This Vector
doesn’t support normal generic <T>
(no auto element type inference), that’s why you have to provide the sizeof(ELEMENT_TYPE)
when creating a Vector
calls memcpy
to do a shallow copy on the given element instance. If the element is a struct with its own heap-allocated member, that shallow copy should be treated as taking ownership of all heap-allocated members.
The shallow copied instance should reset all heap-allocated member’s pointers to NULL
and pass an Element heap-allocated destructor function pointer
when creating a new Vector
The exception is for struct HeapString*
or String
, as Vector
does the following efforts for String
- Set
as default element destructor. - Call
, so you don’t need to callHS_reset_to_empty_without_freeing_buffer
on the passed inString
instance anymore.
Plz check the Use String
section example for more details.
The defer_vector
and defer_vector_with_capacity
macro ensures the heap-allocated instance auto-free heap-allocated memory when it goes out of its scope.
// `defer_vector(variable_name, element_type, element_destructor);`
defer_vector(empty_vec, usize, NULL);
// (D) [ Vector ] > auto_free_vector - out of scope with vector ptr: 0x5472040, length: 0
// `defer_vector_with_capacity(variable_name, element_type, capacity, element_destructor);`
// u16 vec
defer_vector_with_capacity(u16_vec, u16, 10, NULL);
// (D) [ Vector ] > with_capacity - self pointer: 0x5474260, element_type_size: 2, capacity: 10, self->items: 0x54742d0
// `capacity` should NOT change and no `realloc` will be called before
// pushing the 11th elements
u16 short_arr[] = {5000, 5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005,
5006, 5007, 5008, 5009, 6000};
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[0]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[1]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[2]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[3]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[4]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[5]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[6]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[7]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[8]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[9]);
// `capacity` should change to `20`
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[10]);
// (D) [ Vector ] > Vec_Push - Realloc needed, current capacity: 10, length+1: 11, after capacity: 20, self->item: 0x5474330
// Print element value
// `VectorIteractor` gives you a `length` and an `items` that
// associated with the vector instance
const VectorIteractor short_arr_iter = Vec_iter(u16_vec);
const u16 *temp_short_arr = (const u16 *)short_arr_iter.items;
for (usize sa_index = 0; sa_index < short_arr_iter.length; sa_index++) {
DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "short_arr_iter[%lu]: %d", sa_index,
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[0]: 5000
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[1]: 5001
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[2]: 5002
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[3]: 5003
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[4]: 5004
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[5]: 5005
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[6]: 5006
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[7]: 5007
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[8]: 5008
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[9]: 5009
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[10]: 6000
// `Vec_join` get back a `String` instance
String u16_vec_desc = Vec_join(u16_vec, " , ", NULL);
printf("\n>>> u16_vec_desc: %s\n", HS_as_str(u16_vec_desc));
// (D) [ String ] > from_empty - self ptr: 0x54743a0
// >>> u16_vec_desc: 5000 , 5001 , 5002 , 5003 , 5004 , 5005 , 5006 , 5007 , 5008 , 5009 , 6000
// Auto free when out of scope
// (D) [ Vector ] > auto_free_vector - out of scope with vector ptr: 0x5474260, length: 11
// Double list
double double_arr[] = {11.11, 22.22, 33.33};
usize double_type_size = sizeof(double);
usize double_arr_len = sizeof(double_arr) / sizeof(double_arr[0]);
defer_vector_with_capacity(double_vec, double, double_arr_len, NULL);
for (usize di = 0; di < double_arr_len; di++) {
Vec_push(double_vec, &double_arr[di]);
const double *d_value_1 = (const double *)Vec_get(double_vec, 0);
const double *d_value_2 = (const double *)Vec_get(double_vec, 1);
const double *d_value_3 = (const double *)Vec_get(double_vec, 2);
DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "d_value_1: %f", *d_value_1);
DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "d_value_2: %f", *d_value_2);
DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "d_value_3: %f", *d_value_3);
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - d_value_1: 11.110000
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - d_value_2: 22.220000
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - d_value_3: 33.330000⏎
// (D) [ Vector ] > auto_free_vector - out of scope with vector ptr: 0x5473210, length: 3
// String vec
defer_string(temp_str_1) = HS_from_str("Vector works:)");
defer_string(temp_str_2) = HS_from_str("Generic vector works:)");
defer_string(temp_str_3) =
HS_from_str("My Generic vector works, yeah!!!:)>>>>:(");
defer_vector_with_capacity(string_vec, struct HeapString, 3, NULL);
Vec_push(string_vec, temp_str_1);
Vec_push(string_vec, temp_str_2);
Vec_push(string_vec, temp_str_3);
String string_vec_desc = Vec_join(string_vec, " , ", NULL);
printf("\n>>> string_vec: %s\n", HS_as_str(string_vec_desc));
// (D) [ String ] > from_str - self ptr: 0x603000001930, capacity: 15, malloc ptr: 0x6020000000d0, from_str: Vector works:)
// (D) [ String ] > from_str - self ptr: 0x603000001960, capacity: 23, malloc ptr: 0x603000001990, from_str: Generic vector works:)
// (D) [ String ] > from_str - self ptr: 0x6030000019c0, capacity: 41, malloc ptr: 0x6040000002d0, from_str: My Generic vector works, yeah!!!:)>>>>:(
// (D) [ Vector ] > with_capacity - self pointer: 0x604000000310, element_type_size: 24, capacity: 3, self->items: 0x607000000020
// (D) [ Vector ] > Vec_join - element_type: struct HeapString, element_size: 24, delimiter size: 3, length: 3, capacity: 79
// (D) [ String ] > from_empty_with_capacity - self ptr: 0x6030000019f0, capacity: 79, malloc ptr: 0x607000000090
// (D) [ String ] > HS_push_str - Realloc needed, current capacity: 79, new capacity: 83, self->_buffer: 0x608000000120
// >>> string_vec: Vector works:) , Generic vector works:) , My Generic vector works, yeah!!!:)>>>>:(
// (D) [ Vector ] > auto_free_vector - out of scope with vector ptr: 0x604000000310, length: 3
// (D) [ String ] > auto_free_string - out of scope with string ptr: 0x6030000019c0, as_str: (null)
// (D) [ String ] > auto_free_string - out of scope with string ptr: 0x603000001960, as_str: (null)
// (D) [ String ] > auto_free_string - out of scope with string ptr: 0x603000001930, as_str: (null)⏎
typedef struct {
char first_name[10];
char last_name[10];
u8 age;
} Person;
// Used in `Vec_join`: Get back custom `String`
String get_person_desc(Person *self) {
usize buffer_size = sizeof(Person) + 34 + 1;
char buffer[sizeof(Person) + 34 + 1] = {0};
snprintf(buffer, buffer_size, "(first_name: %s, last_name: %s, age: %u)",
self->first_name, self->last_name, self->age);
String desc = HS_from_str(buffer);
return desc;
// Person list
defer_vector(person_list, Person);
// (D) [ Vector ] > with_capacity - self pointer: 0x54755c0, element_type_size: 21, capacity: 3, self->items: 0x5475630
Person wison = {.first_name = "Mr C", .last_name = "cool", .age = 88};
Person fion = {.first_name = "Mr CPP", .last_name = "not bad", .age = 99};
Person nobody = {.first_name = "Nobody", .last_name = "Nothing", .age = 100};
Vec_push(person_list, &wison);
Vec_push(person_list, &fion);
Vec_push(person_list, &nobody);
// Print element value
VectorIteractor person_list_iter = Vec_iter(person_list);
Person *temp_person_arr = (Person *)person_list_iter.items;
for (usize index = 0; index < person_list_iter.length; index++) {
DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "person_list_iter[%lu].first_name: %s",
index, temp_person_arr[index].first_name);
DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "person_list_iter[%lu].last_name: %s",
index, temp_person_arr[index].last_name);
DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "person_list_iter[%lu].age: %u", index,
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[0].first_name: Mr C
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[0].last_name: cool
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[0].age: 88
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[1].first_name: Mr CPP
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[1].last_name: not bad
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[1].age: 99
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[2].first_name: Nobody
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[2].last_name: Nothing
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[2].age: 100
String person_vec_desc = Vec_join(
person_list, " , ", (struct HeapString * (*)(void *)) get_person_desc);
printf("\n>>> person_vec: %s\n", HS_as_str(person_vec_desc));
// >>> person_vec: (first_name: Mr C, last_name: cool, age: 88) , (first_name: Mr CPP, last_name: not bad, age: 99) , (first_name: Nobody, last_name: Nothing, age: 100)
// (D) [ Vector ] > auto_free_vector - out of scope with vector ptr: 0x54755c0, length: 3
defer_string(temp_str_1) = HS_from_str("Not use macro to create vector");
// Not use `defer_vector` to create vector
Vector string_vec = Vec_with_capacity(HS_struct_size(), "String", 3, NULL);
Vec_push(string_vec, temp_str_1);
String string_vec_desc = Vec_join(string_vec, " , ", NULL);
printf("\n>>> string_vec: %s\n", HS_as_str(string_vec_desc));
// Then you have to free vector manually
// (D) [ String ] > from_str - self ptr: 0x603000001930, capacity: 31, malloc ptr: 0x603000001960, from_str: Not use macro to create vector
// (D) [ Vector ] > with_capacity - self pointer: 0x6040000002d0, element_type_size: 24, capacity: 3, self->items: 0x607000000020
// (D) [ Vector ] > Vec_join - element_type: String, element_size: 24, delimiter size: 3, length: 1, capacity: 25
// (D) [ String ] > from_empty_with_capacity - self ptr: 0x603000001990, capacity: 25, malloc ptr: 0x6030000019c0
// (D) [ String ] > HS_push_str - Realloc needed, current capacity: 25, new capacity: 31, self->_buffer: 0x6030000019f0
// >>> string_vec: Not use macro to create vector
// (D) [ String ] > auto_free_string - out of scope with string ptr: 0x603000001930, as_str: (null)⏎
This LinkList
doesn’t support normal generic <T>
(no auto element type inference), that’s why you have to provide the sizeof(ELEMENT_TYPE)
when appending an element to the LinkList
When appending an element, LinkList
executes a shallow copy which means doesn’t copy the internal heap-allocated content!!!
A LinkedList
is a sequential list of nodes that hold data which point to other nodes also containing data.
*Head* --> Node ---> Node --> *Tail*
: the first node in the list.Tail
: the last node in the list.Node
: An object containing data and pointer(s).
: Each node only hold the reference to the next node.DoubleLinkedList
: Each node holds the reference to the next node and the previous node at the same time.
- Used in many
implementation. - Great for creating circular lists.
- Used in separated chaining, which is present certain
implementations to deal with hashing collisions. - Often used in implementation of adjacency list for graphs.
List type | Props | Cons |
SingleLinkedList | Use less memory | Cannot easily access previous element |
Simpler implementation | ||
DoubleLinkedList | Can easily access backwards | Takes 2X memory |
Operate type | SingleLinkedList | DoubleLinkedList |
Search | O(n) | O(n) |
Insert at head | O(1) | O(1) |
Insert at tail | O(1) | O(1) |
Remove at head | O(1) | O(1) |
Remove at tail | O(n) | O(1) |
Remove in middle | O(n) | O(n) |
If you need stack-allocated instance, you have to init and free explicitly.
usize init_value = 8888;
struct LL list;
LL_append_value(&list, sizeof(usize), &init_value, NULL);
LL_free(&list, false, NULL);
If you need heap-allocated instance, you should use SMART_LINKLIST
macro to create LinkList
(opaque pointer to struct LL
), as it will be freed automatic!!!
SMART_LINKLIST(short_int_list) = LL_from_empty();
// Append a few nodes
usize values[] = {111, 222, 333, 444, 555};
LL_append_value(short_int_list, sizeof(uint16), &values[0], NULL);
LL_append_value(short_int_list, sizeof(uint16), &values[1], NULL);
LL_append_value(short_int_list, sizeof(uint16), &values[2], NULL);
LL_append_value(short_int_list, sizeof(uint16), &values[3], NULL);
LL_append_value(short_int_list, sizeof(uint16), &values[4], NULL);
// Get back the iter and check all data
SMART_LINKLIST_ITERATOR(iter) = LL_iter(short_int_list);
for (usize iter_index = 0; iter_index < iter->length; iter_index++) {
usize temp_value = *((uint16_t *)iter->data_arr[iter_index]);
printf("\n>>>> temp_value: %lu", temp_value);
// (D) [ SingleLinkList ] > from_empty - self ptr: 0x54732e0
// (D) [ SingleLinkList ] > LL_iter - self ptr: 0x54732e0, iter ptr: 0x5473660
// >>>> temp_value: 111
// >>>> temp_value: 222
// >>>> temp_value: 333
// >>>> temp_value: 444
// >>>> temp_value: 555
// (D) [ SingleLinkList ] > auto_free_linklist_iter - out of scope with LinkListIterator ptr: 0x5473660
// (D) [ SingleLinkList ] > auto_free_linklist - out of scope with LinkList ptr: 0x54732e0
// (D) [ SingleLinkList ] > free - self ptr: 0x54732e0, total free node amount: 5, total free node data amount: 5