The TODO composite consists of a simple 'todo' micro service and mysql server. Todo micro service is written in go, and this service receives requests to add/list/update todo items. These todo items are stored in mysql database.
Now let's look at the steps required to try this todo-composite.
- Clone the wso2/cellery-samples repository
- Navigate to the todo-service Sample.
cd <SAMPLES_ROOT>/composites/todo-service
In this section let us focus on build and run a todo composite.
The todo composite
contains two components todo
and mysql
. The todo
component is defined by a container image
which is written in Go Lang and it is a simple micro service that add/list/update todo items by connecting to database. The mysql
component is a MySQL database that is used to
persists the todo items received by the todo
import celleryio/cellery;
public function build(cellery:ImageName iName) returns error? {
int mysqlPort = 3306;
string mysqlPassword = "root";
//Mysql database service which stores the todos that were added via the todos service
cellery:Component mysqlComponent = {
name: "mysql-db",
src: {
image: ""
ingresses: {
orders: <cellery:TCPIngress>{
backendPort: mysqlPort
envVars: {
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: {value: "root"}
//This is the todos service which receieves the todo requests and connects
// to database to persists the information.
cellery:Component todoServiceComponent = {
name: "todos",
src: {
image: ""
ingresses: {
todo: <cellery:HttpPortIngress>{
port: 8080
envVars: {
PORT: {value: "8080"},
DATABASE_HOST: {value: cellery:getHost(mysqlComponent)},
DATABASE_PORT : {value: mysqlPort},
DATABASE_USERNAME: {value: "root"},
DATABASE_PASSWORD: {value: mysqlPassword},
DATABASE_NAME: {value: "todos_db"}
dependencies: {
components: [mysqlComponent]
// Composite Initialization
cellery:Composite composite = {
components: {
mysql: mysqlComponent,
todoService: todoServiceComponent
return <@untainted> cellery:createImage(composite, iName);
public function run(cellery:ImageName iName, map<cellery:ImageName> instances, boolean startDependencies, boolean shareDependencies)
returns (cellery:InstanceState[]|error?) {
cellery:CellImage|cellery:Composite composite = cellery:constructImage(iName);
return <@untainted> cellery:createInstance(composite, iName, instances, startDependencies, shareDependencies);
Follow below instructions to build and run the todo
Build the cell image for todo-composite project by executing the
cellery build
command as shown below. NoteCELLERY_HUB_ORG
is your organization name in cellery hub.$ cellery build todo-composite.bal <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest Hello World Cell Built successfully. ✔ Building image <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest ✔ Saving new Image to the Local Repository ✔ Successfully built cell image: <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest What's next? -------------------------------------------------------- Execute the following command to run the image: $ cellery run <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest --------------------------------------------------------
Once the todo-composite is built, you can run the composite and create the
instance by below command.$ cellery run <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest -n todos ✔ Extracting Cell Image <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest ✔ Reading Image <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest Info: Main Instance: todos Info: Validating dependencies Info: Instances to be Used ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTANCE NAME CELL IMAGE USED INSTANCE KIND SHARED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ todos <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest To be Created Composite - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Info: Dependency Tree to be Used No Dependencies ✔ Starting main instance todos ✔ Successfully deployed cell image: <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest What's next? -------------------------------------------------------- Execute the following command to list running cells: $ cellery list instances --------------------------------------------------------
Now todo-composite is deployed, execute
cellery list instances
to see the status of the deployed composite instance.$ cellery list instances Composite Instances: INSTANCE IMAGE STATUS COMPONENTS AGE ---------- ----------------------------------- -------- ------------ ---------------------- todos <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest Ready 2 1 minutes 40 seconds
cellery view
to see the components of the composite. This will open a webpage in a browser that allows to visualize the components of the composite image.$ cellery view <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest
The todo-composite application can be invoked in several methods as below. Unlike cells, the composites will not have
network boundary and cell gateway. Therefore, inorder to allow the external traffic inside the kubernetes cluster, you need to follow
either of below approaches. First two approaches allows the external traffic inside kubernetes cluster, and the third approach
allows you to invoke the service from a container within the kuberrnetes cluster.
In this approach, user will have to create and publish an API in the global APIM, and then subscribe to that API inorder to invoke it as shown above diagram.
Execute below steps to create and publish todo-api
in Global APIM.
- Login to Global APIM with username: admin and password admin.
- Click on
Create New
, andDesign a New REST API
. And Design the API as shown below, and clickSave and Implement
. - Implement the API as shown below, and click on
Save and Manage
. - Manage the API as shown below and finally click
Save and Publish
. - You can now see the published API in the API listing view of the /publisher.
Execute below steps to subscribe to the API and invoke it.
Login to the API Store as admin user (username: admin, password: admin).
Click on ‘todo-api’ to create a subscription and generate a token. (See Subscribing to an API)
Once you have subscribed to the API and generated a token, invoke the API passing the same as a Bearer token.
// Get the list of todo items $ curl https://wso2-apim-gateway/todo-api/1.0.0/todos -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" [ { "id": 1, "title": "Walk", "content": "Walk for 30 min around 6 PM", "done": false }, { "id": 2, "title": "Pay Bills", "content": "Pay electricity and water bills", "done": false } ] // Add a new todo item $ curl -X POST https://wso2-apim-gateway/todo-api/1.0.0/todos -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" -k -d '{"title":"Coursework submission","content":"Submit the course work at 9:00p.m","done":false}' { "message": "successfully created" } // Get a todo item details $ curl https://wso2-apim-gateway/todo-api/1.0.0/todos/3 -k -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" { "id": 3, "title": "Coursework submission", "content": "Submit the course work at 9:00p.m", "done": false } // Update a todo item $ curl -X PUT https://wso2-apim-gateway/todo-api/1.0.0/todos/3 -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" -k -d '{"title":"Submission","content":"Submit the course work at 9:00p.m","done":true}' { "message": "successfully updated" }
Now you can push the cell image to Cellery Hub as explained in step-4.
As shown below, an ingress can be created to allow the external traffic into the todo-composite. Note, this method do not have any security checks as the first method, and hence it simply opens up the service to external access.
Execute below steps to create ingress and invoke the application.
Execute below command to create an ingress. Please note this ingress is created to direct the traffic to kubernetes service
and this name is depends on the instance name of the composite (as we have started the composite instance astodos
, the service name will betodos--todos-service
). Therefore, in case if you have started the composite instance with different name (
), you will have to modify the ingress service name, and create it accordingly (
).$ kubectl apply -f todo-service-ingress.yaml
Check the ingress rules are correctly applied by getting the list of ingresses as shown below.
kubectl get ingress NAME HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE todo-service-ingress localhost 80 25m
Add the IP address shown in the ingress to your /etc/hosts, therefore you can invoke the service.
Invoke by todo-service by following
commands.// Get the list of todo items $ curl -k [ { "id": 1, "title": "Walk", "content": "Walk for 30 min around 6 PM", "done": false }, { "id": 2, "title": "Pay Bills", "content": "Pay electricity and water bills", "done": false } ] // Add a new todo item $ curl -X POST -k -d '{"title":"Coursework submission","content":"Submit the course work at 9:00p.m","done":false}' { "message": "successfully created" } // Get a todo item details $ curl -k { "id": 3, "title": "Coursework submission", "content": "Submit the course work at 9:00p.m", "done": false } // Update a todo item $ curl -X PUT -k -d '{"title":"Submission","content":"Submit the course work at 9:00p.m","done":true}' { "message": "successfully updated" }
Now you can push the cell image to Cellery Hub as explained in step-4.
This approach is different from the above mentioned two approaches, where this does not allow the external traffic inside the cluster, rather creates a debug pod inside the kubernetes cluster that allows you to invoke the services.
Execute below steps to invoke the service from debug pod.
Create a debug pod into the cluster by below command.
$ kubectl run debug-tools --image=mirage20/k8s-debug-tools --restart=Never $ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE debug-tools 2/2 Running 0 15m
Now exec into the debug pods with following command, and directly invoke the todo-service.
$ kubectl exec -it debug-tools bash Defaulting container name to debug-tools. Use 'kubectl describe pod/debug-tools -n default' to see all of the containers in this pod. root@debug-tools:/# curl -k http://todos--todos-service/todos [ { "id": 1, "title": "Walk", "content": "Walk for 30 min around 6 PM", "done": false }, { "id": 2, "title": "Pay Bills", "content": "Pay electricity and water bills", "done": false } ] root@debug-tools:/# curl -X POST http://todos--todos-service/todos -k -d '{"title":"Coursework submission","content":"Submit the course work at 9:00p.m","done":false}' { "message": "successfully created" } root@debug-tools:/# curl http://todos--todos-service/todos/3 -k { "id": 3, "title": "Coursework submission", "content": "Submit the course work at 9:00p.m", "done": false } root@debug-tools:/# curl -X PUT http://todos--todos-service/todos/3 -k -d '{"title":"Submission","content":"Submit the course work at 9:00p.m","done":true}' { "message": "successfully updated" }
Now you can push the cell image to Cellery Hub as explained in step-4.
- As a final step, let's push your todo-composite cellery hub account as shown below.
$ cellery push <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest ✔ Connecting to ✔ Reading image <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest from the Local Repository ✔ Checking if the image <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest already exists in the Registry ✔ Pushing image <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest Image Digest : sha256:8935b3495a6c1cbc466ac28f4120c3836894e8ea1563fb5da7ecbd17e4b80df5 ✔ Successfully pushed cell image: <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest What's next? -------------------------------------------------------- Execute the following command to pull the image: $ cellery pull <CELLERY_HUB_ORG>/todo-composite:latest --------------------------------------------------------
Congratulations! You have successfully created your own composite!