compiler, and Why TypeScript Won
Here's something that makes me feel old: in just six months, Gmail will celebrate its 20th anniversary. If you weren't actively developing web sites at the time, it's hard to capture just how revolutionary it was. This was a time when JavaScript was held in almost universally low regard. The idea that you could build a sophisticated web app using it was mind-boggling. But it clearly worked and it heralded the dawn of the single-page web app (SPA).
Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - Polyfills gone rogue
Many popular npm packages depend on 6-8x more packages than they need to. Most of these are unnecessary polyfills and it's one of the key reasons node_modules folders are so large. The eslint ecosystem seems to be most affected by this.
Questions to Help Your Software Team Create Clarity, Reduce Stress
As software consultants, we work with widely varying degrees of direction. Sometimes we pick up well-defined tasks, like the best, clearest stories in our development backlog or direct requests for information from our clients. Other times, we have to work harder to create the clarity we need to succeed. And, it can feel stressful if you’re expecting a high degree of clarity and receive the opposite. I’ve found a few simple questions invaluable in helping my teams work through situations where a high degree of unexpected uncertainty is blocking a task.
Why embracing complexity is the real challenge in software today
In the midst of industry discussions about productivity and automation, it’s all too easy to overlook the importance of properly reckoning with complexity.
Meet Angular’s New Control Flow
This November, we’ll release Angular version 17 with a number of new template features, including a new built-in syntax for control flow and deferrable views. The new declarative control flow brings the functionality of NgIf, NgFor, and NgSwitch into the framework itself, and deferrable views allows templates to load dependencies lazily, in response to one or more configurable trigger conditions.
Why HTTP/3 is eating the world
Last year a new version of the protocol, HTTP/3, was standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the organization in charge of defining Internet technologies. Since then, HTTP/3 and the related QUIC protocol have seen a rapid uptake on the public web. The exact numbers depend on the source and measurement methodology, with HTTP/3 support ranging from 19% to 50+% of web servers and networks worldwide.
Why multi-page apps?
There are absolutely use-cases for SPAs (media sites, primarily). Most of the other things we use them for make the user experience notably worse or band-aid over the real underlying issues without addressing them.
Best Practices for Developing Complex Form-Based Apps with React Hook Form and TypeScript Support
In this follow-up exploration, I’m excited to share the culmination of my experiences and discoveries. We’ll dive into a set of best practices that have proven to be invaluable when dealing with the challenges of developing extensive form-based apps using React Hook Form, and we’ll emphasize the added benefits of incorporating TypeScript for enhanced type safety and developer productivity.
My thoughts on Svelte 5 as a full-time Svelte Developer for 3+ years
As a full-time Svelte user for three years, I've built a real-time collaborative website builder with 10 000+ users. My solo success wouldn't have been possible without Svelte, and here's my take on the latest sneak peek of Svelte 5.
How GitHub uses GitHub Actions and Actions larger runners to build and test
Recently, we’ve been working to make our CI experience better by leveraging the newly released GitHub feature, Actions larger runners, to run our CI.
Welcome to the low-modeling revolution
This forces us to define new types of models and languages to be able to express all these requirements and features and new low-code platforms to be able to transform those models in running code. But this comes with a price, the software models themselves keep growing both in terms of size and in terms of the number of perspectives they need to cover. It is not just static and behavioral aspects. It’s also machine learning components, natural language interfaces, energy consumption,… and all the relationships among all these models. In what follows, I propose low-modeling as a solution.
ChatGPT, Bard, or Bing Chat? Differences Among 3 Generative-AI Bots
Participants rated Bing Chat as less helpful and trustworthy than ChatGPT or Bard. These results can be attributed to Bing’s richer yet imperfect UI and to its poorer information aggregation. Releated:
- Mistral 7B: The best 7B model to date, Apache 2.0
- RealFill: Reference-Driven Generation for Authentic Image Completion
- New grants to introduce 300,000 students to robotics and AI
- Like Python++ for AI developers
Google at 25: By the numbers
These 25 numbers have us excited about the next 25 years.
Celebrating 15 Years of Stack Overflow
Developing Flutter apps for Large screens
Announcing Strada: Create fully native controls, driven by your web app.
Afero: A FileSystem Abstraction System for Go
Announcing Deno Queues
Raspberry Pi 5
我理想中的 AI 笔记软件设计:从 Notion、Tana 与 Mem 谈起
随着 Notion AI 最近对数据库功能的支持逐步升级,我试着重新订阅了一个月的 Notion AI。算上它,近期主力使用,或者试着当主力使用过的笔记 AI 还有 Tana 和 Mem,正好趁此机会对这些软件做一下梳理,并谈谈在我理想中,能够作为 copilot 的笔记/写作软件 AI 是个什么样子。
“我们正走在一条充满希望的道路上。我相信,只要我们相向而行,心连心,不后退,不停步,我们终能迎来路路相连、美美与共的那一天。我相信,我们的事业会像古丝绸之路一样流传久远、泽被后代。” 浩渺行无极,扬帆但信风。即将举办的第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛,必将进一步凝聚国际共识,规划合作蓝图,推动各方以绘制“工笔画”的精神,让共建“一带一路”合作走深走实,把这条造福世界的幸福之路铺得更宽更远。
-- THE END --