# AmnewziaWG Easy
You have found the easiest way to install & manage WireGuard on any Linux host!
## Features
* All-in-one: AmneziaWG + Web UI.
* Easy installation, simple to use.
* List, create, edit, delete, enable & disable clients.
* Show a client's QR code.
* Download a client's configuration file.
* Statistics for which clients are connected.
* Tx/Rx charts for each connected client.
* Gravatar support or random avatars.
* Automatic Light / Dark Mode
* Multilanguage Support
* Traffic Stats (default off)
* One Time Links (default off)
* Client Expiry (default off)
* Prometheus metrics support
## Requirements
* A host with Docker installed.
## Installation
### 1. Install Docker
If you haven't installed Docker yet, install it by running:
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
And log in again.
### 2. Run AmneziaWG Easy
To automatically install & run wg-easy, simply run:
docker run -d \
--name=amnezia-wg-easy \
-e LANG=en \
-e PORT=51821 \
-e WG_PORT=51820 \
-v ~/.amnezia-wg-easy:/etc/wireguard \
-p 51820:51820/udp \
-p 51821:51821/tcp \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
--cap-add=SYS_MODULE \
--sysctl="net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1" \
--sysctl="net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" \
--device=/dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun \
--restart unless-stopped \
> ð¡ Replace `YOUR_SERVER_IP` with your WAN IP, or a Dynamic DNS hostname.
> ð¡ Replace `YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD_HASH` with a bcrypt password hash to log in on the Web UI.
> See [How_to_generate_an_bcrypt_hash.md](./How_to_generate_an_bcrypt_hash.md) for know how generate the hash.
The Web UI will now be available on ``.
The Prometheus metrics will now be available on ``. Grafana dashboard [21733](https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/21733-wireguard/)
> ð¡ Your configuration files will be saved in `~/.amnezia-wg-easy`
## Options
These options can be configured by setting environment variables using `-e KEY="VALUE"` in the `docker run` command.
| Env | Default | Example | Description |
| `PORT` | `51821` | `6789` | TCP port for Web UI. |
| `WEBUI_HOST` | `` | `localhost` | IP address web UI binds to. |
| `PASSWORD_HASH` | - | `$2y$05$Ci...` | When set, requires a password when logging in to the Web UI. See [How to generate an bcrypt hash.md]("https://github.com/wg-easy/wg-easy/blob/master/How_to_generate_an_bcrypt_hash.md") for know how generate the hash. |
| `WG_HOST` | - | `vpn.myserver.com` | The public hostname of your VPN server. |
| `WG_DEVICE` | `eth0` | `ens6f0` | Ethernet device the wireguard traffic should be forwarded through. |
| `WG_PORT` | `51820` | `12345` | The public UDP port of your VPN server. WireGuard will listen on that (othwise default) inside the Docker container. |
| `WG_CONFIG_PORT` | `51820` | `12345` | The UDP port used on [Home Assistant Plugin](https://github.com/adriy-be/homeassistant-addons-jdeath/tree/main/wgeasy) |
| `WG_MTU` | `null` | `1420` | The MTU the clients will use. Server uses default WG MTU. |
| `WG_PERSISTENT_KEEPALIVE` | `0` | `25` | Value in seconds to keep the "connection" open. If this value is 0, then connections won't be kept alive. |
| `WG_DEFAULT_ADDRESS` | `10.8.0.x` | `10.6.0.x` | Clients IP address range. |
| `WG_DEFAULT_DNS` | `` | `,` | DNS server clients will use. If set to blank value, clients will not use any DNS. |
| `WG_ALLOWED_IPS` | `, ::/0` | `,` | Allowed IPs clients will use. |
| `WG_PRE_UP` | `...` | - | See [config.js](https://github.com/wg-easy/wg-easy/blob/master/src/config.js#L19) for the default value. |
| `WG_POST_UP` | `...` | `iptables ...` | See [config.js](https://github.com/wg-easy/wg-easy/blob/master/src/config.js#L20) for the default value. |
| `WG_PRE_DOWN` | `...` | - | See [config.js](https://github.com/wg-easy/wg-easy/blob/master/src/config.js#L27) for the default value. |
| `WG_POST_DOWN` | `...` | `iptables ...` | See [config.js](https://github.com/wg-easy/wg-easy/blob/master/src/config.js#L28) for the default value. |
| `WG_ENABLE_EXPIRES_TIME` | `false` | `true` | Enable expire time for clients |
| `LANG` | `en` | `de` | Web UI language (Supports: en, ua, ru, tr, no, pl, fr, de, ca, es, ko, vi, nl, is, pt, chs, cht, it, th, hi). |
| `UI_TRAFFIC_STATS` | `false` | `true` | Enable detailed RX / TX client stats in Web UI |
| `UI_CHART_TYPE` | `0` | `1` | UI_CHART_TYPE=0 # Charts disabled, UI_CHART_TYPE=1 # Line chart, UI_CHART_TYPE=2 # Area chart, UI_CHART_TYPE=3 # Bar chart |
| `DICEBEAR_TYPE` | `false` | `bottts` | see [dicebear types](https://www.dicebear.com/styles/) |
| `USE_GRAVATAR` | `false` | `true` | Use or not GRAVATAR service |
| `WG_ENABLE_ONE_TIME_LINKS` | `false` | `true` | Enable display and generation of short one time download links (expire after 5 minutes) |
| `MAX_AGE` | `0` | `1440` | The maximum age of Web UI sessions in minutes. `0` means that the session will exist until the browser is closed. |
| `UI_ENABLE_SORT_CLIENTS` | `false` | `true` | Enable UI sort clients by name |
| `ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_METRICS` | `false` | `true` | Enable Prometheus metrics `` and `` |
| `PROMETHEUS_METRICS_PASSWORD` | - | `$2y$05$Ci...` | If set, Basic Auth is required when requesting metrics. See [How to generate an bcrypt hash.md]("https://github.com/wg-easy/wg-easy/blob/master/How_to_generate_an_bcrypt_hash.md") for know how generate the hash. |
| `JC` | `random` | `5` | Junk packet count â number of packets with random data that are sent before the start of the session. |
| `JMIN` | `50` | `25` | Junk packet minimum size â minimum packet size for Junk packet. That is, all randomly generated packets will have a size no smaller than Jmin. |
| `JMAX` | `1000` | `250` | Junk packet maximum size â maximum size for Junk packets. |
| `S1` | `random` | `75` | Init packet junk size â the size of random data that will be added to the init packet, the size of which is initially fixed. |
| `S2` | `random` | `75` | Response packet junk size â the size of random data that will be added to the response packet, the size of which is initially fixed. |
| `H1` | `random` | `1234567891` | Init packet magic header â the header of the first byte of the handshake. Must be < uint_max. |
| `H2` | `random` | `1234567892` | Response packet magic header â header of the first byte of the handshake response. Must be < uint_max. |
| `H3` | `random` | `1234567893` | Underload packet magic header â UnderLoad packet header. Must be < uint_max. |
| `H4` | `random` | `1234567894` | Transport packet magic header â header of the packet of the data packet. Must be < uint_max. |
> If you change `WG_PORT`, make sure to also change the exposed port.
## Updating
To update to the latest version, simply run:
docker stop amnezia-wg-easy
docker rm amnezia-wg-easy
docker pull ghcr.io/w0rng/amnezia-wg-easy
And then run the `docker run -d \ ...` command above again.
## Thanks
Based on [wg-easy](https://github.com/wg-easy/wg-easy) by Emile Nijssen.
Use integrations with AmneziaWg from [amnezia-wg-easy](https://github.com/spcfox/amnezia-wg-easy) by Viktor Yudov.