- 2. Shadow Tree (=> DOM Standard; information in "Shadow DOM" is obsolete)
- 3. Mutation algorithms (=> DOM Standard; information in "Shadow DOM" is obsolete)
- 4. Events (=> DOM Standard, UI Events, Touch Events; information about UI and Touch already removed from "Shadow DOM" and the remainder is obsolete)
- DOM Standard
- UI Events: Define retargeting steps w3c/uievents#157
- Touch Events: "List of TouchEvent types" contains requirements w3c/touch-events#84
- 5. User interaction
- 6. HTML Elements in Shadow Trees (=> HTML Standard; information in "Shadow DOM" is obsolete)
- 7. Elements and DOM interfaces (=> DOM Standard and HTML Standard)
extensions - Shadow.prototype.innerHTML: innerHTML should be defined on ShadowRoot interface in addition to Element interface w3c/DOM-Parsing#21
Outstanding issues in DOM and HTML:
Outstanding issues in this repository: