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GridDB is a next-generation open source database that makes time series IoT and big data fast,and easy.
Source Han Code JP | 源ノ角ゴシック Code
Chocolatey Community Maintainers Team Packages - packages that are managed and maintained by core community team for community package repository (https://community.chocolatey.org/packages)
Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown
Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
the first third-party instant messaging client for Google Hangouts
Get the data related to finance in Japan using variety types of data sources
Personal bookshelf application, rails based.
lwoggardner / io-like
Forked from javanthropus/io-likeA Ruby module which provides the interface of IO objects to classes providing a few simple methods.
tota / tdiary-contrib
Forked from tdiary/tdiary-contribtDiaryの非正規リポジトリ。どなたでもcommit可能です。commit権希望の方、まずはパッチ等をpull requestして下さい。
tota / tdiary-core
Forked from tdiary/tdiary-coretDiary, The TSUKKOMI-able Weblog.
tota / code_metrics
Forked from matsu911/code_metricssource code metrics tool for various languages
source code metrics tool for various languages
unofficial FreeBSD port devel/pear-channel-openpear