# Generator Mobile [![Build Status][travis-img]][travis-link] A mobile-first generator based on [Web Starter Kit][wsk-repo]. [![Web Starter Kit][wsk-screenshot1]][wsk-repo] In addition to what Web Starter Kit already provides, this generator creates a `deploy` task. ![Yeoman generator][wsk-screenshot2] ## Getting started You will need [NodeJS](http://nodejs.org/), [npm](https://www.npmjs.org/) and [yeoman](http://yeoman.io/) installed. 1. Install this generator with `npm install --global generator-mobile`. 2. Run `yo mobile` and answer a few questions about the site you want to build. 3. The latest release will be fetched from [Web Starker Kit repo][wsk-repo] and adjusted accordingly to your answers. 4. Build the site as usual using the instructions on the [WSK repo](https://github.com/google/web-starter-kit#quickstart) skipping the download step. 5. If you've chosen a deployment option, run `gulp deploy` to publish the site. ## Hosting and Deployment options There are 3 hosting categories currently supported by the generator: static hosting, PaaS providers and regular servers. Here's a list of implementation status for each category. **Static hosting** * [ ] [AWS S3][aws-s3] * [x] [GitHub Pages][gh-pages] * [ ] [Google Cloud Storage (GCS)][gcs] **PaaS** * [x] [Google App Engine (GAE)][gae] * [ ] [Heroku][heroku-website] **Servers** * [ ] [Apache server][httpd] * [ ] [Nginx server][nginx] * [ ] [NodeJS server][nodejs-server] **Deployment options (servers only)** * [ ] [Secure FTP (FTP via SSH)][sftp-wiki] * [ ] [rsync][rsync-wiki] Please, refer to the [docs folder](docs/) for details about hosting and deployment. ## Development 1. Fork the repo and create a local copy with `git clone [email protected]:user/generator-mobile.git`. 2. Create a new branch to work on a bugfix or a new feature with `git checkout -b branch-name`. 3. Add new [tests](test/) or modify existing ones to reflect the changes you want to make. 4. Make the changes until `npm test` is all green again. 5. Occasionally push changes to github with `git push origin branch-name`. 6. Iterate over 3-5 as many times as you want. 7. You can also try running the generator with your local changes manually using [npm link](https://www.npmjs.org/doc/cli/npm-link.html). 8. Once you're satisfied, [create a pull request](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/). ## License [BSD license](http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) Copyright (c) Google [wsk-repo]: https://github.com/google/web-starter-kit [wsk-screenshot1]: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/a1b538962fa669f54f37509f8961613aa4753254/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f6e475572456d782e706e67 [wsk-screenshot2]: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/25405/5183611/9ace76a4-74a8-11e4-978a-17fda7eb4cfd.png [travis-img]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/yeoman/generator-mobile.svg?branch=master [travis-link]: https://travis-ci.org/yeoman/generator-mobile [aws-s3]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/website-hosting-custom-domain-walkthrough.html [gh-pages]: https://pages.github.com/ [gcs]: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/website-configuration [gae]: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/ [heroku-website]: https://www.heroku.com/ [httpd]: http://httpd.apache.org/ [nginx]: http://nginx.org/en/ [nodejs-server]: https://github.com/h5bp/server-configs-node [sftp-wiki]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSH_File_Transfer_Protocol [rsync-wiki]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rsync