OAuthThey is a single purpose OAuth 1.0a implementation, specifically for use with Discogs.
It features modern Swift conventions and types, like the new concurrency model, and utilizes the latest Apple APIs, like the more modern ASWebAuthenticationSession
, for presenting web UI.
OAuthThey uses the Swift Package Manager.
To include it in your project, just add it as a swift package dependency in XCode and import OAuthThey
in any files that need to use it.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "[email protected]:nrivard/oauththey.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")),
All of your interactions with OAuth center around Client
This type is responsible for starting the authorization flow, authenticating requests, and discarding authorization tokens when a user wants to sign out.
Because Client
is an actor
, all of your interactions with it are async
To start the authentication flow using OAuth 1.0a, first create your Client.Configuration
and provide it to Client(configuration:)
let config = Client.Configuration(
consumerKey: consumerKey,
consumerSecret: consumerSecret,
userAgent: "OAuthTheyTester/1.0",
keychainServiceKey: "OAuthTheyTester"
let client = Client(configuration: config)
Next, create your AuthRequest
and provide an ASPresentationAnchor
to present web UI from.
OAuthThey provides Platform.currentWindow
which is a convenience for getting the current window on iOS and macOS.
let authRequest = Client.AuthRequest(
requestURL: URL(string: DiscogsOAuthEndpoints.requestURL)!,
authorizeURL: URL(string: DiscogsOAuthEndpoints.authURL)!,
accessTokenURL: URL(string: DiscogsOAuthEndpoints.accessToken)!,
window: PlatformApplication.currentWindow // if you haven't specified this on the `MainActor`, you may need to `await`
Now call startAuthorization
with your request on Client
This call is async
and returns a Token
(which you can safely discard) so you can call this on any Task
If authorization is successful, the valid Token
will automatically be persisted to the Keychain using the given keychainServiceKey
provided in the Configuration
Task {
do {
// you will never need to directly hold onto or interact with the returned `Token` but it's provided
// in case you want to display the key or secret for some specialized reason
let _ = try await client.startAuthorization(with: authRequest)
} catch {
When creating a Client
, if a valid Token
is found in the Keychain, it will automatically start in an authenticated state.
You can query this state to avoid going through the authorization flow again:
if await client.isAuthenticated {
// already a valid client
} else {
// start auth flow
Now that you're authenticated, you simply need to sign each request:
let request = URLRequest(url: Discogs.searchEndpoint)
await client.authorizeRequest(&request)
OAuthThey will automatically include the proper OAuth headers on your request as well as User-Agent
You are responsible for Content-Type
, Accepts
, and any other headers your service may require.
Cleaning up when a user wants to log out is easy as well, including removing the persisted Token
from the Keychain
await client.logout()
Included is a barebones test application, OAuthTheyTester, that you can use as a springboard for your own OAuth authentication.
You will need to fill out your own Discogs consumerKey
and consumerSecret
in ContentView
if you want to test it.
OAuthThey currently only supports PLAINTEXT
signature methods and does not support expired tokens or other advanced OAuth features.
This is a very barebones approach to OAuth for use with Discogs.