- This is an implementation in java for our paper "Dynamic Clustering of Contextual Multi-Armed Bandits" (Nguyen & Lauw, CIKM 2014)
The folder includes:
- Data: for importing the Delicious and LastFM database (using MYSQL(usr: 'root', pw: '') for connection).
- Input: the norm matrix after reducing dimensions.
- Output: the results is separated into N-tries (N threads) for taking the average.
*** Run from terminal:
java -Xmx4G -jar cikm.jar [args]
with arguments in order below:
- 1st: algorithm selection (1-LinUCBSIN; 2-LinUCBIND; 3-DynUCB)
- 2nd: dataset selection (1-delicious; 2-lastfm)
- 3rd: the number of running times/threads of the selected algorithm (e.g. 10)
- 4th: the number of iterations (e.g. 50000)
- 5th(optional): the number of clusters (default 16-clusters) in case of choosing DynUCB algorithm
- Running DynUCB algorithm on Delicious dataset with 16 clusters, 10 threads, 50000 iterations.\
java -Xmx4G -jar cikm.jar 3 1 10 50000 16
If you use DynUCB in your research, please cite the paper with the bibtex format below:
title={Dynamic clustering of contextual multi-armed bandits},
author={Nguyen, Trong T and Lauw, Hady W},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management},