We evaluate and benchmark on SplitFS using different application benchmarks like YCSB (Load A, Run A-F, Load E and Run E), TPC-C on SQLite and rsync. We compare the performance with other similar file systems like ext4 DAX, NOVA-strict, NOVA-relaxed and PMFS. We run YCSB on SplitFS-strict, TPC-C on SplitFS-POSIX and rsync on SplitFS-sync.
- Running YCSB on SplitFS-strict and comparing it with NOVA-strict supports the claim that SplitFS is able to match or beat the performance of state-of-the-art file systems on data intensive workloads while achieving the same guarantees that these file systems provide
- Running TPC-C on SplitFS-POSIX and comparing it with ext4 DAX and NOVA-strict supports the claim that SplitFS is able to provide different guarantees to applications according to their needs without remounting the underlying file system. SQLite in WAL mode does not require the strict guarantees that NOVA-strict provides leading to suboptimal performance, while running SQLite on SplitFS-POSIX helps boost performance while only providing the required guarantees from the underlying file system
- Running rsync on SplitFS-sync and comparing it with NOVA-relaxed and PMFS supports the claim that SplitFS incurs a modest overhead in performance for utility workloads that are metadata intensive
- LevelDB: Compiling LevelDB requires installing cmake version > 3.9. For ubuntu, please run
cd dependencies; ./leveldb_deps.sh; cd ..
- YCSB: Compiling YCSB requires installing JDK 8 as well as installing maven version 3. Please follow the steps below:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
$ export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
- Check installation using
java -version
$ sudo apt install maven
- kernel:
cd scripts/kernel-setup; ./compile_kernel.sh; cd ..
-- This will compile the Linux 4.13.0 kernel along with loadable modules for NOVA and PMFS. It will also install the kernel after compiling. Run withsudo
- PM Emulation:
- Open
- modify
toGRUB_DEFAULT="Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 4.13.0"
- add
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="memmap=24G!4G nokaslr"
-- This sets the PM partition size to 24 GiB, starting from 4 GiB in DRAM - Close file
$ sudo update-grub && sudo update-grub2
- Reboot system
- Run
uname -r
to ensure that system is booted with 4.13.0 kernel, and ensure that/dev/pmem0
exists $ mkdir /mnt/pmem_emul
- Open
- SplitFS:
cd scripts/splitfs-setup; ./compile_splitfs.sh; cd ../..
-- This will compile splitfs strict - LevelDB:
cd scripts/ycsb; ./compile_leveldb.sh; cd ../..
-- This will compile LevelDB - YCSB:
cd scripts/ycsb; ./compile_ycsb.sh; cd ../..
-- This will compile YCSB workload - SQLite:
cd scripts/tpcc; ./compile_sqlite.sh; cd ../..
-- This will compile SQLite3 - TPCC:
cd scripts/tpcc; ./compile_tpcc.sh; cd ../..
-- This will compile TPCC workload - rsync:
cd scripts/rsync; ./compile_rsync.sh; cd ../..
-- This will compile rsync - tar:
cd scripts/tar; ./compile_tar.sh; cd ../..
-- This will compile tar - git: Does not require any compilation
cd scripts/lmdb; ./compile_lmdb.sh; cd ../..
-- This will compile LMDB - Filebench:
cd scripts/filebench; ./compile_filebench.sh; cd ../..
-- This will compile Filebench - FIO:
cd scripts/fio; ./compile_fio.sh; cd ../..
-- This will compile FIO
Note: The <num_threads> argument in the compilation scripts performs the compilation with the number of threads given as input to the script, to improve the speed of compilation.
cd scripts/ycsb; ./gen_workloads.sh; cd ../..
-- This will generate the YCSB workload files to be run with LevelDB, because YCSB does not natively support LevelDB, and has been added to the benchmarks of LevelDB - TPCC:
cd scripts/tpcc; ./gen_workload.sh; cd ../..
-- This will create an initial database on SQLite on which to run the TPCC workload - rsync:
cd scripts/rsync/; sudo ./rsync_gen_workload.sh; cd ../..
-- This will create the rsync workload according to the backup data distribution as mentioned in the paper - tar:
cd scripts/tar/; sudo ./gen_workload.sh; cd ../..
-- This will create the tar workload as mentioned in the paper - git:
cd scripts/git/; sudo ./gen_workload.sh; cd ../..
-- This will create the git workload as mentioned in the paper
cd scripts/ycsb; ./run_ycsb.sh; cd ../..
-- This will run all the YCSB workloads on LevelDB (Load A, Run A-F, Load E, Run E) withext4-DAX, NOVA strict, NOVA Relaxed, PMFS, SplitFS-strict
cd scripts/tpcc; ./run_tpcc.sh; cd ../..
-- This will run the TPCC workload on SQLite3 withext4-DAX, NOVA strict, NOVA Relaxed, PMFS, SplitFS-POSIX
- rsync:
cd scripts/rsync; ./run_rsync.sh; cd ../..
-- This will run the rsync workload withext4-DAX, NOVA strict, NOVA Relaxed, PMFS, SplitFS-sync
- tar:
cd scripts/tar; ./run_tar.sh; cd ../..
-- This will run the tar workload withext4-DAX, NOVA strict, NOVA Relaxed, PMFS, SplitFS-POSIX, SplitFS-sync, SplitFS-strict
- git:
cd scripts/git; ./run_git.sh; cd ../..
-- This will run the git workload withext4-DAX, NOVA strict, NOVA Relaxed, PMFS, SplitFS-POSIX, SplitFS-sync, SplitFS-strict
cd scripts/lmdb; ./run_lmdb.sh; cd ../..
-- This will run the fillseqbatch workload withext4-DAX, NOVA strict, NOVA Relaxed, PMFS, SplitFS-POSIX
- Filebench:
cd scripts/filebench; ./run_filebench.sh; cd ../..
-- This will run the varmail workload withext4-DAX, NOVA strict, NOVA Relaxed, PMFS, SplitFS-POSIX
- FIO:
cd scripts/fio; ./run_fio.sh; cd ../..
-- This will run the random read-write workload with 50:50 reads and writes withext4-DAX, NOVA strict, NOVA Relaxed, PMFS, SplitFS-POSIX
cd scripts/ycsb; ./run_ycsb_soft.sh; cd ../..
-- This will run all the YCSB workloads on LevelDB (Load A, Run A) withext4-DAX, NOVA strict, NOVA Relaxed, PMFS, SplitFS-strict, SplitFS-sync, SplitFS-POSIX
cd scripts/tpcc; ./run_tpcc_soft.sh; cd ../..
-- This will run the TPCC workload on SQLite3 withext4-DAX, NOVA strict, NOVA Relaxed, PMFS, SplitFS-strict, SplitFS-sync, SplitFS-POSIX
Results will be generated in results/
folder in the repository.
The result parsing script is present in the scripts/
folder in the repository. It can be run with the command $ python3 parse_results.py
. The script generates separate CSV files for different applications.
In order to compare results with the paper, YCSB results of SplitFS-Strict should be compared with NOVA, TPC-C results of SplitFS-POSIX should be compared with NOVA and ext4 DAX, rsync results of SplitFS-Sync should be compared with PMFS and NOVA-relaxed.
The setup used for the Paper was a server with Ubuntu 16.04, 32GB DRAM, 4 cores and 1 socket. Processor used: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1225 v5 @ 3.30GHz. LLC cache = 8 MB.