In this issue i'd like to gather all the information about the use of MongoDB, FastApi and Pydantic. At this point this is a "rather complete" solution, but i'd like to gather feedback and comments from the community to se how it can be improved.
The biggest pain point that started this and several other threads when trying to use FastAPI with mongo is the _id
field. There are several issues here:
- Most known one -
field beingObjectId
, which is not very JSON-friendly _id
field by it's naming is not very python-friendly (that is, written as is in Pydantic model, it would become a private field - many IDEs will point that)
Below i'll try to describe solutions i've found in different places and see what cases do the cover and what's left unsolved.
Let's say, we have some Joe, who's a regular developer. Joe just discovered FastAPI and is familiar with mongo (to the extend that he can create and fetch documents from DB). Joe wants to build clean and fast api that would:
1️⃣ Be able to define mongo-compatible documents as regular Pydantic models (with all the proper validations in place):
class User(BaseModel):
id: ObjectId = Field(description="User id")
name: str = Field()
2️⃣ Write routes that would use native Pydantic models as usual:'/me', response_model=User)
def save_me(body: User):
3️⃣ Have api to return json like {"id": "5ed8b7eaccda20c1d4e95bb0", "name": "Joe"}
(it's quite expected in the "outer world" to have id
field for the document rather than _id
. And it just looks nicer.)
4️⃣ Have Swagger and ReDoc documentation to display fields id
(str), name
5️⃣ Be able to save Pydantic documents into Mongo with proper id
field substitution:
user = User(id=ObjectId(), name='Joe')
inserted = db.user.insert_one(user) # This should insert document as `{"_id":, "name": "Joe"}`
assert inserted.inserted_id ==
6️⃣ Should be able to fetch documents from Mongo with proper id
user_id = ObjectId()
found = db.user.find({"_id": user_id})
user = User(**found)
assert == user_id
Known solutions
Validating ObjectId
As proposed in #452, one can define custom field for ObjectId
and apply validations to it. One can also create base model that would encode ObjectId
into strings:
class OID(str):
def __get_validators__(cls):
yield cls.validate
def validate(cls, v):
return ObjectId(str(v))
except InvalidId:
raise ValueError("Not a valid ObjectId")
class MongoModel(BaseModel):
class Config(BaseConfig):
json_encoders = {
datetime: lambda dt: dt.isoformat(),
ObjectId: lambda oid: str(oid),
class User(MongoModel):
id: OID = Field()
name: str = Field()'/me', response_model=User)
def save_me(body: User):
assert isinstance(, ObjectId)
return body
Now we have:
1️⃣ | 2️⃣ | 3️⃣ | 4️⃣ | 5️⃣ | 6️⃣ |
✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ☑️ | ☑️ |
Dealing with _id
Another suggested option would be to use alias="_id"
on Pydantic model:
class MongoModel(BaseModel):
class Config(BaseConfig):
allow_population_by_field_name = True # << Added
json_encoders = {
datetime: lambda dt: dt.isoformat(),
ObjectId: lambda oid: str(oid),
class User(MongoModel):
id: OID = Field(alias="_id") # << Notice alias
name: str = Field()'/me', response_model=User)
def save_me(body: User):
assert isinstance(, ObjectId)
res = db.insert_one(body.dict(by_alias=True)) # << Inserting as dict with aliased fields
assert res.inserted_id ==
return body
Now are able to save to DB using
field as _id
- that solves 5️⃣.
However, how Swagger and ReDoc show id field as _id
, and json that is returned looks like this: {"_id":"5ed803afba6455fd78659988","name":"Joe"}
. This is a regression for 3️⃣ and 4️⃣
Now we have:
1️⃣ | 2️⃣ | 3️⃣ | 4️⃣ | 5️⃣ | 6️⃣ |
✅ | ✅ | ☑️ | ☑️ | ✅️ | ☑️ |
Hacking our way through
We can do some extra coding to keep id
field and make proper inserting into DB. Effectively, we're shuffling id
and _id
field in MongoModel
upon dumping/loading.
class MongoModel(BaseModel):
class Config(BaseConfig):
allow_population_by_field_name = True
json_encoders = {
datetime: lambda dt: dt.isoformat(),
ObjectId: lambda oid: str(oid),
def from_mongo(cls, data: dict):
"""We must convert _id into "id". """
if not data:
return data
id = data.pop('_id', None)
return cls(**dict(data, id=id))
def mongo(self, **kwargs):
exclude_unset = kwargs.pop('exclude_unset', True)
by_alias = kwargs.pop('by_alias', True)
parsed = self.dict(
# Mongo uses `_id` as default key. We should stick to that as well.
if '_id' not in parsed and 'id' in parsed:
parsed['_id'] = parsed.pop('id')
return parsed'/me', response_model=User)
def save_me(body: User):
assert isinstance(, ObjectId)
res = db.insert_one(body.mongo()) # << Notice that we should use `User.mongo()` now.
assert res.inserted_id ==
return body
This brings back documentation and proper output and solves the insertion:
1️⃣ | 2️⃣ | 3️⃣ | 4️⃣ | 5️⃣ | 6️⃣ |
✅ | ✅ | ✅️ | ✅️ | ✅️ | ☑️ |
Looks like we're getting closer...
Fetching docs from DB
Now, let's try to fetch doc from DB and return it:'/me', response_model=User)
def save_me(body: User):
assert isinstance(, ObjectId)
res = db.insert_one(body.mongo()) # << Notice that we should use `User.mongo()` now.
assert res.inserted_id ==
found = col.find_one({'_id': res.inserted_id})
return found
pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 1 validation error for User
response -> id
field required (type=value_error.missing)
The workaround for this is to use User.from_mongo
:'/me', response_model=User)
def save_me(body: User):
assert isinstance(, ObjectId)
res = db.insert_one(body.mongo())
assert res.inserted_id ==
found = col.find_one({'_id': res.inserted_id})
return User.from_mongo(found) # << Notice that we should use `User.from_mongo()` now.
This seem to cover fetching from DB. Now we have:
1️⃣ | 2️⃣ | 3️⃣ | 4️⃣ | 5️⃣ | 6️⃣ |
✅ | ✅ | ✅️ | ✅️ | ✅️ | ✅️ |
Conclusion and questions
Under the spoiler one can find final code to make FastApi work with mongo in the most "native" way:
Full code
class OID(str):
def __get_validators__(cls):
yield cls.validate
def validate(cls, v):
return ObjectId(str(v))
except InvalidId:
raise ValueError("Not a valid ObjectId")
class MongoModel(BaseModel):
class Config(BaseConfig):
allow_population_by_field_name = True
json_encoders = {
datetime: lambda dt: dt.isoformat(),
ObjectId: lambda oid: str(oid),
def from_mongo(cls, data: dict):
"""We must convert _id into "id". """
if not data:
return data
id = data.pop('_id', None)
return cls(**dict(data, id=id))
def mongo(self, **kwargs):
exclude_unset = kwargs.pop('exclude_unset', True)
by_alias = kwargs.pop('by_alias', True)
parsed = self.dict(
# Mongo uses `_id` as default key. We should stick to that as well.
if '_id' not in parsed and 'id' in parsed:
parsed['_id'] = parsed.pop('id')
return parsed
class User(MongoModel):
id: OID = Field()
name: str = Field()'/me', response_model=User)
def save_me(body: User):
assert isinstance(, ObjectId)
res = db.insert_one(body.mongo())
assert res.inserted_id ==
found = col.find_one({'_id': res.inserted_id})
return User.from_mongo(found)
And the list of things that are sub-optimal with given code:
- One can no longer return any data and expect FastApi to apply
validation. Have to useUser.from_mongo
with every return. This is somewhat a code duplication. Would be nice to get rid of this somehow - The amount of "boilerplate" code needed to make FastAPI work "natively" with mongo is quite significant and it's not that straightforward. This can lead to potential errors and raises entry bar for someone who wants to start using FastAPI with mongo
- There is still this duality, where in models one uses
field, while all mongo queries are built using_id
. Afraid there is no way to get rid of this though... (I'm aware that MongoEngine and other ODM engines cover this, but specifically decided to stay out of this subject and focus on "native" code)