#Ethiopic Layout Requirements document#
development version: http://w3c.github.io/elreq/
This document is being developed by the Ethiopic Layout Task Force and the W3C Internationalization Working Group. Knowledge capture of layout topcics, which will inform the work of the task force, is done in the group wiki.
Feedback about the content of this document can be submitted via issues or pull request in the GitHub repo.
If you prefer, you can also send comments to [email protected] (subscribe).
##Editorial guidelines:##
###Markup tips###
Ids should go on section elements, not hx
<section id="h_my_heading">
<h2>My heading</h2>
Ids on dfn
elements should start with def_
Use the following markup for Unicode codepoint names:
<span class="uname">U+3002 IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP</span> [。]
For additional ideas about markup and styling in Internationalization Activity documents, especially wrt inline markup conventions, see http://www.w3.org/International/docs/styleguide