##Lucee Application Template for Heroku Blank application template to deploy Lucee 4.5.x (CFML/Java) apps on Heroku.
NOTE: NO LONGER MAINTAINED - Deprecated in favor of the Lucee 5 version
Demo: https://lucee.herokuapp.com/
####Credits/Notes: This began as a fork of Chris Blackwell's railo-heroku-template project. Recently, after converting my fork of that project to Lucee, I decided it had diverged enough to become it's own project and moved it to this repo. Many thanks to Chris for all of his original work and for inspiring this updated project for Lucee applications.
This project uses the cfmlprojects.org Maven repo maintained by Denny Valliant. Many thanks to Denny for his work maintaining cfmlprojects.org.
###Instructions To get started, run the following commands in GitBash (or your terminal of preference):
$ git clone https://github.com/mikesprague/lucee-heroku.git
$ cd lucee-heroku
$ mvn package
$ foreman start
NOTE: On Windows, start foreman with the following command:
$ foreman start -f Procfile.dev
You should now have Lucee up and running at http://localhost:5000. Start adding your code to /webroot.
By default, access to the Lucee server/web admins has remote access blocked. This can be configured in /webroot/WEB-INF/urlrewrite.xml
To deploy your site to Heroku you need to setup a free Heroku account, install the Heroku toolbelt (Suggested reading: Getting Started with Java on Heroku). Then..
$ heroku apps:create [NAME]
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open
You should now be looking at your app running on Heroku.