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1. Vector: Heap allocated dynamic array.

This Vector doesn’t support normal generic <T> (no auto element type inference), that’s why you have to provide the sizeof(ELEMENT_TYPE) when creating a Vector.

Vec_push calls memcpy to do a shallow copy on the given element instance. If the element is a struct with its own heap-allocated member, that shallow copy should be treated as taking ownership of all heap-allocated members.

The shallow copied instance should reset all heap-allocated member’s pointers to NULL and pass an Element heap-allocated destructor function pointer when creating a new Vector.

The exception is for struct HeapString* or String, as Vector does the following efforts for String type:

  • Set HS_free_buffer_only to self->element_destructor as default element destructor.
  • Call HS_reset_to_empty_without_freeing_buffer in Vec_push, so you don’t need to call HS_reset_to_empty_without_freeing_buffer on the passed in String instance anymore.

Plz check the Use String section example for more details.

The defer_vector and defer_vector_with_capacity macro ensures the heap-allocated instance auto-free heap-allocated memory when it goes out of its scope.


1.1 Create empty vector

// `defer_vector(variable_name, element_type, element_destructor);`
defer_vector(empty_vec, usize, NULL);
// (D) [ Vector ] > auto_free_vector - out of scope with vector ptr: 0x5472040, length: 0

1.2 Create empty vector with pre-allocated space to avoid realloc cost

// `defer_vector_with_capacity(variable_name, element_type, capacity, element_destructor);`

// u16 vec
defer_vector_with_capacity(u16_vec, u16, 10, NULL);
// (D) [ Vector ] > with_capacity - self pointer: 0x5474260, element_type_size: 2, capacity: 10, self->items: 0x54742d0

// `capacity` should NOT change and no `realloc` will be called before
// pushing the 11th elements
u16 short_arr[] = {5000, 5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005,
                    5006, 5007, 5008, 5009, 6000};
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[0]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[1]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[2]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[3]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[4]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[5]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[6]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[7]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[8]);
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[9]);

// `capacity` should change to `20`
Vec_push(u16_vec, &short_arr[10]);
// (D) [ Vector ] > Vec_Push - Realloc needed, current capacity: 10, length+1: 11, after capacity: 20, self->item: 0x5474330

// Print element value
// `VectorIteractor` gives you a `length` and an `items` that
// associated with the vector instance
const VectorIteractor short_arr_iter = Vec_iter(u16_vec);
const u16 *temp_short_arr = (const u16 *)short_arr_iter.items;
for (usize sa_index = 0; sa_index < short_arr_iter.length; sa_index++) {
    DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "short_arr_iter[%lu]: %d", sa_index,

// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[0]: 5000
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[1]: 5001
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[2]: 5002
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[3]: 5003
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[4]: 5004
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[5]: 5005
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[6]: 5006
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[7]: 5007
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[8]: 5008
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[9]: 5009
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - short_arr_iter[10]: 6000

// `Vec_join` get back a `String` instance
String u16_vec_desc = Vec_join(u16_vec, " , ", NULL);
printf("\n>>> u16_vec_desc: %s\n", HS_as_str(u16_vec_desc));
// (D) [ String ] > from_empty - self ptr: 0x54743a0
// >>> u16_vec_desc: 5000 , 5001 , 5002 , 5003 , 5004 , 5005 , 5006 , 5007 , 5008 , 5009 , 6000

// Auto free when out of scope
// (D) [ Vector ] > auto_free_vector - out of scope with vector ptr: 0x5474260, length: 11

1.3 Get element via index

// Double list
double double_arr[] = {11.11, 22.22, 33.33};
usize double_type_size = sizeof(double);
usize double_arr_len = sizeof(double_arr) / sizeof(double_arr[0]);

defer_vector_with_capacity(double_vec, double, double_arr_len, NULL);
for (usize di = 0; di < double_arr_len; di++) {
    Vec_push(double_vec, &double_arr[di]);

const double *d_value_1 = (const double *)Vec_get(double_vec, 0);
const double *d_value_2 = (const double *)Vec_get(double_vec, 1);
const double *d_value_3 = (const double *)Vec_get(double_vec, 2);

DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "d_value_1: %f", *d_value_1);
DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "d_value_2: %f", *d_value_2);
DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "d_value_3: %f", *d_value_3);

// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - d_value_1: 11.110000
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - d_value_2: 22.220000
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - d_value_3: 33.330000⏎
// (D) [ Vector ] > auto_free_vector - out of scope with vector ptr: 0x5473210, length: 3

1.4 Use String

// String vec
defer_string(temp_str_1) = HS_from_str("Vector works:)");
defer_string(temp_str_2) = HS_from_str("Generic vector works:)");
defer_string(temp_str_3) =
    HS_from_str("My Generic vector works, yeah!!!:)>>>>:(");

defer_vector_with_capacity(string_vec, struct HeapString, 3, NULL);
Vec_push(string_vec, temp_str_1);
Vec_push(string_vec, temp_str_2);
Vec_push(string_vec, temp_str_3);

String string_vec_desc = Vec_join(string_vec, " , ", NULL);
printf("\n>>> string_vec: %s\n", HS_as_str(string_vec_desc));

// (D) [ String ] > from_str - self ptr: 0x603000001930, capacity: 15, malloc ptr: 0x6020000000d0, from_str: Vector works:)
// (D) [ String ] > from_str - self ptr: 0x603000001960, capacity: 23, malloc ptr: 0x603000001990, from_str: Generic vector works:)
// (D) [ String ] > from_str - self ptr: 0x6030000019c0, capacity: 41, malloc ptr: 0x6040000002d0, from_str: My Generic vector works, yeah!!!:)>>>>:(
// (D) [ Vector ] > with_capacity - self pointer: 0x604000000310, element_type_size: 24, capacity: 3, self->items: 0x607000000020
// (D) [ Vector ] > Vec_join - element_type: struct HeapString, element_size: 24, delimiter size: 3, length: 3, capacity: 79
// (D) [ String ] > from_empty_with_capacity - self ptr: 0x6030000019f0, capacity: 79, malloc ptr: 0x607000000090
// (D) [ String ] > HS_push_str - Realloc needed, current capacity: 79, new capacity: 83, self->_buffer: 0x608000000120
// >>> string_vec: Vector works:) , Generic vector works:) , My Generic vector works, yeah!!!:)>>>>:(
// (D) [ Vector ] > auto_free_vector - out of scope with vector ptr: 0x604000000310, length: 3
// (D) [ String ] > auto_free_string - out of scope with string ptr: 0x6030000019c0, as_str: (null)
// (D) [ String ] > auto_free_string - out of scope with string ptr: 0x603000001960, as_str: (null)
// (D) [ String ] > auto_free_string - out of scope with string ptr: 0x603000001930, as_str: (null)⏎

1.5 Custom struct case

typedef struct {
    char first_name[10];
    char last_name[10];
    u8 age;
} Person;

// Used in `Vec_join`: Get back custom `String`
String get_person_desc(Person *self) {
    usize buffer_size = sizeof(Person) + 34 + 1;
    char buffer[sizeof(Person) + 34 + 1] = {0};
    snprintf(buffer, buffer_size, "(first_name: %s, last_name: %s, age: %u)",
                self->first_name, self->last_name, self->age);
    String desc = HS_from_str(buffer);
    return desc;

// Person list
defer_vector(person_list, Person);
// (D) [ Vector ] > with_capacity - self pointer: 0x54755c0, element_type_size: 21, capacity: 3, self->items: 0x5475630

Person wison = {.first_name = "Mr C", .last_name = "cool", .age = 88};
Person fion = {.first_name = "Mr CPP", .last_name = "not bad", .age = 99};
Person nobody = {.first_name = "Nobody", .last_name = "Nothing", .age = 100};
Vec_push(person_list, &wison);
Vec_push(person_list, &fion);
Vec_push(person_list, &nobody);

// Print element value
VectorIteractor person_list_iter = Vec_iter(person_list);
Person *temp_person_arr = (Person *)person_list_iter.items;
for (usize index = 0; index < person_list_iter.length; index++) {
    DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "person_list_iter[%lu].first_name: %s",
                index, temp_person_arr[index].first_name);
    DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "person_list_iter[%lu].last_name: %s",
                index, temp_person_arr[index].last_name);
    DEBUG_LOG(Main, test_vector, "person_list_iter[%lu].age: %u", index,

// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[0].first_name: Mr C
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[0].last_name: cool
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[0].age: 88
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[1].first_name: Mr CPP
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[1].last_name: not bad
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[1].age: 99
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[2].first_name: Nobody
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[2].last_name: Nothing
// (D) [ Main ] > test_vector - person_list_iter[2].age: 100

String person_vec_desc = Vec_join(
    person_list, " , ", (struct HeapString * (*)(void *)) get_person_desc);
printf("\n>>> person_vec: %s\n", HS_as_str(person_vec_desc));

// >>> person_vec: (first_name: Mr C, last_name: cool, age: 88) , (first_name: Mr CPP, last_name: not bad, age: 99) , (first_name: Nobody, last_name: Nothing, age: 100)

// (D) [ Vector ] > auto_free_vector - out of scope with vector ptr: 0x54755c0, length: 3

1.6 Not use defer_vector macro

defer_string(temp_str_1) = HS_from_str("Not use macro to create vector");

// Not use `defer_vector` to create vector
Vector string_vec = Vec_with_capacity(HS_struct_size(), "String", 3, NULL);

Vec_push(string_vec, temp_str_1);

String string_vec_desc = Vec_join(string_vec, " , ", NULL);
printf("\n>>> string_vec: %s\n", HS_as_str(string_vec_desc));

// Then you have to free vector manually

// (D) [ String ] > from_str - self ptr: 0x603000001930, capacity: 31, malloc ptr: 0x603000001960, from_str: Not use macro to create vector
// (D) [ Vector ] > with_capacity - self pointer: 0x6040000002d0, element_type_size: 24, capacity: 3, self->items: 0x607000000020
// (D) [ Vector ] > Vec_join - element_type: String, element_size: 24, delimiter size: 3, length: 1, capacity: 25
// (D) [ String ] > from_empty_with_capacity - self ptr: 0x603000001990, capacity: 25, malloc ptr: 0x6030000019c0
// (D) [ String ] > HS_push_str - Realloc needed, current capacity: 25, new capacity: 31, self->_buffer: 0x6030000019f0
// >>> string_vec: Not use macro to create vector
// (D) [ String ] > auto_free_string - out of scope with string ptr: 0x603000001930, as_str: (null)⏎

2. SingleLinkList

This LinkList doesn’t support normal generic <T> (no auto element type inference), that’s why you have to provide the sizeof(ELEMENT_TYPE) when appending an element to the LinkList.

When appending an element, LinkList executes a shallow copy which means doesn’t copy the internal heap-allocated content!!!

2.1 Concept

A LinkedList is a sequential list of nodes that hold data which point to other nodes also containing data.

*Head* --> Node ---> Node --> *Tail*

  • Head: the first node in the list.
  • Tail: the last node in the list.
  • Node: An object containing data and pointer(s).
  • SingleLinkedList: Each node only hold the reference to the next node.
  • DoubleLinkedList: Each node holds the reference to the next node and the previous node at the same time.

2.2 use cases

  • Used in many List, Queue and Stack implementation.
  • Great for creating circular lists.
  • Used in separated chaining, which is present certain hasttable implementations to deal with hashing collisions.
  • Often used in implementation of adjacency list for graphs.

2.3 Props and cons

List typePropsCons
SingleLinkedListUse less memoryCannot easily access previous element
Simpler implementation
DoubleLinkedListCan easily access backwardsTakes 2X memory

2.4 Complexity

Operate typeSingleLinkedListDoubleLinkedList
Insert at headO(1)O(1)
Insert at tailO(1)O(1)
Remove at headO(1)O(1)
Remove at tailO(n)O(1)
Remove in middleO(n)O(n)

2.5 Stack-allocated

If you need stack-allocated instance, you have to init and free explicitly.

usize init_value = 8888;

struct LL list;
LL_append_value(&list, sizeof(usize), &init_value, NULL);

LL_free(&list, false, NULL);

2.6 Heap-allocated

If you need heap-allocated instance, you should use SMART_LINKLIST macro to create LinkList (opaque pointer to struct LL), as it will be freed automatic!!!

SMART_LINKLIST(short_int_list) = LL_from_empty();

// Append a few nodes
usize values[] = {111, 222, 333, 444, 555};
LL_append_value(short_int_list, sizeof(uint16), &values[0], NULL);
LL_append_value(short_int_list, sizeof(uint16), &values[1], NULL);
LL_append_value(short_int_list, sizeof(uint16), &values[2], NULL);
LL_append_value(short_int_list, sizeof(uint16), &values[3], NULL);
LL_append_value(short_int_list, sizeof(uint16), &values[4], NULL);

// Get back the iter and check all data
SMART_LINKLIST_ITERATOR(iter) = LL_iter(short_int_list);
for (usize iter_index = 0; iter_index < iter->length; iter_index++) {
    usize temp_value = *((uint16_t *)iter->data_arr[iter_index]);
    printf("\n>>>> temp_value: %lu", temp_value);

// (D) [ SingleLinkList ] > from_empty - self ptr: 0x54732e0
// (D) [ SingleLinkList ] > LL_iter - self ptr: 0x54732e0, iter ptr: 0x5473660
// >>>> temp_value: 111
// >>>> temp_value: 222
// >>>> temp_value: 333
// >>>> temp_value: 444
// >>>> temp_value: 555
// (D) [ SingleLinkList ] > auto_free_linklist_iter - out of scope with LinkListIterator ptr: 0x5473660
// (D) [ SingleLinkList ] > auto_free_linklist - out of scope with LinkList ptr: 0x54732e0
// (D) [ SingleLinkList ] > free - self ptr: 0x54732e0, total free node amount: 5, total free node data amount: 5