mavenized Java Monkey's Audio Encoder/Decoder
AudioInputStream ais = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(Paths.get(ape).toFile());
Clip clip = AudioSystem.getClip(); AudioFormat(Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, 44100, 16, 1, 2, 44100, false), ais));
use jdk15 sourcespi combination w/ other spis- native part
===================================================== version 1.74, June 30, 2006
JMAC is a Java implementation of the Monkey's Audio decoder/JavaSound SPI.
To know more about Monkey's Audio please, visit this site:
It allows playing/compressing/converting APE, MAC and APL files up to version 3.99. The main distributables is:
- jmac.jar - full version (encoder and decoder).
- jmacdecoder.jar - includes decoder only.
- jmacplayer.jar - decoder + simple player.
- jmacspi.jar - Java Sound SPI (1.3).
- jmacspi15.jar - Java Sound SPI (1.5).
- jmactritonusspi.jar - Tritonus ( based Java Sound SPI. Thanks to Tritonus. This SPI should be used together with tritonus_share.jar distributed in lib subdirectory.
- jmac.dll - JNI wrapper around of original MAC library (Windows version).
- - JNI wrapper around of original MAC library (linux version).
This is a non-commercial project and anyone can add his contribution. JMAC is distributed under the terms of the FSF Gnu Public License (see gpl.txt).
Unzip to installation directory.
Required lib are distributed in the "distributables" directory. The required for Tritonus based SPI (jmactritonusspi.jar) library "tritonus_share.jar" library are distributed in the "lib" subdirectory.
Web Site:
How to test the JMAC quickly?
Please, look the bin directory for examples.
How to use the JMAC?
Please, look the davaguine.jmac.test package sources for working examples. Also, you can use jmac.jar as simple APE utility. Just enter the following command line: "java -jar jmac.jar" and read usage help to know how to use it.
How to install JMAC SPI? Before running JMAC SPI you should set PATH and CLASSPATH for JAVA and you should add jmacspi.jar to the CLASSPATH. If you want to use Tritonus based SPI you should use jmactritonusspi.jar instead of jmacspi.jar and additionally add tritonus_share.jar to the CLASSPATH.
How to enable the native mode of JMAC?
You should set the jmac.NATIVE property to true value into system properties of JVM. Please, look the playNative.bat file for example. Also, you should be sure that the JVM can find the jmac.dll. So, this dll should be placed into work directory of application or the directory with this dll should be pointed in java.library.path system property.
Do I need JMF to run JMAC player? No, JMF is not required. You just need a JVM JavaSound 1.0 compliant. (i.e. JVM1.3 or higher). However, JMAC is not JMF compliant.
Does JMAC support streaming? Yes.
How much CPU JMAC needs to run? Here are our benchmark notes:
Insane - bigger than 100% under AMD Athlon 1700Mhz/Win2000+J2SE 1.4.2 (Hotspot).
Extra High compression - about 50% under AMD Athlon 1700Mhz/Win2000+J2SE 1.4.2 (Hotspot).
High compression - about 20% under AMD Athlon 1700Mhz/Win2000+J2SE 1.4.2 (Hotspot).
Normal and Fast compression - less than 5% under AMD Athlon 1700Mhz/Win2000+J2SE 1.4.2 (Hotspot).
NOTE: In Native mode less than %25 for all types of compression under AMD Athlon 1700Mhz/Win2000+J2SE 1.4.2 (Hotspot).
How to contact JMAC developers? Please, visit project web page - or you can email directly to [email protected].