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for_each in pipeline step messes up the value #561



I've noticed a weird behaviour on pipeline step when iterating. It seems the each.value always return the last element.
The example bellow shows a pipeline running 3 times, the first to run is able to create the resource named pipeling-test-2 and the other two runs fails trying to create a resource with the same name.
It was expected to create the resources pipeling-test-0, pipeling-test-1, and pipeling-test-2 instead.

Note that when I try the same iteration on a transform step, the names are printed correctly.


  step "transform" "resource_names" {
    value = [for i in range(param.amount) : "${param.role_name}-${i}"]

  output "resource_names" {
    value = step.transform.resource_names.value

  // // Debugging
  // step "transform" "iterating_over_resource_names" {
  //   for_each = [for name in step.transform.resource_names.value : name]
  //   value = each.value
  // }

  // // Debugging
  // output "iterating_over_resource_names" {
  //   value = step.transform.iterating_over_resource_names
  // }

  step "pipeline" "create_iam_role" {
    for_each = [for name in step.transform.resource_names.value : name]
    pipeline = aws.pipeline.create_iam_role
    args = {
      cred      = param.aws_cred
      role_name = each.value
      assume_role_policy_document = param.assume_role_policy_document

Gives me the following error:

$ fpr create_iam_roles --arg amount=3
[flowpipe] Execution ID: exec_cmesjr4i016p9ohpprq0
[create_iam_roles] Starting pipeline
[create_iam_roles.resource_names] Starting transform
[create_iam_roles.resource_names] Complete 1ms
[create_iam_roles.create_iam_role[0]] Starting pipeline
[create_iam_roles.create_iam_role[1]] Starting pipeline
[create_iam_roles.create_iam_role[2]] Starting pipeline
[create_iam_role] Starting pipeline
[create_iam_role] Starting pipeline
[create_iam_role] Starting pipeline
[create_iam_role.create_iam_role] Starting container
[create_iam_role.create_iam_role] Starting container
[create_iam_role.create_iam_role] Starting container
[create_iam_role.create_iam_role] Execution Error: 
An error occurred (EntityAlreadyExists) when calling the CreateRole operation: Role with name pipeling-test-2 already exists.

[create_iam_role] Output errors = [
    "error": {
      "detail": "\nAn error occurred (EntityAlreadyExists) when calling the CreateRole operation: Role with name pipeling-test-2 already exists.\n",
      "instance": "fperr_cmesjski016p9ohpps3g",
      "status": 460,
      "title": "Execution Error",
      "type": "error_execution"
    "pipeline": "aws.pipeline.create_iam_role",
    "pipeline_execution_id": "pexec_cmesjr4i016p9ohpprtg",
    "step": "container.create_iam_role",
    "step_execution_id": "sexec_cmesjr4i016p9ohpps20"
[create_iam_role] Execution Error: 
An error occurred (EntityAlreadyExists) when calling the CreateRole operation: Role with name pipeling-test-2 already exists.

[create_iam_role] Failed 5s
[create_iam_roles.create_iam_role[0]] Execution Error: 
An error occurred (EntityAlreadyExists) when calling the CreateRole operation: Role with name pipeling-test-2 already exists.

[create_iam_roles.create_iam_role[0]] Failed 6s
[create_iam_role.create_iam_role] Complete 6s
[create_iam_role] Output role = {
  "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::157447638907:role/pipeling-test-2",
  "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
    "Statement": [
        "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {
          "Service": ""
    "Version": "2012-10-17"
  "CreateDate": "2024-01-09T22:34:26+00:00",
  "Path": "/",
  "RoleId": "AROASJKE4J555JR3SLWXF",
  "RoleName": "pipeling-test-2"
[create_iam_role] Complete 6s
[create_iam_roles.create_iam_role[2]] Complete 6s
[create_iam_role.create_iam_role] Execution Error: 
An error occurred (EntityAlreadyExists) when calling the CreateRole operation: Role with name pipeling-test-2 already exists.

[create_iam_role] Output errors = [
    "error": {
      "detail": "\nAn error occurred (EntityAlreadyExists) when calling the CreateRole operation: Role with name pipeling-test-2 already exists.\n",
      "instance": "fperr_cmesjski016p9ohpps40",
      "status": 460,
      "title": "Execution Error",
      "type": "error_execution"
    "pipeline": "aws.pipeline.create_iam_role",
    "pipeline_execution_id": "pexec_cmesjr4i016p9ohpprv0",
    "step": "container.create_iam_role",
    "step_execution_id": "sexec_cmesjr4i016p9ohpps2g"
[create_iam_role] Execution Error: 
An error occurred (EntityAlreadyExists) when calling the CreateRole operation: Role with name pipeling-test-2 already exists.

[create_iam_role] Failed 6s
[create_iam_roles.create_iam_role[1]] Execution Error: 
An error occurred (EntityAlreadyExists) when calling the CreateRole operation: Role with name pipeling-test-2 already exists.

[create_iam_roles.create_iam_role[1]] Failed 6s
[create_iam_roles] Output errors = [
    "error": {
      "detail": "\nAn error occurred (EntityAlreadyExists) when calling the CreateRole operation: Role with name pipeling-test-2 already exists.\n",
      "instance": "fperr_cmesjski016p9ohpps3g",
      "status": 460,
      "title": "Execution Error",
      "type": "error_execution"
    "pipeline": "aws.pipeline.create_iam_role",
    "pipeline_execution_id": "pexec_cmesjr4i016p9ohpprtg",
    "step": "container.create_iam_role",
    "step_execution_id": "sexec_cmesjr4i016p9ohpps20"
    "error": {
      "detail": "\nAn error occurred (EntityAlreadyExists) when calling the CreateRole operation: Role with name pipeling-test-2 already exists.\n",
      "instance": "fperr_cmesjski016p9ohpps40",
      "status": 460,
      "title": "Execution Error",
      "type": "error_execution"
    "pipeline": "aws.pipeline.create_iam_role",
    "pipeline_execution_id": "pexec_cmesjr4i016p9ohpprv0",
    "step": "container.create_iam_role",
    "step_execution_id": "sexec_cmesjr4i016p9ohpps2g"
[create_iam_roles] Execution Error: 
An error occurred (EntityAlreadyExists) when calling the CreateRole operation: Role with name pipeling-test-2 already exists.

[create_iam_roles] Execution Error: 
An error occurred (EntityAlreadyExists) when calling the CreateRole operation: Role with name pipeling-test-2 already exists.

[create_iam_roles] Failed with 2 errors 6s

If I comment out the pipeline step and uncomment the debugging steps, I get the following output:

$ fpr create_iam_roles --arg amount=3
[flowpipe] Execution ID: exec_cmeskaci016pb3idil60
[create_iam_roles] Starting pipeline
[create_iam_roles.resource_names] Starting transform
[create_iam_roles.resource_names] Complete 2ms
[create_iam_roles.iterating_over_resource_names[0]] Starting transform
[create_iam_roles.iterating_over_resource_names[0]] Complete 1ms
[create_iam_roles.iterating_over_resource_names[1]] Starting transform
[create_iam_roles.iterating_over_resource_names[1]] Complete 3ms
[create_iam_roles.iterating_over_resource_names[2]] Starting transform
[create_iam_roles.iterating_over_resource_names[2]] Complete 1ms
[create_iam_roles] Output iterating_over_resource_names = {
  "0": {
    "value": "pipeling-test-0"
  "1": {
    "value": "pipeling-test-1"
  "2": {
    "value": "pipeling-test-2"
[create_iam_roles] Output resource_names = [
[create_iam_roles] Complete 23ms exec_cmeskaci016pb3idil60


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