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How to list any ERC20 token on decentralized market through Ruby

OceanOne is introduced in last chapter, you can trade Bitcoin. All kinds of crypto asset on Mixin Network can be listed on OceanOne.All ERC20 token and EOS token can be listed. Following example will show you how to list a ERC20 token. You can list other token after read the tutorial.

There is a ERC20 token called Benz. It is deposited into Mixin Network. You can search all transaction history from Mixin Network browser


Deposit some coin to your wallet, and then use getAssets API fetch the asset UUID which Mixin Network gave it.

Get the ERC-20 compliant coin UUID

The getAssets API return json data, for example:

  • asset_id UUID of this coin
  • public_key The wallet address for this coin
  • symbol Coin name, Eg: Benz.
if cmd == "aw"
  assetsInfo = walletAccount.read_assets()
  p "--------The Wallet Assets List-----------------"
  assetsInfo["data"].each { |x| puts x["symbol"] + " " +
                              x["balance"] + " " + x["public_key"] +
                              x["account_name"] + " " + x["account_tag"]}
  p "----------End of Wallet Assets --------------"

The detail information of read_assets is output like below:

"--------The Wallet Assets List-----------------"
Benz 10.03 0x822664c2EFb27E2Eb4c4286f421B4BF6FB943fC6
ETH 0 0x822664c2EFb27E2Eb4c4286f421B4BF6FB943fC6
EOS 0 eoswithmixin b0adfae2f8828d15e11cb1fbe23d6096
CNB 0.99999995 0x822664c2EFb27E2Eb4c4286f421B4BF6FB943fC6
"----------End of Wallet Assets --------------"

Make the limit order

  • Limit Order to Buy at or below the market.
  • Limit Order to Sell at or above the market.

OceanOne support three base coin: USDT, XIN, BTC, that mean you can sell or buy it between USDT, XIN, BTC, so, you have there order: Benz/USDT, Benz/XIN, Benz/BTC, here show you how to make the sell order with USDT.

Make the limit order to sell.

if ocmd == "s3"
  p "Input the price of ERC/USDT: "
  bprice = gets.chomp
  p "Input the amount of ERC20_BENZ: "
  amount = gets.chomp
  memo = Utils.GenerateOceanMemo(USDT_ASSET_ID,"A",bprice)
  p memo
  assetsInfo = walletAccount.read_asset(ERC20_BENZ)
  if assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f > 0 && assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f >= amount.to_f
    transInfo = walletAccount.create_transfer(walletAccount.encrypt_pin(DEFAULT_PIN),
                                        asset_id: ERC20_BENZ,
                                        opponent_id: OCEANONE_BOT,
                                        amount: amount,
                                        trace_id: SecureRandom.uuid,
                                        memo: memo
    p transInfo
    p "The Order id is " + transInfo["data"]["trace_id"] + " It's needed by cancel-order!"
    p "Not enough ERC20_BENZ"

Make the limit order to buy.

After the order commit, wait 1 minute to let the OceanOne exchange initialize it.

if ocmd == "b3"
  p "Input the price of ERC20/USDT: "
  bprice = gets.chomp
  p "Input the amount of USDT: "
  amount = gets.chomp
  memo = Utils.GenerateOceanMemo(ERC20_BENZ,"B",bprice)
  p memo
  assetsInfo = walletAccount.read_asset(USDT_ASSET_ID)
  if assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f >= 1 && assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f >= amount.to_f
    transInfo = walletAccount.create_transfer(walletAccount.encrypt_pin(DEFAULT_PIN),
                                        asset_id: USDT_ASSET_ID,
                                        opponent_id: OCEANONE_BOT,
                                        amount: amount,
                                        trace_id: SecureRandom.uuid,
                                        memo: memo
    p transInfo
    p "The Order id is " + transInfo["data"]["trace_id"] + " It's needed by cancel-order!"
    p "Not enough USDT"

Read orders book from

Now, check the orders-book.

if ocmd == "3"
  Utils.OceanOneMarketPriceRequest(ERC20_BENZ, USDT_ASSET_ID)
def self.OceanOneMarketPriceRequest(asset_id, base_asset_id)
   full_url = "" + asset_id + "-" + base_asset_id + "/book"
   data = HTTP.get(full_url).body
   body = ""
   redData = data.readpartial
   while  redData != nil
     body = body + redData
     redData = data.readpartial
   result = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(body).with_indifferent_access
   result["data"]["data"]["asks"].each { |x|
                                          puts x["side"] + " " + x["price"] + " " +
                                          x["amount"] + " " + x["funds"]
   result["data"]["data"]["bids"].each { |x|
                                          puts x["side"] + " " + x["price"] + " " +
                                          x["amount"] + " " + x["funds"]

Command of make orders

Commands list of this source code:

  • 1: Fetch BTC/USDT Order Book
  • 2: Fetch XIN/USDT Order Book
  • 3: Fetch ERC20/USDT Order Book
  • s1: Sell BTC/USDT
  • b1: Buy BTC/USDT
  • s2: Sell XIN/USDT
  • b2: Buy XIN/USDT
  • s3: Sell ERC20/USDT
  • s3: Buy ERC20/USDT
  • c: Cancel the order
  • q: Exit Make your choose(eg: q for Exit!):

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