Tags: xibyte/jsketcher
chore(major): 1.0.0-dev.1 [skip ci] ## 1.0.0-dev.1 (2023-05-13) ### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES * CHANGES * fix: update readme * fix: semantic-release * Update .releaserc * Update ci.yaml * fix: Update .releaserc * fix: remove repo from package.json * chore(major): 1.0.0-tauri.1 [skip ci] ## 1.0.0-tauri.1 (2023-05-09) ### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES * CHANGES ### 🍕 Features * add setup scripts for setting up tauri dev environment ([0c41a33](ZanzyTHEbar@0c41a33)) * **dxf:** add support for dimensions in dxf. ([56c884c](ZanzyTHEbar@56c884c)) ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * **dxf:** add dimLayers to the export. ([#183](#183)) ([a3349b5](a3349b5)) ### 🍕 Features * **dxf:** add support for dimensions in dxf. ([56c884c](56c884c)) * add support for dxf blocks ([#200](#200)) ([322d47f](322d47f)) * add support for dxf files import ([2fa2866](2fa2866)) * initial tauri commit ([#206](#206)) ([f764f6a](f764f6a)), closes [#1](#1) [#200](#200) [#183](#183) ### 🔁 Continuous Integration * Setting up CI workflow ([a4b82dc](a4b82dc))