[pyPDAF] pwd = /home/ia923171/Documents/pyPDAF PDAF_dir = PDAF cmake_config_path = /home/ia923171/Documents/pyPDAF/PDAFBuild/linux_gfortran_openmpi_pypdaf.cmake condaBuild = False # compilers used in fortran and C # c_compiler can be: gcc, msvc, icc, clang # fortran compiler can be: gfortran, ifort # fortran compiler should be consistent with the compiler used in cmake configuration file c_compiler = gcc fortran_compiler = gfortran # if MKL is used, give the path to the static MKL library use_MKL= True MKLROOT= /home/ia923171/miniconda3/envs/pypdaf-devel/lib # if dynamic/shared liblapack and libblas library is used, # give the library path and flags LAPACK_PATH= LAPACK_Flag=lapack,blas # GIVE MPI information MPI_LIB_PATH=