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cuML C++

This folder contains the C++ and CUDA code of the algorithms and ML primitives of cuML. The build system uses CMake for build configuration, and an out-of-source build is recommended.

Source Code Folders

The source code of cuML is divided in three main directories: src, src_prims, and comms.

  • src contains the source code of the Machine Learning algorithms, and the main cuML C++ API. The main consumable is the shared library libcuml++, that can be used stand alone by C++ consumers or is consumed by our Python package cuml to provide a Python API.
  • src_prims contains most of the common components and computational primitives that form part of the machine learning algorithms in cuML, and can be used individually as well in the form of a header only library.
  • comms contains the source code of the communications implementations that enable multi-node multi-GPU algorithms. There are currently two communications implementations. The implementation in the mpi directory is for MPI environments. It can also be used for automated tested. The implementation in the std directory is required for running cuML in multi-node multi-GPU Dask environments.

The test directory has subdirectories that reflect this distinction between the src and prims components of cuML.



  1. cmake (>= 3.14)
  2. CUDA (>= 10.0)
  3. gcc (>=5.4.0)
  4. BLAS - Any BLAS compatible with cmake's FindBLAS. Note that the blas has to be installed to the same folder system as cmake, for example if using conda installed cmake, the blas implementation should also be installed in the conda environment.
  5. clang-format (= 8.0.1) - enforces uniform C++ coding style; required to build cuML from source. The packages clang=8 and clang-tools=8 from the conda-forge channel should be sufficient, if you are on conda. If not using conda, install the right version using your OS package manager.
  6. UCX with CUDA support [optional] (>=1.7) - enables point-to-point messaging in the cuML communicator.

Building cuML:

The main artifact produced by the build system is the shared library libcuml++. Additionally, executables to run tests for the algorithms can be built. To see detailed steps see the BUILD document of the repository.

Current cmake offers the following configuration options:

  • Build Configuration Options:
Flag Possible Values Default Value Behavior
BUILD_CUML_CPP_LIBRARY [ON, OFF] ON Enable/disable building libcuml++ shared library. Setting this variable to OFF sets the variables BUILD_CUML_TESTS, BUILD_CUML_MG_TESTS and BUILD_CUML_EXAMPLES to OFF
BUILD_GTEST [ON, OFF] ON Enable/disable building Googletest for test executables. The library search path will be used to find an existing version.
BUILD_CUML_TESTS [ON, OFF] ON Enable/disable building cuML algorithm test executable ml_test.
BUILD_CUML_MG_TESTS [ON, OFF] ON Enable/disable building cuML algorithm test executable ml_mg_test. Requires MPI to be installed. When enabled, BUILD_CUML_MPI_COMMS will be automatically set to ON.
BUILD_PRIMS_TESTS [ON, OFF] ON Enable/disable building cuML algorithm test executable prims_test.
BUILD_CUML_STD_COMMS [ON, OFF] ON Enable/disable building cuML NCCL+UCX communicator for running multi-node multi-GPU algorithms. Note that UCX support can also be enabled/disabled (see below). The standard communicator and MPI communicator are not mutually exclusive and can both be installed at the same time.
WITH_UCX [ON, OFF] OFF Enable/disable UCX support in the standard cuML communicator. Algorithms requiring point-to-point messaging will not work when this is disabled. This flag is ignored if BUILD_CUML_STD_COMMS is set to OFF.
BUILD_CUML_MPI_COMMS [ON, OFF] OFF Enable/disable building cuML MPI+NCCL communicator for running multi-node multi-GPU C++ tests. MPI communicator and STD communicator may both be installed at the same time. If OFF, it overrides BUILD_CUML_MG_TESTS to be OFF as well.
SINGLEGPU [ON, OFF] OFF Disable all mnmg components. Disables building of all multi-GPU algorithms and all comms library components. Removes libcumlprims, UCX-py and NCCL dependencies. Overrides values of BUILD_CUML_MG_TESTS, BUILD_CUML_STD_COMMS, WITH_UCX and BUILD_CUML_MPI_COMMS.
BUILD_CUML_EXAMPLES [ON, OFF] ON Enable/disable building cuML C++ API usage examples.
BUILD_CUML_BENCH [ON, OFF] ON Enable/disable building oc cuML C++ benchark.
BUILD_STATIC_FAISS [ON, OFF] OFF Enable/disable building and static linking of FAISS into cuML. When this option is disabled, build will search for an installed version of FAISS.
DISABLE_OPENMP [ON, OFF] OFF Set to ON to disable OpenMP
GPU_ARCHS List of GPU architectures, semicolon-separated Empty List of GPU architectures that all artifacts are compiled for. Passing ALL means compiling for all currently supported GPU architectures: 60;70;75. If you don't pass this flag, then the build system will try to look for the GPU card installed on the system and compile only for that.
  • Library Location options:
Flag Possible Values Default Value Behavior
BLAS_LIBRARIES path/to/blas_lib "" Optional variable allowing to manually specify location of BLAS library. This is only used when BUILD_STATIC_FAISS=ON
FAISS_ROOT path/to/faiss "" Optional variable allowing to manually specify the location of FAISS.
GTEST_ROOT path/to/gtest "" Optional variable allowing to manually specify the location of Googletest.
NCCL_PATH path/to/nccl "" Optional variable allowing to manually specify location of NCCL library.
CUMLPRIMS_MG_PATH path/to/libcumlprims "" Optional variable allowing to manually specify location of libcumlprims library.
  • Debug configuration options:
Flag Possible Values Default Value Behavior
KERNEL_INFO [ON, OFF] OFF Enable/disable kernel resource usage info in nvcc.
LINE_INFO [ON, OFF] OFF Enable/disable lineinfo in nvcc.
NVTX [ON, OFF] OFF Enable/disable nvtx markers in libcuml++.

After running CMake in a build directory, if the BUILD_* options were not turned OFF, the following targets can be built:

$ make -j # Build libcuml++ and all tests
$ make -j sg_benchmark # Build c++ cuml single gpu benchmark
$ make -j cuml++ # Build libcuml++
$ make -j ml # Build ml_test algorithm tests binary
$ make -j ml_mg # Build ml_mg_test multi GPU algorithms tests binary
$ make -j prims # Build prims_test ML primitive unit tests binary

Third Party Modules

The external folder contains submodules that cuML depends on.

Current external submodules are:

  2. CUB
  3. Faiss
  4. Google Test

Using cuML libraries

After building cuML, you can use its functionality in other C/C++ applications by linking against the generated libraries. The following trivial example shows how to make external use of cuML's logger:

// main.cpp
#include <cuml/common/logger.hpp>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  CUML_LOG_WARN("This is a warning from the cuML logger!");
  return 0;

To compile this example, we must point the compiler to where cuML was installed. Assuming you did not provide a custom $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, this will default to the $CONDA_PREFIX environment variable.

$ nvcc \
       main.cpp \
       -o cuml_logger_example \
       "-L${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib" \
       "-I${CONDA_PREFIX}/include" \
       "-I${CONDA_PREFIX}/include/cuml/raft" \
$ ./cuml_logger_example
[W] [13:26:43.503068] This is a warning from the cuML logger!