The DOM Components operate on XML documents through the DOM API. Instead of solely wrapping a DOMDocument with our own class, we embrace the fact that the DOM implementation is leaky. This package provides a set of composable tools that allow you to safely work with the DOM extension.
Since not all code is in one big master class, you will find that it is not too hard to write your own extensions!
use DOMDocument;
use Psl\Type;
use VeeWee\XML\DOM\Configurator;
use VeeWee\XML\DOM\Document;
use VeeWee\XML\DOM\Validator;
use VeeWee\XML\DOM\Xpath;
use function VeeWee\XML\DOM\Loader\xml_file_loader;
$doc = Document::configure(
$debug ? Configurator\pretty_print() : Configurator\trim_spaces(),
new MyCustomMergeImportsConfigurator(),
$xpath = $doc->xpath(
'soap' => '',
'xsd' => '',
$currentNode = $xpath->querySingle('//products');
$count = $xpath->evaluate('count(.//item)', Type\int(), $currentNode);
Of course, the example above only gives you a small idea of all the implemented features. Let's find out more by segregating the DOM component into its composable blocks:
- Assertions: Assert if a DOMNode is of a specific type.
- Builders: Let you build XML by using a declarative API.
- Collection: A wrapper for dealing with lists of nodes.
- Configurators: Specify how you want to configure your DOM document.
- Loaders: Determine where the XML should be loaded from.
- Locators: Enables you to locate specific XML elements.
- Manipulators: Allows you to manipulate any DOM document.
- Mappers: Converts the DOM document to something else.
- Predicates: Check if a DOMNode is of a specific type.
- Traverser: Traverse over a complete DOM tree and perform visitor-based manipulations.
- Validators: Validate the content of your XML document.
- XPath: Query for specific elements based on XPath queries.
Assert if a DOMNode is of a specific type.
Assert if a node is of type DOMAttr
use Psl\Type\Exception\AssertException;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Assert\assert_attribute;
try {
} catch (AssertException $e) {
// Deal with it
Assert if a node is of type DOMCdataSection
use Psl\Type\Exception\AssertException;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Assert\assert_cdata;
try {
} catch (AssertException $e) {
// Deal with it
Assert if a node is of type DOMDocument
use Psl\Type\Exception\AssertException;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Assert\assert_document;
try {
} catch (AssertException $e) {
// Deal with it
Assert if a variable is of type DOMNodeList
use Psl\Type\Exception\AssertException;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Assert\assert_dom_node_list;
try {
} catch (AssertException $e) {
// Deal with it
Assert if a node is of type DOMElement
use Psl\Type\Exception\AssertException;
use VeeWee\XML\DOM\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Assert\assert_element;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('some.xml');
$item = $doc->xpath()->query('item')->item(0);
use Psl\Type\Exception\AssertException;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Assert\assert_document;
try {
} catch (AssertException $e) {
// Deal with it
Lets you build XML by using a declarative API.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\attribute;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\children;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\namespaced_element;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\value;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\append;
$doc = Document::empty();
element('root', children(
attribute('bar', 'baz'),
namespaced_element('http://namespace', 'foo',
attribute('bar', 'baz'),
element('hello', value('world'))
<foo bar="baz">hello</foo>
<foo bar="baz" xmlns="http://namespace">
Operates on a DOMElement
and adds the attribute with specified key and value
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\attribute;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
attribute('bar', 'baz')
<foo bar="baz" />
Operates on a DOMElement
and adds multiple attributes with specified key and value
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\attribute;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
'hello' => 'world',
'bar' => 'baz',
<foo hello="world" bar="baz" />
Operates on a DOMNode
and creates a DOMCdataSection
It can contain a set of configurators that can be used to dynamically change the cdata's contents.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\attribute;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\cdata;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\children;
element('hello', children(
Operates on a DOMNode
and attaches multiple child nodes.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\children;
<world />
<you />
Operates on a DOMNode
and creates a new element.
It can contain a set of configurators that can be used to specify the attributes, children, value, ... of the element.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
element('hello', ...$configurators);
<hello />
Operates on a DOMElement
and sets the node value.
All XML entities <>"'
will be escaped.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\escaped_value;
element('hello', escaped_value('<"\'>'));
Operates on a DOMElement
and adds a namespaced attribute with specified key and value
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\namespaced_attribute;
namespaced_attribute('', 'acme:hello', 'world')
<foo xmlns:acme="" acme:hello="world" />
Operates on a DOMElement
and adds a namespaced attribute with specified key and value
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\namespaced_attributes;
namespaced_attributes('', [
'acme:hello' => 'world',
'acme:foo' => 'bar',
<foo xmlns:acme="" acme:hello="world" acme:foo="bar" />
Operates on a DOMNode
and creates a new namespaced element.
It can contain a set of configurators that can be used to specify the attributes, children, value, ... of the element.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\namespaced_element;
namespaced_element('', 'hello', ...$configurators);
<hello xmlns="" />
Operates on a DOMDocument
and is the builder that is being called by the Document::manipulate
It can return one or more DOMNode
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\nodes;
static fn (DOMDocument $document): array => [
Operates on a DOMElement
and sets the node value.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\value;
element('hello', value('world'));
Operates on a DOMElement
and adds a xmlns namespace attribute.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\xmlns_attribute;
element('hello', xmlns_attribute('ns', ''));
Operates on a DOMElement
and adds multiple xmlns namespace attributes.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\xmlns_attributes;
element('hello', xmlns_attributes(['ns' => '']));
This package provides a type-safe replacement for DOMNodeList
with few more options.
Some examples:
use DOMElement;
use Psl\Type;
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Collection\NodeList;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Node\value;
$totalPrice = NodeList::fromDOMNodeList($list)
->filter(fn(DOMElement $element) => $element->nodeName === 'item')
static fn (int $total, DOMElement $price): int
=> $total + value($price, Type\int()),
Most of the functions on the NodeList class are straight forward and documented elsewere. Feel free to scroll through or let your IDE autocomplete the class to find out what is inside there!
Specify how you want to configure your DOM document.
The loader runs canonicalization (C14N) on the document and applies some other optimalizations like cdata stripping and basic namespace optimizations.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\loader;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\canonicalize;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Loader\xml_string_loader;
The loader runs following optimization on the provided XML, in order to make it comparable:
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\comparable;
Allows you to keep track of the document uri, even if you are using an in-memory string.
Internally, it sets DOMDocument::$documentURI
, which gets used as file
in the error-handling issues component.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\document_uri;
$wsdl = '';
The loader configurator takes a loader to specify the source of the DOM Document.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\loader;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Loader\xml_string_loader;
loader(xml_string_loader('<xml />'))
This configurator normalizes an XML file to return the DOMDocument back in a "normal" form.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\normalize;
This configurator detects all and renames all namespaces in order to optimize them.
The optimasation itself, must be triggered by using a load function with LIBXML_NSCLEAN
This optimization is included in the comparable()
and canonicalize()
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\optimize_namespaces;
Makes the output of the DOM document human-readable.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\pretty_print;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\loader;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Loader\xml_file_loader;
$doc = Document::configure(
Takes a list of Visitors as argument and traverses over de DOM tree. The visitors can be used to do DOM manipulations.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Traverser\Visitor;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\traverse;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile(
new Visitor\SortAttributes(),
Trims all whitespaces from the DOM document in order to make it as small as possible in bytesize.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\trim_spaces;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\loader;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Loader\xml_file_loader;
$doc = Document::configure(
Marks the DOM document as UTF-8.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\utf8;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\loader;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Loader\xml_file_loader;
$doc = Document::configure(
Takes a Validator as argument and validates the DOM. Additionally, you can specify a maximum error level. If this level is reached, an exception is thrown.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use VeeWee\Xml\ErrorHandling\Issue\Level;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\validator;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Validator\internal_xsd_validator;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile(
validator(internal_xsd_validator(), Level::warning())
A configurator can be any callable
that takes a DOMDocument
and configures it:
namespace VeeWee\Xml\DOM\Configurator;
use DOMDocument;
interface Configurator
public function __invoke(DOMDocument $document): DOMDocument;
You can apply the configurator as followed:
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
$document = Document::configure($loader, ...$configurators);
Loads an XML document from a file.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\loader;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Loader\xml_file_loader;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('some-xml.xml', ...$configurators);
// or
$doc = Document::configure(loader(xml_file_loader($file, LIBXML_NOCDATA)));
Loads an XML document from an external DOMNode
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
$doc = Document::fromXmlNode($someExternalNode, ...$configurators);
Loads an XML document from a string.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Configurator\loader;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Loader\xml_string_loader;
$doc = Document::fromXmlString('<xml />', ...$configurators);
// or
$doc = Document::configure(loader(xml_string_loader($xml, LIBXML_NOCDATA)));
namespace VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Loader;
use DOMDocument;
interface Loader
public function __invoke(DOMDocument $document): void;
You can apply the loader as followed:
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
$document = Document::configure($loader, ...$configurators);
Locators can be used to search for specific elements inside your DOM document. The locators are split up based on what they are locating.
The attributes locators will return attributes and can be called on a DOMNode
This function will look for all attributes on a DOMNode
For nodes that don't support attributes, you will receive an empty NodeList
The result of this function will be of type NodeList<DOMAttr>
use DOMAttr;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Attribute\attributes_list;
$attributes = attributes_list($element)->sort(
static fn (DOMAttr $a, DOMAttr $b): int => $a->nodeName <=> $b->nodeName
This function will look for all xmlns attributes on a DOMNode
For nodes that don't support attributes, you will receive an empty NodeList
The result of this function will be of type NodeList<DOMNameSpaceNode>
use DOMNameSpaceNode;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Attribute\xmlns_attributes_list;
$attributes = xmlns_attributes_list($element)->sort(
static fn (DOMNameSpaceNode $a, DOMNameSpaceNode $b): int => $a->prefix <=> $b->prefix
The Document locators can be called directly from the Document
It will return the root document element of the provided XML.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\document_element;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('some.xml');
$rootElement = $doc->locate(document_element());
// Since this is a common action, there is also a shortcut:
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\elements_with_namespaced_tagname;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('some.xml');
$products = $doc->locate(elements_with_namespaced_tagname('', 'product'));
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\elements_with_tagname;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('some.xml');
$products = $doc->locate(elements_with_tagname('product'));
These locators can be run on DOMElement
Fetch all ancestor elements from a specific DOMNode
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Element\ancestors;
$ancestorNodes = ancestors($element);
Fetch all child DOMElement
's from a specific DOMNode
If you only want all types of children (DOMText
, ...), you can use the Node\children()
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Element\children;
$childElements = children($element);
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Element\locate_by_namespaced_tag_name;
$products = locate_by_namespaced_tag_name($element, '', 'product');
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Element\locate_by_tag_name;
$products = locate_by_tag_name($element, 'product');
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Element\parent_element;
$products = parent_element($element);
Fetch all sibling elements from a specific DOMNode
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Element\siblings;
$ancestorNodes = siblings($element);
These locators can be run on any DOMNode
Fetch all child nodes from a specific DOMNode
. This can be any kind of node: DOMText
, DOMElement
, ...
If you only want the element children, you can use the Element\children()
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Node\children;
$childNodes = children($element);
Fetch the DOMDocument
to which a node is linked.
If the node is not linked to a document yet, it throws a InvalidArgumentException
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Node\detect_document;
$document = detect_document($element);
Fetch the value from the provided DOMNode
and coerce it to a specific type.
use Psl\Type;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Node\value;
$productPrice = value($product, Type\float());
These locators can be run on DOMNode
This function returns a list of all namespaces that are linked to a specific DOM node.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Collection\NodeList;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Xmlns\linked_namespaces;
/** @var NodeList<DOMNameSpaceNode> $namespaces */
$namespaces = linked_namespaces($element);
This function returns a list of all namespaces that are linked to a specific DOM node and all of its children.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Collection\NodeList;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Xmlns\recursive_linked_namespaces;
/** @var NodeList<DOMNameSpaceNode> $namespaces */
$namespaces = recursive_linked_namespaces($element);
Locates internally applied XSD schema's from a specific DOMDocument
Locate both namespaced as no namespaced XSD schema's that are added to the XML document.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Xsd\locate_all_xsd_schemas;
/** @var Generator<string> $schemas */
$schemas = locate_all_xsd_schemas($document);
Locate only the namespaced XSD schema's that are added to the XML document.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Xsd\locate_namespaced_xsd_schemas;
/** @var Generator<string> $schemas */
$schemas = locate_namespaced_xsd_schemas($document);
Locate only the no namespaced XSD schema's that are added to the XML document.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Locator\Xsd\locate_no_namespaced_xsd_schemas;
/** @var Generator<string> $schemas */
$schemas = locate_no_namespaced_xsd_schemas($document);
Allows you to manipulate any DOM document.
Document specific manipulators can directly be applied to Document
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\element;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\append;
$doc = Document::empty();
use DOMDocument;
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\Document\optimize_namespaces;
$doc = Document::empty();
static function (DOMDocument $document): void {
optimize_namespaces($document, 'prefix');
Element specific manipulators operate on DOMElement
Makes it possible to copy all names xmlns attributes from one element to an other element.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\Element\copy_named_xmlns_attributes;
$doc = Document::fromXmlString(
<a xmlns:foo="http://foo" />
<b />
$a = $doc->xpath()->querySingle('//a');
$b = $doc->xpath()->querySingle('//b');
copy_named_xmlns_attributes($b, $a);
// > $b will contain xmlns:foo="http://foo"
Node specific manipulators operate on DOMNode
Makes it possible to append a DOMNode
from an external document into a DOMNode
from the current document.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\Node\append_external_node;
$copiedNode = append_external_node($documentNode, $externalNode);
Makes it possible to import a full DOMNode
from an external document so that it can be used in the current document.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\Node\import_node_deeply;
$copiedNode = import_node_deeply($documentNode, $externalNode);
Makes it possible to remove any type of DOMNode
directly. This include attributes.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\Node\remove;
$removedNode = remove($node);
Makes it possible to rename DOMElement
and DOMAttr
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\Node\rename;
rename($node, 'foo');
rename($node, 'a:foo');
Internally, this function uses an element and attribute rename functionality, which can also be used standalone:
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\Attribute\rename as rename_attribute;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\Element\rename as rename_element;
rename_attribute($attr, 'foo', $newUri);
rename_element($element, 'foo', $newUri);
Besides renaming attributes and elements, you can also rename an xmlns namespace.
This however, operates on the DOMDocument
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\Xmlns\rename;
rename($doc, 'http://namespace', 'prefix');
Makes it possible to remove a DOMNamespaceNode
from an element.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\Node\remove_namespace;
$removedNamespace = remove_namespace($namespace, $element);
Makes it possible to replace a DOMNode
from the current document with a DOMNode
from an external document.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\Node\replace_by_external_node;
$copiedNode = replace_by_external_node($documentNode, $externalNode);
Makes it possible to replace a DOMNode
from the current document with a list of DOMNode
from an external document.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Manipulator\Node\replace_by_external_nodes;
$copiedNode = replace_by_external_nodes($documentNode, $externalNodes);
Converts the DOM document to something else.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('some.xml');
// Get full XML including the XML declaration tag:
$xml = $doc->toXmlString();
// OR, get only the XML part without declaration:
$xml = $doc->stringifyDocumentElement();
Instead of mapping a full document, you can also map a specific node only to XML.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Mapper\xml_string;
$mapper = xml_string();
$xml = $mapper($someNode);
// Or use the shortcut on Document level:
$xml = $doc->stringifyNode($someNode);
Allows you to map an XML document based on an XSLT template.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Mapper\xslt_template;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('data.xml');
$xslt = Document::fromXmlFile('xml-to-yaml-converter.xslt');
echo $doc->map(xslt_template($xslt, ...$processorConfigurators));
For more information on the processor configurators, see the XSLT documentation;
A configurator can be any callable
that takes a DOMDocument
and configures it:
namespace VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Mapper;
use DOMDocument;
* @template R
interface Mapper
* @return R
public function __invoke(DOMDocument $document): mixed;
You can apply the mapper as followed:
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
$document = Document::fromXmlFile('some.xml');
$result = $document->map($mapper);
Check if a DOMNode is of a specific type.
Checks if a node is of type DOMAttr
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Predicate\is_attribute;
if (is_attribute($someNode)) {
// ...
Checks if a node is of type DOMCdataSection
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Predicate\is_cdata;
if (is_cdata($someNode)) {
// ...
Checks if a node is of type DOMNameSpaceNode
and is the default xmlns.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Predicate\is_default_xmlns_attribute;
if (is_default_xmlns_attribute($namespace)) {
// ...
Checks if a node is of type DOMDocument
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Predicate\is_document;
if (is_document($someNode)) {
// ...
Checks if a node is the root DOMElement
of the DOMDocument
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Predicate\is_document_element;
if (is_document_element($rootNode)) {
// ...
Checks if a node is of type DOMElement
use VeeWee\XML\DOM\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Predicate\is_element;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('some.xml');
$item = $doc->xpath()->query('item')->item(0);
if (is_element($item)) {
// ...
Checks if a node is of type DOMText
and that its value is not just a whitespace.
This behaves in the opposite way of the is_whitespace()
function and uses the is_text()
function internally.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Predicate\is_non_empty_text;
if (is_non_empty_text($someNode)) {
// ...
Checks if a node is of type DOMText
You can also check for is_whitespace()
or is_non_empty_text()
if you want to do a deeper check.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Predicate\is_text;
if (is_text($someNode)) {
// ...
Checks if a node is of type DOMNameSpaceNode
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Predicate\is_xmlns_attribute;
if (is_xmlns_attribute($namespace)) {
// ...
Checks if a node is of type DOMText
and that its value consists of just whitespaces.
This behaves in the opposite way of the is_non_empty_text()
function and uses the is_text()
function internally.
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Predicate\is_whitespace;
if (is_whitespace($someNode)) {
// ...
Traverse over a complete DOM tree and perform visitor-based manipulations.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Traverser\Visitor;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile($file);
$doc->traverse(new Visitor\SortAttributes());
The traverse method will iterate over every node in the complete DOM tree. It takes a list of visitors that will be triggered for every node. The visitors allow you to look for specific things and for example replace them with something else.
Imagine you want to replace all attribute values in all XML tags with 'wazzup'. Here is an example visitor that implements this feature:
use DOMNode;
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Traverser\Action;
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Traverser\Visitor\AbstractVisitor;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Builder\attribute;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Predicate\is_attribute;
class WazzupVisitor extends AbstractVisitor
public function onNodeLeave(DOMNode $node) : Action
if (!is_attribute($node)) {
return new Action\Noop();
attribute($node->nodeName, 'WAZZUP')($node->parentNode);
return new Action\Noop();
So how does it work? Every time the traverser sees a DOMNode, it will trigger all provided visitors. The visitor above will look for attribute nodes. All other nodes will be ignored. Next it will replace the attribute with value WAZZUP and add it to the node. Finally, we tell the traverser that the visitor is finished and no additional actions need to be performed.
Here is a list of built-in visitors that can be used as a base to build your own.
The SortAttributes visitor will sort all element's attributes in alphabetic order. This makes XML easier to compary by using a diff tool.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Traverser\Visitor;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile($file);
$doc->traverse(new Visitor\SortAttributes());
Because life is too short, sometimes you don't want to deal with namespaces...
This visitor removes all xmlns declarations and prefixes from your XML document.
This can also be used in combination with xml_decode
, which will result in an unprefixed result.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Traverser\Visitor;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile($file);
$doc->traverse(new Visitor\RemoveNamespaces());
This visitor allows some additional configurations:
: Removes all namespaces by default.RemoveNamespaces::prefixed()
: Removes all namespaces with a prefix (xmlns:prefix=""
: Removes all namespaces without a prefix (xmlns=""
).RemoveNamespaces::byPrefixNames(['a', 'b'])
: Removes all namespaces with a specific prefix.RemoveNamespaces::byNamespaceURIs(['http://xxx'])
: Removes all namespaces with a specific namespace RemoveNamespaces($yourFilter)
: If you want to apply a custom filter to select the namespaces you allow to be stripped.
A visitor needs to implement the visitor interface.
It contains both an onNodeEnter
and an onNodeLeave
The result of these functions is an action that can be performed by the traverser:
namespace VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Traverser;
use DOMNode;
interface Visitor
public function onNodeEnter(DOMNode $node): Action;
public function onNodeLeave(DOMNode $node): Action;
An action looks like this:
namespace VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Traverser;
use DOMNode;
interface Action
public function __invoke(DOMNode $currentNode): void;
Finally, here is a list of built-in actions:
: This tells the traverser that no additional action needs to be executed.ReplaceNode($newNode)
: Can be used to replace a node with another one.RemoveNode
: Can be used to remove the node from the XML tree.RenameNode
: Can be used to rename the node.
Validate the content of your XML document.
Validates the document based on all internally specified XML schema's.
use VeeWee\XML\DOM\Document;
use VeeWee\Xml\Xsd\Schema\Manipulator;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Validator\internal_xsd_validator;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('some.xml');
$issues = $doc->validate(internal_xsd_validator(
It takes one or more XSD schema manipulators. For more information see XSD schema manipulators.
Can be used to validate with multiple validators. The result is a combined list of issues!
use VeeWee\XML\DOM\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Validator\validator_chain;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Validator\internal_xsd_validator;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Validator\xsd_validator;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('some.xml');
$issues = $doc->validate(validator_chain(
Makes it possible to validate an XML against a specific XSD file.
use VeeWee\XML\DOM\Document;
use function VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Validator\xsd_validator;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('some.xml');
$issues = $doc->validate(xsd_validator('myown.xsd'));
A validator can be any callable
that takes a DOMDocument
and returns an IssueCollection
namespace VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Validator;
use DOMDocument;
use VeeWee\Xml\ErrorHandling\Issue\IssueCollection;
interface Validator
public function __invoke(DOMDocument $document): IssueCollection;
One of the most commonly used components inside DOM is the XPath component. Since it takes a lot of effort to configure XPath, we provided our own component that improves both configuration and error handling.
Following components are available:
- Configurators: Can be used to configure an XPath object.
- Locators: Can be used to locate specific queries.
Can be used to configure an XPath object.
Registers all known PHP functions to the XPath object, allowing you to use php:somefunction()
inside your XPath query.
use VeeWee\XML\DOM\Document;
use function VeeWee\XML\DOM\Xpath\Configurator\all_functions;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('data.xml');
$xpath = $doc->xpath(all_functions());
Registers a list of known PHP functions to the XPath object, allowing you to use php:somefunction()
inside your XPath query.
use VeeWee\XML\DOM\Document;
use function VeeWee\XML\DOM\Xpath\Configurator\functions;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('data.xml');
$xpath = $doc->xpath(functions(['has_multiple']));
Registers a map of namespaces with their prefix to the XPath object.
This allows you to use a prefix name for a specific namespace. E.g. //soap:envelope
use VeeWee\XML\DOM\Document;
use function VeeWee\XML\DOM\Xpath\Configurator\namespaces;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('data.xml');
$xpath = $doc->xpath(
'soap' => '',
'xsd' => '',
Registers the php
namespace in order to allow registration of php functions.
use VeeWee\XML\DOM\Document;
use function VeeWee\XML\DOM\Xpath\Configurator\php_namespace;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('data.xml');
$xpath = $doc->xpath(php_namespace());
A configurator can be any callable
that takes a DOMXPath
and configures it:
namespace VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Xpath\Configurator;
use DOMXPath;
interface Configurator
public function __invoke(DOMXPath $xpath): DOMXPath;
You can apply the XPath configurator as followed:
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
$document = Document::configure('some.xml');
Can be used to locate specific queries.
Evaluates an XPath query in a type-safe way:
use Psl\Type;
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('data.xml');
$xpath = $doc->xpath();
$count = $xpath->evaluate('count(.//item)', Type\int());
You can also pass a context-node in which the evaluation is done:
$count = $xpath->evaluate('count(.//item)', Type\int(), $productsElement);
Run a specific XPath query and expect to get back a list of matching DOMElement
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('data.xml');
$xpath = $doc->xpath();
$productList = $xpath->query('/products');
You can also pass a context-node in which the query is performed:
$productList = $xpath->query('/products', $rootNode);
In many situations, you only expect one specific element to be available.
Instead of querying for a list, you can also query for a single element.
It expects to find exactly one element and throws an InvalidArgumentException
if that is not the case.
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
$doc = Document::fromXmlFile('data.xml');
$xpath = $doc->xpath();
$productName = $xpath->querySingle('/products/name');
You can also pass a context-node in which the query is performed:
$productName = $xpath->querySingle('/name', $product);
An XPath locator can be any callable
that takes a DOMXPath
and locates something on it:
namespace VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Xpath\Locator;
use DOMXPath;
* @template T
interface Locator
* @return T
public function __invoke(DOMXPath $xpath): mixed;
You can apply the locator as followed:
use VeeWee\Xml\Dom\Document;
$document = Document::configure('some.xml');
$xpath = $document->xpath();
$result = $xpath->locate($locator);