Autogenerated from, python control for DL24P and other Atorch artificial loads
Hardware description
load modes
hardware architecture
PX100 protocol
"Atorch" protocol
transaction examples
hardware configuration
data on one line
connection persistence
protocol reverse engineering aids
It was necessary to control an Atorch DL24P constant-current load for some lab automation purposes. The stock software was useless for the purpose, surprise surprise.
There is a fragmentary documentation of the protocol online, all over the Internet and over various code implementations of varying completeness.
The device communicates over a standard UART at 9600 bps, no parity, 1 stopbit (the most common setting), using a custom packet-based protocol.
The serial bus can be accessed over either a USB-serial converter based on CH340G chip (warning: no galvanic isolation!), or via Bluetooth serial interface, using a /dev/rfcommX port. Addition of wifi-accessible serial interface is also possible, using eg. the expedient plain serial-over-TCP ("TasmoCOM") solution was chosen, leveraging ESP8266 and Tasmota, a proven cheap and opensource approach.
The code is a variant on the control system for RD60, Riden RD60xx and RK60xx power supplies.
Tested with:
- DL24P
The device nominally supports several different load modes:
- CC - constant current, sinking preset current despite input voltage fluctuations
- CR - constant resistance, behaving like a preset-value resistor, decreasing load with falling voltage
- CP - constant power, increasing load with falling voltage
- CV - constant voltage, maintaining voltage over the load
Only the CC mode is fully supported. The protocol does not allow selecting other modes, changing values for them, nor even querying what mode is set.
The hardware in its current (2023) version looks like just slightly modified AC/DC power consumption measuring device, with load control tacked on it. For sensing, separate dedicated load-measuring chips are used, and the microcontroller communicated with them via internal UART bus. The Rx/Tx comm is naturally abysmally slow, dooming any closed-loop regulation involving CPU to be abysmally unstable and often useless with more dynamic source.
The load itself is realized as a big MOSFET on an even bigger actively cooled heatsink, likely a surplus for older CPUs. The MOSFET gate is fed with voltage from an op-amp, comparing signal from a current-sensing resistor with a reference voltage coming from a RC-filtered PWM from the controller. This is a pretty good closed-loop regulation, bog-standard approach with minimal demands on the CPU; in a pinch, a potentiometer can be used for setting the reference.
The advantage of using dedicated power consumption sensing chips is more reliable integration of the consumed energy. Which is useful for the device's primary purpose - testing batteries. For this use, the device has a voltage cutoff preset.
- schematics (PDF) (thanks to Someone Unknown somewhere on the Internet)
The device is built around several chips:
- control, user interface
- HC32F030E8PA, Arm Cortex M0+ microcontroller, 64k flash/8k RAM (possibly, chip top is sanded off)
- color TFT LCD SPI display
- communication
- CH340G USB-UART converter, non-isolated
- bluetooth module, type can be JDY-23 (CC2541) or some SOIC8 single-chip Bluetooth-serial from JieLi, likely AC6329A or AC6328A, on the board on hand labeled BP05235-29A1
- data acquisition
- RN8209C, a utility smart meter power consumption integrator
- three sigma-delta ADCs, fully differential
- read via internal UART at fixed 4800 bps
- current sensing resistor on channel A, using internal amplifier
- voltage sensing on channel C, using resistive divider
- external 10k NTC as temperature probe on channel B
- power control
- two LM321 in SOT23-5 case marked A63A
- STPS41H100CG, double Schottky diode in series with the MOSFET, to protect it from reverse load
- IRFP260, a power N-MOSFET
The MOSFET is a switching one, abused here in linear duty. Word goes along that some sellers use fake or reused ones, and this component dies often. Prepare to replace it.
The UART has pins available near the Bluetooth chip, left to right:
- GND (bluetooth chip pin 3)
- Rx (bluetooth chip Tx, pin 8)
- Tx (bluetooth chip Rx, pin 7)
- 3.3V (bluetooth chip pin 1)
This is a tentative place to hook up the wifi serial module.
On the left side there is a 4-pin screw clamp, for attaching source (outer pins) and source sensing (inner pins). Either use a Kelvin connection or connect pins 1 to 2 and 3 to 4 and neglect the (often significant) voltage drop on the cables.
On the right side there is a 5.5/2.1mm barrel jack, connected in parallel to the source pins. Do not mistake for the other connector on the back. An adapter with a barrel jack and USB-mini, USB-micro and USB-C connector is often available.
On the right side there is also the microUSB connector with USB-UART CH340G interface.
On the back side there is one 5.5/2.1mm barrel jack for a 9-to-12v power supply. This one feeds the internal electronics (fan, op-amps, 3.3v linear regulator).
The unit has four buttons in a diamond layout.
- top: SETTING
- short press selects next item (cursor in the Is (set current) field, fields in setting mode
- long press allows selecting mode and accessing other variables - Vcut, timer...
- left: MINUS
- decreases value under cursor
- right: PLUS
- increases value under cursor
- long press of MINUS and PLUS together
- bottom: START
- short press switches the load on or off
- long press in OFF mode accesses settings menu (language, calibration, power limit...), a python-based (for portability) script, was written. The software allows both using a tty-style port and a raw TCP socket, with no fancy RFC2217 support. If the latter is needed, URI-style pyserial syntax is available with the port.
The software defines a hierarchy of classes:
- class LowLevelSerPort - for wired /dev/ttyX ports or full virtual ports
- class LowLevelTcpPort - for raw TCP sockets, TasmoCOM style
- class Instr_Atorch - functions specific for the DL24P and other Atorch devices, protocol, commands
- class PowerLoad - command interpreter, configfile reader
The software tries to minimize dependencies.
The mandatory ones, and mostly standard ones, are:
- socket (for TCP communication)
- time (for sleep)
- select (for nonblocking stdin reads)
- struct (pack/unpack, for conversion of packets to/from byte stream)
The nonmandatory, imported only as needed (so the process would run when a missing dependency is not required), are:
- serial (pyserial, for serial ports)
- datetime (for date/time settings)
- json (for JSON format output)
The device communicates over a bidirectional serial stream. There seem to be two different protocols, mixed together:
- PX100 or PX-100, older, with fixed prefix and suffix and a prayer for data integrity
- a newer one, let's call it "Atorch", with fixed prefix and a checksum
Challenge-response, master-slave protocol. The device listens and only reacts to the data sent.
request packet format:
0xB1 0xB2 [cmd] [d1] [d2] 0xB6
on/off 01 xx 00 xx=01 for on, 00 for off
set current 02 xx yy xx=integer, yy=decimal (00..99d)
set cutoff v 03 xx yy ""
set timeout 04 xx yy xxyy as unsigned int in seconds
reset counters 05 00 00
command response format: a single byte, 0x6F (PROTO_SHORTACK)
query response:
0xCA 0xCB [d1] [d2] [d3] 0xCE 0xCF
for cmd code
load enabled 10 00 00 xx xx=00 (off) or 01 (on)
measured mV 11 xx yy zz 0xXXYYZZ, 24bit integer
measured mA 12 xx yy zz
timer value 13 hh mm ss
cap mAh 14 xx yy zz
cap mWh 15 xx yy zz
mosfet 'c 16 xx yy zz
preset current 17 xx yy zz 10s mA
preset cutoff 18 xx yy zz 10s mV
preset timer 19 hh mm ss
[cmd] code ranges 0x0? for command (with short response) and query (with long 7-byte response)
On invalid command there is no response, the command timeouts.
More modern protocol, combining fixed-format status updates in one-second intervals and challenge-response commands
- - incl. parser decompiled from app
The packets have a fixed overall structure with variable length:
- 0xFF 0x55 - a fixed prefix, magic number
- type - packet type
- 0x01 - periodic message, slave to master, 36 bytes total
- 0x02 - reply to request, slave to master, 8 bytes total
- 0x11 - request, master to slave, 10 bytes total
- ADU - device type
- 0x01 - AC power consumption meter
- 0x02 - DC power consumption meter or artificial load; use for DL24
- 0x03 - DC power consumption meter for USB power analyzers/monitors
- payload - variable length and content
- type 0x01: 31 bytes
- type 0x02: 3 bytes
- type 0x03: 5 bytes
- checksum - one byte, sum of bytes from (incl.) type to end of payload
- byte by byte entire packet minus first two and one last bytes, AND 0xFF, XOR 0x44
- use result for outgoing requests, check last byte for match for incoming messages
Atorch protocol, type 0x01: 1-per-second, 36-byte: (pfct=power factor, bk=backlight)
x4 x8 xc x10 x14 x18 x1c x20
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
[FF][55][01][02] [00][00][00] [00][00][00] [00][00][12] [00][00][00][00] [00][00][00] [00][00] [00][00] [00][17][00][00] [0A][33][3c][00] [00][00][00][E1]
[FF][55][01][02] [00][00][33] [00][00][00] [00][00][12] [00][00][00][00] [00][00][00] [00][00] [00][00] [00][17][00][00] [0A][33][3c][00] [00][00][00][9C]
t 01 -volt*0.1?- -milliamps- ---power--- ----energy----- --price?-- -freq- -pfct- -temp- bk
t 02 -volt*0.1-- -milliamps- -amphours-- ----energy----- --price?-- -pfct- -temp- --hhhh---mm--ss bk
t 03 -volt*0.1?- -milliamps- -amphours-- ----energy----- usbd+ usbd- -temp- --hhhh---mm--ss bk
ADU 0.1v 0.001a 0.01Ah
type 0x02, reply:
[FF][55][02] [val0][val1][val2][val3] [checksum]
for a good command (0x32, button) the response is 01 01 00 00
for a bad command (0x36) the response is 01 03 00 00
01 01 seems to be good command
01 03 seems to be unimplemented command
sample push of ON/OFF button: (cmd=0x32, values=[0,0,0,0])
SEND: ff:55:11:02: 32 :00:00:00:00 :01
RECV: ff:55:02: 01:01:00:00 :40
type 0x11, request:
[FF][55][11][ADU] [cmd] [val0][val1][val2][val3] [checksum] - val1 seems to be always 0x00
sample requests, as by :
Commands for UD18 UD24 (USB)
WH reset FF 55 11 03 01 00 00 00 00 51
AH reset FF 55 11 03 02 00 00 00 00 52
TIME reset FF 55 11 03 03 00 00 00 00 53
ALL reset FF 55 11 03 05 00 00 00 00 5d
SETUP Button FF 55 11 03 31 00 00 00 00 01
ENTER Button FF 55 11 03 32 00 00 00 00 02
[+] Button FF 55 11 03 33 00 00 00 00 03
[-] Button FF 55 11 03 34 00 00 00 00 0C
Commands for S1-B (USB)
WH reset FF 55 11 03 01 00 00 00 00 51
Internal relay FF 55 11 03 02 00 00 00 00 52
TIME reset FF 55 11 03 03 00 00 00 00 53
using protocol reverse engineering commands with VERB:CM
CMD: RAWPX100:30
SEND: b1:b2:30:00:00:b6
SEND: b1:b2:30:00:00:b6
SEND: b1:b2:30:00:00:b6
CMD: RAWPX100:01
SEND: b1:b2:01:00:00:b6
RECV: 6f
CMD: RAWPX100:10
SEND: b1:b2:10:00:00:b6
RECV: ca:cb:00:00:00:ce:cf
SEND: ff:55:11:02:32:00:00:00:00:01
RECV: ff:55:02:01:01:00:00:40
SEND: ff:55:11:02:ff:00:00:00:00:56
RECV: ff:55:02:01:03:00:00:42
Atorch DL24 artificial control
Usage: ./ <command> [command]...
ON enable output
OFF disable output
nn.nnVCUT set cutoff voltage
nn.nnMA set output current
nn.nnA set output current
QV query actual voltage
QMV query actual voltage, integer millivolts
QA query actual current
QMA query actual current, integer milliamps
QTI query internal temperature
QVCUT query cutoff voltage
QAH query amp-hour counter
QMAH query amp-hour counter in integer mAh
QWH query watt-hour counter
QMWH query watt-hour counter in integer mWh
RESET reset energy counters
STATE[:opts] print setting state in JSON format
STATEJ[:opts] print setting state in JSON format, like opts=J
opts: J=JSON, S=short (V/A only), T=show time, U=show UTC time, A=show all, B=force battery, M=minimize queries, L=listen-only
LISTEN[:opts[:count]] listen to status reports, query data, handle stdin
LISTEN[:opts[:off]] listen, until off
opts: J=JSON, S=short (V/A only), T=show time, U=show UTC time, A=show all, B=force battery, M=minimize queries, L=listen-only
TCP=addr[:port] set connection via TCP
PORT=/dev/ttyport[@baud] set connection via serial port
WAIT wait for communication from device
ROBUST increase timeouts and retries
OFFOFF switch output off on program exit
STOPOFF stop loop on output off
STDIN read commands from stdin
LOOP:[xx] loop for xx time or endless if not specified
SLEEPxx sleep for xx seconds
VERB[:opts] list operations
opts: P=port, C=communication, D=dataflow, M=commands
LINE output the Q-queries as space-separated instead of newline-separated
TYPE print detected device type
CFGFILE generate config file template to stdout
RAWPROTO:xx[:xx:xx:xx:xx] raw Atorch protocol send, cmd + 4 payloads
RAWPX100:xx[:xx:xx] raw PX100 protocol send, cmd + 2 payloads
RAWSEND:xx[:xx:xx:...] raw serial protocol data send
NORETRY do not retry timeouted commands
For volt and amp setting, prefixing the value with + or - marks it as relative, to be added/subtracted to the current value
Commands are executed in sequence. Writes are cached and grouped together to minimize bus transactions.
Commands are case-insensitive.
Command "-" forces a newline into output.
The host:port or serport:baudrate are saved in ~/.dl24.cfg (or other name, where filename is derived from the command by stripping the .py suffix and prefixing a home directory and a dot). This variability allows to use several symlinks for different power supplies simultaneously used, eg. as dl24a, dl24b,...
The configfile template can be generated on demand by command CFGFILE.
Directly, the devices may be specified as TCP=[:port] or PORT=/dev/ttyUSBx@baudrate, eg. TCP= or PORT=/dev/rfcomm0 or PORT=/dev/ttyUSB1 (default speed is 9600, cannot be changed).
The PORT directive, both in command and in config, also supports the URL form.
For /dev/rfcomm devices used with Bluetooth, a wait directive is needed. The port takes its precious time to initialize, and waiting for first incoming data packet prevents initial timeouts.
The script takes a sequence of commands from commandline, separated by spaces. Each command is a single token, optionally containing separator characters.
The commands can be a fixed string (STATE, QV, ...) or a prefix with value, or value with suffix (12.5A, SLEEP1.5, QVCUT...)
Q-commands can be used to directly access the measured or set values:
- QV, QA - for querying output voltage/amperage
- QMV, QMA - same, but integer value in millivolts/milliamps instead of float, for bash comparisons
The load current and voltage cutoff can be set with suffix-based commands. For the value of 1.23, the commands are
- 1.23A - set load current
- 1230MA - set load current in milliamps
- 1.23VCUT - set voltage cutoff
- +1.23A - increase load current
- -1.23A - decrease load current
- +1230MA - increase load current in milliamps
Voltage cutoff does not support relative values, absolute shall be used.
The commands are executed in order.
- set voltage cutoff and current, enable output
- 10.5vcut 550ma on
- toggle output, wait half second, show state
- toggle sleep0.5 state
- set output to 5 amps and enable, wait a second, increase by an amo, wait a second, increase by another two amps, show state and power off
- on 5a sleep1 +1a sleep1 +2a sleep0.5 state off
- show input voltage and current
- qv qa
- show input voltage in millivolts and current in milliamps, space-separated
- qmv qma | tr '\n' ' '
- disable output, set cutoff voltage and current, enable output
- off 4.9vcut 1250ma on
The LOOP: statement can be used for repeating of commands. The subsequent command set is repeated forever, or for specified number of times.
- show status in JSON format, forever
- loop: jstate
- ramp current by 20mA over time, from 0 to 1A, watch status with timestamps:
- 0a on loop:50 +20ma sleep1 stat:jt
The commands can be sent from another script, via stdin. The STDIN statement has to be the last on the command line, everything after it is ignored.
- enable output, take file with currents, send in one per second, then disable output
- cat file.txt | while read x; do echo $x; sleep 1; done | ./ on stdin; ./ off
The LINE command sets the separator character between Q-values from default newline to a space. Groups of values then can be sent as single lines.
- check every 5 seconds, send millivolts, milliamps, integrated amp-hours and watt-hours
- line loop: qmv qma qah qwh sleep5
The connection to the port is opened when first needed, then kept open until the process closes.
In some cases this may be detrimental to reliability (connection fail crashes the process). Running it anew each time may be beneficial then.
To see the port/socket opening/closing, and the bus transactions dumped in hex, use VERB as the first command.
./ verb:pc state
CONFIGFILE:filename: /root/.dl24.cfg
CONFIGFILE:FAIL: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/root/.dl24.cfg'
SERPORT:connecting to /dev/rfcomm0 @ 9600
waiting for incoming data
RECV: ff:55:01:02:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:17:00:00:00:04:3c:00:00:00:00:1e
SEND: b1:b2:10:00:00:b6
RECV: ca:cb:00:00:01:ce:cf
SEND: b1:b2:11:00:00:b6
RECV: ca:cb:00:00:00:ce:cf
SEND: b1:b2:12:00:00:b6
RECV: ca:cb:00:00:00:ce:cf
SEND: b1:b2:14:00:00:b6
RECV: ca:cb:00:00:00:ce:cf
SEND: b1:b2:15:00:00:b6
RECV: ca:cb:00:00:00:ce:cf
SEND: b1:b2:17:00:00:b6
RECV: ca:cb:00:00:63:ce:cf
SEND: b1:b2:18:00:00:b6
RECV: ca:cb:00:00:00:ce:cf
SEND: b1:b2:16:00:00:b6
RECV: ca:cb:00:00:17:ce:cf
The board has a connector for an external NTC probe temperature. The firmware does not support querying it as of late 2023.
There is no way to query the specific device type. There is a hint in the protocol, the ADU field in the status packet. It can have different values describing the packet format, the field meanings; 1 is for AC sensors, 2 for DC sensors, 3 for USB DC sensors.
The TYPE command will show this value.
DT24 devices are of type 2.
The verbose mode, VERB, provides access to several kinds of data:
- verb:P for port-related behavior (open/close)
- verb:C for communication data
- verb:D for data flow (less verbose comm)
- verb:M for coMmands
For understanding the current, and checking the future. Best used with VERB:PCM to see the response.
- RAWPROTO:XXXXXXXXXX - send raw bytes via Atorch protocol, command + 4 payloads in hex, auto-pads with zeroes
- RAWPX100:XXXXXX - send raw bytes via PX100 protocol, command + 2 payloads in hex, auto-pads with zeroes
- RAWSEND:XX.... - send raw bytes directly to port
- NORETRY - do not retry timeouted commands, for PX100 protocol to speed up reaction and reduce clutter
Example of RAWSEND to elicit response from a UM34C power monitor (protocol (described at Sigrok wiki unsupported by this software, hence the discard: messages on the response). 0xF0 requests the data packet.
SEND: f0
RECV: 0d:4c:01:f8:00:a5:00:00:03:3f:00:18:00:4c:00:00
discard: 0d 4c 01 f8 00 a5 00 00 03 3f 00 18 00 4c 00 00
RECV: 00:00:21:6f:00:00:a7:a9:00:01:70:0b:00:07:34:e2:00:01:86:9f:00:0c:2c:22:00:00:07:3d:00:00:22:e2:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
discard: 00 00 21 6f 00 00 a7 a9 00 01 70 0b 00 07 34 e2 00 01 86 9f 00 0c 2c 22 00 00 07 3d 00 00 22 e2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
RECV: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:08:00:00:04:2c:00:00:14:d4:00:00:4d:ef:00:01:87:d9:00:75:00:75:00:08:00:00:21:6f
discard: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 08 00 00 04 2c 00 00 14 d4 00 00 4d ef 00 01 87 d9 00 75 00 75 00 08 00 00 21 6f
RECV: 00:00:a7:a9:00:02:00:01:6a:41:00:01:00:00:00:04:00:00:01:31:00:00:97:07
discard: 00 00 a7 a9 00 02 00 01 6a 41 00 01 00 00 00 04 00 00 01 31 00 00 97 07
- - code itself
- better windows compatibility
- tests on some USB power meters
- better pictures
- SCPI emulation/gateway
- hardware mods
- more robust MOSFET, reverse-protection diodes
- MOSFET gate protection with zener/transil
- isolated 5-12v converter for powering from standard 5v usb, galvanically isolated from the rest
- maybe galv isolation of the USB, like RD60xx have; unlike that one, a pair of lousy optocouplers will do here as 9k6 is slow